1,779 research outputs found

    Harmony: Bringing Data Together by Bringing Services Together

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    As Earth observation data volume, velocity, and variety continues to accelerate, so do the challenges of working with those data. The computation, storage, and network transfer requirements for multi-petabyte datasets demand solutions that allow users to process, store, and move fewer bytes while still finding the valuable insights they seek. Our cloud-based data transformation framework, Harmony, tackles these challenges by providing consistent, standards-based interface to multiple disparate backend processors collocated with NASA EOSDIS data. It allows data scientists to perform data processing and harmonization activities across many datasets through familiar tooling. Simultaneously, it provides a clear, consistent interface for data providers to expose new or customized backend services for their data. This talk will discuss Harmony, its architecture and interface, and the path forward for cloud-based NASA EOSDIS data harmonization services

    Ceramic micropalaeontology: the analysis of microfossils in ancient ceramics

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    Microfossils can be a common component of ancient ceramic artefacts. Their analysis in this unusual context is a little-known, yet promising cross-disciplinary application of micropalaeontology. The following article presents the first detailed assessment of the phenomenon of microfossils in ancient ceramics and demonstrates how micropalaeontology can contribute to a range of issues in archaeological ceramic analysis and the reconstruction of the human past. In describing a methodology by which micropalaeontologists and archaeologists can analyse microfossiliferous ceramics, this paper presents the foundations of an approach, which is here referred to as Ceramic Micropalaeontology

    Task 51 - Cloud-Optimized Format Study

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    The cloud infrastructure provides a number of capabilities that can dramatically improve access and use of Earth Observation data. However, in many cases, data may need to be reorganized and/or reformatted in order to make them tractable to support cloud-native analysis/access patterns. The purpose of this study is to examine the pros and cons of different formats for storing data on the cloud. The evaluation will focus on both enabling high-performance data access and usage as well as to meet the existing scientific data stewardship needs of EOSDIS

    Metamorphoses After Oboe: An Examination of the Evolution of Oboe Part Writing Through Music History

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    This lecture examines the technological, musical, and societal changes the oboe both underwent and influenced using musical examples across the four major areas of Western music history: the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern eras. The recital features works by Tomaso Albinoni, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Robert Schumann, and Benjamin Britten

    El Parpadeo del miedo : hay alguien ahí

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    El objetivo de este artículo consiste en analizar la presencia de lo fantástico en la serie de televisión española Hay alguien ahí (Cuatro, 2009-2010). Dentro de tres marcos conceptuales -la teoría literaria, el cine y la televisión- examinamos cómo el texto audiovisual en cuestión construye un mundo de ficción, reflejo de la realidad extratextual del espectador, para resquebrajarlo a continuación mediante el despliegue de un conjunto de motivos y temas relacionados con lo fantástico.This article seeks to analyse the presence of the fantastic in the Spanish television series Hay alguien ahí (Cuatro, 2009-2010) (There's Somebody Out There). Within three contextual frameworks -literary theory, cinema and television-, we examine how this audiovisual text constructs a fictional world, as a reflection of the viewer's extratextaul reality, and then splits this world apart through the use of motifs and themes related to the fantastic

    Academic Archivists and Their Current Practices: Some Modest Suggestions

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    Easterhouse 2004: an ethnographic account of men's experience, use and refusal of violence

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    The focus of this thesis is on how working class men live with physical interpersonal violence. The place of the research is in Easterhouse, a housing scheme on the outskirts of Glasgow in Scotland. The primary research methods employed are a reflexive engagement with in-depth semi-structured interviews and participant observation. This concern with a reflexive engagement with the research field and the research ‘data’ is theorised using the sociological tools crafted by Pierre Bourdieu; in particular, his stress on reality as fundamentally relational and his use of reflexivity, habitus, the body and fields to construct and understand human agency. In this thesis, these tools are used to open up moments of often `mindless’ violence and to understand what these moments might ‘mean’ to both those who experience this violence, and how this reality can come to be evacuated/excavated in historical and representational forms. To do this, the thesis considers the formation of habitus through time, across generations and indeed how a relationship to time is made and grounded in everyday experience of class relations and culture (and so the amount of resources or capital that can be brought to bear in the context of these relations). In this sense, the thesis endeavours to complicate what is meant by violence and what is mean by the ‘causes’ of physical interpersonal violence by situating moments of violence as elements in a total fact of life. The thesis situates contemporary forms of physical interpersonal violence in the new social, economic and cultural landscape formed post-1979. That is, continuities and discontinuities are assessed in relation to a tradition of having no tradition and the possibilities for historical self-understanding and agency that such a moment could provide. That is, now that working class culture has been ‘stripped down’ to its economic reality the culture of working class life is simultaneously a coming to terms with this ‘nothing’. Paradoxically, then it is in this ‘nothing’ that agency is found and where history, culture and politics can either come to be ‘reclaimed’ – ‘invented’ – or ‘mobilised’

    Archivists Against the Current: For a Fair and Truly Representative Record of Our Times

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    Concern with problems associated with documenting nontraditional and minority movements for cultural, economic, social, and political change has been expressed previously in the archival literature, but certainly not in proportion to the dimensions of such a problem. If one admits that the prevailing values of a given society generally correspond to the values of the prevailing socioeconomic strata of that society, it is not at all surprising that archivists should have been preoccupied with accumulating a documentary record of the lives of the members of the prevailing strata and of the activities and functions of the institutions that provide the collective infrastructure for that strata. It was only with the social and political ferment of the 1960s and 1970s that some archivists began to address the need to document the lives of individuals and the roles of institutions identified with or involved in countervailing movements whose very raison d\u27etre compelled them to oppose predominant structures and ideological values

    Reflections on the Founding of MAC in 1972

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