51 research outputs found

    Overview of the JET ITER-like wall divertor

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    Power exhaust by SOL and pedestal radiation at ASDEX Upgrade and JET

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    Multi-machine scaling of the main SOL parallel heat flux width in tokamak limiter plasmas

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    ELM divertor peak energy fluence scaling to ITER with data from JET, MAST and ASDEX upgrade

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    Assessment of erosion, deposition and fuel retention in the JET-ILW divertor from ion beam analysis data

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    Progress in understanding disruptions triggered by massive gas injection via 3D non-linear MHD modelling with JOREK

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    3D non-linear MHD simulations of a D 2 massive gas injection (MGI) triggered disruption in JET with the JOREK code provide results which are qualitatively consistent with experimental observations and shed light on the physics at play. In particular, it is observed that the gas destabilizes a large m/n = 2/1 tearing mode, with the island O-point coinciding with the gas deposition region, by enhancing the plasma resistivity via cooling. When the 2/1 island gets so large that its inner side reaches the q = 3/2 surface, a 3/2 tearing mode grows. Simulations suggest that this is due to a steepening of the current profile right inside q = 3/2. Magnetic field stochastization over a large fraction of the minor radius as well as the growth of higher n modes ensue rapidly, leading to the thermal quench (TQ). The role of the 1/1 internal kink mode is discussed. An I p spike at the TQ is obtained in the simulations but with a smaller amplitude than in the experiment. Possible reasons are discussed

    Real-time-capable prediction of temperature and density profiles in a tokamak using RAPTOR and a first-principle-based transport model

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    1488siThe RAPTOR code is a control-oriented core plasma profile simulator with various applications in control design and verification, discharge optimization and real-time plasma simulation. To date, RAPTOR was capable of simulating the evolution of poloidal flux and electron temperature using empirical transport models, and required the user to input assumptions on the other profiles and plasma parameters. We present an extension of the code to simulate the temperature evolution of both ions and electrons, as well as the particle density transport. A proof-of-principle neural-network emulation of the quasilinear gyrokinetic QuaLiKiz transport model is coupled to RAPTOR for the calculation of first-principle-based heat and particle turbulent transport. These extended capabilities are demonstrated in a simulation of a JET discharge. The multi-channel simulation requires ∼0.2 s to simulate 1 second of a JET plasma, corresponding to ∼20 energy confinement times, while predicting experimental profiles within the limits of the transport model. The transport model requires no external inputs except for the boundary condition at the top of the H-mode pedestal. This marks the first time that simultaneous, accurate predictions of T e, T i and n e have been obtained using a first-principle-based transport code that can run in faster-than-real-time for present-day tokamaks.reservedmixedRedondo J.; Meyer H.; Eich Th.; Beurskens M.; Coda S.; Hakola A.; Martin P.; Adamek J.; Agostini M.; Aguiam D.; Ahn J.; Aho-Mantila L.; Akers R.; Albanese R.; Aledda R.; Alessi E.; Allan S.; Alves D.; Ambrosino R.; Amicucci L.; Anand H.; Anastassiou G.; Andrebe Y.; Angioni C.; Apruzzese G.; Ariola M.; Arnichand H.; Arter W.; Baciero A.; Barnes M.; Barrera L.; Behn R.; Bencze A.; Bernardo J.; Bernert M.; Bettini P.; Bilkova P.; Bin W.; Birkenmeier G.; Bizarro J.P.S.; Blanchard P.; Blanken T.; Bluteau M.; Bobkov V.; Bogar O.; Bohm P.; Bolzonella T.; Boncagni L.; Botrugno A.; Bottereau C.; Bouquey F.; Bourdelle C.; Bremond S.; Brezinsek S.; Brida D.; Brochard F.; Buchanan J.; Bufferand H.; Buratti P.; Cahyna P.; Calabro G.; Camenen Y.; Caniello R.; Cannas B.; Canton A.; Cardinali A.; Carnevale D.; Carr M.; Carralero D.; Carvalho P.; Casali L.; Castaldo C.; Castejon F.; Castro R.; Causa F.; Cavazzana R.; Cavedon M.; Cecconello M.; Ceccuzzi S.; Cesario R.; Challis C.D.; Chapman I.T.; Chapman S.C.; Chernyshova M.; Choi D.; Cianfarani C.; Ciraolo G.; Citrin J.; Clairet F.; Classen I.; Coelho R.; Coenen J.W.; Colas L.; Conway G.; Corre Y.; Costea S.; Crisanti F.; Cruz N.; Cseh G.; Czarnecka A.; D'Arcangelo O.; de Angeli M.; de Masi G.; de Temmerman G.; de Tommasi G.; Decker J.; Delogu R.S.; Dendy R.O.; Denner P.; Di Troia C.; Dimitrova M.; D'Inca R.; Doric V.; Douai D.; Drenik A.; Dudson B.; Dunai D.; Dunne M.; Duval B.P.; Easy L.; Elmore S.; Erdos B.; Esposito B.; Fable E.; Faitsch M.; Fanni A.; Fedorczak N.; Felici F.; Ferreira J.; Fevrier O.; Ficker O.; Fietz S.; Figini L.; Figueiredo A.; Fil A.; Fishpool G.; Fitzgerald M.; Fontana M.; Ford O.; Frassinetti L.; Fridstrom R.; Frigione D.; Fuchert G.; Fuchs C.; Palumbo M.F.; Futatani S.; Gabellieri L.; Galazka K.; Galdon-Quiroga J.; Galeani S.; Gallart D.; Gallo A.; Galperti C.; Gao Y.; Garavaglia S.; Garcia J.; Garcia-Carrasco A.; Garcia-Lopez J.; Garcia-Munoz M.; Gardarein J.-L.; Garzotti L.; Gaspar J.; Gauthier E.; Geelen P.; Geiger B.; Ghendrih P.; Ghezzi F.; Giacomelli L.; Giannone L.; Giovannozzi E.; Giroud C.; Gonzalez C.G.; Gobbin M.; Goodman T.P.; Gorini G.; Gospodarczyk M.; Granucci G.; Gruber M.; Gude A.; Guimarais L.; Guirlet R.; Gunn J.; Hacek P.; Hacquin S.; Hall S.; Hamlyn-Harris C.; Happel T.; Harrison J.; Harting D.; Hauer V.; Havlickova E.; Hellsten T.; Helou W.; Henderson S.; Hennequin P.; Heyn M.; Hnat B.; Holzl M.; Hogeweij G.M.D.; Honore C.; Hopf C.; Horacek J.; Hornung G.; Horvath L.; Huang Z.; Huber A.; Igitkhanov J.; Igochine V.; Imrisek M.; Innocente P.; Ionita-Schrittwieser C.; Isliker H.; Ivanova-Stanik I.; Jacobsen A.S.; Jacquet P.; Jakubowski M.; Jardin A.; Jaulmes F.; Jenko F.; Jensen T.; Busk O.J.M.; Jessen M.; Joffrin E.; Jones O.; Jonsson T.; Kallenbach A.; Kallinikos N.; Kalvin S.; Kappatou A.; Karhunen J.; Karpushov A.; Kasilov S.; Kasprowicz G.; Kendl A.; Kernbichler W.; Kim D.; Kirk A.; Kjer S.; Klimek I.; Kocsis G.; Kogut D.; Komm M.; Korsholm S.B.; Koslowski H.R.; Koubiti M.; Kovacic J.; Kovarik K.; Krawczyk N.; Krbec J.; Krieger K.; Krivska A.; Kube R.; Kudlacek O.; Kurki-Suonio T.; Labit B.; Laggner F.M.; Laguardia L.; Lahtinen A.; Lalousis P.; Lang P.; Lauber P.; Lazanyi N.; Lazaros A.; Le H.B.; Lebschy A.; Leddy J.; Lefevre L.; Lehnen M.; Leipold F.; Lessig A.; Leyland M.; Li L.; Liang Y.; Lipschultz B.; Liu Y.Q.; Loarer T.; Loarte A.; Loewenhoff T.; Lomanowski B.; Loschiavo V.P.; Lunt T.; Lupelli I.; Lux H.; Lyssoivan A.; Madsen J.; Maget P.; Maggi C.; Maggiora R.; Magnussen M.L.; Mailloux J.; Maljaars B.; Malygin A.; Mantica P.; Mantsinen M.; Maraschek M.; Marchand B.; Marconato N.; Marini C.; Marinucci M.; Markovic T.; Marocco D.; Marrelli L.; Martin Y.; Solis J.R.M.; Martitsch A.; Mastrostefano S.; Mattei M.; Matthews G.; Mavridis M.; Mayoral M.L.; Mazon D.; McCarthy P.; McAdams R.; McArdle G.; McCarthy P.; McClements K.; McDermott R.; McMillan B.; Meisl G.; Merle A.; Meyer O.; Milanesio D.; Militello F.; Miron I.G.; Mitosinkova K.; Mlynar J.; Mlynek A.; Molina D.; Molina P.; Monakhov I.; Morales J.; Moreau D.; Morel P.; Moret J.-M.; Moro A.; Moulton D.; Muller H.W.; Nabais F.; Nardon E.; Naulin V.; Nemes-Czopf A.; Nespoli F.; Neu R.; Nielsen A.H.; Nielsen S.K.; Nikolaeva V.; Nimb S.; Nocente M.; Nouailletas R.; Nowak S.; Oberkofler M.; Oberparleiter M.; Ochoukov R.; Odstrcil T.; Olsen J.; Omotani J.; O'Mullane M.G.; Orain F.; Osterman N.; Paccagnella R.; Pamela S.; Pangione L.; Panjan M.; Papp G.; Paprok R.; Parail V.; Parra F.I.; Pau A.; Pautasso G.; Pehkonen S.-P.; Pereira A.; Cippo E.P.; Ridolfini V.P.; Peterka M.; Petersson P.; Petrzilka V.; Piovesan P.; Piron C.; Pironti A.; Pisano F.; Pisokas T.; Pitts R.; Ploumistakis I.; Plyusnin V.; Pokol G.; Poljak D.; Poloskei P.; Popovic Z.; Por G.; Porte L.; Potzel S.; Predebon I.; Preynas M.; Primc G.; Pucella G.; Puiatti M.E.; Putterich T.; Rack M.; Ramogida G.; Rapson C.; Rasmussen J.J.; Rasmussen J.; Ratta G.A.; Ratynskaia S.; Ravera G.; Refy D.; Reich M.; Reimerdes H.; Reimold F.; Reinke M.; Reiser D.; Resnik M.; Reux C.; Ripamonti D.; Rittich D.; Riva G.; Rodriguez-Ramos M.; Rohde V.; Rosato J.; Ryter F.; Saarelma S.; Sabot R.; Saint-Laurent F.; Salewski M.; Salmi A.; Samaddar D.; Sanchis-Sanchez L.; Santos J.; Sauter O.; Scannell R.; Scheffer M.; Schneider M.; Schneider B.; Schneider P.; Schneller M.; Schrittwieser R.; Schubert M.; Schweinzer J.; Seidl J.; Sertoli M.; Sesnic S.; Shabbir A.; Shalpegin A.; Shanahan B.; Sharapov S.E.; Sheikh U.; Sias G.; Sieglin B.; Silva C.; Silva A.; Fuglister M.S.; Simpson J.; Snicker A.; Sommariva C.; Sozzi C.; Spagnolo S.; Spizzo G.; Spolaore M.; Stange T.; Pedersen M.S.; Stepanov I.; Stober J.; Strand P.; Susnjara A.; Suttrop W.; Szepesi T.; Tal B.; Tala T.; Tamain P.; Tardini G.; Tardocchi M.; Teplukhina A.; Terranova D.; Testa D.; Theiler C.; Thornton A.; Tolias P.; Tophoj L.; Treutterer W.; Trevisan G.L.; Tripsky M.; Tsironis C.; Tsui C.; Tudisco O.; Uccello A.; Urban J.; Valisa M.; Olivares P.V.; Valovic M.; van den Brand H.; Vanovac B.; Varoutis S.; Vartanian S.; Vega J.; Verdoolaege G.; Verhaegh K.; Vermare L.; Vianello N.; Vicente J.; Viezzer E.; Vignitchouk L.; Vijvers W.A.J.; Villone F.; Viola B.; Vlahos L.; Voitsekhovitch I.; Vondracek P.; Vu N.M.T.; Wagner D.; Walkden N.; Wang N.; Wauters T.; Weiland M.; Weinzettl V.; Westerhof E.; Wiesenberger M.; Willensdorfer M.; Wischmeier M.; Wodniak I.; Wolfrum E.; Yadykin D.; Zagorski R.; Zammuto I.; Zanca P.; Zaplotnik R.; Zestanakis P.; Zhang W.; Zoletnik S.; Zuin M.; Litaudon X.; Abduallev S.; Abhangi M.; Abreu P.; Afzal M.; Aggarwal K.M.; Ahlgren T.; Ahn J.H.; Aiba N.; Airila M.; Aldred V.; Alegre D.; Aleynikov P.; Alfier A.; Alkseev A.; Allinson M.; Alper B.; Alves E.; Ambrosino G.; Amosov V.; Sunden E.A.; Angelone M.; Anghel M.; Appel L.; Appelbee C.; Arena P.; Arshad S.; Ash A.; Ashikawa N.; Aslanyan V.; Asunta O.; Auriemma F.; Austin Y.; Avotina L.; Axton M.D.; Ayres C.; Bacharis M.; Baiao D.; Bailey S.; Baker A.; Balboa I.; Balden M.; Balshaw N.; Bament R.; Banks J.W.; Baranov Y.F.; Barnard M.A.; Barnes D.; Barnsley R.; Wiechec A.B.; Baruzzo M.; Basiuk V.; Bassan M.; Bastow R.; Batista A.; Batistoni P.; Baughan R.; Bauvir B.; Baylor L.; Bazylev B.; Beal J.; Beaumont P.S.; Beckers M.; Beckett B.; Becoulet A.; Bekris N.; Beldishevski M.; Bell K.; Belli F.; Bellinger M.; Belonohy E.; Ayed N.B.; Benterman N.A.; Bergsaker H.; Berry M.; Bertalot L.; Besliu C.; Bieg B.; Bielecki J.; Biewer T.; Bigi M.; Binda F.; Bisoffi A.; Bjorkas C.; Blackburn J.; Blackman K.; Blackman T.R.; Blatchford P.; Boboc A.; Bodnar G.; Bolshakova I.; Bonanomi N.; Bonelli F.; Boom J.; Booth J.; Borba D.; Borodin D.; Borodkina I.; Boulting P.; Bowden M.; Bower C.; Bowman C.; Boyce T.; Boyd C.; Boyer H.J.; Bradshaw J.M.A.; Braic V.; Bravanec R.; Breizman B.; Brennan P.D.; Breton S.; Brett A.; Bright M.D.J.; Brix M.; Broeckx W.; Brombin M.; Broslawski A.; Brown D.P.D.; Brown M.; Bruno E.; Bucalossi J.; Buch J.; Buckley M.A.; Budny R.; Bulman M.; Bulmer N.; Bunting P.; Burckhart A.; Buscarino A.; Busse A.; Butler N.K.; Bykov I.; Byrne J.; Calvo I.; Camp P.; Campling D.C.; Cane J.; Capel A.J.; Card P.J.; Carman P.; Carraro L.; Carvalho B.B.; Carvalho I.; Casson F.J.; Catarino N.; Caumont J.; Cave-Ayland K.; Cavinato M.; Cecil E.; Cenedese A.; Chandler M.; Chandra D.; Chang C.S.; Chankin A.; Chitarin G.; Ciric D.; Clark E.; Clark M.; Clarkson R.; Clatworthy D.; Clements C.; Cleverly M.; Coad J.P.; Coates P.A.; Cobalt A.; Coccorese V.; Cocilovo V.; Coffey I.; Collins S.; Conka D.; Conroy S.; Conway N.; Coombs D.; Cooper D.; Cooper S.R.; Corradino C.; Corrigan G.; Cortes S.; Coster D.; Couchman A.S.; Cox M.P.; Craciunescu T.; Cramp S.; Craven R.; Croci G.; Croft D.; Crombe K.; Crowe R.; Cufar A.; Cullen A.; Curuia M.; Dabirikhah H.; Dalgliesh P.; Dalley S.; Dankowski J.; Darrow D.; Davies O.; Davis W.; Day C.; Day I.E.; de Bock M.; de Castro A.; de la Cal E.; de la Luna E.; de Pablos J.L.; de Vries P.; Deakin K.; Deane J.; Degli Agostini F.; Dejarnac R.; Delabie E.; den Harder N.; Denis J.; Devaux S.; Devynck P.; Di Maio F.; Di Siena A.; Dinca P.; Ding B.; Dittmar T.; Doerk H.; Doerner R.P.; Donne T.; Dorling S.E.; Dormido-Canto S.; Doswon S.; Doyle P.T.; Drewelow P.; Drews P.; Duckworth Ph.; Dumont R.; Dumortier P.; Duran I.; Durodie F.; Dutta P.; Dux R.; Dylst K.; Dzysiuk N.; Edappala P.V.; Edmond J.; Edwards A.M.; Edwards J.; Ekedahl A.; El-Jorf R.; Elsmore C.G.; Enachescu M.; Ericsson G.; Eriksson F.; Eriksson J.; Eriksson L.G.; Esquembri S.; Esser H.G.; Esteve D.; Evans B.; Evans G.E.; Evison G.; Ewart G.D.; Fagan D.; Falie D.; Fasoli A.; Faustin J.M.; Fawlk N.; Fazendeiro L.; Felton R.C.; Fenton K.; Fernades A.; Fernandes H.; Fessey J.A.; Field A.; Figueiredo J.; Finburg P.; Firdaouss M.; Fischer U.; Fittill L.; Flammini D.; Flanagan J.; Fleming C.; Flinders K.; Fonnesu N.; Fontdecaba J.M.; Formisano A.; Forsythe L.; Fortuna L.; Fortuna-Zalesna E.; Fortune M.; Foster S.; Franke T.; Franklin T.; Frasca M.; Freisinger M.; Fresa R.; Fuchs V.; Fuller D.; Fyvie J.; Gal K.; Galassi D.; Gallagher J.; Galvao R.; Gao X.; Gaudio P.; Gear D.F.; Gee S.J.; Gelfusa M.; Gerasimov S.; Gervasini G.; Gethins M.; Ghani Z.; Ghate M.; Gherendi M.; Giacalone J.C.; Gibson C.S.; Giegerich T.; Gil C.; Gil L.; Gilligan S.; Gin D.; Girardo J.B.; Giruzzi G.; Gloggler S.; Godwin J.; Goff J.; Gohil P.; Goloborod'ko V.; Gomes R.; Goncalves B.; Goniche M.; Goodliffe M.; Goodyear A.; Gosk M.; Goulding R.; Goussarov A.; Gowland R.; Graham B.; Graham M.E.; Graves J.P.; Grazier N.; Grazier P.; Green N.R.; Greuner H.; Grierson B.; Griph F.S.; Grisolia C.; Grist D.; Groth M.; Grove R.; Grundy C.N.; Grzonka J.; Guard D.; Guerard C.; Guillemaut C.; Gurl C.; Utoh H.H.; Hackett L.J.; Hagar A.; Hager R.; Halitovs M.; Hall S.J.; Cook S.P.H.; Hammond K.; Harrington C.; Hasenbeck F.; Hatano Y.; Hatch D.R.; Haupt T.D.V.; Hawes J.; Hawkes N.C.; Hawkins J.; Hawkins P.; Haydon P.W.; Hayter N.; Hazel S.; Heesterman P.J.L.; Heinola K.; Hellesen C.; Hemming O.N.; Hender T.C.; Henderson M.; Henriques R.; Hepple D.; Hermon G.; Hertout P.; Hidalgo C.; Highcock E.G.; Hill M.; Hillairet J.; Hillesheim J.; Hillis D.; Hizanidis K.; Hjalmarsson A.; Hobirk J.; Hodille E.; Hogben C.H.A.; Hollingsworth A.; Hollis S.; Homfray D.A.; Horton A.R.; Horton L.D.; Hotchin S.P.; Hough M.R.; Howarth P.J.; Hubbard A.; Huber V.; Huddleston T.M.; Hughes M.; Huijsmans G.T.A.; Hunter C.L.; Huynh P.; Hynes A.M.; Iglesias D.; Imazawa N.; Imbeaux F.; Incelli M.; Irishkin M.; Jachmich S.; Jansons J.; Jarvinen A.; Jednorog S.; Jenkins I.; Jeong C.; Jepu I.; Johnson R.; Johnson T.; Johnston J.; Joita L.; Jones G.; Jones T.T.C.; Hoshino K.K.; Kamiya K.; Kaniewski J.; Kantor A.; Karkinsky D.; Karnowska I.; Kaufman M.; Kaveney G.; Kazakov Y.; Kazantzidis V.; Keeling D.L.; Keenan T.; Keep J.; Kempenaars M.; Kennedy C.; Kenny D.; Kent J.; Kent O.N.; Khilkevich E.; Kim H.T.; Kim H.S.; Kinch A.; King C.; King D.; King R.F.; Kinna D.J.; Kiptily V.; Kirov K.; Kirschner A.; Kizane G.; Klepper C.; Klix A.; Knight P.; Knipe S.J.; Knott S.; Kobuchi T.; Kochl F.; Kodeli I.; Kogan L.; Koivuranta S.; Kominis Y.; Koppen M.; Kos B.; Koskela T.; Kovari M.; Kowalska-Strzeciwilk E.; Krasilnikov A.; Krasilnikov V.; Kresina M.; Kruezi U.; Ksiazek I.; Kukushkin A.; Kundu A.; Kwak S.; Kwiatkowski R.; Kwon O.J.; Laing A.; Lam N.; Lambertz H.T.; Lane C.; Lang P.T.; Lanthaler S.; Lapins J.; Lasa A.; Last J.R.; Laszynska E.; Lawless R.; Lawson A.; Lawson K.D.; Lazzaro E.; Lee S.; Lefebvre X.; Leggate H.J.; Lehmann J.; Leichtle D.; Leichuer P.; Lengar I.; Lennholm M.; Lerche E.; Lescinskis A.; Lesnoj S.; Letellier E.; Leysen W.; Likonen J.; Linke J.; Linsmeier Ch.; Liu G.; Liu Y.; Lo Schiavo V.P.; Lobel R.C.; Lomas P.J.; Lonnroth J.; Lopez J.M.; Lopez-Razola J.; Lorenzini R.; Losada U.; Lovell J.J.; Loving A.B.; Lowry C.; Luce T.; Lucock R.M.A.; Lukin A.; Luna C.; Lungaroni M.; Lungu C.P.; Lungu M.; Lunniss A.; Macdonald N.; Macheta P.; Maczewa K.; Magesh B.; Maier H.; Makkonen T.; Makwana R.; Malaquias A.; Malizia A.; Manas P.; Manning A.; Manso M.E.; Manzanares A.; Maquet Ph.; Marandet Y.; Marcenko N.; Marchetto C.; Marchuk O.; Marinelli M.; Marot L.; Marren C.A.; Marshal R.; Martin A.; de Aguilera A.M.; Martinez F.J.; Martynova Y.; Maruyama S.; Masiello A.; Maslov M.; Matejcik S.; Matthews G.F.; Maviglia F.; Mayer M.; May-Smith T.; Mazzotta C.; McCarthy P.J.; McClements K.G.; McCormack O.; McCullen P.A.; McDonald D.; McIntosh S.; McKean R.; McKehon J.; Meadows R.C.; Meakins A.; Medina F.; Medland M.; Medley S.; Meigh S.; Meigs A.G.; Meitner S.; Meneses L.; Menmuir S.; Mergia K.; Merrigan I.R.; Mertens Ph.; Meshchaninov S.; Messiaen A.; Mianowski S.; Michling R.; Middleton-Gear D.; Miettunen J.; Militello-Asp E.; Miloshevsky G.; Mink F.; Minucci S.; Miyoshi Y.; Moneti M.; Mooney R.; Moradi S.; Mordijck S.; Moreira L.; Moreno R.; Moro F.; Morris A.W.; Morris J.; Moser L.; Mosher S.; Murari A.; Muraro A.; Murphy S.; Asakura N.N.; Na Y.S.; Naish R.; Nakano T.; Nave M.F.F.; Nedzelski I.; Nemtsev G.; Neto A.; Neverov V.S.; Newman M.; Nicholls K.J.; Nicolas T.; Nielsen P.; Nilsson E.; Nishijima D.; Noble C.; Nodwell D.; Nordlund K.; Nordman H.; Nunes I.; Odupitan T.; Ogawa M.T.; O'Gorman T.; Okabayashi M.; Olney R.; Omolayo O.; O'Mullane M.; Ongena J.; Orsitto F.; Orszagh J.; Oswuigwe B.I.; Otin R.; Owen A.; Pace N.; Pacella D.; Packer L.W.; Page A.; Pajuste E.; Palazzo S.; Panja S.; Papp P.; Park M.; Diaz F.P.; Parsons M.; Pasqualotto R.; Patel A.; Pathak S.; Paton D.; Patten H.; Pawelec E.; Soldan C.P.; Peackoc A.; Pearson I.J.; Peluso E.; Penot C.; Pereira R.; Puglia P.P.P.; von Thun C.P.; Peruzzo S.; Peschanyi S.; Petravich G.; Petre A.; Petrella N.; Peysson Y.; Pfefferle D.; Philipps V.; Pillon M.; Pintsuk G.; dos Reis A.P.; Piron L.; Pizzo F.; Pomaro N.; Pompilian O.G.; Pool P.J.; Popovichev S.; Porfiri M.T.; Porosnicu C.; Porton M.; Possnert G.; Powell T.; Pozzi J.; Prajapati V.; Prakash R.; Prestopino G.; Price D.; Price M.; Price R.; Prior P.; Proudfoot R.; Puglia P.; Pulley D.; Purahoo K.; Putterich Th.; Rachlew E.; Ragona R.; Rainford M.S.J.; Rakha A.; Ranjan S.; Rapson C.J.; Rathod K.; Ratta G.; Rayner C.; Rebai M.; Reece D.; Reed A.; Regan B.; Regana J.; Reid N.; Reinhart M.; Rendell D.; Cortes S.D.A.R.; Reynolds S.; Riccardo V.; Richardson N.; Riddle K.; Rigamonti D.; Rimini F.G.; Risner J.; Riva M.; Roach C.; Robins R.J.; Robinson S.A.; Robinson T.; Robson D.W.; Roccella R.; Rodionov R.; Rodrigues P.; Rodriguez J.; Romanelli F.; Romanelli M.; Romanelli S.; Romazanov J.; Rowe S.; Rubel M.; Rubinacci G.; Rubino G.; Ruchko L.; Ruiz M.; Ruset C.; Rzadkiewicz J.; Safi E.; Sagar P.; Saibene G.; Salmon R.; Salzedas F.; Samm U.; Sandiford D.; Santa P.; Santala M.I.K.; Santos B.; Santucci A.; Sartori F.; Sartori R.; Schlummer T.; Schmid K.; Schmidt V.; Schmuck S.; Schopf K.; Schworer D.; Scott S.D.; Sergienko G.; Shaw A.; Shaw R.; Shepherd A.; Shevelev A.; Shumack A.; Sibbald M.; Silburn S.; Simmons P.A.; Simpson-Hutchinson J.; Sinha A.; Sipila S.K.; Sips A.C.C.; Siren P.; Sirinelli A.; Sjostrand H.; Skiba M.; Skilton R.; Slabkowska K.; Slade B.; Smith N.; Smith P.G.; Smith R.; Smith T.J.; Smithies M.; Snoj L.; Soare S.; Solano E.R.; Somers A.; Sonato P.; Sopplesa A.; Sousa J.; Spelzini T.; Spineanu F.; Stables G.; Stamatelatos I.; Stamp M.F.; Staniec P.; Stankunas G.; Stan-Sion C.; Stead M.J.; Stefanikova E.; Stephen A.V.; Stephen M.; Stevens A.; Stevens B.D.; Strachan J.; Strauss H.R.; Strom P.; Stubbs G.; Studholme W.; Subba F.; Summers H.P.; Svensson J.; Swiderski L.; Szabolics T.; Szawlowski M.; Szepesi G.; Suzuki T.T.; Talbot A.R.; Talebzadeh S.; Taliercio C.; Tame C.; Tang W.; Taroni L.; Taylor D.; Taylor K.A.; Tegnered D.; Telesca G.; Teplova N.; Tholerus E.; Thomas J.; Thomas J.D.; Thomas P.; Thompson A.; Thompson C.-A.; Thompson V.K.; Thorne L.; Thrysoe A.S.; Tigwell P.A.; Tipton N.; Tiseanu I.; Tojo H.; Tokitani M.; Tomes M.; Tonner P.; Towndrow M.; Trimble P.; Tsalas M.; Tsavalas P.; Jun D.T.; Turner I.; Turner M.M.; Turnyanskiy M.; Tvalashvili G.; Tyrrell S.G.J.; Ul-Abidin Z.; Uljanovs J.; Ulyatt D.; Urano H.; Uytdenhouwen I.; Vadgama A.P.; Valcarcel D.; Valentinuzzi M.; van de Mortel M.; van Eester D.; van Renterghem W.; van Rooij G.J.; Varje J.; Vasava K.; Vasilopoulou T.; Verhoeven R.; Verona C.; Rinati G.V.; Veshchev E.; Villari S.; Vincenzi P.; Vinyar I.; Vitins A.; Vizvary Z.; Vlad M.; Vora N.; Vu T.; de Sa W.W.P.; Wakeling B.; Waldon C.W.F.; Walker M.; Walker R.; Walsh M.; Wang E.; Warder S.; Warren R.J.; Waterhouse J.; Watkins N.W.; Watts C.; Weckmann A.; Weisen H.; Weiszflog M.; Wellstood C.; West A.T.; Wheatley M.R.; Whetham S.; Whitehead A.M.; Whitehead B.D.; Widdowson A.M.; Wiesen S.; Wilkinson J.; Williams J.; Williams M.; Wilson A.R.; Wilson D.J.; Wilson H.R.; Wilson J.; Withenshaw G.; Withycombe A.; Witts D.M.; Wood D.; Wood R.; Woodley C.; Wray S.; Wright J.; Wright J.C.; Wu J.; Wukitch S.; Wynn A.; Xu T.; Yadikin D.; Yanling W.; Yao L.; Yavorskij V.; Yoo M.G.; Young C.; Young D.; Young I.D.; Young R.; Zacks J.; Zaitsev F.S.; Zanino R.; Zarins A.; Zastrow K.D.; Zerbini M.; Zhou Y.; Zilli E.; Zoita V.; Zychor I.Redondo, J.; Meyer, H.; Eich, Th.; Beurskens, M.; Coda, S.; Hakola, A.; Martin, P.; Adamek, J.; Agostini, M.; Aguiam, D.; Ahn, J.; Aho-Mantila, L.; Akers, R.; Albanese, R.; Aledda, R.; Alessi, E.; Allan, S.; Alves, D.; Ambrosino, R.; Amicucci, L.; Anand, H.; Anastassiou, G.; Andrebe, Y.; Angioni, C.; Apruzzese, G.; Ariola, M.; Arnichand, H.; Arter, W.; Baciero, A.; Barnes, M.; Barrera, L.; Behn, R.; Bencze, A.; Bernardo, J.; Bernert, M.; Bettini, P.; Bilkova, P.; Bin, W.; Birkenmeier, G.; Bizarro, J. P. S.; Blanchard, P.; Blanken, T.; Bluteau, M.; Bobkov, V.; Bogar, O.; Bohm, P.; Bolzonella, T.; Boncagni, L.; Botrugno, A.; Bottereau, C.; Bouquey, F.; Bourdelle, C.; Bremond, S.; Brezinsek, S.; Brida, D.; Brochard, F.; Buchanan, J.; Bufferand, H.; Buratti, P.; Cahyna, P.; Calabro, G.; Camenen, Y.; Caniello, R.; Cannas, B.; Canton, A.; Cardinali, A.; Carnevale, D.; Carr, M.; Carralero, D.; Carvalho, P.; Casali, L.; Castaldo, C.; Castejon, F.; Castro, R.; Causa, F.; Cavazzana, R.; Cavedon, M.; Cecconello, M.; Ceccuzzi, S.; Cesario, R.; Challis, C. D.; Chapman, I. T.; Chapman, S. C.; Chernyshova, M.; Choi, D.; Cianfarani, C.; Ciraolo, G.; Citrin, J.; Clairet, F.; Classen, I.; Coelho, R.; Coenen, J. W.; Colas, L.; Conway, G.; Corre, Y.; Costea, S.; Crisanti, F.; Cruz, N.; Cseh, G.; Czarnecka, A.; D'Arcangelo, O.; de Angeli, M.; de Masi, G.; de Temmerman, G.; de Tommasi, G.; Decker, J.; Delogu, R. S.; Dendy, R. O.; Denner, P.; Di Troia, C.; Dimitrova, M.; D'Inca, R.; Doric, V.; Douai, D.; Drenik, A.; Dudson, B.; Dunai, D.; Dunne, M.; Duval, B. P.; Easy, L.; Elmore, S.; Erdos, B.; Esposito, B.; Fable, E.; Faitsch, M.; Fanni, A.; Fedorczak, N.; Felici, F.; Ferreira, J.; Fevrier, O.; Ficker, O.; Fietz, S.; Figini, L.; Figueiredo, A.; Fil, A.; Fishpool, G.; Fitzgerald, M.; Fontana, M.; Ford, O.; Frassinetti, L.; Fridstrom, R.; Frigione, D.; Fuchert, G.; Fuchs, C.; Palumbo, M. F.; Futatani, S.; Gabellieri, L.; Galazka, K.; Galdon-Quiroga, J.; Galeani, S.; Gallart, D.; Gallo, A.; Galperti, C.; Gao, Y.; Garavaglia, S.; Garcia, J.; Garcia-Carrasco, A.; Garcia-Lopez, J.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Gardarein, J. -L.; Garzotti, L.; Gaspar, J.; Gauthier, E.; Geelen, P.; Geiger, B.; Ghendrih, P.; Ghezzi, F.; Giacomelli, L.; Giannone, L.; Giovannoz

    Analysis of possible improvement of the plasma performance in JET due to the inward spatial channelling of fast-ion energy

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    Effects of the spatial chanelling (SC) of the energy of fusion-produced alpha particles - the spatial transfer of the energy of fast ions by destabilized eigenmodes and delivering this energy to bulk plasma particles (Kolesnichenko et al 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 075001) - on the plasma performance is studied. Analysis is carried out in the assumption that alpha particles located in the peripheral region of the plasma destabilize multiple fast magnetoacoustic modes (FMM) having global radial structure. The FMM with the frequencies close to cyclotron harmonics of alpha particles are considered. It is found that these FMM can be in resonance with the bulk plasma ions and electrons located in the central region of the plasma, delivering the alpha energy to this region. This improves the overall plasma confinement. In addition, it leads to anomalous ion heating when the ion damping of FMM exceeds the electron one. The damping rates of the considered waves are calculated. It is shown that reasonably small amplitude waves can receive and transfer across the flux surfaces as large power density as that required for spatial channelling of a considerable part of fusion energy. The developed theory of the inward spatial channelling is applied to JET experiments carried out during the deuterium-tritium-experiment campaign (DTE1), where presumably anomalous ion heating and improvement of the plasma confinement took place

    TAE stability calculations compared to TAE antenna results in JET

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    The excitation of modes in the toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) gap by an external antenna can be modelled by a driven damped harmonic oscillator. By performing a frequency scan it is possible to determine the damping rate of the mode through the quality factor. This method has been employed in recent Joint European Torus (JET) experiments dedicated to scenario development for the observation of alpha-driven instabilities in JET DT plasmas (i.e. plasmas composed by Deuterium and Tritium). However, the toroidal mode number n of the mode for which the measurements were performed could not be determined experimentally. The value of the damping obtained through experimental measurements for a selected time slice is then compared with those obtained from calculations performed by numerical codes for different modes with frequencies close to the experimental frequency of the antenna. This paper describes the modelling method and presents the numerical simulations carried out using a suite of codes to calculate the damping of TAE, which are compared with the value measured experimentally. The radial structures of these modes are first calculated with the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code MISHKA. For each of these modes, the damping on thermal ions and thermal electrons and the contribution to the mode growth rate resulting from the resonant interaction with the ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) accelerated ion population are calculated using the drift-kinetic code CASTOR-K. The radiative damping is calculated by using a complex resistivity in the resistive MHD code CASTOR code and the continuum damping is estimated using also the CASTOR code through the standard method of making the real part of the resistivity tend to zero. It was found the radiative damping is largely dominant over all other effects, except for the n = 3 TAE. The overall damping calculated numerically is consistent with the damping measured experimentally

    Full-orbit and drift calculations of fusion product losses due to explosive fishbones on JET

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    Fishbones are ubiquitous in high-performance JET plasmas and are typically considered to be unimportant for scenario design. However, during recent high-performance hybrid scenario experiments, sporadic and explosive fishbone oscillations with sawtooth reconnection were observed coinciding with reduced performance and a main chamber hotspot. Fast ion loss diagnostics showed fusion products ejected from the plasma by the fishbones. We present calculations of the perturbed motion of non-resonant fusion products in the presence of fishbones assuming a fixed linear mode structure and frequency. Using careful reconstruction of the equilibrium and measurements of the perturbation, we show that the measured fishbone spatial structure in these experiments can be well modelled as a linear MHD internal kink mode. Both drift and full-orbit calculations predict losses of fusion products at the same location of the observed hotspot, however the calculated energy content of those losses is negligible and cannot be contributing significantly. The fast ions responsible for the hotspot and the reason for their loss both remain unexplained
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