53 research outputs found

    Tesis doctorals i treballs de recerca universitaris sobre comunicació als Països Catalans, 1954-1996 : aproximació bibliomètrica

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    Aquí es presenta, per primera vegada, una anàlisi bibliomètrica sobre els treballs acadèmics especialitzats en comunicació realitzats a les universitats i escoles de grau superior dels Països Catalans, o bé presentats per autors d'aquest territori a d'altres centres acadèmics de la resta de l'Estat o de l'estranger. S'analitzen quantitativament totes les tesis doctorals, tesis de mestratge, treballs de doctorat, tesis de llicenciatura i tesines fi de carrera defensades públicament davant tribunals acadèmics des de 1954, data de la primera recerca localitzada. També s'hi inclou un llistat exhaustiu amb les dades bàsiques de 285 tesis doctorals.This first bibliometric analysis of academic publications on communication includes both those research papers presented at Catalan universities and schools of higher education and those presented by Catalan authors at universities and schools outside of Catalonia. The authors provide a quantitative analysis of all doctoral dissertations, master's theses, doctoral research projects, and final term papers which were publicly defended before academic boards between 1954 (the date of the earliest project located by the authors) and 1996. The authors also include a complete list with basic information on 285 doctoral dissertations

    Las revistas digitales académicas españolas de Documentación: análisis de las existentes y propuesta de modelo

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    In this text, Spanish academic e-journals are analyzed, and proposal of definition and a model of e-journal are presented

    La gamificación en juego: percepción de los estudiantes sobre un escape room educativo en el aula de español como lengua extranjera

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    INTRODUCCIÓN. Los escape rooms son actualmente un entretenimiento muy popular y se ha demostrado, además, que ofrecen numerosos beneficios en otros campos como la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Dentro del ámbito de la gamificación, los juegos de escape se comprenden como adecuados para paliar actitudes negativas y promover la comunicación, el trabajo en equipo, la cooperación y el desarrollo de un aprendizaje significativo acorde a las necesidades e intereses del alumnado. MÉTODO y OBJETIVOS. Este estudio, de carácter exploratorio, tiene como objetivos conocer qué valoración hacen los alumnos sobre un escape room educativo tras participar en él y qué elementos les han suscitado más aprendizaje en el marco de la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera (ELE), y además pretende poner de manifiesto el valor de los escape rooms como estrategia metodológica adecuada para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de ELE. RESULTADOS. El análisis de los cuestionarios de percepción demuestra que los alumnos valoran positivamente el escape room educativo como herramienta y como propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de ELE. CONCLUSIÓN. Los alumnos valoran positivamente la participación en la experiencia didáctica y consideran que han aprendido significativamente, sobre todo en relación con el desarrollo de la comprensión y los contenidos tratados sobre la cultura hispanoamericana

    SARS-CoV-2 accessory protein 7b forms homotetramers in detergent

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    A global pandemic is underway caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The SARS-CoV-2 genome, like its predecessor SARS-CoV, contains open reading frames that encode accessory proteins involved in virus-host interactions active during infection and which likely contribute to pathogenesis. One of these accessory proteins is 7b, with only 44 (SARS-CoV) and 43 (SARS-CoV-2) residues. It has one predicted transmembrane domain fully conserved, which suggests a functional role, whereas most variability is contained in the predicted cytoplasmic C-terminus. In SARS-CoV, 7b protein is expressed in infected cells, and the transmembrane domain was necessary and sufficient for Golgi localization. Also, anti-p7b antibodies have been found in the sera of SARS-CoV convalescent patients. In the present study, we have investigated the hypothesis that SARS-2 7b protein forms oligomers with ion channel activity. We show that in both SARS viruses 7b is almost completely α-helical and has a single transmembrane domain. In SDS, 7b forms various oligomers, from monomers to tetramers, but only monomers when exposed to reductants. Combination of SDS gel electrophoresis and analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) in both equilibrium and velocity modes suggests a dimer-tetramer equilibrium, but a monomer–dimer–tetramer equilibrium in the presence of reductant. This data suggests that although disulfide-linked dimers may be present, they are not essential to form tetramers. Inclusion of pentamers or higher oligomers in the SARS-2 7b model were detrimental to fit quality. Preliminary models of this association was generated with AlphaFold2, and two alternative models were exposed to a molecular dynamics simulation in presence of a model lipid membrane. However, neither of the two models provided any evident pathway for ions. To confirm this, SARS-2 p7b was studied using Planar Bilayer Electrophysiology. Addition of p7b to model membranes produced occasional membrane permeabilization, but this was not consistent with bona fide ion channels made of a tetrameric assembly of α-helices

    Channel-Inactivating Mutations and Their Revertant Mutants in the Envelope Protein of Infectious Bronchitis Virus

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    It has been shown previously in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) that two point mutations, N15A and V25F, in the transmembrane domain (TMD) of the envelope (E) protein abolished channel activity and led to in vivo attenuation. Pathogenicity was recovered in mutants that also regained E protein channel activity. In particular, V25F was rapidly compensated by changes at multiple V25F-facing TMD residues located on a neighboring monomer, consistent with a recovery of oligomerization. Here, we show using infected cells that the same mutations, T16A and A26F, in the gamma-CoV infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) lead to, in principle, similar results. However, IBV E A26F did not abolish oligomer formation and was compensated by mutations at N- and C-terminal extramembrane domains (EMDs). The C-terminal EMD mutations clustered along an insertion sequence specific to gamma-CoVs. Nuclear magnetic resonance data are consistent with the presence of only one TMD in IBV E, suggesting that recovery of channel activity and fitness in these IBV E revertant mutants is through an allosteric interaction between EMDs and TMD. The present results are important for the development of IBV live attenuated vaccines when channel-inactivating mutations are introduced in the E protein. IMPORTANCE The ion channel activity of SARS-CoV E protein is a determinant of virulence, and abolishment of channel activity leads to viral attenuation. E deletion may be a strategy for generating live attenuated vaccines but can trigger undesirable compensatory mechanisms through modifications of other viral proteins to regain virulence. Therefore, a more suitable approach may be to introduce small but critical attenuating mutations. For this, the stability of attenuating mutations should be examined to understand the mechanisms of reversion. Here, we show that channel-inactivating mutations of the avian infectious bronchitis virus E protein introduced in a recombinant virus system are deficient in viral release and fitness and that revertant mutations also restored channel activity. Unexpectedly, most of the revertant mutations appeared at extramembrane domains, particularly along an insertion specific for gammacoronaviruses. Our structural data propose a single transmembrane domain in IBV E, suggesting an allosteric interaction between extramembrane and transmembrane domains

    Effect of ball screen and one-on-one on the level of opposition and effectiveness of shots in the ACB

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    In light of the importance of shots on the final result in basketball matches, this research aims to reveal the predictive ability of variables associated with different game actions (ball screen, one-on-one near the basket and one-on-one far away from the basket), shot zone (near to or far from the basket) and players' position (outside or inside) of the success of shots and of the type of shot, defended or not defended, in three seasons (2014 to 2016) of the Copa del Rey in the ACB (Asociación de Clubes de Baloncesto) League in Spain. Observational methodology was used, and an ad hoc instrument was created using Lince software. The study was conducted on a total of 7695 game actions, of which an analysis of 877 shots was made using CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) classification trees. The results obtained in this research have led us to the following conclusions: (a) the most important variable in the success of shots is to find "open shots", regardless of the game action, (b) one-on-one actions outside and inside the zone have a clear connection to the finishes of the plays and end up in defended shots, (c) shots by ball screen lead to more open shots than in one-on-one and (d) play with passes may facilitate to find "open shots". These results can be of interest for coaches to prepare their teams in the best possible way, but they must be interpreted with caution as the sample was very specific (Copa del Rey in the ACB League) and, therefore, it is necessary to continue investigating this topic in other competition contexts

    Traditional Sporting Games as an emotional induction procedure

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    Experimental designs to induct emotional states have frequently used still procedures. However, more naturalistic methods of emotional induction by letting participants move and interact freely with other participants should be considered. Traditional Sporting Games (TSG) have the above-mentioned characteristics. The general aim of this study was to determine whether the different roles which allowed executing ambivalent interactions induced different emotional states in college students. We developed three studies with three paradoxical TSG (Sitting Ball Game, Four Corners Game, and Pitcher's Game). Before beginning to play, all the participants answered the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) in a mood version. After playing, participants were asked to report retrospectively the emotional state they were feeling in each role of the game, responding to the Self-Assessment Manikin, PANAS, and Games and Emotion Scale-II. Statistical analyses were performed by ANOVA, calculating corresponding effect sizes. Consistently, but specifically, in each game, roles still induced less positive and more negative emotions. Regarding the active roles, more positive and less negative emotions were kindled when the role allowed catching other players. On the contrary, when developing an active role that implied an increased likelihood of being caught, more negative and less positive emotions were experienced. We found some significant interaction effects between the moods and the role played before playing. To conclude, TSG could be an adequate procedure to induct emotional states and to study emotional conditions in a naturalistic way, showing ecological validity

    Health-promoting properties of oleocanthal and oleacein: two secoiridoids from extra-virgin olive oil

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) polyphenols, including the secoiridoids oleocanthal (OLC) and oleacein (OLE), are attracting attention because of their beneficial effects on health. Data on OLC and OLE bioavailability are scarce, as most research on EVOO polyphenols has concentrated on hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, and oleuropein. Consequently, relevant goals for future research are the elucidation of OLC and OLE bioavailability and finding evidence for their beneficial effects through pre-clinical and clinical studies. The aim of this review is to shed light on OLC and OLE, focusing on their precursors in the olive fruit and the impact of agronomic and processing factors on their presence in EVOO. Also discussed are their bioavailability and absorption, and finally, their bioactivity and health-promoting properties

    Through the Looking Glass: Technological Characterization of Roman Glasses Mimicking Precious Stones from the Gorga Collection (Museo Nazionale Romano—Palazzo Altemps)

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    This paper provides a detailed technological characterization of the Roman opus sectile glasses (second century AD) coming from the renowned Gorga collection. Nine glass samples corresponding to imitations of the porfido verde antico, cipollino rosso, rosso antico, giallo antico, diaspro nero e giallo, semesanto and agate/alabaster stones were studied. The aim of this study was twofold: (i) archaeometric, i.e., to provide valuable data on the production, raw materials and techniques of these refined Roman glasses that mimic precious stones and (ii) methodological, i.e., to highlight the good performance of combining polished thin sections and local probe measurements for the study of glassy microstructures. Based on the nature of the flux used, the glasses from the samples were classified as either natron-type or mixed-type (natron/plant ash). The latter stem from remelted glasses and contain relict grains of wollastonite that were not found in the pure natron samples. Relict wollastonite crystals appear to be a proficient petrographic marker to spot recycled glasses along with the commonly used chemical fingerprints. Different production and colouring techniques were identified, even for a given type of imitated stone. Metallic Cu, Ca antimonates and Pb-Fe antimonates were the three opacifiers used for the opaque glasses. Based on the crystal morphologies, metallic Cu and Ca antimoniates were possibly synthesized in situ simultaneously with the glass, whilst the Pb-Fe antimonates were prepared ex situ. The working temperatures for these glasses were estimated within the 900–1100 °C range based on the presence and known thermal stability of some identified crystal phases