378 research outputs found

    Comportamiento de extractos de diversas especies del género "Amanita", frente a la reacción de las amanito-toxinas

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    La identificación química y cromatográfica de las amanito-toxinas fue puesta a punto por Sullivan y cols. 1965. Su técnica ha sido aplicada para demostrar la presencia de dichas sustancias en extractos de diversas especies del género Amanita. Como método se han situado en la misma placa extractos de dichas especies y se han contrastado con extractos de Amanita phalloides, para asi diferenciar los correspondientes desarrollos. Fueron analizadas: A. aspera; A. muscaria; A. pantherina y Paxillus involutus. La presencia de amanito-toxinas a y b sólo se evidenció en los extractos de A. phalloides.The chimical and chromatographical identification of amanito-toxins was started by Sullivan & all. 1965. I applied that methode with extracts of some species of Amanita genus to test inf there were that toxins in them. The methode used was to put in the same plate extracts of some species of this genus and confront with Amanita phalloides stracts, to show the differences. Amanito-toxins were detected in A. phalloides only

    Micromicetes españoles: Notula II

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    Se dan a conocer los resultados obtenidos del estudio sobre Micromicetes. Las especies que se reseñan son: Puccinia hieracii (Schum.) Mart.; sobre Hieracium auricula L.) = H. lactucella Wallr.; Puccinia simphyti-bromorum Müller. subsp. benekeni Gäum, sobre Bromus racemosus L. Puccinia lapsanae Fuck., sobre Lapsana communis L.; Uromyces scillarum (Gerv.) Wint., sobre Scilla verna L.; Uromyces betae (Pers.) Lev., sobre Beta vulgaris L. subsp. maritima (L.) Arcangeli.; y Puccinia umbilici Guep., sobre Cotyledon pendulinus DC = Umbilicus rupestris (Salisb.) Dandy.We continue the studies about Micromycetes. (One communication was published in Trabajos Compostelanos de Biologia 1973: 3,66-82). The related species are Puccinia hieracii (Schum.) Mart., sobre Hieracium auricula L.; Puccinia symphyti bromorum Müller, subsp. benekeni Gaüm on Bromus racemosus L.; Puccinia lapsanae Fuck on Lapsana communis L.; Uromy,ces scillarum (Grey.) Wint. on Scilla verna Huds.; Uromyces betae (Pers.) Lev. on Beta maritima L. and Puccinia umbilici Guep. on Cotyledon umbilicus L

    Estudio de algunas especies de Ascomicetes macroscopicos, de la flora española

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    Se realiza el estudio de doce especies de Ascomicetes, cuyos cuerpos fructíferos alcanzan tamaños macroscópicos y de los cuales pudieron realizarse diapositivas directamente del natural o en el Laboratorio. De cada una de ellas se realiza un breve comentario de sus peculiaridades morfológicas o ecológicas. En algún caso pudo seguirse el desarrollo de sus fructificaciones. La revisión nomenclatural ha sido realizada por Moser, M.: Kleine Kryptogamen flora II a: Ascomyceten. Al menos dos especies de las que se muestran creemos son nuevas citas para la Flora española de Ascomicetes.We study twelve species of Ascomycetes with ascocarps. We do a little comentary of their morfological and ecological peculiarities. The nomenclature review is according to Moser, M. in Gams: Kleine Kryptogamenflora II a. We think at last two species are new for Iberian Peninsula

    Ultrasonic characterization of the pulmonary venous wall: echographic and histological correlation

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    Background: Pulmonary vein isolation with radiofrequency catheter ablation techniques is used to prevent recurrences of human atrial fibrillation. Visualization of the architecture at the venoatrial junction could be crucial for these ablative techniques. Our study assesses the potential for intravascular ultrasound to provide this information. Methods and Results: We retrieved 32 pulmonary veins from 8 patients dying from noncardiac causes. We obtained cross-sectional intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) images with a 3.2F, 30-MHz ultrasound catheter at intervals on each vein. Histological cross-sections at the intervals allowed comparisons with ultrasonic images. The pulmonary venous wall at the venoatrial junction revealed a 3-layered ultrasonic pattern. The inner echogenic layer represents both endothelium and connective tissue of the media (mean maximal thickness, 1.4±0.3 mm). The middle hypoechogenic stratum corresponds to the sleeves of left atrial myocardium surrounding the external aspect of the venous media. This layer was thickest at the venoatrial junction (mean maximal thickness, 2.6±0.8 mm) and decreased toward the lung hilum. The outer echodense layer corresponds to fibro-fatty adventitial tissue (mean maximal thickness, 2.15±0.36 mm). We found a close agreement among the IVUS and histological measurements for maximal luminal diameter (mean difference, -0.12±1.3 mm) and maximal muscular thickness (mean difference, 0.17±0.13 mm) using the Bland and Altman method. Conclusions: Our experimental study demonstrates for the first time that IVUS images of the pulmonary veins can provide information on the distal limits and thickness of the myocardial sleeves and can be a valuable tool to help accurate targeting during ablative procedures

    Aportación al estudio micosociológico de la provincia de León

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    Se muestran los resultados de algunas excursiones y el catálogo de las especies de macromicetes recolectadas en cada localidad.We show the results of some excursions with the catalogue of species rellected in each place

    A new approach to categorize continuous variables in prediction models: Proposal and validation

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    When developing prediction models for application in clinical practice, health practitioners usually categorise clinical variables that are continuous in nature. Although categorisation is not regarded as advisable from a statistical point of view, due to loss of information and power, it is a common practice in medical research. Consequently, providing researchers with a useful and valid categorisation method could be a relevant issue when developing prediction models. Without recommending categorisation of continuous predictors, our aim is to propose a valid way to do it whenever it is considered necessary by clinical researchers. This paper focuses on categorising a continuous predictor within a logistic regression model, in such a way that the best discriminative ability is obtained in terms of the highest area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). The proposed methodology is validated when the optimal cut points' location is known in theory or in practice. In addition, the proposed method is applied to a real data set of patients with an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in the context of the IRYSS-COPD study where a clinical prediction rule for severe evolution was being developed. The clinical variable PCO2 was categorised in a univariable and a multivariable setting.MINECO: MTM2010-14913, MTM2011-28285-C02-01 and MTM2013-40941-P. Basque Government: IT620-13, 2012111008. University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU: GIU10/21, UFI11/52. Agrupamento IN-BIOMED from DXPCTSUG-FEDER unha maneira de facer Europa (2012/273). Red IRYSS (Investigación en Resultados y Servicios Sanitarios)- of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III: G03/22

    Calidad de vida de los pacientes afectados de trastornos de la alimentación

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    ResumenObjetivoAnalizar la calidad de vida percibida de pacientes ambulatorios con trastornos de la alimentación en relación a la gravedad de su sintomatología y en comparación a otros trastornos psiquiátricos y con la población general.MétodosEstudio descriptivo transversal de la calidad de vida de 180 pacientes reclutados en una unidad de trastornos de la alimentación. Para estudiar diferentes aspectos de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, se utilizaron los cuestionarios SF-36, EAT y HAD. Los resultados del SF-36 fueron comparados con los de una muestra de la población general del mismo sexo y edad, así como con otros estudios de trastornos psiquiátricos en los que se utilizó el SF-36.ResultadosLos pacientes con trastornos de la alimentación presentaron peor calidad de vida que la población general de su mismo sexo y edad y similar a la de pacientes con otros trastornos psiquiátricos, como esquizofrenia, depresión y trastornos de pánico. No se apreciaron diferencias significativas entre los pacientes con diagnóstico de anorexia restrictiva, anorexia purgativa y bulimia. Las áreas del SF-36 más afectadas fueron salud mental, rol emocional y vitalidad.ConclusionesEste estudio muestra la gravedad de estos trastornos, que tienen una gran incidencia entre mujeres jóvenes en edad escolar y laboral. Esto supone un grave problema de salud pública y plantea la necesidad de una asistencia especializada.SummaryObjectiveTo evaluate the quality of life of ambulatory patients with eating disorders in relation to the severity of their symptomatology and in comparison with other psychiatric disorders and general population values.MethodsCross-sectional descriptive study of the quality of life of 180 patients recruited at an eating disorders unit. In order to study different aspects of their Health Related Quality of Life, the SF-36, the EAT and the HAD questionnaires were used. The results of the SF-36 were compared to population values of the same gender and age, and to other studies of psychiatric disorders where the SF-36 questionnaire was used.ResultsPatients with eating disorders presented worse quality of life than the general population of the same gender and age, and similar to patients with other psychiatric diagnoses, as schizophrenia, depression or panic disorder. No significant differences were found between patients with diagnoses of restrictive anorexia, purgative anorexia and bulimia. Mental health, rol emotional and vitality were the most affected areas of the SF-36.ConclusionsThis study shows the severity of these disorders, which have a special incidence in young active women. This fact is becoming an important public health problem and raises the need of specialised assistance

    Aportaciones al catálogo florístico de la provincia de León II

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    Se enumeran 512 especies vegetales de la provincia de León (España) recogidas en 693 localidades, se hacen breves asociaciones ecológicas de las mismas, así como de su distribución y comportamiento fitosociológico. Se realiza, al mismo tiempo, la revisión bibliográfica a nivel provincial

    Macromicetes de la comarca del Berguedá (Barcelona)

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    Se da cuenta de ciento cuarenta y ocho especies de macromicetes recolectadas en el transcurso de una serie de excursiones de estudio, realizadas por los autores entre los años 1974 al 1977, por diversas localidades de la comarca del Berguedá (Barcelona).Numerosas especies entre las indicadas fueron recolectadas en varias ocasiones, lo que permitió apreciar detalles de su comportamiento autoecológico.En todos los casos hemos pretendido confirmar las determinaciones taxonómicas utilizando los medios reseñados en la Bibliografia. De cada especie se dispone de su ficha de estudio, con los detalles apreciados al realizar la determinanción, pese a ello no hemos considerado adecuado dar descripciones por no hacer más extenso el presente trabajo.We remark the determinations of a hundred and forty eight species of Macromycets collected the year 1974 to the 1977, mainly in Berguedá district (Barcelona).Most of them could be studied more than once. We tried to confirm the determinations using the last specialized works

    The distribution of transit durations for Kepler planet candidates and implications for their orbital eccentricities

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    ‘In these times, during the rise in the popularity of institutional repositories, the Society does not forbid authors from depositing their work in such repositories. However, the AAS regards the deposit of scholarly work in such repositories to be a decision of the individual scholar, as long as the individual's actions respect the diligence of the journals and their reviewers.’ Original article can be found at : http://iopscience.iop.org/ Copyright American Astronomical SocietyDoppler planet searches have discovered that giant planets follow orbits with a wide range of orbital eccentricities, revolutionizing theories of planet formation. The discovery of hundreds of exoplanet candidates by NASA's Kepler mission enables astronomers to characterize the eccentricity distribution of small exoplanets. Measuring the eccentricity of individual planets is only practical in favorable cases that are amenable to complementary techniques (e.g., radial velocities, transit timing variations, occultation photometry). Yet even in the absence of individual eccentricities, it is possible to study the distribution of eccentricities based on the distribution of transit durations (relative to the maximum transit duration for a circular orbit). We analyze the transit duration distribution of Kepler planet candidates. We find that for host stars with T > 5100 K we cannot invert this to infer the eccentricity distribution at this time due to uncertainties and possible systematics in the host star densities. With this limitation in mind, we compare the observed transit duration distribution with models to rule out extreme distributions. If we assume a Rayleigh eccentricity distribution for Kepler planet candidates, then we find best fits with a mean eccentricity of 0.1-0.25 for host stars with T ≤ 5100 K. We compare the transit duration distribution for different subsets of Kepler planet candidates and discuss tentative trends with planetary radius and multiplicity. High-precision spectroscopic follow-up observations for a large sample of host stars will be required to confirm which trends are real and which are the results of systematic errors in stellar radii. Finally, we identify planet candidates that must be eccentric or have a significantly underestimated stellar radius.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio