221 research outputs found

    La valeur opératoire des catégories

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    Comment « pragmatiser » le champ de la valeur ?

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    Cette contribution discute les propositions faites par Nathalie Heinich pour développer une sociologie des valeurs. Elle en critique certaines – l’anti-naturalisme, par exemple, le refus de considérer la religion comme une référence pertinente pour caractériser les valeurs, la séparation de l’éthique du champ de la valeur, la limitation de ce dernier aux attachements, actes évaluatifs et jugements de valeur, etc. Elle tente d’en clarifier d’autres – le lien des valeurs aux affects et aux émotions, le statut des « valeurs-principes », le caractère ultime des valeurs, le statut des explicitations, etc. La contribution adopte le point de vue méthodologique recommandé par John Dewey pour analyser le champ de la valeur : s’en tenir à une approche adverbiale, c’est-à-dire considérer les valeurs comme manières de faire et comme instruments de la conduite. Un tel point de vue permet de pousser plus loin le tournant pragmatique préconisé par Nathalie Heinich, qui s’inspire plutôt de la pragmatique linguistique.This paper is about Nathalie Heinich’s propositions for the sociology of values. It criticizes some of them: her anti-naturalism, for example, her refusal to take religion as a relevant frame for thinking about values, her pulling values apart from ethics, her conception of the field of value as including only attachments, evaluative acts and value judgments, etc. It tries to clarify other ones: the connection between values and emotions, the nature of values as principles, the characterization of values as ultimate, etc. The methodological point of view taken up is John Dewey’s “adverbialism”, which consists in viewing values as ways of doing and means of conduct. Such a point of view, it is argued, allows to push further Nathalie Heinich’s pragmatic turn, which is drawn from linguistic pragmatics

    Bourdieu and the American pragmatism on the habit’s creativity

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    Varios autores insistieron en la cercana afinidad entre las concepciones de Bourdieu y las del pragmatismo norteamericano, sobre todo en el análisis del hábito. Emanuel Bourdieu relacionó el disposicionalismo de su padre con el de Charles S. Peirce. Privilegiaré aquí a otro autor de la tradición pragmatista, J. Dewey, que no es disposicionalista sino “actualista”. Hay numerosas similitudes entre el concepto bourdieusiano de habitus y la concepción deweyana del habit. Pero también hay diferencias importantes, y son sobre todo éstas las que quiero resaltar.Several authors have highlighted the close affinity between Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptions and those of American pragmatism, in particular on the analysis of habit. Emmanuel Bourdieu compared his father’s dispositionalism with Charles S. Peirce’s. I will focus on a different pragmatist author, namely John Dewey, who is an “actualist” – as opposed to a dispositionalist. There are many similarities between Bourdieu’s concept of habitus and Dewey’s concept of habit. Yet there are also important differences I would like to emphasize.Texto escrito originalmente para una conferencia dictada en la Universidad de Buenos Aires el 13 de octubre de 2016, titulada "Bourdieu et le pragmatisme américain sur la créativité de l’habitude".Dossier: Las sociologías post contemporáneas. Aportes pragmatistas al debate de la sociología de Bourdieu en Francia, Estados Unidos y América LatinaFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Analyse d’ouvrage par Louis Quéré

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    Cet ouvrage est issu d’un séminaire du Groupe de recherche et d’étude sur l’histoire du travail et de l’orientation (GRESHTO), au CNAM. Pendant deux ans, ce séminaire, consacré au thème « Émotions, affects et institutions », a réuni des chercheurs et des chercheuses en histoire (J. Martin, M. Saraceno, & S. Wahnich) et en psychologie (A. Bonnemain, Y. Clot, R. Ouvrier-Bonnaz, B. Prot, & J.-L. Tomás). L’ouvrage publie leurs contributions, qu’il répartit en quatre parties. La première retrace l..

    Towards a Social Externalism

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    Ethnomethodologists have very often distorted G. H. Mead’s works, partly because they have read them through H. Blumer’s interpretations. Therefore they have undervalued many similarities existing between Mead’s and Garfinkel’s thoughts. Of course there are lots of ambiguities and problems in Mead’s writings, and ethomethodologists are right when they criticize them. But they are wrong when they misread Mead. This paper examines two points. The first one is one about which Mead has often been misread: his use of the internal-exernal distinction with regard to mind and action. This use doesn’t aim at maintaining a pychological interiority, but at grasping motricity as a kind of intentionality. The second point is about Garfinkel’s respecification of one of Mead’s main leitmotiv: “taking the attitude of the generalized other.” Garfinkel’s respecification is done in A. Schütz’s terms : the attitude of the generalized other is internal to the “attitude of everyday life,” and the generalized other takes the form of that which is normal, i.e. of that which is “in accordance with the mores.

    Centre d’étude des mouvements sociaux

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    Albert Ogien et Louis Quéré, directeurs de recherche au CNRS Confiance et démocratie La poursuite de notre recherche nous a conduits à réfléchir à ce que pouvait être la confiance en dehors du champ des relations interpersonnelles, notamment dans le domaine politique. Nous avons alors été confrontés aux objections que nombre d’auteurs ont opposées à une telle extension de l’usage du terme, notamment à celui qui consiste à parler de « confiance dans le gouvernement » ou de « confiance dans les..

    Joint use of static and dynamic software verification techniques: a cross-domain view in safety critical system industries

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    International audienceHow different are the approaches to combining formal methods (FM) and testing in the safety standards of the automotive, aeronautic, nuclear, process, railway and space industries? This is the question addressed in this paper by a cross-domain group of experts involved in the revision committees of ISO 26262, DO-178C, IEC 60880, IEC 61508, EN 50128 and ECSS-Q-ST-8OC. First we review some commonalities and differences regarding application of formal methods in theaforementioned standards. Are they mandatory or recommended only? What kind of properties are they advised to be applied to? What is specified in the different standards regarding coverage (both functional and structural) if testing and formal methods are used jointly?We also account for the return on experience of the group members in the six industrial domains regarding state of the art practice of joint use of formal methods and testing. Where did formal methods actually prove to outperform testing? Then we discuss verification coverage, and more specifically the role of structural coverage. Does structural coverage play the same role in all the standards? Is it specific to testing and irrelevant for formal methods? What verification terminationcriteria is applicable in case FM-test mix? We conclude on some prospective views on how software safety standards may evolve to maximize the benefits of joint use of dynamic (testing) and static (FM) verification methods

    Low Friction Flows of Liquids at Nanopatterned Interfaces

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    With the recent important development of microfluidic systems, miniaturization of flow devices has become a real challenge. Microchannels, however, are characterized by a large surface to volume ratio, so that surface properties strongly affect flow resistance in submicrometric devices. We present here results showing that the concerted effect of wetting . properties and surface roughness may considerably reduce friction of the fluid past the boundaries. The slippage of the fluid at the channel boundaries is shown to be drastically increased by using surfaces that are patterned at the nanometer scale. This effect occurs in the regime where the surface pattern is partially dewetted, in the spirit of the 'superhydrophobic' effects that have been recently discovered at the macroscopic scales. Our results show for the first time that, in contrast to the common belief, surface friction may be reduced by surface roughness. They also open the possibility of a controlled realization of the 'nanobubbles' that have long been suspected to play a role in interfacial slippag
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