124 research outputs found

    La caza en el Solutrense cantábrico: una nueva perspectiva

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    [ES] Este estudio ofrece una revisión crítica de los datos faunísticos solutrenses disponibles hasta este momento para la cornisa cantábrica. Se han valorado dos criterios fundamentales: la contextualización paleoclimática de las muestras faunísticas recientes y la valoración crítica de las muestras faunísticas conservadas desde las antiguas excavaciones. A partir ele estos criterios es posible actualizar con cierta aproximación la dinámica evolutiva de los modelos estratégicos utilizados por los antiguos cazadores solutrenses en el transcurso de los 3.500 años. Esta dinámica contempla constantes modificaciones en las estrategias de caza según variaban las condiciones ambientales, aunque sin existir una vinculación estricta entre los cambios climáticos y faunísticos. En grandes líneas se detectan dos períodos bien distintos. Durante el Laugerie e ínter Laugerie/Lascaux se prefirió una diversificación de los objetivos de caza. Cuando menos desde la segunda mitad del último episodio se decidió establecer los primeros regímenes especializados basados en la caza selectiva de ciervos. Esta nueva dinámica ofrece múltiples posibilidades interpretativas más allá de las anacrónicas versiones establecidas por los estudios arqueozoológicos tradicionales y aporta una nueva perspectiva en la historiografía tradicional sobre la economías paleolíticas cantábricas.[EN] This paper contributes a critical review of the solutrean faunistic record available until this moment for the Cantabrian region. This review was made following two fundamental approaches: the palaeoclimatic contextualization of the newest faunistic samples and the critical valuation of the faunistic samples conserved from the ancient field works. Starting from these approaches it's possible to renoval the view about the evolutionary dynamic of the strategic models used by the old hunters in the course of the 3.500 years of the solutrean occupations with certain approach. This dynamic contemplates constant modifications in the strategies of hunt as the environmental conditions changed, although there is no strict linking between the climatic and faunistic changes. In general, we detected two very different periods. During the Laugerie and Inter Laugerie/ Lascaux was preferred a diversification of the hunted objectives. At least since the second half of the last episode was decided to establish the first specialization in base to the selective deer hunt. This new dynamic offers multiple interpretative possibilities beyond the anachronic versions established by the traditional archaeozoological studies and it gives a new perspective in the traditional historiography on the Cantabrian paleolithic economies

    Apuntes tafonómicos sobre los cazaderos de cabra : las labores de carnicería en el yacimiento de Rascaño (Miera)

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    Este ensayo analiza las actividades de descuartizamiento de los animales reproducidos en las colecciones arqueofaunísticas magdalenienses y azilienses de Rascaño. Se propone un análisis tafonómico comparativo a partir de las diferencias previstas entre las composiciones esqueléticas de ciervos y cabras, tomando en cuenta factores como la utilidad relativa de las distintas partes anatómicas y la conservación ósea diferencial.This paper revises the descuartizamiento activities of animáis recorded in magdalenian and azilian archeofaunal collection in the site of Rascaño. The study propose an comparative taphonomic analysis based on the differences between skeketical pan representation of roe deer and ibex, with taking into account some factors such as the relative utility of different body parts and the biased bone preservation

    La caza en el Paleolítico Superior: nociones claves de la antropología económica aplicada a la Península Ibérica

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    Paleoeconomic research carried out in recent years into Upper Palaeolithic hunting in the Iberian Peninsula would have been impossible without the important contribution of the American Anthropology School. This paper summarizes the history of this research, and the main landmarks in the evolution of hunting strategies and the theoretical context of the principal hypotheses.Las investigaciones paleoeconómicas realizadas los últimos años sobre la caza en el Paleolítico Superior de la Península Ibérica habrían sido incomprensibles sin la relevante participación de la Escuela de Antropología americana. Este artículo resume la historia de aquellas investigaciones, los principales hitos que marcaron la evolución de las estrategias de caza y el contexto teórico de las principales hipótesis

    Revisión cronoestratigráfica de la cueva de la Güelga (Narciandi, Asturias) : del Musteriense al Peleolítico Superior inicial

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    Con este trabajo queremos presentar algunos de los datos más recientes sobre la estratigrafía y la cronología radiométrica de la Cueva de La Güelga (Narciandi, Asturias), con un particular interés por las descripciones sedimentológicas, las industrias y las dataciones cronológicas, en relación con los orígenes del Paleolítico Superior y muy especialmente con el Paleolítico Medio.In this paper we want to present some more recient results related to the stratigraphy and 14C chronology of the La Güelga Cave (Narciandi, Asturias),with major interest about sedimentological descriptions, industries and chronological datations, relationswith the origins of the Upper Paleolithic and speciallywith the Middle Paleolithic.</p

    Artistas y cazadores de ciervos : el papel del ciervo en el arte y la caza del Paleolítico Superior Cantábrico

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    El ciervo fue el animal prioritario en las prácticas de caza para las comunidades paleolíticas cantábricas y al mismo tiempo una de las especies más representadas en el Arte paleolítico. Este artículo propone algunas relaciones sugerentes entre las características ecológicas, su papel dominante en las estrategias de caza y los rasgos iconográficos de la especie durante el Paleolítico superior cantábrico.Red deer was the most important animal species hunted for food by Upper Palaeolithic inhabitants of Cantabrian region and almost it was one of the principal animals in Palaeolithic Art. This paper point out some suggestive relations about special ecological character, dominant role in hunt strategies and ichnographical record of this specie in Cantabrian Upper Paleolitihic.</p

    Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in “La Charca de Suárez” Wetlands, Spain

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    La Charca de Suárez (LCS) is a Protected Nature Reserve encompassing 4 lagoons located 300 m from the Mediterranean coast in southern Spain. LCS is a highly anthropized area, and its conservation is closely linked to the human use of water resources in its surroundings and within the reserve. Different methodologies were applied to determine the hydrodynamics of the lagoons and their connection to the Motril-Salobreña aquifer. Fieldwork was carried out to estimate the water balance of the lagoon complex, the groundwater flow directions, the lagoons-aquifer exchange flow and the hydrochemical characteristics of the water. The study focussed on the changes that take place during dry-wet periods that were detected in a 7-month period when measurements were collected. The lagoons were connected to the aquifer with a flow-through functioning under normal conditions. However, the predominant inlet to the system was the anthropic supply of surface water which fed one of the lagoons and produced changes in its flow pattern. Sea wave storms also altered the hydrodynamic of the lagoon complex and manifested a future threat to the conservation status of the wetland according to predicted climate change scenarios. This research presents the first study on this wetland and reveals the complex hydrological functioning of the system with high spatially and temporally variability controlled by climate conditions and human activity, setting a corner stone for future studies.This study was supported by grant CGL2016-77503-R from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU), and the RNM-369 research group of the regional government of Andalusia

    La industria ósea magdaleniense de Cueva Oscura de Ania (Las Regueras, Asturias). Estudio tecnomorfológico y cronoestratigrafía

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    Cueva Oscura de Ania (Las Regueras, Asturias) is a site with Magdalenian and Azilian levels. Excavated between 7975 and 1980, most of its archaeological record has remained practically unpublished. The present paper presents the results of the study of Magdalenian bone and antler assemblage, one of the largest known for Cantabrian Magdalenian, with 309 items. The typological and technical analysis of this assemblage shows that there are at least two archaeological phases: Developed Middle Magdalenian and Middle Magdalenian/Upper Magdalenian transition or Lower Upper Magdalenian. These archaeological remains have a chronology between Bölling/Cantábrico VII and Dryas Il/Cantábrico VI paleoclimatological phases.Cueva Oscura de Ania (Las Regueras, Asturias) cuenta con un yacimiento que abarca Magdaleniense y Aziliense. Excavado entre 1975 y 1980, el registro arqueológico de la Cueva ha permanecido prácticamente inédito hasta la fecha. El presente trabajo ofrece resultados del estudio tecnomorfológico del conjunto óseo magdaleniense, uno de los más numerosos para este tecnocomplejo en la Cornisa Cantábrica, con 309 piezas. El espectro tipológico y técnico muestra que representa dos horizontes industriales: Magdaleniense medio evolucionado y la transición Magdaleniense medio/Superior o Magdaleniense superior inicial. Desde un punto de vista cronoestratigráfico, se sitúa entre Böiling/ Cantábrico VI y Dryas Il/Cantábrico VII

    Vitamin D Endocrine System and COVID-19. Treatment with Calcifediol

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is the greatest challenge facing modern medicine and public health systems. The viral evolution of SARS-CoV-2, with the emergence of new variants with in-creased infectious potential, is a cause for concern. In addition, vaccination coverage remains in-sufficient worldwide. Therefore, there is a need to develop new therapeutic options, and/or to optimize the repositioning of drugs approved for other indications for COVID-19. This may include the use of calcifediol, the prohormone of the vitamin D endocrine system (VDES) as it may have potential useful effects for the treatment of COVID-19. We review the aspects associating COVID-19 with VDES and the potential use of calcifediol in COVID-19. VDES/VDR stimulation may enhance innate antiviral effector mechanisms, facilitating the induction of antimicrobial peptides/autophagy, with a critical modulatory role in the subsequent host reactive hyperinflammatory phase during COVID-19: By decreasing the cytokine/chemokine storm, regulating the renin–angiotensin–bradykinin system (RAAS), modulating neutrophil activity and maintaining the integrity of the pulmonary epithelial barrier, stimulating epithelial repair, and directly and indirectly decreasing the increased coagulability and prothrombotic tendency associated with severe COVID-19 and its complications. Available evidence suggests that VDES/VDR stimulation, while maintaining optimal serum 25OHD status, in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection may significantly reduce the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and severe COVID-19, with possible beneficial effects on the need for mechanical ventilation and/or intensive care unit (ICU) admission, as well as deaths in the course of the disease. The pharmacokinetic and functional characteristics of calcifediol give it superiority in rapidly optimizing 25OHD levels in COVID-19. A pilot study and several observational intervention studies using high doses of calcifediol (0.532 mg on day 1 and 0.266 mg on days 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28) dramatically decreased the need for ICU admission and the mortality rate. We, therefore, propose to use calcifediol at the doses described for the rapid correction of 25OHD deficiency in all patients in the early stages of COVID-19, in association, if necessary, with the new oral antiviral agents

    Colon cancer therapy with calcium phosphate nanoparticles loading bioactive compounds from Euphorbia lathyris: In vitro and in vivo assay

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    Amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles (ACP NPs) exhibit excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability properties. ACP NPs were functionalized with two coumarin compounds (esculetin and euphorbetin) extracted from Euphorbia lathyris seeds (BC-ACP NPs) showing high loading capacity (0.03% and 0.34% (w/w) for esculetin and euphorbetin, respectively) and adsorption efficiency (2.6% and 33.5%, respectively). BC-ACP NPs, no toxic to human blood cells, showed a more selective cytotoxicity against colorectal cancer (CRC) cells (T-84 cells) (IC50, 71.42 μg/ml) compared to non-tumor (CCD18) cells (IC50, 420.77 μg/ml). Both, the inhibition of carbonic anhydrase and autophagic cell death appeared to be involved in their action mechanism. Interestingly, in vivo treatment with BC-ACPs NPs using two different models of CRC induction showed a significant reduction in tumor volume (62%) and a significant decrease in the number and size of polyps. A poor development of tumor vasculature and invasion of normal tissue were also observed. Moreover, treatment increased the bacterial population of Akkermansia by restoring antioxidant systems in the colonic mucosa of mice. These results show a promising pathway to design innovative and more efficient therapies against CRC based on biomimetic calcium phosphate NPs loaded with natural products.Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission PTQ-17-09172 RTC-2017-6540-1 RTI2018-100934-B-I00 RTC2019-006870-1 RYC2016-21042Junta de Andalucia FEDER program P18-TP-1420 A-CTS666-UGR20 B-CTS-122-UGR20 P18-HO-3882 P18-TP-0969Andalusian Government AGR145 FQM-368 CTS-10