19 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyse the conative function used in advertisement of covid-19 vaccine socialization. This research is a qualitative descriptive research and uses a quantitative approach. This study uses theory by (Jacobson's, 1980) to analyse data. Then combined with questionnaire data and interviews to find out the respondent's view of the public service advertisements for the covid-19 vaccine socialization. The results of this study stated that there are several simple sentences used to emphasize that the public service advertisement of the covid-19 vaccine socialization aims to invite readers to participate in the covid-19 vaccine program. Questionnaire data stated that as many as 58% of the public were interested and influenced to take part in the covid-19 vaccine after reading public service advertisements. As many as 78% of readers thought that the public service advertisement was very clear so that it could be easily understood by readers. The use of simple sentence structure makes the sentence a communicative sentence. Then 60% of the public stated that the public service advertisement of the covid-19 vaccine socialization was effective in providing complete information to readers. so as to change the mindset of the reader to believe the information contained in the advertisement.


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    This article tries to analyze and discuss the politeness strategies employed by the trainers in room division department when they practice on the job training in the hotel. Politeness strategy was needed when the trainers serve the guest. This research was done by observation and interview with the trainer and the guest about their conversation. The analysis of politeness strategies that employed by the trainer focused on two discussions; (1) the kinds of politeness strategies used by trainer in room division department, and (2) the implications of politeness strategies used by trainer in room division department. This research used the theory from Brown & Levinson (1987) in his book entitled Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usages. The theory is supported by other theories that are considered relevant to the topic of discussion in this research. Based on the analysis, it was found that there were two kinds of politeness stratgies that employed by the trainer in room division department Bapepar Nusa Dua, they were positive face and negative face. Beside that, there are three implications by using politness strategies such as: respect behaviour, togheterness, and cooperative interaction

    The Implementation of “Tri Hita Karana” Ideology in Preventing the Spread of Covid-19 in Bali

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    Abstract: This research examines the form of implementing the local wisdom ideology of Tri Hita Karana in preventing and overcoming the spread of the Covid-19 virus in Bali. The central government, through its policies, has dealt with this epidemic, both at the central and regional levels, including in Bali. In addition to implementing the policies of the central government to prevent and cope with this outbreak, Bali itself attempts to make use of its ideology in dealing with the pandemic. This local ideology is known as Tri Hita Karana. The problem raised in this study is how to implement the ideology of local wisdom in preventing and overcoming COVID-19 in Bali. The purpose of this research is to understand the implementations of local wisdom in Bali that useful in preventing and overcoming COVID-19. The method used is the empirical method, data collection techniques with interviews, questionnaires, and literature. The theory used is structural functional theory, social change theory which supported by concept of local wisdom. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of local wisdom in Bali can effectively and efficiently prevent and cope with COVID-19. An interesting finding of this article is precisely when local wisdom is Tri Hita Karana implemented on a daily basis to deal with Covid-19. The beginning the standard was Prahyangan, Pawongan and Palemahan, however, in this implementation it changed to become Pawongan, Palemahan then Prahyangan

    Students’ Influences of CAA: A Case Study of Senior High School in Badung Bali

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    The aims of this study is to find out and analyzed about students’ influences of Computer-assisted assessment (CAA) It is the case study and field research of one school in Nusa Dua Badung-Bali. The data sources chosen in this study were several high schools that carried out online examinations at Nusa Dua Vocational high school Bali-Indonesia. Data collection is done by random sampling from data sources, observation, interviews, recording, and note taking. Distribution of questionnaires was also carried out to strengthen data analysis. Data is analyzed based on the formulation of the problem and the study of theory that has been, then analyzed in qualitative description. The descriptive study used paper-based surveys and interviews for data collection. To obtain information about the students’ influences of Computer-assisted assessment (CAA). Based on our review and study result, there are some influences that found. The Computer-assisted assessment (CAA) systematics is held with the aim that students become more critical and independent in solving the questions given

    An Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Studying English During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study focuses to investigate students’ motivation in studying English during Covid-19 Pandemic, whether they had intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. This research was a survey method and the technique sampling used in this study was random sampling. Furthermore, the instrument used questionnaire to collect the data. The questionnaire consists of 20 questions in which question 1-10 are questions for intrinsic motivation. The question 11-20 are extrinsic motivation. The result of this study shows that the total mean score of intrinsic motivation is higher than the total mean score of extrinsic motivation 4.20 > 3.39. It means that first semester of English students at Faculty of Foreign Language, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University had the higher intrinsic motivation than extrinsic motivation in learning English during Covid-19 Pandemic. In other words, the motivation to learn English that comes from inside students was higher than the motivation comes from outside students. Keywords: Students’ Motivation, Studying English, Covid-19 Pandemi


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    This study aimed to find out the verbal and visual signs used in the ASUS video advertisement and the meaning of those signs. The data source is from ASUS's YouTube in the name of the Asus Vivobook S 14X/16X OLED product. Analysis of verbal and visual signs is part of the semiotic study. The process of collecting data was conducted by observation method, and there were some steps in collecting the data. The collected data were analyzed by the descriptive qualitative method. The data was analyzed verbal and visual signs based on the theory of semiotics by Saussure, cited in Chandler's book (2007). This study analyzes the meaning of signs using the denotative and connotative meaning theory by Barthes (1967), and supported theory of color by Wierzbicka (1996). This study presented the data by using the formal and the informal method, which described the meaning of the verbal and visual signs found in the ASUS advertisement. The more discovered signs are verbal signs than visual signs. This study also found both types of meaning which are, denotative meaning and connotative meanings, were used in all of the data that is in order to convey messages regarding promoting the commercial product, which is ASUS

    The Emotional Lexicon Used by Male and Female Communication: Study of Balinese Language Used in South Kuta-Bali

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    The aims of this research is to analyse about the differences of emotional lexicon used by male and female communication in South Kuta-Bali when they used Balinese language in their daily interaction.  The scope of male and female is closely related to the social behavior which includes the social identity of male and female in society and this becomes the basis of how the language is used in this context of social. This research is interested to uncover more how people use language in terms of expressing their emotional in social interaction. This study is a sociolinguistic approach used the theory from Hickey, Raymon (2010). The data source in this study is the south Kuta community who use Balinese language in social interactions. The Data collection is done by observation, interview, recording and note taking and descriptive qualitative method is applied to analyze the data. The result of the analysis found that the emotional lexical is used by the male and female in their social interaction, it could mention that both Augmentatives and Euphemisms is used by male and female in their social interaction however the augmentative is mostly used by female in informal occasion. Balinese female often used prohibition instead of imperative in expressing her idea about ordering someone to do something. In the other hand, the male directly used imperative sentence in ordering something. He usually does not use many awkwardness to say his point in a conversation. This may be considered that the male often go to the straight point when expressing his idea. Keywords: Emotional Lexicon, Male and Femal


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    Ilmu pragmatik mengkaji tindak tutur dalam situasi bahasa yang sangat terikat dengan konteks. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan fungsi tindak tutur pada interaksi pemandu wisata dengan wisatawan Jepang di Bali. Data primer berupa tuturan dalam bentuk dialog antara pemandu wisata di bawah naungan biro perjalanan dengan wisatawan Jepang disesuaikan menurut konteks yang mengikuti setiap peristiwa tutur. Lokasi penelitian berada di Pulau Bali tepatnya di kabupaten Badung dan Gianyar. karena intensitas perjalanan wisatawan Jepang sangat tinggi ke daerah tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu, merekam berbagai interaksi lisan antara pemandu wisata dengan wisatawan Jepang, kemudian mencatat dan menyimak setiap interaksi dilanjutkan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam kepada pemandu wisata sebanyak 20 orang dengan kriteria yang sudah ditetapkan secara sembunyi-sembunyi guna mendapatkan informasi yang alami. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan pada tuturan pemandu wisata dalam satu konteks memungkinkan menggunakan lebih dari satu fungsi tuturan. Pada analisis ditemukan empat fungsi tindak tutur pemandu wisata ketika memberi layanan jasa kepada wisatawan Jepang  yaitu, a) fungsi asertif digunakan saat menjawab pertanyaan, menceritakan, mengomentari dan menjelaskan, b) fungsi direktif, untuk menyatakan bentuk menyuruh atau memerintah, memohon, memberikan saran, memesan, melarang dan mengkonfirmasi, c) fungsi komisif untuk menawari serta berjanji dan d) fungsi ekspresif menyatakan kegembiraan, kesedihan, kesukaan serta berhubungan dengan rasa. Dengan memahami fungsi tindak tutur maka, pemandu wisata dapat menggunakan fungsi tersebut dengan menyesuaikan pola komunikasi menurut budaya Jepang Selain itu, memahami fungsi tindak tutur mempermudah pembelajar bahasa dalam mempelajari pola pembentukan tuturan menurut tata bahasa Jepang, khususnya dalam domain pariwisata sebagai bahasa layanan. Abstract               Pragmatics examines speech acts in a language situation that related to the context of situation. This study describes the speech act function on the interaction of tour guides with Japanese tourists in Bali. Primary data are the kinds of utterances in some dialogue between tour guides in travel agency and Japanese tourists that follows the dialogue. The research location is in Bali, exactly in Badung and Gianyar regencies. This location chosen because the intensity of Japanese tourist travel is very high. Data collection techniques used recording various interactions between tour guides and Japanese tourists, then recording and listening to each interaction continued using interviews with tour guides as many as 20 people to get same information. The results of the analysis show that the utterances in a context allows using more than one speech function. There are four functions of the tour guide's speech acts when providing services to Japanese tourists such as, a) assertive functions are used when answering questions, telling, commenting and explaining, b) directive functions, to state the form of ordering, asking, giving advice, prohibiting and confirming, c) the commissive function to offer and promise and d) expressive functions expressing joy, sadness, liking and relating to taste. By understanding speech act functions, tour guides can use these functions by adjusting communication patterns according to Japanese culture. In addition, understanding speech act functions makes it easier for language learners to learn speech formation patterns according to Japanese grammar, especially in the tourism domain as a hospitality.

    Directive Illocutionary Act Produce by the Characters in Cruella Movie

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the types of the directive act and its function found in the American Disney movie Cruella, released in 2021. The study was conducted with the observation method and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. The researcher collected the data through several steps, such as watching the movie several times, taking note of the utterance indicated as a directive act, and classifying the utterance into the types of the directive. The theory proposed by Searle (1979) was applied to analyze the data. Therefore, this study found that 51 utterances were considered directive acts. The data is divided into five types, including ask (16), suggest (10), forbid (7), order (9), and request (3). From the total data, asking became the most frequent frequency in the movie since the character frequently used the question to get the hearer to give an answer or the information. The occurrence of suggestions on the second rank of total data found follows it. The speaker produces the type of suggestion to suggest the hearer do an action. AbstrakTindak Ilokusi Directif yang Diucapkan oleh Tokoh pada Film Cruella Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan tipe tindak ilokusi direktif dan fungsinya pada film produksi Disney, Amerika yang berjudul Cruella yang tayang di tahun 2021. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan dianalisis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui berbagai tahapan, seperti menonton film Cruella beberapa kali, mencatat ucapan yang terindikasi sebagai tindak ilokusi direktif, dan mengklasifikasikan ucapan tersebut kedalam tipe-tipe tindak ilokusi direktif. Teori yang dicetuskan oleh Searle (1979) diaplikasikan untuk menganalisis data. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat 51 ujaran yang dianggap sebagai tindak tutur direktif. Data dibagi menjadi lima tipe yaitu pertanyaan (16), saran (10), larangan (7), perintah (9), permintaan (3). Dari total data, tipe pertanyaan menjadi tipe yang paling sering muncul di film karena tokoh pada film sering menggunakan pertanyaan untuk membuat pendengar memberikan jawaban atau informasi. Jumlah tipe pertanyaan diikuti oleh penggunaan dari tipe saran yang berada pada posisi kedua sebagai tipe yang paling sering muncul dari total data. Pembicara menyampaikan sesuatu dengan saran untuk menyarankan pendengar dalam melakukan sesuatu

    POLA STRATEGI KESANTUNAN DALAM INTERAKSI PERDAGANGAN DI WARUNG TRADISONAL (Politeness Strategy Patterns in Trade Interactions in Traditional Stalls)

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    This study aims to find politeness strategy patterns in Trade Interactions in Traditional Stalls n the interaction between sellers and buyers in traditional stalls. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, a pragmatic equivalent approach by paying attention to the context of the situation in each dialogue that occurs in traditional stalls in Denpasar City and Badung Regency. The method used in this study is the observation method with data collection techniques, namely, recording, listening, and taking notes, as well as interviewing traders. The results showed that there were implementations of positive and negative politeness strategies. Although traders prefer silence, there is no interaction by speaking verbally, when serving consumers, nonverbal interactions occur between speech participants. However, it does not reduce the value of politeness and the form of service from the seller to the buyer. This is due to the same background knowledge among the speech participants and the crowded context of the situation so that buyers understand this condition. Interactions in the trading domain in traditional stores predominantly use short, concise, straightforward speech, and when the shop is crowded, buyers speak more dominantly than sellers. This study implies that the politeness strategy used by the seller to the buyer is largely determined by the context of the situation when the interaction occurs. Although the speech is short, the service is fast, and according to the wishes of consumers, buying and selling interactions can run harmoniously. The contribution of this study can add to the treasures in the study of linguistic politeness. In addition, it is a guideline for language learners that the context of the situation has an important role in determining language politeness strategies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pola strategi kesantunan dalam interaksi perdagangan di warung tradisional pola kesantunan berbahasa pada interaksi antara penjual dan pembeli di warung tradisional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, pendekatan padan pragmatik dengan memperhatikan konteks situasi dalam setiap dialog yang terjadi di warung tradisional di Kota Denpasar dan Kabupaten Badung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu, merekam, menyimak dan mencatat, serta mewawancarai para pedagang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya implementasi dari strategi kesantunan positif dan negatif. Meskipun pedagang lebih banyak memilih diam tidak terjadi interaksi dengan menuturkan secara lisan, ketika melayani konsumen, tetapi terjadi interaksi secara nonverbal di antara peserta tutur. Meskipun demikian, tidak mengurangi nilai kesantunan dan wujud pelayanan dari penjual kepada pembeli. Hal ini disebabkan oleh background knowledge di antara peserta tutur sama dan konteks situasi ramai sehingga pembeli memaklumi kondisi ini. Interaksi dalam domain perdagangan di warung tradisional secara dominan menggunakan tuturan pendek, singkat, tidak bertele-tele, dan ketika warung dalam kondisi ramai, pembeli lebih dominan bertutur dibandingkan penjual. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi bahwa strategi kesantunan yang digunakan penjual kepada pembeli sangat ditentukan oleh konteks situasi saat terjadinya interaksi. Meskipun tuturan singkat, tetapi pelayanan yang cepat sesuai keinginan konsumen interaksi jual beli dapat berjalan harmonis. Adapun kontribusi dari hasil penelitian ini dapat menambah khazanah dalam kajian kesantunan berbahasa. Di samping itu, menjadikan suatu pedoman bagi pembelajar bahasa bahwa konteks situasi memiliki peran penting dalam menentukan strategi kesantunan berbahasa