54 research outputs found

    Control of Phytoplankton Growth by Iron and Silicic Acid Availability in the Subantarctic Ocean: Experimental Results From the SAZ Project

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    Subantarctic Southern Ocean surface waters in the austral summer and autumn are characterized by high concentrations of nitrate and phosphate but low concentrations of dissolved iron (Fe, similar to0.05 nM) and silicic acid (Si, \u3c1 muM). During the Subantarctic Zone AU9706 cruise in March 1998 we investigated the relative importance of Fe and Si in controlling phytoplankton growth and species composition at a station within the subantarctic water mass (46.8degreesS, 142degreesE) using shipboard bottle incubation experiments. Treatments included unamended controls; 1.9 nM added iron (+Fe); 9 muM added silicic acid (+Si); and 1.9 nM addediron plus 9 muM added silicic acid (+Fe+Si). We followed a detailed set of biological and biogeochemical parameters over 8 days. Fe added alone clearly increased community growth rates and nitrate drawdown and altered algal community composition relative to control treatments. Surprisingly, small, lightly silicified pennate diatoms grew when Fe was added either with or without Si, despite the extremely low ambient silicic acid concentrations. Pigment analyses suggest that lightly silicified chrysophytes (type 4 haptophytes) may have preferentially responded to Si added either with or without Fe. However, for many of the parameters measured the +Fe+Si treatments showed large increases relative to both the +Fe and +Si treatments. Our results suggest that iron is the proximate limiting nutrient for chlorophyll production, photosynthetic efficiency, nitrate drawdown, and diatom growth, but that Si also exerts considerable control over algal growth and species composition. Both nutrients together are needed to elicit a maximum growth response, suggesting that both Fe and Si play important roles in structuring the subantarctic phytoplankton community

    Arctic Oceanography - Oceanography: Atmosphere-Ocean Exchange, Biogeochemistry & Physics

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    The Arctic Ocean is, on average, the shallowest of Earth’s oceans. Its vast continental shelf areas, which account for approximately half of the Arctic Ocean’s total area, are heavily influenced by the surrounding land masses through river run-off and coastal erosion. As a main area of deep water formation, the Arctic is one of the main «engines» of global ocean circulation, due to large freshwater inputs, it is also strongly stratified. The Arctic Ocean’s complex oceanographic configuration is tightly linked to the atmosphere, the land, and the cryosphere. The physical dynamics not only drive important climate and global circulation patterns, but also control biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem dynamics. Current changes in Arctic sea-ice thickness and distribution, air and water temperatures, and water column stability are resulting in measurable shifts in the properties and functioning of the ocean and its ecosystems. The Arctic Ocean is forecast to shift to a seasonally ice-free ocean resulting in changes to physical, chemical, and biological processes. These include the exchange of gases across the atmosphere-ocean interface, the wind-driven ciruclation and mixing regimes, light and nutrient availability for primary production, food web dynamics, and export of material to the deep ocean. In anticipation of these changes, extending our knowledge of the present Arctic oceanography and these complex changes has never been more urgent

    Replication, Pathogenesis and Transmission of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus in Non-Immune Pigs

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    The declaration of the human influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (H1N1/09) raised important questions, including origin and host range [1,2]. Two of the three pandemics in the last century resulted in the spread of virus to pigs (H1N1, 1918; H3N2, 1968) with subsequent independent establishment and evolution within swine worldwide [3]. A key public and veterinary health consideration in the context of the evolving pandemic is whether the H1N1/09 virus could become established in pig populations [4]. We performed an infection and transmission study in pigs with A/California/07/09. In combination, clinical, pathological, modified influenza A matrix gene real time RT-PCR and viral genomic analyses have shown that infection results in the induction of clinical signs, viral pathogenesis restricted to the respiratory tract, infection dynamics consistent with endemic strains of influenza A in pigs, virus transmissibility between pigs and virus-host adaptation events. Our results demonstrate that extant H1N1/09 is fully capable of becoming established in global pig populations. We also show the roles of viral receptor specificity in both transmission and tissue tropism. Remarkably, following direct inoculation of pigs with virus quasispecies differing by amino acid substitutions in the haemagglutinin receptor-binding site, only virus with aspartic acid at position 225 (225D) was detected in nasal secretions of contact infected pigs. In contrast, in lower respiratory tract samples from directly inoculated pigs, with clearly demonstrable pulmonary pathology, there was apparent selection of a virus variant with glycine (225G). These findings provide potential clues to the existence and biological significance of viral receptor-binding variants with 225D and 225G during the 1918 pandemic [5]

    Control of Phytoplankton Growth by Iron Supply and Irradiance in the Subantarctic Southern Ocean: Experimental Results From the SAZ Project

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    The influence of irradiance and Fe supply on phytoplankton processes was studied, north (47°S, 142°E) and south (54°S, 142°E) of the Subantarctic Front in austral autumn (March 1998). At both sites, resident cells exhibited nutrient stress (Fv/Fm 0 at 47°S and 9% I0 at 54°S because of MLDs of 40 (47°S) and 90 m (54°S), when these stations were occupied. The greater MLD at 54°S is reflected by tenfold higher cellular chlorophyll a levels in the resident phytoplankton. In the 47°S experiment, chlorophyll a levels increased to \u3e1 μg/L-1 only in the high-Fe treatments, regardless of irradiance levels, suggesting Fe limitation. This trend was also noted for cell abundances, silica production, and carbon fixation rates. In contrast, in the 54°S experiment there were increases in chlorophyll a (to \u3e2 μg/L-1), cell abundances, silica production, and carbon fixation only in the high-light treatments to which Fe had been added, suggesting that Fe and irradiance limit algal growth rates. Irradiance by altering algal Fe quotas is a key determinant of algal growth rate at 54°S (when silicic acid levels are nonlimiting); however, because of the integral nature of Fe/light colimitation and the restricted nature of the current data set, it was not possible to ascertain the relative contributions of Fe and irradiance to the control of phytoplankton growth. On the basis of a climatology of summer mean MLD for subantarctic (SA) waters south of Australia the 47° and 54°S sites appear to represent minimum and maximum MLDs, where Fe and Fe/irradiance, respectively, may limit/colimit algal growth. The implications for changes in the factors limiting algal growth with season in SA waters are discussed

    Limitation of Algal Growth by Iron Deficiency in the Australian Subantarctic Region

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    In March 1998 we measured iron in the upper water column and conducted iron- and nutrient-enrichment bottle-incubation experiments in the open-ocean Subantarctic region southwest of Tasmania, Australia. In the Subtropical Convergence Zone (∼42°S, 142°E), silicic acid concentrations were low (\u3c 1.5μM) in the upper water column, whereas pronounced vertical gradients in dissolved iron concentration (0.12-0.84 nM) were observed., presumably reflecting the interleaving of Subtropical and Subantarctic waters, and mineral aerosol input. Results of a bottle-incubation experiment performed at this location indicate that phytoplankton growth rates were limited by iron deficiency within the iron-poor layer of the euphotic zone. In the Subantarctic water mass (∼46.8°S, 142°E), low concentrations of dissolved iron (0.05-0.11nM) and silicic acid (\u3c 1μM) were measured throughout the upper water column, and our experimental results indicate that algal growth was limited by iron deficiency. These observations suggest that availability of dissolved iron is a primary factor limiting phytoplankton growth over much of the Subantarctic Southern Ocean in the late summer and autumn

    Optimizing EDELWEISS detectors for low-mass WIMP searches

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    The physics potential of EDELWEISS detectors for the search of low-mass weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) is studied. Using a data-driven background model, projected exclusion limits are computed using frequentist and multivariate analysis approaches, namely, profile likelihood and boosted decision tree. Both current and achievable experimental performances are considered. The optimal strategy for detector optimization depends critically on whether the emphasis is put on WIMP masses below or above ∼5  GeV/c2. The projected sensitivity for the next phase of the EDELWEISS-III experiment at the Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM) for low-mass WIMP search is presented. By 2018 an upper limit on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section of σSI=7×10−42  cm2 is expected for a WIMP mass in the range 2–5  GeV/c2. The requirements for a future hundred-kilogram-scale experiment designed to reach the bounds imposed by the coherent scattering of solar neutrinos are also described. By improving the ionization resolution down to 50  eVee, we show that such an experiment installed in an even lower background environment (e.g., at SNOLAB) together with an exposure of 1000   kg⋅yr, should allow us to observe about 80 8B neutrino events after discrimination

    Complete event-by-event α/γ(β) separation in a full-size TeO2 CUORE bolometer by simultaneous heat and light detection

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    The CUORE project began recently a search for neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) of 130^{130}Te with a O\mathcal{O}(1 ton) TeO2_2 bolometer array. In this experiment, the background suppression relies essentially on passive shielding, material radiopurity and anti-coincidences. The lack of particle identification in CUORE makes α\alpha decays at the detector surface the dominant background, at the level of \sim0.01 counts/(keV kg y) in the region of interest (QQ-value of 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta of the order of 2.5 MeV). In the present work we demonstrate, for the first time with a CUORE-size (5×\times5×\times5 cm) TeO2_2 bolometer and using the same technology as CUORE for the readout of the bolometric signals, an efficient α\alpha particle discrimination (99.9\%) with a high acceptance of the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta signal (about 96\%). This unprecedented result was possible thanks to the superior performance (10 eV RMS baseline noise) of a Neganov-Luke-assisted germanium bolometer used to detect a tiny (70 eV) light signal dominated by γ\gamma(β\beta)-induced Cherenkov radiation in the TeO2_2 detector. The obtained results represent a major breakthrough towards the TeO2_2-based version of CUPID, a ton-scale cryogenic 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta experiment proposed as a follow-up to CUORE with particle identification

    Measurement of the cosmogenic activation of germanium detectors in EDELWEISS-III

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    International audienceWe present a measurement of the cosmogenic activation in the germanium cryogenic detectors of the EDELWEISS III direct dark matter search experiment. The decay rates measured in detectors with different exposures to cosmic rays above ground are converted into production rates of different isotopes. The measured production rates in units of nuclei/kg/day are 82 ±\pm 21 for 3^3H, 2.8 ±\pm 0.6 for 49^{49}V, 4.6 ±\pm 0.7 for 55^{55}Fe, and 106 ±\pm 13 for 65^{65}Zn. These results are the most accurate for these isotopes. A lower limit on the production rate of 68^{68}Ge of 74 nuclei/kg/day is also presented. They are compared to model predictions present in literature and to estimates calculated with the ACTIVIA code