13 research outputs found

    Self-efficacy analysis to stop using drugs in adolescent male inmates

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    Self-efficacy in adolescent drug abuse refers to individual beliefs about their ability and potential to overcome drug addiction and avoid relapse. The study aimed to analyse self-efficacy to stop using drugs in male juvenile prisoners in Palembang City. This study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional research design. The sample consisted of 111 adolescent respondents aged 15-24 who abused drugs at LPKA Palembang City. The independent variables consist of age, education, knowledge, emotional condition and social modelling, while the dependent variable is self-efficacy. The analysis used was univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results showed that respondents with high self-efficacy (45.9%) and low self-efficacy (54.1%), furthermore there is a relationship between the age of the respondents (p=0.004, PR=3.360, 95% CI (1.523-7.413)), knowledge (p=0.000, PR=8.017, 95%CI (2.976-21.597)), emotional state (p=0.004, PR=3.334, 95%CI (1.515-7.339)), social modelling (p=0.011, PR =3.333, 95% CI (1.377-8.070)) with self-efficacy. Meanwhile, the education level variable (p=0.700, PR=0.790) was unrelated to self-efficacy. Knowledge was the most dominant variable influencing self-efficacy (p=0.000, PR=7.153, 95% CI (2.375-21.549)) after controlling for age. Self-efficacy to stop using drugs is formed because of high knowledge about the dangers of drugs; positive emotional conditions and social modelling also strengthen in development of this self-efficacy. There is a need for intensive education from health workers and prison administrators to increase the self-efficacy of male adolescent convicts who abuse drugs so they can stop using drugs


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    Abstrak Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh Instagram Indah Nada Puspita terhadap minat berhijab pengikutnya. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan jenis eksplanatif asosiatif. Teori Uses and Gratifications dan Konsep Minat digunakan sebagai landasan teori. Analisis data statistik menggunakan analisa korelasi, koefisien determinasi dan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil yang didapat adalah pengaruh yang dihasilkan oleh akun Instagram Indah Nada Puspita terhadap followersnya dalam berhijab sebesar 23%. Sedangkan hasil perhitungan statistik menunjukan nilai F hitung sebesar 29.329 dan signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa akun Instagram Indah Nada Puspita memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat followers dalam berhijab. Keywords: Hijab; Instagram; Minat; Uses and Gratifications Abstract The aims of this research is to understand whether there were any influence from Indah Nada Puspita’s instagram towards her instagram follower’s interest to wear hijab. This research using quantitative method with type of research that is associative explanatory research. The Theory of Use and Gratification and Concept of Interest are used as the theoretical basis. This research using correlation analysis, coefficient of determination and simple linear regression for statistical data analysis. The result of this research is the impact of Indah Nada Puspita’s Instagram toward her instagram follower’s motivation to wear hijab is 23%. While the results of statistical calculations show the value of F arithmetic of 29,329 and the significance of 0.00

    Analisis Semiotika Representasi Kecantikan Iklan Fair and Lovely Versi Jessica Mila di Media YouTube

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    Semiotics Analysis of Beauty Representation in Jessica Mila's Fair and Lovely Advertisement on YouTube Media which aims to analyze, describe and find out the meaning of beauty advertisements brought by Jessica Mila based on icons, symbols, and also the index on Fair and Lovely YouTube ads using research on semiotics. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, while the focus in this study is to analyze the signs used in advertising. Data collection techniques in this study used documentation techniques and data analysis techniques using Peirce's theory (1955) which revealed that semiotics is a science that discusses signs and the meaning of their application. Based on the results of research and discussion, the representation of beauty in Jessica Mila's version of Fair and Lovely advertisement there are 20 signs and icons, 5 index signs, and 12 symbol signs

    Peran Pengawasan Komisi IX DPR RI Dalam Kebijakan Jaminan Sosial Pekerja Migran Indonesia

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    Indonesian Migrant Workers are every Indonesian citizen who will, are currently, or have done work for wages outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, this study was conducted to analyze and determine the role of Supervision of Commission IX of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia in the Social Security Policy of Indonesian Migrant Workers. This research is a research study using literature which is analyzed from various existing references and processed research materials on the policy of migrant workers in Indonesia related to the authority of the DPR in the supervisory function. The supervisory role carried out by Commission IX of the DPR RI in this regard is quite good and significant in its achievement. However, it has not been said to be optimal, because the problems related to the governance of the implementation of social security for Indonesian migrant workers which were discussed by the Minister of Manpower in a working meeting with Commission IX of the DPR RI, have not been fully resolved in terms of supervision carried out by Commission IX of the DPR. RI


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    ABSTRAKPemanfaatan tanaman sebagai alternatif pengobatan hingga saat ini masih dipercayai oleh masyarakat Indonesia khususnya di Dusun Karanganyar Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja Kabupaten Cilacap. Jenis tanaman yang digunakan untuk alternatif pengobatan biasanya mempunyai kearifan lokal tersendiri berdasarkan daerah masing-masing. Pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan berdasarkan etnofarmasi setempat yaitu dengan cara mengumpulkan informasi jenis tanaman yang biasa digunakan untuk alternatif pengobatan di Dusun Karanganyar Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja Kabupaten Cilacap menggunakan metode wawancara terhadap beberapa tokoh masyarakat yang didasarkan pada pengalaman dan pengetahuannya mengenai tanaman obat. Dengan adanya informasi yang telah dikumpulkan dari hasil pengabdian Masyarakat ini maka diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap potensi tanaman obat yang terdapat di Dusun Karanganyar. Hasil wawancara dan pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman yang biasa digunakan sebagai obat di Dusun Karanganyar Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja Kabupaten Cilacap yaitu sebanyak 27 famili yang terdiri atas 43 jenis tanaman. Di antara 27 famili yang paling banyak digunakan sebagai obat adalah famili Zingiberaceae sebesar 25,93%. Dari 43 jenis tanaman, bagian tanaman yang paling banyak digunakan adalah daun yaitu sebesar 62,79%. Dari 43 jenis tanaman, pengolahan terhadap tanaman obat di Dusun Karanganyar yang paling banyak adalah dengan cara direbus sebesar 76,74%. Khasiat dari 43 jenis tanaman obat yang ada di Dusun Karanganyar terdapat 23 khasiat dan yang paling banyak adalah hipertensi dan koleseterol masing-masing sebesar 18,60%. Kata kunci: etnofarmasi; tanaman obat; karanganyar; wanareja; cilacap ABSTRACTThe utilization of plants as alternative medicine is still believed by the Indonesian people, especially in Karanganyar Hamlet, Madura Village, Wanareja Subdistrict, Cilacap Regency. The types of plants used for alternative medicine usually have their own local wisdom based on their respective regions. Community service that has been carried out based on local ethnopharmacy is by collecting information on the types of plants commonly used for alternative medicine in Karanganyar Hamlet, Madura Village, Wanareja District, Cilacap Regency using the interview method with several community leaders based on their experience and knowledge of medicinal plants. With the information that has been collected from the results of this community service, it is hoped that it can increase community knowledge of the potential of medicinal plants found in Karanganyar Hamlet. The results of interviews and assessments show that plants commonly used as medicine in Karanganyar Hamlet, Madura Village, Wanareja Subdistrict, Cilacap Regency are 27 families consisting of 43 types of plants. Among the 27 families most widely used as medicine is the Zingiberaceae family at 25.93%. Of the 43 types of plants, the most widely used plant part is the leaves, which amounted to 62.79%. Of the 43 types of plants, the most processing of medicinal plants in Karanganyar Hamlet is by boiling at 76.74%. The efficacy of 43 types of medicinal plants in Karanganyar Hamlet there are 23 properties and the most is hypertension and cholesterol each by 18.60%. Keywords: ethnopharmacy; medicinal plants; karanganyar; wanareja; cilaca

    Identifikasi Tumbuhan Tingkat Tinggi Pada Kelas Dicotyledone Pada Sub Kelas (Dialipetale, Apetale dan Sympetale) Di Lokasi Kampus II UINSU

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja jenis dari dari Kelas Dycoteledone Pada Sub Kelas (Diapatale, Apatale dan Sympetale) yang terdapat pada kampus II UIN Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2023. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kampus II Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Jl.Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan Estate. Alat dalam penelitian ini adalah alat tulis, yang digunakan mencatat hasil observasi lapangan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan latar alamiah, dengan maksud menafsirkan fenomena yang terjadi dan dilakukan dengan jalan melibatkan berbagai metode yang ada. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Eksplorasi (explorational Research Method) dengan pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara langsung (direct observation) yang berdasarkan banyaknya ditemukan jenis kelas dari dycoteledone yang termasuk sub kelas (Diapatale, Apatale dan Sympetale). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Tumbuhan Tingkat Tinggi Pada Kelas Dycoteledone Pada Sub Kelas Diapatale, Apatale dan Sympetale) Di Lokasi Kampus II UINSU didapat pada sub kelas diapatale didapat 4 spesies Gossypium hirsutum (72 pohon), Syzygium aqueum (15 pohon) Syzygium malaccense (1 pohon) Psidium guajava (2 pohon), kemudian pada sub kelas apetales didapat Casuarina sp (46 pohon) dan pada sub kelas Sympetales didapat Ixora coccinea (20 pohon) Solanum torvum(1 pohon)