26 research outputs found

    The selection process of the candidates for FMLN deputies: what is behind the candidacies?

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    Este trabajo analiza el proceso de selección de candidatos a Diputados por el Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (Fmln) de El Salvador en 2005. Para tal fin se realiza un repaso del origen, la dinámica interna, el marco normativo y la cultura institucional del partido, así como de la influencia que tuvo el entorno político sobre la selección. El artículo presenta las principales líneas de disputa que acarreó el proceso al interior de la organización y evalúa el impacto que tuvo sobre la cohesión del partido y su éxito electoral. Finalmente, se sostiene que el mecanismo utilizado en 2005 disminuye el nivel de inclusión en la selección de candidatos dada la pérdida de importancia de la elección interna dentro del proceso.This paper analyzes the legislative candidate selection process developed by the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (Fmln) of El Salvador in 2005. The paper reviews the party's origin, internal dynamics, legal framework and institutional culture, as well as the influence that the political environment had over the selection. The article presents the different internal disputes created by this process and evaluates its impact over party cohesion and electoral success. The author underlines that the mechanism used in 2005 reduces the level of inclusiveness of the candidate selection process, because of the loss of importance of internal elections

    El control legislativo de la burocracia: un estado del arte

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    En este artículo se realiza un breve recorrido por los planteamientos teóricos acerca de las relaciones ejecutivo-legislativo en América Latina con especial énfasis en la labor del congreso como instancia de control de la administración. Además, se destacan algunos aportes teóricos y empíricos que al respecto se han producido para los casos de Estados Unidos y Alemania, con el objetivo de conceptualizar acerca de la labor de control político y para demostrar que, en algunos casos, la influencia del congreso sobre la burocracia es plausible. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22518/16578953.75

    Profile, evolution and characteristics of Golf course management organizations in Spain

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    Debido a la creciente subida de ingresos en el sector del golf de los últimos tiempos, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer el perfil y características de las organizaciones deportivas que están detrás del citado aumento. Para ello se analizó datos estructurales como el tamaño, antigüedad, personalidad jurídica, número de empleados, y evolución económica como el total de activos e ingresos de explotación de estas organizaciones de este sector del golf en España.Due to the increasing income increase in the golf sector of recent times, the objective of this work was to know the profile and characteristics of the sports organizations that are behind the aforementioned increase. For this, structural data was analyzed, such as the size, seniority, legal personality and number of employees, and economic evolution as the total assets and operating income of these organizations in this sector of golf in Spain

    Community Response to Noise from Hot-Spots at a Major Road in Quito (Ecuador) and Its Application for Identification and Ranking These Areas

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    Environmental legislation in Ecuador is advancing with the legitimate aspiration of providing citizens with new standards of quality and environmental health. In the context of environmental noise, these legislative advances are based on the experience accumulated in other countries, which is an advantage that must be managed with caution by incorporating local factors into noise management procedures. This study advances two lines of work. The first is to survey the population about their attitude towards noise from a major road to try to detect local factors in the annoyance and sleep disturbances. The second uses this information to compare noise indicators for the detection and ranking of hot-spots from major roads. The interviewees exhibited a high level of annoyance and sleep disturbance due to noise compared with the results of other studies. Results show that there are small differences in the definition of hot-spots when using WHO's dose-response curves for L-den >= 68 dB for and for L-night >= 58 dB, in comparison with the curves generated in this study (CS). Regarding the application of both dose-response curves (WHO vs. CS) to the estimation of the population at risk of the harmful effect of nighttime traffic noise (HSD), small oscillations are also observed even when L-night >= 58 dB and L-noche >= 60 dB are used

    Gis tool for leisure noise management

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    Se hace una pequeña revisión de la legislación en Andalucia para realizar una análisis cronológico que demuestra la vinculación entre la legislación y los progresos en este área a la que los ayuntamientos dedican especial atención. Así mismo se propone un método basado en GIS 3-D que permite realizar evaluaciones de terrazas sin la necesidad de tener un software específico para la predicción de la propagación del ruido.In 2003 the Regional Government of Andalusia created a regulatory instrument for the evaluation and management of environmental noise, the so-called Acoustically Saturated Zones (or ZAS) which with some modifications is still in force. This instrument has been used mainly (but not exclusively) in residential areas affected by outdoor leisure noise and makes available to the administration a catalog of special noise mitigation measures. These measures must be implemented in such a way that they facilitate the reconciliation of the right of residents to adequate environmental quality and the need to support economic activity. That is why the objective of this work is to describe how a GIS tool has been designed to help city officials in the efficient management of noise. Thus, the heart of the tool is a geodatabase that handles information relevant to decision-making, such as noise levels, premises license data, records of complaints and inspections, population figures, etc. The city of Cadiz has been chosen as a case study since certain attractive urban places concentrate a dense offer of terraces, bars, restaurants, and other activities, turning these areas and their surroundings into poles of attraction for crowds8 páginas 10 referencias bibliográfica

    Acoustic conditioning of the neonatal incubator compartment: Improvement proposal

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    The objective of this work focuses on the study of the main sources of noise associated with incubators and the acoustic effects that derive from them. The method that has been established is based on tests carried out under different operating conditions of the incubators. Noise levels are analyzed under different boundary conditions (Neonatal ICU and "Controlled environment rooms"). Under normal operating conditions, the levels inside the incubator are around 56 dB (A), values that exceed the maximum limits recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The scope of this study is to evaluate the existing noise levels in the incubator and analyze possible design improvements. The study was carried out in the hospitals of Cadiz, Huelva, and Malaga

    Adherence and Toxicity during the Treatment of Latent Tuberculous Infection in a Referral Center in Spain

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    Latent tuberculosis infection; Toxicity; Tuberculosis screeningInfecció tuberculosa latent; Toxicitat; Cribratge de tuberculosiInfección tuberculosa latente; Toxicidad; Cribado de tuberculosisThe screening and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in countries with a low incidence of TB is a key strategy for the elimination of tuberculosis (TB). However, treatment can result in adverse events (AEs) and have poor adherence. This study aimed to describe treatment outcomes and AEs for LTBI patients at two departments in Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. A retrospective study was conducted on all persons treated for LTBI between January 2018 and December 2020. Variables collected included demographics, the reason for LTBI screening and treatment initiation, AEs related to treatment, and treatment outcome. Out of 261 persons who initiated LTBI treatment, 145 (55.6%) were men, with a median age of 42.1 years. The indications for LTBI screening were household contact of a TB case in 96 (36.8%) persons, immunosuppressive treatment in 84 (32.2%), and recently arrived migrants from a country with high TB incidence in 81 (31.0%). Sixty-three (24.1%) persons presented at least one AE during treatment, and seven (2.7%) required definitive discontinuation of treatment. In the multivariate analysis, AE development was more frequent in those who started LTBI treatment due to immunosuppression. Overall, 226 (86.6%) completed treatment successfully. We concluded that LTBI screening and treatment groups had different risks for adverse events and treatment outcomes. Persons receiving immunosuppressive treatment were at higher risk of developing AEs, and recently arrived immigrants from countries with a high incidence of TB had greater LTFU. A person-centered adherence and AE management plan is recommended.A.M.L. was supported by a postdoctoral grant “Juan Rodés” (JE21/00027) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos through the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain

    Incidence of Changes in Electoral Competence Rules on the Nationalization of Party Systems: The Strategies of Political Actors in Antioquia, 1997-2011

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    RESUMEN: En este artículo se sostiene que la nacionalización vertical del sistema de partidos es afectada por la forma como los partidos y candidatos adoptanestrategias para seguir en competencia bajo un marco normativo dado, pues las reglas electorales ofrecen diferentes incentivos para que estos coordinen (o no) sus esfuerzos entre los diferentes niveles electorales. Para ello, a partir de la información de las elecciones de Concejo, Asamblea y Cámara en Antioquia entre 1997 y 2011 se encuentra que los cambios en las reglas electorales de 2003 y su efecto sobre la forma en que los políticos se organizan para la competencia son un factor que afecta la nacionalización vertical del sistema de partidos, haciendo que la competencia a nivel municipal se aparte de la regional y nacional.ABSTRACT: In this article it is argued that vertical nationalization of the party system is affected by the way in which parties and candidates adopt strategies to remain in competition under a given set of rules, since electoral rules offer different incentives for them to coordinate (or not) their efforts among the different electoral levels. For this purpose, based on information from the elections for Council, Assembly and Chamber in Antioquia between 1997 and 2011, it was found that the changes in electoral rules in 2003 and their effect on the way in which politicians organize themselves for elections are a factor that affects vertical nationalization of the party system, distancing the competition on the municipal level from that which takes place on the regional and national levels

    Colombia frente a los retos del multilateralismo

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    La internacionalización del conflicto armado colombiano, a pesar de su antigüedad, data de hace poco menos de un

    El Proceso de Selección de los candidatos a diputados del FMLN:¿qué hay detrás de las candidaturas?

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    ResumenEste trabajo analiza el proceso de selección de Candidatos a Diputados por el Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación  Nacional (Fmln) de El Salvador en 2005. Para tal Fin se realiza un repaso del origen, la dinámica interna, el marco normativo y la cultura institucional del partido, así como de la influencia que tuvo el entorno político sobre la selección.Palabras clave: Selección de candidatos, Partidos políticos, Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (Fmln), El Salvador