754 research outputs found

    Multilevel Metalization

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    A multilevel metal testchip which analyzes a first level metal, interlevel dielectric, and second level metal has been designed. The test structures will be used to detect opens or shorts in conducting lines, measure via resistance, measure sheet resistance, and determine linewidth or linespace


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    Hausman, Hall and Griliches (1984) and Hall, Griliches and Hausman (1986) investigated whether there was a lag in the patent-R&D relationship for the U.S. manufacturing sector using 1970¿s data. They found that there was little evidence of anything but contemporaneous movement of patents and R&D. We reexamine this important issue employing new longitudinal patent data at the firm level for the U.S. manufacturing sector from 1982 to 1992. To address unique features of the data, we estimate various distributed lag and dynamic multiplicative panel count data models. The paper also develops a new class of count panel data models based on series expansion of the distribution of individual effects. The empirical analyses show that, although results are somewhat sensitive to different estimation methods, the contemporaneous relationship between patenting and R&D expenditures continues to be rather strong, accounting for over 60% of the total R&D elasticity. Regarding the lag structure of the patents-R&D relationship, we do find a significant lag in all empirical specifications. Moreover, the estimated lag effects are higher than have previously been found, suggesting that the contribution of R&D history to current patenting has increased from the 1970¿s to the 1980¿s.Innovative activity, Patents and R&D, Individual effects, count panel data methods.

    Enhanced electrical, mechanical and thermal properties by exfoliating graphene platelets of larger lateral dimensions

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    Conventional liquid-phase graphite exfoliation (LPE) dramatically reduce the lateral dimension of graphene sheets to submicrometer levels due to bond cleavage induced by high shearing force or long processing time, resulting in highly degraded properties of graphene materials. Herein, a modified high-yielding LPE for producing graphene in the cosolvents of ethanol and water is demonstrated, via the prior use of an electrochemical expansion process on graphite. The electrochemically expanded graphite allows the use of significantly lower sonication power and shorter sonication times. Therefore graphene platelets with largely increased lateral dimension were achieved compared to conventional LPE (the size can reach up to 10 μm). The electrical and mechanical properties of graphene film are significantly enhanced as a result, with the electrical conductivity doubled and the modulus increased by a factor of 4 as well as a considerably higher areal capacitance for the assembled solid supercapacitor. Furthermore, a type of multifunctional benzoxazine surfactant was used to stabilize graphene sheets, which can also facilitate to transfer graphene sheets into organic solvents from aqueous dispersions. On this basis, polymer-graphene nano-composites have been easily prepared for both water soluble poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and organic soluble poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with improved mechanical properties and thermal diffusivity.S.M.N. Acknowledges support from the Australian Research Council through grant FT100100177

    Prehospital randomised assessment of a mechanical compression device in cardiac arrest (PaRAMeDIC) trial protocol

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    Background Survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is closely linked to the quality of CPR, but in real life, resuscitation during pre-hospital care and ambulance transport is often suboptimal. Mechanical chest compression devices deliver consistent chest compressions, are not prone to fatigue and could potentially overcome some of the limitations of manual chest compression. However, there is no high-quality evidence that they improve clinical outcomes, or that they are cost effective. The Pre-hospital Randomised Assessment of a Mechanical Compression Device In Cardiac Arrest (PARAMEDIC) trial is a pragmatic cluster randomised study of the LUCAS-2 device in adult patients with non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Methods The primary objective of this trial is to evaluate the effect of chest compression using LUCAS-2 on mortality at 30 days post out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, compared with manual chest compression. Secondary objectives of the study are to evaluate the effects of LUCAS-2 on survival to 12 months, cognitive and quality of life outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Methods: Ambulance service vehicles will be randomised to either manual compression (control) or LUCAS arms. Adult patients in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, attended by a trial vehicle will be eligible for inclusion. Patients with traumatic cardiac arrest or who are pregnant will be excluded. The trial will recruit approximately 4000 patients from England, Wales and Scotland. A waiver of initial consent has been approved by the Research Ethics Committees. Consent will be sought from survivors for participation in the follow-up phase. Conclusion The trial will assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of the LUCAS-2 mechanical chest compression device. Trial Registration: The trial is registered on the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Registry (ISRCTN08233942)

    Recovery from disturbance requires resynchronization of ecosystem nutrient cycles

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    Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are tightly cycled in most terrestrial ecosystems, with plant uptake more than 10 times higher than the rate of supply from deposition and weathering. This near-total dependence on recycled nutrients and the stoichiometric constraints on resource use by plants and microbes mean that the two cycles have to be synchronized such that the ratio of N:P in plant uptake, litterfall, and net mineralization are nearly the same. Disturbance can disrupt this synchronization if there is a disproportionate loss of one nutrient relative to the other. We model the resynchronization of N and P cycles following harvest of a northern hardwood forest. In our simulations, nutrient loss in the harvest is small relative to postharvest losses. The low N:P ratio of harvest residue results in a preferential release of P and retention of N. The P release is in excess of plant requirements and P is lost from the active ecosystem cycle through secondary mineral formation and leaching early in succession. Because external P inputs are small, the resynchronization of the N and P cycles later in succession is achieved by a commensurate loss of N. Through succession, the ecosystem undergoes alternating periods of N limitation, then P limitation, and eventually co-limitation as the two cycles resynchronize. However, our simulations indicate that the overall rate and extent of recovery is limited by P unless a mechanism exists either to prevent the P loss early in succession (e.g., P sequestration not stoichiometrically constrained by N) or to increase the P supply to the ecosystem later in succession (e.g., biologically enhanced weathering). Our model provides a heuristic perspective from which to assess the resynchronization among tightly cycled nutrients and the effect of that resynchronization on recovery of ecosystems from disturbance

    Inverse temporal contributions of the dorsal hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex to the expression of long-term fear memories

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    Retrograde amnesia following disruptions of hippocampal function is often temporally graded, with recent memories being more impaired. Evidence supports the existence of one or more neocortical long-term memory storage/retrieval site(s). Neurotoxic lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) or the dorsal hippocampus (DH) were made 1 day or 200 days following trace fear conditioning. Recently encoded trace fear memories were most disrupted by DH lesions, while remotely encoded trace and contextual memories were most disrupted by mPFC lesions. These data strongly support the consolidation theory of hippocampus function and implicate the mPFC as a site of long-term memory storage/retrieval

    An HST Search for Lyman Continuum Emission From Galaxies at z=1.1--1.4

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    If enough of their Lyman limit continuum escapes, star-forming galaxies could be significant contributors to the cosmic background of ionizing photons. To investigate this possibility, we obtained the first deep imaging in the far ultraviolet of eleven bright blue galaxies at intermediate redshift (z=1.1--1.4). NO Lyman continuum emission was detected. Sensitive, model-independent, upper limits of typically 2 x 10**-19 erg/sec/cm2/Ang were obtained for the ionizing flux escaping from these normal galaxies. This corresponds to lower limits on the observed ratio of 1500 to 700Ang flux of 150 up to 1000. Based on a wide range of stellar synthesis models, this suggests that less than 6%, down to less than 1%, of the available ionizing flux emitted by hot stars is escaping these galaxies. The magnitude of this spectral break at the Lyman l imit confirms that the basic premise of `Lyman break' searches for galaxies at high redshift can also be applied at intermediate redshifts. This implies that the integrated contribution of galaxies to the UV cosmic background at z around 1.2 is less than 15%, and may be less than 2%.Comment: 20 manuscript pages, which includes two tables and two figures. To be published in 1 December 2003 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    PEO-PPO-PEO surfactant exfoliated graphene cyclodextrin drug carriers for photoresponsive release

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    Liquid exfoliated graphene sheets were incorporated within α-cyclodextrin-triblock copolymer supramolecular hydrogels prepared with a range of polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide block sizes and ratios allowing control over the release properties. The strong photothermal activity of graphene was employed to externally activate drug release from within the gels using near-infrared (NIR) irradiation. These supramolecular hybrid hydrogels showed thermoreversible changes in viscosity, which is necessary for an injectable, multiple release point drug delivery depot. This hybrid graphene-surfactant-α-CD gel system with thermoreversible properties is demonstrated herein to be externally NIR activated to induce controllable drug release.S.M.N. acknowledge financial support under the ARC Future Fellowship scheme FT100100177

    Factors influencing child protection professionals' decision-making and multidisciplinary collaboration in suspected abusive head trauma cases: a qualitative study

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    Clinicians face unique challenges when assessing suspected child abuse cases. The majority of the literature exploring diagnostic decision-making in this field is anecdotal or survey-based and there is a lack of studies exploring decision-making around suspected abusive head trauma (AHT). We aimed to determine factors influencing decision-making and multidisciplinary collaboration in suspected AHT cases, amongst 56 child protection professionals. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with clinicians (25), child protection social workers (10), legal practitioners (9, including 4 judges), police officers (8), and pathologists (4), purposively sampled across southwest United Kingdom. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and imported into NVivo for thematic analysis (38% double-coded). We identified six themes influencing decision-making: ‘professional’, ‘medical’, ‘circumstantial’, ‘family’, ‘psychological’ and ‘legal’ factors. Participants diagnose AHT based on clinical features, the history, and the social history, after excluding potential differential diagnoses. Participants find these cases emotionally challenging but are aware of potential biases in their evaluations and strive to overcome these. Barriers to decision-making include lack of experience, uncertainty, the impact on the family, the pressure of making the correct diagnosis, and disagreements between professionals. Legal barriers include alternative theories of causation proposed in court. Facilitators include support from colleagues and knowledge of the evidence-base. Participants’ experiences with multidisciplinary collaboration are generally positive, however child protection social workers and police officers are heavily reliant on clinicians to guide their decision-making, suggesting the need for training on the medical aspects of physical abuse for these professionals and multidisciplinary training that provides knowledge about the roles of each agency

    Molecular recording of mammalian embryogenesis.

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    Ontogeny describes the emergence of complex multicellular organisms from single totipotent cells. This field is particularly challenging in mammals, owing to the indeterminate relationship between self-renewal and differentiation, variation in progenitor field sizes, and internal gestation in these animals. Here we present a flexible, high-information, multi-channel molecular recorder with a single-cell readout and apply it as an evolving lineage tracer to assemble mouse cell-fate maps from fertilization through gastrulation. By combining lineage information with single-cell RNA sequencing profiles, we recapitulate canonical developmental relationships between different tissue types and reveal the nearly complete transcriptional convergence of endodermal cells of extra-embryonic and embryonic origins. Finally, we apply our cell-fate maps to estimate the number of embryonic progenitor cells and their degree of asymmetric partitioning during specification. Our approach enables massively parallel, high-resolution recording of lineage and other information in mammalian systems, which will facilitate the construction of a quantitative framework for understanding developmental processes