5,315 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Jumlah Koloni Bakteri Klebsiella Pneumoniae Pada Media Eosin Methylene Blue (Emb) Dan Media Endo Agar Plate (Eap)

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    Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae is a normal flora bacteria which commonly found on tractus digestivus. The laboratory measurement can be conducted by calculating the number of germ or bacteria which is inoculated on Eosin Methylene Blue and Endo Agar Plate culture medium. The present study aims to compare the number of bacterial colonies of Klebsiella pneumoniae which is regrown on Eosin Methylene Blue Agar and Endo Agar Plate culture medium. Method: This present study is true experiment research which uses Klebsiella pneumoniae as the main sample. The study began by regrowing Klebsiella pneumoniae on Eosin Methylene Blue and Endo Agar Plate. All the deposited- Klebsiella pneumoniae is incubated at the temperature of 37oC for 48 hours and calculated. Furthermore, the experiment is repeated for 16 times to prove all the obtained data repeatable. All the obtained data is statistically analyzed using paired T-test with a confidence level of 95%. Result: The result shows that the average number of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria colonies grown on Eosin Methylene Blueand Endo Agar Plate are 67 colonies forming unit (CFU)/ml and 64 colonies forming unit (CFU)/ml, respectively. Furthermore, statistical analysis using paired T-test confirmed that there is no significant difference of Klebsiella pneumoniae colonies number grown on Eosin Methylene Blue and Endo Agar Plate culture mediums. It is based on the significance value (p-value) showing 0,664 which is higher than the significant level (α = 0,05) (p-value > 0,05). Conclusion: There is no significant difference of Klebsiella pneumoniae colonies number grown on Eosin Methylene Blue and Endo Agar Plate culture medium


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan merupakan program bagi mahasiswa untuk terjun langsung sebagai seorang pendidik. Mahasiswa dapat menyalurkan segala ilmu yang telah didapatkan di bangku kuliah kepada para siswa di sekolah. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan ini memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai proses pembelajaran serta kegiatan-kegiatan lain yang berlangsung di sekolah. Hal tersebut digunakan sebagai bekal untuk menjadi seorang pendidikyang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan dilakukan sesuai dengan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa pendidikan. Praktik Pengalam[an Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta tahun 2015 bertempat di SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan dan mulai dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai tanggal 12 September 2015. Dalam Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan, mahasiswa melakukan kegiatan mengajar minimal 6 kali dengan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang berbeda. PPL dilaksanakan selama 8 kali atau 16 jam mengajar di delapan kelas yaitu X MIPA 1, X MIPA 2, X MIPA 3, X MIPA 4, X MIPA 5, X IPS 1, X IPS 2, dan X IPS 3 dengan delapan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan PPL terdapat beberapa hambatan. Adapun hambatan yang dihadapi oleh praktikan selama melaksanakan PPL terutama dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas yaitu siswa yang sulit dalam memahami pelajaran dan siswa yang terkadang sulit untuk dikondisikan. Penjelasan secara berulang dan pendekatan kepada siswa yang baik dilakukan oleh praktikan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut. Kegiatan PPL diharapkan mampu memberikan pengalaman dan pelajaran bagi praktikan dalam dunia sekolah sehingga dapat membawa praktikan menjadi seorang pendidik yang profesional dan berkualitas


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    This study aims to examine intangible asset voluntary disclosure practices in annual report telecommunication company in South East Asia and Australia. This research sample is 75 telecommunication company at year 2007, 2008 dan 2009. Intangible asset disclosure study consist of three categories; structural capital, relational capital and human capital, based on Oliveira et al. categories. This study using content analysis method in annual report sample companies with index developed by Oliveira et al. as dependent variable. Independent variable which are firm size, leverage, ownership concentration, EBITDA margin, legal system of home country and secrecy accounting value, are analysed as factors influencing intangible asset voluntary disclosure practices. A significant positive relationship was observed between intangible asset voluntary disclosure and firm size and secrecy accounting value. However, leverage, ownership concentration, EBITDA margin and legal system of home country did not influence intangible asset voluntary disclosure practices

    Pengembangan Panduan Terapi Musik Kelompok untuk Mengurangi Dampak Kekerasan Emosional pada Remaja

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan buku panduan konseling kelompok dengan teknik songwriting untuk mengurangi dampak kekerasan emosional yang dialami remaja selama masa pengasuhan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Educational Design Research yang termasuk dalam Research and Development (R&D). Educational Design Research memiliki empat  tahapan, yakni Analisis dan Eksplorasi, Desain dan Konstruksi, Evaluasi dan Refleksi, serta Implementasi dan Penyebarluasan. Namun, penelitian ini terbatas pada tahap  Evaluasi dan Refleksi. Studi pendahuluan dan pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tahap analisis dan eksplorasi dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan penyebaran instrumen emotional abuse checklist kepada 53 responden. Selanjutnya hasil perolehan data digunakan untuk pengembangan buku panduan pada tahap desain dan konstruksi. Tahap evaluasi dan refleksi memaparkan saran dan penilaian buku panduan. Hasil validasi uji materi mencapai persentase sebesar 92.10%, validasi uji media mencapai persentase sebesar 88.75% sedangkan uji keterbacaan yang dilakukan kepada guru BK SMK Negeri 2 Cibinong mencapai persentase sebesar 94.75%.  Berdasarkan ketiga hasil pengujian tersebut buku panduan terapi musik kelompok untuk mengurangi dampak kekerasan emosional pada remaja masuk dalam kategori sangat layak untuk melalui uji coba lapangan.   Kata Kunci : Educational Design Research, Buku Panduan, Music Therapy, Kekerasan Emosional.   THE DEVELOPMENT OF A GROUP MUSIC THERAPY GUIDEBOOK TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE IN ADOLESCENTS   Abstract This study aims to develop a group counseling guidebook with songwriting techniques to reduce the impact of emotional violence experienced by adolescents during parenting. The development model used in this research is Educational Design Research which is included in Research and Development (R&D). Educational Design Research has four stages, namely Analysis and Exploration, Design and Construction, Evaluation and Reflection, and Implementation and Dissemination. However, this research only reached the stage of Evaluation and Reflection. Preliminary studies and data collection were carried out at the analysis and exploration stage using the interview method and distributing the emotional abuse checklist instrument to 53 respondents. Furthermore, the results of the data acquisition are used for the development of the guidebook at the design and construction stages. The evaluation and reflection stages present suggestions and assessments of the guidebook. The results of the material test validation reached a percentage of 92.10%, the media test validation reached a percentage of 88.75%, while the readability test conducted for BK teachers at SMK Negeri 2 Cibinong reached a percentage of 94.75%. Based on the three test results, the guidebook for group music therapy to reduce the impact of emotional violence on adolescents is in the very worthy category to go through a field trial.   Keywords: Educational Design Research, Guidebooks, Music Therapy, Emotional Abuse


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    Survival and Safety Skills adalah suatu keterampilan yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap individu. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan survival and safety skills adalah dengan memberikan layanan dasar bimbingan dan konseling. Tujuan penelian adalah memperoleh survival and safety skills siswa yang dijadikan landasan dalam pembuatan layanan dasar bimbingan dan konseling. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Alat pengukuran data adalah kuiseoner berbentuk skala yang dikembangkan berdasarkan indikator survival and safety skills untuk SMP dari Comprehensive School Counseling Program Guide 2009. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Miftahul Iman Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat survival and safety skills yang dimiliki siswa berada pada kategori cukup. Layanan dasar yang dikembangkan disesuaikan dengan hasil pengolahan data yang telah dilakukan. Rekomendasi penelitian ditujukan bagi pihak sekolah agar dapat melakukan kerjasama yang baik dengan pihak luar maupun orang tua untuk meningkatkan survival and safety skills siswa. Guru BK dapat melakukan bekerjasama dengan pihak sekolah, wali kelas dan guru mata pelajaran untuk mengumpulan informasi terkait survival and safety skills siswa. Kata kunci: Survival and Safety Skills, Siswa SMP, Layanan Dasar Bimbingan dan Konseling Survival and Safety Skills is a skill that must be acquired by every individual. One way to improve survival and safety skills is to provide a guidance curriculum of guidance and counseling. The goal of the research is to obtain the depiction of the students’ survival and safety skills which will be the basis to develop the guidance curriculum. A quantitative approach with descriptive methods was used in the research. The instrument in the study was questionnaire in form of scale that was developed based on indicators of junior high school students’ survival and safety skills from Comprehensive School Counseling Program Guide 2009. The population of the study was all eighth grade students of SMP Miftahul Iman in Academic Year 2014/2015. The results showed that the level of the students’ survival and safety skills was in the adequate category. The developed basic guidance was developed based on the the processed data. Based on the study, it is recommended for the school to work with other parties, including students’ parents, to improve the students’ survival and safety skills. Counselors can collaborate with the school, homeroom teachers, and other teachers in order to gather information related to the students’survival and safety skills. Keywords: Survival and Safety Skills, junior high school student, Guidance Curriculum of Guidance and Counselin


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    The research entitled ‘An Analysis of Spongebob Squarepants Selected Episodes: A Study of Queer Theory and Gender Performativity’ aims to analyze how the two characters (Spongebob and Patrick) are portrayed in perspective of queer theory and gender performativity in the selected Spongebob Squarepants episodes and also seek what meaning can be derived from this portrayal. This research used a qualitative method with textual analysis approach. The analysis is based on the framework of queer theory and gender performativity as proposed by Judith Butler (1990), as well as Barthes theory of semiotics (1964). The findings show that the characters contained in the two selected episodes indicate homosexuality (gay) through four prominent of performative acts: accessories, attitude, clothing and physical reaction. Furthermore, the meaning that can be derived from the findings is that gay is normalized. However, the portrayal of the gay couple in both episodes maintains traditional role, in which one acts as a male and the other as a female. The result of the study suggests the enrichment of studies of LGBT, especially in animated series. Key words: gay, queer theory, performative acts, gender performativity, semiotics. Penelitian ini berjudul ‘An Analysis of Spongebob Squarepants’ Selected Episodes: A Study of Queer Theory and Gender Performativity’ dan bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana dua karakter (Spongebob dan Patrick) digambarkan dalam perspektif teori queer dan gender performativity dalam dua episode pilihan Spongebob Squarepants. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mencari makna yang dapat diperoleh dari penggambaran tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan tekstual analisis berdasarkan pada kerangka teori queer dan gender performativity sebagaimana diusulkan oleh Judith Butler (1990), dan teori semiotik oleh Barthes (1964) untuk menganalisis penggambaran visualnya. Hasil temuan menunjukan bahwa penggambaran karakter yang terkandung dalam dua episode pilihan mengungkapkan identitas homosexual (gay) melalui empat performative acts yang menonjol: aksesoris, sikap, pakaian dan reaksi fisik. Selanjutnya, makna yang dapat diperoleh dari hasil temuan adalah bahwa homosexual (gay) dinormalisasi. Akan tetapi, penggambaran pasangan gay dalam tiap episode mempertahankan peran tradisional, dimana satu karakter berperan sebagai laki-laki dan karakter lainnya berperan sebagai wanita. Hasil dari penelitian diharapkan memberi sumbangan bagi kajian LGBT, khususnya dalam serial animasi. Kata kunci: gay, teori queer, performative acts, gender performativity, semiotik

    POLA KOMUNIKASI SUAMI ISTRI YANG HAMIL TERLEBIH DAHULU DI KOTA SURABAYA ( Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pola Komunikasi Suami Istri yang Hamil Terlebih Dahulu dalam Mengatasi Kecemburuan untuk Mempertahankan Rumah Tangganya di Kota Surabaya)

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    Factor of marriage because premarital pregnancy is prone to divorce are jealousy more dominant. The purpose of this study was to determine how the communication patterns of couples who get married because of premarital pregnancy in overcoming jealousy to maintain the household. This study uses the DeVito theory, there are four couples communication patterns, Balance Patterns, Balance Reversed Patterns, Separator Not Balanced Pattern, and The Monopoly pattern. The method used is depth interviews are included in the qualitative research. Researchers took five informants, each of which consists of married couples because of premarital pregnancy and until now their marriage is not divorced yet. The results of this study based on analysis of obtained data from interviews, in outline is the informer I and V couples using Balance of Communications Patterns (open) and informants II, III, and IV using Balance Reversed of communication patterns (mutual respect the decision of the couple)

    Analisis Potensi Ekstrak Kasar Supernatan Bakteri Endofit Vetiveria zizanioides sebagai Penghambat Quorum Sensing pada Chromobacterium violaceum

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    Quorum sensing (QS) merupakan mekanisme komunikasi antar sel pada bakteri. QS bertanggung jawab dalam berbagai aktivitas biologis bakteri seperti bioluminansi, pembentukan biofilm, faktor virulensi, dan swarming. Potensi ekstrak kasar supernatan beberapa bakteri endofit Vetiveria zizanioides sebagai antimikroba menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai pengaruh ekstrak-ekstrak tersebut terhadap QS. Percobaan dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak kasar supernatan bakteri endofit V. zizanioides terhadap QS pada Chromobacterium violaceum. Ekstrak kasar supernatan dari lima bakteri endofit yaitu Lysinibacillus sphaericus, Pantoea sp., Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus sp., dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa dengan konsentrasi 2,5; 3; dan 3,5 mg ml-1 diujikan pada kultur C. violaceum CV026 dalam medium Luria Bertani cair (Tryptone 1%, NaCl 1%, yeast extract 0,5%) dengan penambahan C6-HSL (1,2 ”g ml-1). Kultur diinkubasi dalam suhu 27-28oC dengan digoyang dengan kecepatan 110 rpm selama 24 jam. Kadar violacein kemudian diamati dengan spektrofotometer menggunakan panjang gelombang 585 nm. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba dari masing-masing ekstrak juga dilakukan uji antimikroba dengan melakukan prosedur angka lempeng total. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar violacein oleh semua ekstrak kasar supernatan bakteri endofit pada seluruh seri konsentrasi. Penurunan kadar violacein pada perlakuan dengan ekstrak L. sphaericus, Pantoea sp. dan Acinetobacter sp. diikuti dengan penurunan jumlah bakteri C. violaceum CV026 viabel. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penurunan kadar violacein disebabkan karena aktivitas antimikroba dan bukan aktivitas anti QS. Pada perlakuan lainnya, yaitu ekstrak kasar supernatan bakteri endofit P.aeruginosa dan Bacillus sp., penurunan kadar violacein tidak diikuti oleh penurunan jumlah bakteri C. violaceum CV026 viabel. Hal ini sekaligus menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kasar supernatan bakteri endofit kedua bakteri ini memiliki aktivitas anti QS pada C. violaceum. Aktivitas anti-QS paling optimum ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan dengan ekstrak kasar supernatan bakteri endofit Bacillus sp. dengan konsentrasi 3,5 mg ml-1. Quorum sensing (QS) is cell-to-cell communication mechanism in bacteria. QS regulates many bioactivity of bacteria such as biolumination, biofilm forming, virulence factors, and swarming. Antimicrobial activities of crude extract of some endophytic bacteria from Vetiveria zizanioides remains a question about their potency as quorum sensing inhibitor. An experiment was carried to know the effect of crude extract of supernatant from V. zizanioides endophytic bacteria to QS system in Chromobacterium violaceum. Crude extracts of five endophytic bacteria including Lysinibacillus sphaericus, Pantoea sp., Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus sp., dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa with concentration 2,5; 3; dan 3,5 mg ml-1 was tested into CV026 culture added by C6-HSL (1,2 ”g ml-1). Cultures were incubated 27-28oC in temperature and 110 rpm of shaking for 24 hours. Violacein of each culture was measured by spectrophotometer in wavelength 585 nm. Total plate count procedure was also carried in order to find antimicrobial activity from each extract. The result shown a decreasing violacein content in all cultures treated by crude extract of five endophytic supernatant in all series of concentration (2,5; 3; 3,5 mg ml-1). The decreasing violacein content in treatment of crude extract of L. sphaericus, Pantoea sp., and Acinetobacter sp. were followed by the decreasing of total viable C. violaceum CV026. It showed that the decreasing violacein content was occurred because of antimicrobial activity and not anti QS activity. In other treatments, supernatant crude extract of two other bacteria including P. aeruginosa and Bacillus sp. were found to decreased violacein content without decreased total of viable C. violaceum CV026. It proved that the extract of these two bacteria have anti QS activity. The optimum inhibition of QS in C. violaceum was found in treatment of supernatant crude extract of Bacillus sp. with concentration 3,5 mg ml-1


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dengan kondisi perpustakaan sekolah yang mayoritas belum memenuhi standar nasional perpustakaan, salah satunya dengan tidak dilakukannya promosi perpustakaan sehingga koleksi tidak dikenal oleh pemustaka. Hadirnya biblioterapi adalah salah satu daya tarik tersendiri dari sebuah perpustakaan, terutama bagi pekerja sosial. Tidak dilakukannya promosi perpustakaan yang menyebabkan koleksi perpustakaan tidak dikenal dan tidak dapat dimanfaatkan dalam kegiatan biblioterapi khususnya oleh program studi pekerjaan sosial menjadi salah satu faktor yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menjawab permasalahan penelitian yang telah dirumuskan, yaitu “Seberapa besar kontribusi promosi koleksi perpustakaan terhadap kegiatan biblioterapi di program studi Pekerjaan Sosial?”. Secara khusus permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: (1) peningkatan minat; (2) kolaborasi pustakawan; (3) kebijakan perpustakaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat gambaran mengenai kontribusi promosi koleksi perpustakaan terhadap kegiatan biblioterapi di program studi Pekerjaan Sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perpustakaan SMK Negeri 15 Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampel penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas XI dan XII program studi pekerjaan sosial SMK Negeri 15 Bandung. Sampel yang digunakan di perpustakaan SMK Negeri 15 Bandung sebanyak 62 peserta didik dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Secara umum hasil penelitian ini kontribusi promosi koleksi perpustakaan terhadap kegiatan biblioterapi di program studi pekerjaan sosial SMK Negeri 15 Bandung adalah baik dengan kategorik sedang. Secara khusus, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat kontribusi positif antara peningkatan minat, kolaborasi pustakawan dan kebijakan perpustakaan.;--- The background of this research is the majority condition of school libraries doesn’t the national library standard, one of them by not doing promotion of library collections so that librarian doesn’t recognize. The presence of bibliotherapy is one of the main attraction of a library, especially for social workers. Promotion of library that doesn’t happen being the cause of unrecognized of library collections and can not be utilized in the activities of bibliotherapy in particular by the social work study program became one of the factors behind this research. This research study to answer the problems that have been formulated, namely "How much influence on the promotion of the collections of bibliotherapy activity in Social Work study program?". In particular problem in this research are: (1) an increase of interest; (2) librarian collaboration; (3) the policy of the library. The purpose of this study was to look at a picture of the effect of the promotion of the activities of the library collection bibliotherapy in Social Work study program. This research was conducted in SMK Negeri 15 Bandung. This research uses descriptive method with quantitative approach. Population and sample were students of class XI and XII social work study program SMK Negeri 15 Bandung. The sample used in SMK Negeri 15 Bandung as many as 62 students by using simple random general sampling. By results of this study the effect of the promotion of the library's collection bibliotherapy activities in social work study program SMK Negeri 15 Bandung is good with average categorical. Specifically, the results show that there are positive influence between the increased interest, the collaboration of librarians and library policies
