223 research outputs found

    Flash@Hebburn Urban Art in the New Century

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    The publication of Flash@Hebburn, explores the creation of the public art installation Flash@Hebburn featuring light and electricity, by Charles Quick, on the banks of the River Tyne at Hebburn Riverside Park in South Tyneside, which spanned a period of seven and a half years and was inaugurated on March 9th 2009. It extensively documents the testing, making and installing of a public art installation that resembles a technical functional placement, which serves to evoke a largely post-industrial site without resorting to nostalgia, while strongly relating to the community where it is placed. Jonthan Vickery’s essay, Infrastructures: Creating Flash@Hebburn, places the work not only in its context of site and its relation to the audience but also in the development of an art world discourse on new urban arts. This is supported by an interview with the artist by Dr John Wood, Henry Moore Institute which discusses the project as a piece of art work in relationship to other contemporary works the artist and others have carried out

    Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO)

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    HartRAO provides the only fiducial geodetic site in Africa, and it participates in global networks for VLBI, GNSS, SLR, and DORIS. This report provides an overview of geodetic VLBI activities at HartRAO during 2012, including the conversion of a 15-m alt-az radio telescope to an operational geodetic VLBI antenna

    Facial Onset Sensory and Motor Neuronopathy: A Case Series and Literature Review

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    Introduction: Facial Onset Sensory and Motor Neuronopathy (FOSMN) typically presents with paresthesias in the trigeminal nerve distribution and weakness that progresses rostro-caudally. Objective: To present two new cases of FOSMN, summarize the current literature, and address areas for future study. Methods: Observational data was collected from two patients with FOSMN from our institution. A literature review of FOSMN was completed using PubMed. Results: We identified 100 cases of FOSMN, including our two new cases. 93% presented with facial paresthesias. 97% had bulbar symptoms. Five had family history of ALS. Abnormal Blink reflex was most common on EMG/NCS. CSF was typically normal, but a rare severe case showed elevated protein. Mutations included: TARDBP, OPMD, D90A-SOD1, CHCHD10, VCP, and SQSTM1. Neuropathological studies showed neurodegenerative changes without inflammation. Some cases have reported transient stabilization or improvement to immunomodulatory therapy. Case Reports: A 72-year-old man presented with right-sided trigeminal paresthesias that progressed in a rostro-caudal fashion, dysphagia, and hand weakness. He died 4-5 years after symptom onset. A 69-year-old man presented with left-sided jaw paresthesias, dysphagia and dysarthria. He was trialed on IVIG for 1.5 years without improvement and died 2.6 years after symptom onset. Conclusion: FOSMN is a rare disorder with a unique clinical and electrophysiological phenotype. The pathophysiology has been associated with neurodegeneration and multiple gene mutations have correlated to FOSMN. Some reports suggest transient response to immunomodulatory therapy, though prospective studies are lacking. CSF protein elevation may be seen in severe disease. Future studies will help further elucidate the approach to diagnosis, treatment, and prognostic counseling (biomarkers). &nbsp

    Timing of Deformation along the Iron Springs Thrust, Southern Sevier Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Utah: Evidence for an Extensive Thrusting Event in the mid-Cretaceous

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    The temporal and spatial distribution of strain associated with the Sevier orogeny in western North America is significantly different in the southern end of the belt, at the latitude of Las Vegas, Nevada, than farther to the north at the latitude of Salt Lake City, Utah. Reasons for these differences have been speculative as a lack of temporal constraints on thrusting in the intervening region hindered along-strike correlation across the belt. We determined a crystallization age of 100.18 ± 0.04 Ma for zircons extracted from a recently recognized dacite lapilli ash-fall tuff near the base of the synorogenic Iron Springs Formation. We propose the name “Three Peaks Tuff Member” for this unit, and identify a type stratigraphic section on the western flank of the “Three Peaks,” a topographic landmark in Iron County, Utah. Field relationships and this age constrain movement on the Iron Springs thrust and the end of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity in the critical intervening area to latest Albian/earliest Cenomanian. Movement on the Iron Springs thrust was synchronous with movement on multiple Sevier thrusts at ~100 Ma, indicating that the mid-Cretaceous was a period of extensive thrust-fault movement. This mid-Cretaceous thrusting event coincided with a period of global plate reorganization and increased convergence, and hence an increased subduction rate for the Farallon Plate beneath North America. The accelerated subduction contributed to a Cordilleran arc flare-up event and steepening of the orogenic wedge, which triggered widespread thrusting across the retroarc Sevier deformation belts. Additionally, based on temporal constraints and the strong spatial connection of mid-Cretaceous thrusts to lineaments interpreted as pre-orogenic transform faults, we suggest that temporal and spatial variations along the strike of the orogenic belt reflect tectonic inheritance of basement structures associated with the edge of the rifted Precambrian craton

    Review: The Journal of Dramaturgy, volume 20, 2009/2010

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    Contents include: Recognizing Toward a Dramaturgical Sensibility, Geoff Proehl, recipient of the 2009 ATHE Outstanding Book Award; Geoff Proehl\u27s Acceptance Speech, Association for Theatre in Higher Education Awards Ceremony August 10, 2009; Millennial Dramaturgy, A conversation about the new book Dramaturgy and Performance; Creating Sub/Text, Dramaturging the ReStaged Festival; Dramaturgy and Interdisciplinary Learning, A Case Study of Russian Theatre and Politics; Thinking about Theatre Photography; Theatre / Photography. Issue editors: D.J. Hopkins, Sydney Cheek O\u27Donnell, Lauren Beckhttps://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/lmdareview/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Prospect for VLBI Network Extension: the First Results of an Ad-hoc S2 Array Experiments

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    The Canadian S2 system gives a chance for Russian and some other radio telescopes in the world to be involved into international VLBI programs. Brief descriptions of previous S2 experiments and future possibilities are presented
