18 research outputs found

    Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte (Asteraceae), especie alóctona invasora en Andalucía (sur de España)

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    Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte (Asteraceae), an allocthonous invasive species in Andalusia (southernSpain)Palabras clave. Corología, Jaén, provincia Luso-Extremadurense, plantas invasoras, vegetación riparia.Key words. Chorology, Jaen, Luso-Extremadurensian province, invasive plants, riparian vegetation

    Aportaciones al conocimiento de la flora halófila de Andalucía (S. España)

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    Como resultado del estudio de la flora de los ecosistemas halófilos de Andalucía, se muestran 13 taxones halófitos de los cuales 9 constituyen primeras citas provinciales, 1 es citado por primera vez en Andalucía, 2 son primeras citas para Andalucía Oriental, y 6 amplían considerablemente su área de distribución fitogeográfica conocida. Otras 3 citas provinciales, aún no siendo totalmente novedosas, se han incluido en este trabajo por refrendar con pliego de herbario y localidad exacta su presencia en algunas provincias andaluzas Los pliegos de referencia a los que corresponden estas citas, se encuentran depositados en las instalaciones de los herbarios de las universidades de Granada (GDA) y/o Jaén (JAEN). La nomenclatura empleada ha sido la establecida por Flora iberica (Castroviejo et al., 1986-2009) para aquellas familias botánicas actualmente publicadas, y en su defecto, la utilizada en Flora Europaea (Tutin et al., 1972-1980). Para la comprobación del área ocupada por los taxones citados se ha usado la información aportada por Flora iberica, y las bases de datos del Proyecto Anthos (http://www.anthos.es) y Global Biodiversity Information Facility in Spain (GBIF) (http://www.gbif.es), así como las diversas revisiones y notas corológicas existentes en la bibliografía. De cada una de las especies se indican provincia y localidad de herborización, coordenadas UTM, altitud, fecha de recolección, número de registro de herbario, colector, determinador y, en su caso, revisor. Además, se hace una breve descripción de su ecología y se mencionan las unidades fitogeográficas donde han sido colectadas, siguiendo los criterios de Rivas-Martínez et al. (1997)

    Direct and Indirect Effects of Function in Associated Variables Such as Depression and Severity on Pain Intensity in Women with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Objective To determine the direct and indirect effects of function on clinical variables such as age, pain intensity, years of the disease, severity of symptoms, and depression in women with electrodiagnostic and clinical diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Design A cross-sectional study. Setting Patients from an urban hospital referred to a university clinic. Methods Two hundred and forty-four (n = 224) women with CTS were included. Demographic and clinical data, duration of symptoms, function, symptom's severity of the symptoms, pain intensity, and depression were self-reported collected. Correlation and path analysis with maximum likelihood estimation were conducted to assess the direct and indirect effect of hand function on pain, age, years with the disease, symptoms severity, and depression. Results Significant positive correlations between function and pain intensity, years with pain and symptoms severity were observed. The path analysis found direct effects from depression, symptoms severity, and years with pain to function (all, P < 0.01). Paths between function and depression on pain intensity (both, P < 0.01) were also observed. The amount of function explained by all predictors was 22%. The indirect effects in the path analysis revealed that function exerted an indirect effect from depression to pain intensity (B = 0.18; P < 0.01), and from symptoms severity to the intensity of pain (B = 0.10; P < 0.01). Overall, the amount of current pain intensity explained by all predictors in the model was R2 = 0.22. Conclusions Our study demonstrated that function mediates the relationship between depression and symptoms severity with pain intensity in women with CTS. Future longitudinal studies will help to determine the clinical implications of these finding

    Evaluating the use of laparoscopic gastrostomy in children with congenital heart disease in Colombia: a retrospective analysis

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    IntroductionCongenital Heart Disease (CHD) is the most common congenital disorder and a leading cause of infant mortality. Despite improved survival rates, patients with CHD often face malnutrition due to increased metabolic demands, feeding difficulties, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. Malnutrition in CHD is linked to poor short and long-term clinical outcomes. Gastrostomy (GT) is frequently used for long-term enteral support, and laparoscopic GT (LGT) has demonstrated advantages in children without CHD. This study evaluated a modified Georgeson's percutaneous LGT technique and its perioperative complications in children with CHD.MethodsWe performed an analytical retrospective cohort study from 2018 to 2022, including patients younger than 24 months with a diagnosis of CHD who underwent LGT. The primary outcome evaluated was the presence of complications during surgery and the first thirty postoperative days. Complications were graded using Clavien–Dindo's (CD) classification. Sociodemographic, clinical, and procedure-related variables were collected. A bivariate analysis was performed using STATA 15, and a p &lt; 0.05 was considered statistically significant.ResultsSeventy-eight patients were eligible (male 56.41%, Median age 129.5 days, weight: 4.83 kg). The median surgery time was 35 min. The complication rate was 24.36%. The most frequent complications were GT site infection (10.26%), followed by leakage (8.97%) and granuloma formation (6.41%). Conversion to open surgery was significantly associated with postoperative complications (p = 0.002).ConclusionThis modified technique is well-tolerated in children with CHD, demonstrating a low rate of CD grade 3A/3B complications and no grade 4 or 5 complications

    A study of the dry forest communities in the Dominican Republic

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    This paper is a floristic and phytosociological study of the dry forest communities of the Dominican Republic. A total of 69 relevés in dry forest biotopes were carried out. The samples were subsequently subjected to Detrended Correspondence Analysis for the determination and study of possible groupings. The study does not cover tree formations growing on serpentines, nor the so-called semideciduous forests, peculiar to areas with higher rainfall. A total of nine phytocoenoses were identified. The most significant results led to the description of six new phytosociological associations: Simaroubetum berteroani (thorny dry forest on coastal dunes), Phyllostylo rhamnoidis-Prosopidetum juliflorae (southern Dominican disturbed dry forest), Consoleo moniliformis-Camerarietum linearifoliae (dry forest on hard limestones), Lemaireocereo hystricis-Prosopidetum juliflorae (northern Dominican disturbed dry forest), Lycio americani-Prosopidetum juliflorae (disturbed dry forest on saline soils) and Guettardo ellipticae-Guapiretum discoloris (dry forest on flat-topped hillocks in Montecristi). This is an important step forward in the phytosociological and floristic studies of the Caribbean territories.Este trabalho apresenta um estudo florístico e fitossociológico das comunidades de florestas secas da República Dominicana. Um total de 69 amostras foram obtidas pelo método relevé em biótopos florestais secos. As amostras foram posteriormente submetidas à análise de correspondência destendenciada para a determinação e estudo de possíveis agrupamentos. O estudo não abrange formações arbóreas desenvolvidas sobre serpentinitos, nem as chamadas florestas semideciduais, peculiares às áreas de maior pluviosidade. Foram identificados nove fitocenoses. Os resultados mais significativos levaram à descrição de seis novas associações fitossociológicas: Simaroubetum berteroani (floresta espinhosa seca em dunas costeiras), Phyllostylo rhamnoidis-Prosopidetum juliflorae (floresta seca perturbada do sul da República Dominicana), Consoleo moniliformis-Camerarietum linearifoliae (floresta seca sobre calcários compactos), Lemaireocereo hystricis-Prosopidetum juliflorae (floresta seca perturbada do norte da República Dominicana), Lycio americani-Prosopidetum juliflorae (floresta seca perturbada desenvolvida em solos salinos) Guettardo ellipticae-Guapiretum discoloris (floresta seca em colinas de topo achatado em Montecristi). O trabalho realizado representa um importante avanço nos estudos fitossociológicos e florísticos dos territórios do Caribe.This research paper was possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), under the auspices of the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación de España, which funded the project (cod. A/3499/05)

    A naturalized population of Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula

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    En el presente trabajo se cita una población naturalizada de Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent localizada, por primera vez, en las riberas del rio Tajo (Toledo). Dado el potencial invasor de esta especie se propone la necesidad de su control y vigilanci

    Una población de Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. naturalizada en el interior de la Peninsula Ibérica

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    In the present work, a naturalized population of Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent located, for the first time, in the banks of the Tajo river (Toledo) is mentioned. Given the invasive potential of this species, the need for its control and monitoring is proposed.En el presente trabajo se cita una población naturalizada de Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent localizada, por primera vez, en las riberas del rio Tajo (Toledo). Dado el potencial invasor de esta especie se propone la necesidad de su control y vigilancia

    Una población de Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. naturalizada en el interior de la Peninsula Ibérica

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    In the present work, a naturalized population of Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent located, for the first time, in the banks of the Tajo river (Toledo) is mentioned. Given the invasive potential of this species, the need for its control and monitoring is proposed.En el presente trabajo se cita una población naturalizada de Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent localizada, por primera vez, en las riberas del rio Tajo (Toledo). Dado el potencial invasor de esta especie se propone la necesidad de su control y vigilancia

    Aportaciones al conocimiento de la flora halófila de Andalucía (S. España).

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