37 research outputs found
Critical Pedagogy in Classroom Discourse
The classroom is a unique discursive space for the enactment of critical pedagogy. In some ways, all classroom discourse is critical because it is inherently political, and at the heart of critical pedagogy is an implicit understanding that power is negotiated daily by teachers and students. Historically, critical pedagogy is rooted in schools of thought that have emphasized the individual and the self in relation and in contrast to society, sociocultural and ideological forces, and economic factors and social progress. In addressing conceptualizations in Orthodox Marxism (with Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim) in the mid-19th century and the Frankfurt School (with Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrich Pollock, Leo Lowenthal, and Walter Benjamin), contemporary critical theory still embodies the concept of false consciousness, the idea that institutional processes and material mislead people, and the internalization of values and norms, which induce people to act and behave according to what it is expected in society (Agger 1991). The problem of domination (which cannot be reduced to oppression, nor is it akin to it), a complex understanding of how social structures mediate power relations to create different forms of alienation (Morrow and Brown 1994), mainly depicts the reproduction of social struggles, inequities, and power differences, reflecting some of the main aspects of critical pedagogy classrooms.
Theoretically, critical pedagogy in classroom discourse embodies the practice of engaging students in the social construction of knowledge, which grounds its pillars on power relations. In utilizing critical pedagogy in the classroom, teachers must question their own practices in the process to construct knowledge and why the main knowledge is legitimized by the dominant culture. Moreover, through emancipatory knowledge (Habermas 1981) educators draw practical and technical knowledge together, creating a space for understanding the relations of power and privilege that manipulate and distort social relationships. In the end, participants in critical pedagogy classrooms are encouraged to engage in collective action, founded on the principles of social justice, equality, and empowerment (McLaren 2009).
In literacy studies, the discourse of critical pedagogy embodies the emancipatory force that challenges the idea of literacy as not being politically neutral, observing that with literacy comes perspectives and interpretations that are ultimately political (Gee 2008). In using literacy as a skill to prepare individuals to “read the word” and “read the world” (in Freirean terms), classroom discourse adds to the idea of learning the ability to decipher symbols and acquire the academic language to empower participants in their contexts, calling educators to open spaces for marginalized students to voice their struggles in political, social, and economic spheres. Freire (1985) defends the idea that literacy in itself does not empower those who live in oppressive conditions, but it must be linked to a critical understanding of the social context and action to change such conditions. In these terms, Auerbach (1995) refers to critical literacies as the “rhetoric of strengths’” (644) for focusing on cultural sensitivity, celebration of diversity, and empowerment of parents, and she also highlights that empowerment is not regarded in individual terms but in social terms (655). An essential aspect of critical pedagogy in literacy learning includes the ongoing recognition of the power relationships amongst individuals who are involved in education, such as the power dynamics within family, classrooms, programs, and institutions. Street (1990) also argues that the failure of literacy campaigns reflects the non-consideration of significant aspects of literacy practices by those more powerful outsiders such as teachers, administrators, and politicians
Critical Pedagogy in Classroom Discourse
The classroom is a unique discursive space for the enactment of critical pedagogy. In some ways, all classroom discourse is critical because it is inherently political, and at the heart of critical pedagogy is an implicit understanding that power is negotiated daily by teachers and students. Historically, critical pedagogy is rooted in schools of thought that have emphasized the individual and the self in relation and in contrast to society, sociocultural and ideological forces, and economic factors and social progress. In addressing conceptualizations in Orthodox Marxism (with Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim) in the mid-19th century and the Frankfurt School (with Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrich Pollock, Leo Lowenthal, and Walter Benjamin), contemporary critical theory still embodies the concept of false consciousness, the idea that institutional processes and material mislead people, and the internalization of values and norms, which induce people to act and behave according to what it is expected in society (Agger 1991). The problem of domination (which cannot be reduced to oppression, nor is it akin to it), a complex understanding of how social structures mediate power relations to create different forms of alienation (Morrow and Brown 1994), mainly depicts the reproduction of social struggles, inequities, and power differences, reflecting some of the main aspects of critical pedagogy classrooms.
Theoretically, critical pedagogy in classroom discourse embodies the practice of engaging students in the social construction of knowledge, which grounds its pillars on power relations. In utilizing critical pedagogy in the classroom, teachers must question their own practices in the process to construct knowledge and why the main knowledge is legitimized by the dominant culture. Moreover, through emancipatory knowledge (Habermas 1981) educators draw practical and technical knowledge together, creating a space for understanding the relations of power and privilege that manipulate and distort social relationships. In the end, participants in critical pedagogy classrooms are encouraged to engage in collective action, founded on the principles of social justice, equality, and empowerment (McLaren 2009).
In literacy studies, the discourse of critical pedagogy embodies the emancipatory force that challenges the idea of literacy as not being politically neutral, observing that with literacy comes perspectives and interpretations that are ultimately political (Gee 2008). In using literacy as a skill to prepare individuals to “read the word” and “read the world” (in Freirean terms), classroom discourse adds to the idea of learning the ability to decipher symbols and acquire the academic language to empower participants in their contexts, calling educators to open spaces for marginalized students to voice their struggles in political, social, and economic spheres. Freire (1985) defends the idea that literacy in itself does not empower those who live in oppressive conditions, but it must be linked to a critical understanding of the social context and action to change such conditions. In these terms, Auerbach (1995) refers to critical literacies as the “rhetoric of strengths’” (644) for focusing on cultural sensitivity, celebration of diversity, and empowerment of parents, and she also highlights that empowerment is not regarded in individual terms but in social terms (655). An essential aspect of critical pedagogy in literacy learning includes the ongoing recognition of the power relationships amongst individuals who are involved in education, such as the power dynamics within family, classrooms, programs, and institutions. Street (1990) also argues that the failure of literacy campaigns reflects the non-consideration of significant aspects of literacy practices by those more powerful outsiders such as teachers, administrators, and politicians
El serviscape en la experiencia del usuario : evaluación de percepciones en servicios de conserjería hospitalaria
Acredita-se que a conciergeria hospitalar pode trazer incremento e proporcionar uma melhoria nos serviços prestados. Por fazer parte da experiência do usuário durante a internação em um hospital, o serviço e o ambiente oferecido desempenham importante papel, uma vez que podem impactar no processo de restabelecimento da saúde do paciente. Sendo assim, a atenção à percepção do usuário quanto ao serviço prestado, bem como a identificação de melhorias no serviço oferecido a partir dessas percepções se faz necessária. O presente trabalho objetiva avaliar a percepção dos pacientes sobre as evidências físicas e elementos intangíveis do ambiente de serviços (servicescape) na sua experiência com entrega dos serviços de conciergeriahospitalar, a fim de apontar melhorias na unidade de internação avaliada. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um frameworkque integra a abordagem do service blueprintda experiência à abordagem do servicescapenas evidências físicas, a partir do qual foi estruturado um questionário aplicado a 100 pacientes e/ou cuidadores (usuários do serviço) para avaliação de percepção dos pacientes, em uma unidade de internação clínico cirúrgica. Os resultados indicam para quais atributos avaliados (tangíveis e intangíveis) os usuários atribuíram nota média mais elevada, indicando maior importância na percepção da avaliação da qualidade do serviço prestado e, em contrapartida, para quais atributos foram atribuídas as menores notas médias, exigindo-se nesses últimos alguma mudança para melhoria na percepção dos usuários do serviço.It’s believed that the hospital concierge can bring increment and provide an improvement in the services provided. As part of the user experience during hospitalization in a hospital, the service and the environment offered play an important role, since they can impact the process of restoring the patient's health. Therefore, attention to the user's perception of the service provided, as well as the identification of improvements in the service offered based on these perceptions, is necessary. The present study aims to evaluate patients' perception of physical evidence and intangible elements of the service environment in their experience with the delivery of hospital concierge services, in order to point out improvements in the inpatient unit evaluated. Forthis, a framework was developed that integrates the service blueprint approach of experience with the approach of the servicescape in physical evidence, from which a questionnaire was structured applied to 100 patients and/or caregivers (service users) toassess the perception of patients. patients in a clinical surgical inpatient unit. The results indicate for which attributes evaluated (tangible and intangible) the users attributed the highest average score, indicating greater importance in the perception of the evaluation of the quality of the service provided and, on the other hand, for which attributes were attributed the lowest average scores, requiring in the latter some changes to improve the perception of service users.Se cree que la conserjería del hospital puede aportar un incremento y una mejora en los servicios prestados. Como parte de la experiencia del usuario durante la hospitalización en un hospital,el servicio y el ambiente ofrecido juegan un papel importante, ya que pueden impactar en el proceso de restauración de la salud del paciente. Por tanto, es necesaria la atención a la percepción del usuario sobre el servicio prestado, así como la identificación de mejoras en el servicio ofrecido en base a estas percepciones. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la percepción de los pacientes sobre las evidencias físicas y los elementos intangibles del entorno de servicio en su experiencia con la prestación de servicios de conserjería hospitalaria, con el fin de señalar mejoras en la unidad de hospitalización evaluada. Para ello, se desarrolló un frameworkque integra el enfoque service blueprint de experiencia con el enfoque servicescape en evidencia física, a partir del cual se estructuró un cuestionario aplicado a 100 pacientes y/o cuidadores (usuarios del servicio) para evaluar la percepción de los pacientes. pacientes en una unidad de hospitalización clínica quirúrgica. Los resultados indican aqué atributos evaluados (tangibles e intangibles) los usuarios atribuyeron la puntuación media más alta, indicando mayor importancia en la percepción de la evaluación de la calidad del servicio prestado y, por otro lado, a qué atributos se les atribuyó lamenor puntuación. puntajes promedio, requiriendo en este último algunos cambios para mejorar la percepción de los usuarios del servicio
Custos das autorizações de internação hospitalar por quedas de idosos no Sistema Único de Saúde, Brasil, 2000-2020: um estudo descritivo
Objective: To describe the costs of hospital admission authorizations (HAA) for falls of elderly within the Unified Health System (SUS), in Brazil. Methods: Descriptive study of costs based on data from the SUS Hospital Information System, through HAA resulting from falls of elderly people aged 60 years and over, in the period 2000 to 2020. Descriptive analyzes were performed and the measurement of costs was carried out by macro-costing. Results: A total of 1,746,097 HAA for falls of elderly were registered, with a cost of R 2.315.395.702,75. La proporción de costos de hospitalización fue mayor entre los ancianos de 80 años o más (36,9%), entre las mujeres (60,4%) y en la región Sudeste (57,3%). La duración media de la estancia hospitalaria osciló entre 5,2 y 7,5 días. Conclusión: Los altos costos revelan la necesidad de invertir en medidas más efectivas para prevenir y mitigar los daños derivados de las caídas de ancianos.Objetivo: Descrever os custos das autorizações de internação hospitalar (AIH) por quedas de idosos no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo descritivo de custos, realizado a partir do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS, por meio das AIHs decorrentes de quedas de idosos (60 anos ou mais), no período de 2000 a 2020. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e mensurados os custos, por macrocusteio. Resultados: Foram registradas 1.746.097 AIHs por quedas de idosos, somando custos de R$ 2.315.395.702,75. A proporção de custos de internações foi maior entre aqueles com 80 anos ou mais (36,9%), mulheres (60,4%) e região Sudeste do país (57,3%). A média de permanência das internações variou de 5,2 a 7,5 dias. Conclusão: Os elevados custos identificados revelam a necessidade de investimentos em medidas mais efetivas, para prevenir e mitigar os danos decorrentes das quedas em idosos
Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) Barneby pode ser utilizada em enriquecimento de clareiras de exploração florestal na Amazônia
Avaliou-se a sobrevivência e o crescimento de mudas de Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) Barneby (paricá) plantadas aleatoriamente em três tamanhos de clareiras causadas pela exploração florestal de impacto reduzido, na Fazenda Rio Capim, no município de Paragominas, Pará. As medições foram realizadas em cinco ocasiões (2005, 2006, 2008, 2010 e 2011). As clareiras foram classificadas em pequenas (200-400 m²), médias (401-600 m²) e grandes (> 600 m²). Com base na sobrevivência e no crescimento de mudas, nos seis primeiros anos após o plantio, sugere-se Schizolobium parahyba var amazonicum para plantios em clareiras, com áreas a partir de 200 m2 , causadas por exploração florestal de impacto reduzido
Alice De Marchi Pereira de Souza, Amana Mattos, Edna Lúcia Tinoco Ponciano, Fábio Santos Bispo, Filipe Degani-Carneiro, Jimena de Garay Hernández, Laura Cristina de Toledo Quadros, Marcos Vinicius Brunhari, Nazaré Albuquerque Hayasida, Patrícia Lorena Quitério, Rebeca Valadão Bussinger, Rodolfo Rodrigues de Souza, Rosana Lazaro Rapizo, Sabrina Dal Ongaro Savegnago, Vitor Castro Gome
The lack of research in understanding the literacy practices of Karen families, influencing their schooling performance and language acquisition, leave professionals in the educational field limited in their knowledge about the forms of engagement of these families into American schooling. To better understand literacy practices in which Karen families engage, in this case study the author explores some of the literacy practices of Karen families when at school and in their homes. The author observed three Karen adult/parent learners during a period of three months, in an ESL family literacy program at Kennedy Elementary, in Lincoln, Nebraska. One interview with each of the participants, as well as three home visits, were also performed. Four core themes emerged from 42 instances of the researcher’s participation and observation of literacy practices. Literacy practices included adult/parent learners’ engagement with memorization and their literacy practices in the community, parents’ literacy practices through reading texts aloud to improve their speaking skills, and parents’ use of computers to engage in literacy in America. These case study experiences are discussed in light of the sociocultural theory of literacy models as a form of these Karen parents to engage in their learning processes at school, as well as in their children’s schooling. Furthermore, considerable issues in literacy and literacy adaptation are addressed, reflectively collaborating with cultural studies with the Karen population, adult and language teachers involved in literacy practices, and theorists in the sociocultural field of literacy.
Advisor: Loukia Sarrou
The Case of Three Karen Refugee Women and Their Children: Literacy Practices in a Family Literacy Context
The lack of research about the Karen—one of 135 ethnic groups from Myanmar—limits literacy educators charged with educating this refugee population in public schools. In this case study the authors explore the literacy practices of Karen families when at school and in their homes and within an ESL family literacy program. The case of these refugee families and their experiences are analyzed within a sociocultural theoretical framework along with a focus on literacy adaptation through the lenses of crosscultural studies, adult and language teachers involved in literacy practices, and literacy studies. Four core themes emerged from participant observation, including adult/ parent learners’ engagement with memorization, parents’ literacy practices through reading texts aloud (recitation) to improve their speaking skills, and parents’ use of computers to engage with American media. The study offers important educational understandings of one of the world’s least known diaspora