11 research outputs found

    Adorym: A multi-platform generic x-ray image reconstruction framework based on automatic differentiation

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    We describe and demonstrate an optimization-based x-ray image reconstruction framework called Adorym. Our framework provides a generic forward model, allowing one code framework to be used for a wide range of imaging methods ranging from near-field holography to and fly-scan ptychographic tomography. By using automatic differentiation for optimization, Adorym has the flexibility to refine experimental parameters including probe positions, multiple hologram alignment, and object tilts. It is written with strong support for parallel processing, allowing large datasets to be processed on high-performance computing systems. We demonstrate its use on several experimental datasets to show improved image quality through parameter refinement

    The Tannins from Sanguisorba officinalis L. (Rosaceae): A Systematic Study on the Metabolites of Rats Based on HPLC–LTQ–Orbitrap MS2 Analysis

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    Sanguisorba tannins are the major active ingredients in Sanguisorba ofJicinalis L. (Rosaceae), one of the most popular herbal medicines in China, is widely prescribed for hemostasis. In this study, three kinds of tannins extract from Sanguisorba officinalis L. (Rosaceae), and the metabolites in vivo and in vitro were detected and identified by high-pressure liquid chromatography, coupled with linear ion trap orbitrap tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–LTQ–Orbitrap). For in vivo assessment, the rats were administered at a single dose of 150 mg/kg, after which 12 metabolites were found in urine, 6 metabolites were found in feces, and 8 metabolites were found in bile, while metabolites were barely found in plasma and tissues. For in vitro assessment, 100 ÎŒM Sanguisorba tannins were incubated with rat liver microsomes, liver cytosol, and feces, after which nine metabolites were found in intestinal microbiota and five metabolites were found in liver microsomes and liver cytosol. Moreover, the metabolic pathways of Sanguisorba tannins were proposed, which shed light on their mechanism

    Putative Role of CFSH in the Eyestalk-AG-Testicular Endocrine Axis of the Swimming Crab <i>Portunus trituberculatus</i>

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    It has been shown in recent studies that the crustacean female sex hormone (CFSH) plays a crucial role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in Decapoda crustaceans. However, research on the function of CFSH in the eyestalk-AG-testicular endocrine axis has been inadequate. We cloned and identified a homolog of CFSH, PtCFSH, in this study. RT-PCR showed that PtCFSH was mainly expressed in the eyestalk. A long-term injection of dsPtCFSH and recombinant PtCFSH (rPtCFSH) in vivo showed opposite effects on spermatogenesis-related gene expression and histological features in the testis of P. trituberculatus, and was accompanied by changes in AG morphological characteristics and PtIAG expression. In addition, the phosphorylated-MAPK levels and the expression of several IIS pathway genes in the testis was changed accordingly in two treatments, suggesting that PtCFSH may regulate the testicular development via IAG. The hypothesis was further validated by a mixed injection of both dsPtCFSH and dsPtIAG in vivo. The following in vitro studies confirmed the negatively effects of PtCFSH on AG, and revealed that the PtCFSH can also act directly on the testis. Treatment with rPtCFSH reduced the cAMP and cGMP levels as well as the nitric oxide synthetase activity. These findings provide vital clues to the mechanisms of CFSH action in both the eyestalk-AG-testis endocrinal axis and its direct effects on the testis

    Effect of Postoperative Analgesia with the Combination of Dexmedetomidine and Butorphanol after Posterior Spinal Surgery

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    Background and Objective: Opioid medications used to be the key method for the pain management after spine surgery; most of the opioids may cause many adverse reactions. The purpose of this research was to observe the role of dexmedetomidine combined with butorphanol in the pain management of patients after posterior spinal surgery.Methods: This research was conducted in the First Hospital Affiliated to Jinzhou Medical University, China from May 2018 to January 2019. Sixty patients who underwent posterior spinal surgery were equally divided into two groups randomly: Group B who received butorphanol 0.125 mg/kg and Group DB who received dexmedetomidine (DEX) 0.1 &mu;g/kg/hour plus butorphanol 0.125 mg/kg. The patient-controlled analgesia was conducted to deliver a bolus dose of 0.5 ml. followed by an infusion of 2 ml/hour and a lockout time of 15 minutes. Heart rate, mean arterial pressure, respiration rate, pulse oxygen saturation, visual analog scale score (VAS), and Ramsay sedation score were recorded as follows: 1 hour (T1), 2 hours (T2), 6 hours (T3), 12 hours (T4), and 24 hours (T5) post‑surgery. The total number of buttons pressing of patient controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA) and supplementary analgesic agents was observed and adverse drug reactions and total rate of patient satisfaction were evaluated statistically.Results: VAS scores at different intervals in DB group were significantly lower compared with the B group after surgery; while the score of Ramsay sedation was remarkably higher in DB group. The total number of buttons pressing of PCIA was less than that of the B group and the frequency of nausea was notably lower in DB group (p &lt; 0.05). The total rate of satisfaction with analgesia in DB group was higher after surgery.Conclusion: DEX could enhance the analgesic effect of butorphanol after posterior spinal surgery with lesser adverse reactions</p

    Target-Specific Copper Hybrid T7 Phage Particles

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    Target-specific nanoparticles have attracted significant attention recently, and have greatly impacted life and physical sciences as new agents for imaging, diagnosis, and therapy, as well as building blocks for the assembly of novel complex materials. While most of these particles are synthesized by chemical conjugation of an affinity reagent to polymer or inorganic nanoparticles, we are promoting the use of phage particles as a carrier to host organic or inorganic functional components, as well as to display the affinity reagent on the phage surface, taking advantage of the fact that some phages host well-established vectors for protein expression. An affinity reagent can be structured in a desired geometry on the surface of phage particles, and more importantly, the number of the affinity reagent molecules per phage particle can be precisely controlled. We previously have reported the use of the T7 phage capsid as a template for synthesizing target-specific metal nanoparticles. In this study herein, we reported the synthesis of nanoparticles using an intact T7 phage as a scaffold from which to extend 415 copies of a peptide that contains a hexahistidine (6His) motif for capture of copper ions and staging the conversion of copper ions to copper metal, and a cyclic Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid (RGD4C) motif for targeting integrin and cancer cells. We demonstrated that the recombinant phage could load copper ions under low bulk copper concentrations without interfering with its target specificity. Further reduction of copper ions to copper metal rendered a very stable copper hybrid T7 phage, which prevents the detachment of copper from phage particles and maintains the phage structural integrity even under harsh conditions. Cancer cells (MCF-7) can selectively uptake copper hybrid T7 phage particles through ligand-mediated transmembrane transportation, whereas normal control cells (MCF-12F) uptake 1000-fold less. We further demonstrated that copper hybrid T7 phage could be endocytosed by cancer cells in culture

    Vertical sleeve gastrectomy confers metabolic improvements by reducing intestinal bile acids and lipid absorption in mice.

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    Vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) is one of the most effective and durable therapies for morbid obesity and its related complications. Although bile acids (BAs) have been implicated as downstream mediators of VSG, the specific mechanisms through which BA changes contribute to the metabolic effects of VSG remain poorly understood. Here, we confirm that high fat diet-fed global farnesoid X receptor (Fxr) knockout mice are resistant to the beneficial metabolic effects of VSG. However, the beneficial effects of VSG were retained in high fat diet-fed intestine- or liver-specific Fxr knockouts, and VSG did not result in Fxr activation in the liver or intestine of control mice. Instead, VSG decreased expression of positive hepatic Fxr target genes, including the bile salt export pump (Bsep) that delivers BAs to the biliary pathway. This reduced small intestine BA levels in mice, leading to lower intestinal fat absorption. These findings were verified in sterol 27-hydroxylase (Cyp27a1) knockout mice, which exhibited low intestinal BAs and fat absorption and did not show metabolic improvements following VSG. In addition, restoring small intestinal BA levels by dietary supplementation with taurocholic acid (TCA) partially blocked the beneficial effects of VSG. Altogether, these findings suggest that reductions in intestinal BAs and lipid absorption contribute to the metabolic benefits of VSG