52 research outputs found

    Alat Uji Data Tahan Mekanik dan Elektrik Untuk "Mobiya" Menggunakan PLC

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    Portable lights are electronic devices that can be used practically anywhere. They are manufactured to be sold to countries where access to electricity is difficult, such as countries in the African continent. One of these products is called "Mobiya", a rechargeable battery-powered portable lamp. The recharging process uses a DC power source with a Universal Serial Bus (USB) type power inlet. This article discusses the creation of a test tool to control the quality of Mobiya portable lamp production. The creation of this tool includes the process of designing, manufacturing, and testing. In addition, Preventive Maintenance is also presented in the form of statistical data processing to obtain the status and condition of the test equipment as a basis for maintenance. This study succeeded in creating a test tool capable of testing Mobiya portable lamps in accordance with production standards.Lampu portabel merupakan perangkat elektronik yang praktis digunakan di mana saja. Lampu ini diproduksi untuk dijual ke negara-negara yang sukar mendapatkan akses listrik, seperti negara-negara di kawasan benua Afrika. Salah satu produk ini diberi nama “Mobiya”, yaitu lampu portabel bertenaga baterai yang dapat diisi ulang. Proses pengisian ulang menggunakan sumber daya listrik DC dengan power inlet bertipe Universal Serial Bus (USB). Artikel ini membahas penciptaan alat uji untuk mengendalikan kualitas hasil produksi lampu portabel Mobiya. Penciptaan alat ini meliputi proses perancangan, pembuatan, dan pengujian. Selain itu, dipaparkan juga Preventive Maintenance berupa pengolahan data statistik guna mendapatkan status dan kondisi alat uji sebagai dasar melakukan perawatan. Studi ini berhasil menciptakan alat uji yang mampu melakukan pengujian terhadap lampu portabel Mobiya yang sesuai dengan standar produksi


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    Pengembangan media Papan EKO (Kegiatan Ekonomi) ini dilakukan karena siswa masih kesulitan dalam mengurutkan proses terjadinya kegiatan ekonomi dan masih kurangnya media yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran yang menyebabkan aktivitas belajar kelompok siswa pada kelas IV SD masih cukup rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran Papan EKO (Kegiatan Ekonomi) yang layak dan valid digunakan dalam pembelajaran materi IPS, serta untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar kelompok siswa melalui implementasi media pembelajaran Papan EKO (Kegiatan Ekonomi). Pada penelitian dan pengembangan ini, peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian RnD (Research and Development) yang dikembangkan oleh Borg and Gall. Aktifitas belajar kelompok siswa diukur dengan angket aktivitas  belajar kelompok siswa, sedangkan kevalidan produk diukur dengan lembar validasi produk ahli materi dan ahli media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran Papan EKO (Kegiatan Ekonomi) layak dan valid digunakan dengan dengan perolehan tingkat kevalidan dari ahli media sebesar 94%, dari ahli materi sebesar 85%. Aktivitas belajar kelompok siswa juga meningkat, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil angket aktivitas belajar kelompok siswa pada uji lapangan utama sebelum menggunakan media diperoleh 52%, sesudah menggunakan media Papan EKO (Kegiatan Ekonomi) siswa memperoleh 89%. Hal ini dikatakan bahwa aktivitas belajar kelompok siswa tinggi dan meningkat sebesar 37% setelah diberikan media Papan EKO (Kegiatan Ekonomi). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disarankan bagi pihak sekolah dan guru untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan media agar siswa semakin meningkat aktivitas belajar kelompok dalam belajar

    Android-Based Learning Application for Early Childhood Binayah Raudhatul Athfal Foundation

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    The binayah foundation is an educational foundation for early childhood that is characterized by Islam or raudhatul athfal. In organizing his education, Raudhatul Atfal instills the values of faith and piety to students in kindergarten (TK). As an educational foundation, Binayah Kindergarten requires innovation in presenting its teaching materials. This form of innovation is by utilizing technology that can create interesting and fun learning alternatives. This research designs and builds Android-based early childhood learning applications. The reason this application was built based on Android is because this application can provide knowledge in a different way that can be utilized by parents or kindergarten teachers by using smartphones android as a container for application installation. This application contains introductory material about hijaiyah, hadith, daily prayers, prayer readings, selected surahs, alphabets, numbers, and themes (professions, colors, animals, fruits and transportation)

    Application of Capacitive Sensor for Measuring Grain Moisture Content Based on Internet of Things

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    Moisture content is one of the factors that determine the selling value of grains. A good moisture content by standard is around 14%. Determination of moisture content is generally done using an oven, for farmers this method is quite complicated because farmers have to bring samples to the laboratory. This study aims to develop a real-time measurement of grain moisture content using an IoT-based capacitive sensor, which is able to measure the moisture content of crop yields in the form of grains and is monitored directly using Android in realtime. This research begins by designing a schematic of the circuit system, designing the structure of the tool, making the tool, carrying out the tool calibration process, testing the tool to measure the moisture content in different grain samples including rice, corn, green beans, and beans. grains with five variations of moisture content at 9%-27% intervals, validated the moisture content measuring instrument test with several observations including grain moisture content, tool response time, and tool error. Based on the results of the research, the calibration results of the research moisture content measuring instrument, the overall R2 value is 0,9902; which means that the measurement results of the research instrument are close to the actual value. The results of the analysis of observations of moisture content obtained an average difference in reading values ranging from 0,19%-0,41% with an average percentage error obtained ranging from 1,18%-2,12% and an average response time reading of 26,33 sec.sponse time reading of 26,33 sec.Kadar air merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan nilai jual gabah. Kadar air yang baik menurut standar adalah sekitar 14%. Penentuan kadar air umumnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan oven, bagi petani cara ini cukup rumit karena petani harus membawa sampel ke laboratorium, selain itu juga membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit dan waktu yang lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pengukuran kadar air gabah secara real-time menggunakan sensor kapasitif berbasis IoT, yang mampu mengukur kadar air hasil panen berupa gabah dan dipantau langsung menggunakan Android secara realtime. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan merancang skema rangkaian sistem, merancang struktur alat, membuat alat, melakukan proses kalibrasi alat, menguji alat untuk mengukur kadar air pada sampel biji-bijian yang berbeda termasuk biji-bijian, jagung, kacang hijau, dan kacang-kacangan. kedelai dengan lima variasi kadar air pada selang waktu 9%-27%, melakukan validasi uji kadar air alat ukur dengan beberapa pengamatan meliputi kadar air gabah, waktu respon alat, dan kesalahan alat serta membandingkan hasil pengukuran kadar air gabah menggunakan alat ini. instrumen. ukuran standar dengan alat ukur yang dirancang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka alat penelitian yang dirancang dapat mengukur kadar air keempat sampel uji dengan baik, dari hasil kalibrasi alat ukur kadar air penelitian didapatkan nilai R2 keseluruhan sebesar 0,9902; yang artinya hasil pengukuran instrumen penelitian mendekati nilai sebenarnya. Hasil analisis pengamatan kadar air diperoleh rata-rata selisih nilai pembacaan berkisar antara 0,19%-0,41% dengan rata-rata persentase kesalahan yang diperoleh berkisar antara 1,18%-2,12% dan rata-rata waktu respon. pembacaan 26,33 detik

    The Combination of Black Soybean Tempeh and Purple Sweet Potato Affect Reactive Oxygen Species and Malondialdehyde Level in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

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    Hyperglycemia conditions increase free radicals in the body that cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress increase lipid peroxidation activity and reactive oxygen species (ROS). An antioxidant can prevent a free radical movement. The materials that contain potent antioxidants are black soybeans tempeh (BST) and purple sweet potatoes (PSP). The antioxidants in the BST are isoflavones with their derivates, and PSP is anthocyanins. This study aimed to determine the effect of BST and PSP extract on reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. In this study, rats were given a high-fat diet, 10% sucrose drink, and injected with multiple low-dose streptozotocin to induce T2DM. The animal's experiment divided into six groups: healthy rats, DM rats, DM rats + glibenclamide, DM rats + combination of BST and PSP in 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3 respectively. ROS levels were determined using the ELISA method and MDA levels were determined using spectrophotometer according to Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) method. Our result suggests that the combination of BST and PSP significantly reduces ROS and MDA levels

    Erosion Hazard Level in The Bayang Sani River Basin

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    This research is a continuation of previous research on measuring the erodibility of the soil in the Bayang Sani watershed. This research aims to reveal the level of erosion hazard by estimating the volume of soil lost in a field when erosion occurs in the Bayang Sani watershed. This research is quantitative research with a survey method. Data collection techniques were measured in the field and analyzed quantitatively using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) formula. The results obtained in this study were the level of erosion hazard in the Bayang Sani watershed, namely heavy and very heavy (8.22 – 36.07 tons/ha/year. The weight category on land units V3.III.Ht.Tomp.Lat (8, 22) and very heavy F3.II.Kc.Qal.Lat (33.31 tons/ha/year), V2.II.Kc.Tomp.Lat 36.07 tons/ha/year), V2.II.Sm. Comp. Lat (29.25 tons/ha/year)

    Efforts of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Overcoming Cases of Bullying in Schools

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    This article was written because of the increasing cases of bullying in schools, one of the factors being the diversity of each student. Every student should respect each other's diversity so that good social relations can be established and divisions do not occur. This article was prepared with the aim of finding out what bullying is, what factors cause bullying to occur, what impacts will occur from acts of bullying, and how guidance and counseling teachers play a role in preventing bullying cases in schools.Bullying is a serious problem that has the potential to cause trauma to victims in various fields, including psychological, physical, social and academic. There are several factors that are the source of bullying which are generally classified into three aspects: family background, individual personality, and environmental influences, such as the school environment, social environment, and peers. Every individual who has experienced bullying almost always experiences similar psychological impacts. This psychological impact is a negative result that can be experienced by victims of bullying, which is clearly detrimental to themselves. The actions of the bully can have a long-term impact on the victim's psychological condition, and the victim may always remember the action, causing unpleasant memories for the victim. This impact is the most worrying thing for most people, where a person's psychological state is disturbed due to actions they don't want, and the perpetrator becomes a figure who is feared by many people.Guidance and counseling teachers or counselors have a central role in preventing and overcoming bullying at school. Therefore, effective and comprehensive services are needed for all students by utilizing a variety of skills and resources that can support the performance of guidance and counseling (BK) teachers. When cases of bullying occur, guidance and counseling teachers need to play an active role in resolving the problem and taking steps to prevent bullying from happening again. Guidance and guidance teachers or counselors must provide maximum and comprehensive counseling services that suit students' needs, including implementing an effective counseling guidance program to overcome bullying problems at school

    Pengaruh Variasi Campuran Ekstrak Tempe Kedelai Hitam dan Ubi Jalar Ungu terhadap Aktivitas Lipid Peroxidation dan Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Total pada Tikus Model Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit yang ditandai dengan kondisi hiperglikemik kronis. Penyakit diabetes dibagi menjadi dua yakni diabetes tipe 1 dan diabetes tipe 2. Hipergilkemik dapat meningkatkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Radikal bebas yang berlebihan akan bersifat toksik dan menyebabkan stress oksidatif. Kondisi stress oksidatif dapat ditandai dengan tingginya aktivitas peroksidasi lipid dan reactive oxygen species (ROS). Aktivitas radikal bebas dapat dicegah dengan antioksidan, bahan yang mengandung antioksidan kuat adalah kedelai hitam dan ubi jalar ungu. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi campuran esktrak tempe kedelai hitam dan ubi jalar ungu terhadap aktivitas peroksidasi lipid dan reactive oxygen species (ROS) total hepar tikus model DMT2. Pada penelitian ini, mencit dibuat diabetes dengan diet tinggi lemak berupa minuman sukrosa 10% dan disuntik streptozotosin dosis rendah sebanyak dua kali. Hewan coba dibagi menjadi 7 kelompok perlakuan Pengukuran aktivitas peroksidasi lipid menggunakan metode Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) dan pengukuran ROS menggunakan metode ELISA. Data peroksidasi lipid berupa kadar MDA, data aktivitas ROS berupa kadar ROS. Data dianalisis dengan One way Anova dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Kandungan antioksidan pada ekstrak tempe kedelai hitam dan ubi jalar ungu dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus, berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas ROS akan tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada aktivitas peroksidase lipid