52 research outputs found

    Intervención neuropsicológica en una niña con autismo

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    El estudio se dedica a la propuesta de evaluacióne intervención neuropsicológica, en el caso de unaniña de edad preescolar, con características del espectroautista. La niña fue evaluada por presentarproblemas de lenguaje y atención. El diagnósticode la evaluación neuropsicológica y psicológicapermitió precisar los aspectos fuertes y débiles deldesarrollo psicológico de la niña. El programa de intervenciónfue elaborado de acuerdo con la posturateórico metodológica, histórico cultural y la teoríade la actividad, que consideran la localización sistémicay dinámica de los mecanismos cerebrales,así como las características esenciales de la edadpsicológica. En el trabajo se expone el programa deintervención junto con las estrategias y las tareasutilizadas. Después de un periodo de dos años deintervención, se realizó una revaloración de la paciente.Los resultados permitieron observar cambiosfavorables esenciales en comparación con lasejecuciones anteriores a la intervención. Se sugierela necesidad de reconsiderar el diagnóstico y losprogramas de corrección infantil tradicionales, loscuales habitualmente se realizan a partir de una solafunción psicológica y no permiten hacer un análisisintegral basado en las características de la edad psicológica

    La bellota de Quercus insignis Martens & Galeotti, 1843, la más grande del mundo

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    Quercus insignis M. Martens & Galeotti, better known as “chicalaba” in Mexico is a critically endangered oak species and it is characterized by producing the biggest acorns in the world. Despite of its ecological importance as a dominant component in cloud forests in Veracruz, Mexico, its habitat is facing high deforestation rates. In this review, we describe the chicalaba, its distribution, uses and some ecological aspects to promote its propagation and management including ecological restoration programs

    Morphometric analysis of the sympatric species of the Crassiphycus corneus-C. usneoides complex (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta) of the Mexican coasts of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea

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    Antecedentes y Objetivos: Crassiphycus corneus y C. usneoides forman un complejo morfológico de especies de macroalgas, debido a la sobreposición en los caracteres que las delimitan. Dada su baja plasticidad fenotípica y distribución simpátrica, la discriminación entre ambas especies resulta complicada. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar morfométricamente algunos caracteres anatómicos que permitan la discriminación de las especies del complejo. Métodos: A partir de 24 medidas cuantitativas obtenidas de 40 ejemplares de Crassiphycus corneus y C. usneoides, se realizó un análisis de componentes principales para determinar si existía discriminación morfométrica entre las especies. El resultado de este análisis fue evaluado mediante un NP-MANOVA. La media aritmética y los intervalos de confianza de los caracteres con mayor peso en la discriminación fueron graficados. Complementariamente, se realizó un análisis de agrupamiento para dar mejor sustento a los análisis anteriores. Resultados clave: El análisis de componentes principales arrojó 24 componentes, de los cuales los primeros tres explican 88.6% de la varianza. Dicho análisis y el NP-MANOVA mostraron que los caracteres que diferencian a ambas especies son el diámetro mayor del talo en la porción media y el diámetro mayor y menor del talo en la porción apical, los cuales, según la media aritmética, son significativamente más grandes en Crassiphycus usneoides que en C. corneus. El análisis de agrupamiento, basado en el índice de disimilitud de distancia euclidiana y el algoritmo UPGMA, robusteció los análisis anteriores, confirmando la presencia de dos grupos (C. corneus y C. usneoides). Conclusiones: El análisis morfométrico realizado demostró ser eficiente para la segregación de las especies del complejo, y podrá servir como punto de referencia para la delimitación taxonómica de otras especies crípticas de macroalgas.Background and Aims: Crassiphycus corneus and C. usneoides form a morphological complex of macroalgal species due to the overlap in the characters that delimit them. Given their low phenotypic plasticity and sympatric distribution, discrimination between both species is complicated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to morphometrically evaluate some anatomical characters that allow discrimination of species within the complex. Methods: With the 24 quantitative measurements obtained from 40 specimens of Crassiphycus corneus and C. usneoides, a principal component analysis was performed to determine whether there was morphometric discrimination between the species. The result of this analysis was evaluated by a NP-MANOVA. The arithmetic means and confidence intervals of the characters with the greatest weight in discrimination were represented in a graphic. In addition, a cluster analysis was performed to better support the previous analysis. Key results: The principal components analysis showed 24 components, of which the first three explain 88.6% of the variance. This analysis and the NP-MANOVA showed that the characters that differentiate both species are the largest diameter of the thallus in the medium portion and the largest and smallest diameter of the thallus in the apical portion, which, according to the arithmetic mean, are significantly larger in Crassiphycus usneoides compared to C. corneus. Cluster analysis based on the Euclidean distance and the UPGMA algorithm strengthened the previous analyses, confirming the presence of two groups (C. corneus and C. usneoides). Conclusions: The performed morphometric analysis proved efficient for the segregation of the species of the complex, and may serve as a reference point for the taxonomic delimitation of other cryptic macroalgal species

    Evaluación y corrección neuropsicológica del lenguaje en la infancia

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    Objective. Language alterations constitute a frequent issue during childhood. This research is based on the case study of a 5 year old female patient with language problems. Diagnosis was established by designing  and applying an intervention program, drawn up according to the historic-cultural theoretical-methodological approach. The main objective was to improve the articulation and proper coordination of phonemes of the Spanish language, and as a complementary objective, the development of fine motor skills, the formation of images of objects, and spatial orientation. Method. The evaluation and diagnostic was carried out based on the application of qualitative protocols with a historical-cultural approach, determining, in the pre-intervention evaluation, a functional weakness in kinesthetic integration and sequential motor organization of language. After the initial evaluation the application of a corrective neuropsychological program was performed. Results. Re-evaluation was carried out after the intervention, which showed favourable changes in the girl’s verbal comprehension and expression skills. Conclusion. A reconsideration of the classical diagnosis and correction schemes is prop osed, which are based on a single psychological function, and do not allow neither an integral syndromic analysis to be carried out, nor an integral approximation for correction and development to be made.Objetivos. Las alteraciones del lenguaje constituyen un problema frecuente durante el desarrollo de los niños. Esta investigación se basó en el estudio de caso de una niña de cinco años y tres meses de edad con problemas de lenguaje, particularmente, en el diseño y aplicación de un programa de intervención, elaborado de acuerdo con la postura histórico-cultural; el cual tuvo como objetivo principal mejorar la percepción y articulación adecuada de fonemas del idioma español y como objetivos complementarios el desarrollo de los actos motores finos, la formación de la imagen de objetos y la orientación espacial. Método. La evaluación y el diagnóstico se realizaron a partir de la aplicación de protocolos cualitativos del enfoque histórico-cultural, determinando, en la evaluación preintervención, debilidad funcional en la integración cinestésica y organización motora secuencial del lenguaje. Después de la evaluación inicial se realizó la aplicación de un programa de corrección neuropsicológica. Resultados. Se realizó una revaloración control, posterior a la intervención, que permitió observar cambios favorables en la expresión y comprensión verbal de la niña. Conclusión. Se enfatiza la necesidad de reconsiderar el diagnóstico y los programas de corrección infantil tradicionales del lenguaje, los cuales se realizan a partir de una sola función psicológica sin permitir hacer un análisis sindrómico ni la posibilidad de una aproximación integral para su corrección y desarrollo.Escopo . As alterações da linguagem constituem um problema frequente durante o desenvolvimento das crianças. Esta pesquisa esteve baseada no estudo de caso de uma menina de cinco anos e três meses de idade com problemas de linguagem, particularmente em desenhar e aplicar um programa de intervenção, elaborado de acordo à postura teórica-metodológica histórico - cultural, que teve como escopo principal melhorar a percepção e articulação adequada de fonemas da língua espanhola e como escopos complementários o desenvolvimento dos atos motores finos, a formação da imagem de objetos e a orientação espacial. Metodologia . A avaliação e o diagnóstico foram feitos a partir da aplicação de protocolos qualitativos do enfoque histórico- cultural, determinando na avaliação pre-intervenção debilidade funcional em integração cenestésica e organização motora sequencial da linguagem. Depois da avaliação inicial foi aplicado um programa de correção neuropsicológica. Resultado s. Foi feita uma revaloração e controle posterior à intervenção que permitiu observar mudanças favoráveis no desenvolvimento da menina . Conclusão . É enfatizada a necessidade de reconsiderar o diagnóstico e os programas de correção infantil tradicionais da linguagem, os quais são feitos a partir de uma função psicológica só e não permitem fazer uma análise sindrómica e possibilidade de uma aproximação integral para sua correção e desenvolvimento


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    We have analyzed and compared the anatomical and histochemical features of thesecondary phloem and the peridermis offour species of Ficus and Morus celtidifolia.Anatomical features shared by the four Ficus species here studied are: sieve elementsof polygonal shape arranged in radial clusters are abundant. Heterogeneous, stratifiedrays are formed by square and tangentiallydilated cells; rays form irregular fans. Amonostratified periderm is composed bya layer of sclereids in the pheloderm and asuberized phellem with wall thickenings ofpolyphenolic origin. Parenchyma cellscontain cubical and romboidal crystalsand druses. Laticifers are non articulatedand branched. M. celtidifolia rays do notform fans as in Ficus; axial parenchima dilates and packages of sclereids appear towards the periderm. Heterogeneous rays arenot stratified, laticifers are non articulatedand shorter than in Ficus. Periderm structure is similar, but thicker, than in Ficus.The bark of the species analyzed in this workhas been traditionally used for making an“amate” paper of higher quality than thatproduced with the bark of other species. Theresults of the histochemical analysis showa slightly lignified structure, abundance ofstarch, pectins and water soluble carbohydrates towards the periphery, as well as nonlignified fibers in all the species studied.These features can be related to the ease ofpaper manufacture, to adherence and agglutination properties, to the high qualityof the end product and could explain theintensive use given to these species duringprecolumbian times.En el presente trabajo se estudiaron las características anatómicas e histoquímicas delfloema secundario y peridermis de cuatroespecies de Ficus y de Morus celtidifolia.Las características que comparten las especies de Ficus son: elementos cribosos arreglados en racimos radiales, de contornospoligonales, muy abundantes, los radiosson heterogéneos, y se abren en abanicosirregulares, estratificados, formados por cé-lulas cuadradas y tangencialmente dilatadas. La peridermis formada por un solo estrato se compone de esclereidas en lafelodermis y de felema suberizado y conengrosamientos de la pared de origenpolifenólico. Presentan cristales cúbicos,drusas y cristales romboidales en célulasde parénquima, los laticíferos son de tipono articulados ramificados. Los radios en M. celtidifolia no se dilatan como en Ficus,pero el parénquima axial se dilata y seesclerifica hacia la peridermis. Sus radiosheterogéneos no muestran estratos, presentan laticíferos no articulados de menor longitud y la peridermis es muy similar peromás ancha que las de Ficus.Las especies estudiadas han sido tradicionalmente empleadas para elaborar papelamate, y cuyas cualidades son mejores quepapeles elaborados con corteza de otrasespecies, lo que de acuerdo con el estudiohistoquímico resalta la estructura pocolignificada, abundancia de almidones,pectinas y carbohidratos solubles en aguahacia la periferia que pueden estar relacionados con la manufactura, propiedades deadherencia y aglutinamiento así como confibras sin lignificar, lo que puede explicar engran parte el uso intenso que se le ha dadodesde la época prehispánica

    Depression Episodes Detection in Unipolar and Bipolar Patients: A Methodology with Feature Extraction and Feature Selection with Genetic Algorithms Using Activity Motion Signal …

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    Depression is a mental disorder which typically includes recurrent sadness and loss of interest in the enjoyment of the positive aspects of life, and in severe cases fatigue, causing inability to perform daily activities, leading to a progressive loss of quality of life. Monitoring depression (unipolar and bipolar patients) stats relays on traditional method reports from patients; however, bias is commonly present, given the patients’ interpretation of the experiences. Nevertheless, to overcome this problem, Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) reports have been proposed and widely used. These reports includes data of the behaviour, feelings, and other type of activities recorded almost in real time using different types of portable devices, which nowadays include smartphones and other wearables such as smartwatches. In this study is proposed a methodology to detect depressive patients with the motion data generated by patient activity, recorded with a smartband, obtained from the “Depresjon” database. Using this signal as information source, a feature extraction approach of statistical features, in time and spectral evolution of the signal, is done. Subsequently, a clever feature selection with a genetic algorithm approach is done to reduce the amount of information required to give a fast noninvasive diagnostic. Results show that the feature extraction approach can achieve a value of 0.734 of area under the curve (AUC), and after applying feature selection approach, a model comprised by two features from the motion signal can achieve a 0.647 AUC. These results allow us to conclude that using the activity signal from a smartband, it is possibl

    Estimation of Indoor Location Through Magnetic Field Data: An Approach Based On Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Estimation of indoor location represents an interesting research topic since it is a main contextual variable for location bases services (LBS), eHealth applications and commercial systems, among others. For instance, hospitals require location data of their employees, as well as the location of their patients to offer services based on these locations at the correct moments of their needs. Several approaches have been proposed to tackle this problem using different types of artificial or natural signals (ie, wifi, bluetooth, rfid, sound, movement, etc.). In this work, it is proposed the development of an indoor location estimator system, relying in the data provided by the magnetic field of the rooms, which has been demonstrated that is unique and quasi-stationary. For this purpose, it is analyzed the spectral evolution of the magnetic field data viewed as a bidimensional heatmap, avoiding temporal dependencies. A Fourier transform is applied to the bidimensional heatmap of the magnetic field data to feed a convolutional neural network (CNN) to generate a model to estimate the user’s location in a building. The evaluation of the CNN model to deploy an indoor location system (ILS) is done through measuring the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve to observe the behavior in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Our experiments achieve a 0.99 Area Under the Curve (AUC) in the training data-set and a 0.74 in a total blind data set.Estimation of indoor location represents an interesting research topic since it is a main contextual variable for location bases services (LBS), eHealth applications and commercial systems, among others. For instance, hospitals require location data of their employees, as well as the location of their patients to offer services based on these locations at the correct moments of their needs. Several approaches have been proposed to tackle this problem using different types of artificial or natural signals (ie, wifi, bluetooth, rfid, sound, movement, etc.). In this work, it is proposed the development of an indoor location estimator system, relying in the data provided by the magnetic field of the rooms, which has been demonstrated that is unique and quasi-stationary. For this purpose, it is analyzed the spectral evolution of the magnetic field data viewed as a bidimensional heatmap, avoiding temporal dependencies. A Fourier transform is applied to the bidimensional heatmap of the magnetic field data to feed a convolutional neural network (CNN) to generate a model to estimate the user’s location in a building. The evaluation of the CNN model to deploy an indoor location system (ILS) is done through measuring the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve to observe the behavior in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Our experiments achieve a 0.99 Area Under the Curve (AUC) in the training data-set and a 0.74 in a total blind data set