74 research outputs found


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    Drying is a simultaneous heat and mass transfer process which involves significantenergy consumption. For sustainable processing practice, ultrasonic-assisted drying is oftenimplemented. In order to assist in process design and optimization, a physically-meaningfuldrying model is useful. The REA (reaction engineering approach), which has been shown tobe accurate to model several challenging drying cases, is implemented here to model theultrasonic-assisted drying with various intensities. The relative activation energy (ΔEv,b)generated from one accurate drying experiment is used to model the ultrasound-assisteddrying with various intensities. The results of modeling match very well with theexperimental data. The REA is accurate to model the ultrasonic-assisted drying. Themechanisms of ultrasonic-assisted drying can be explained well by the REA. A landmark forprocess intensification of drying process has been set up by the REA. The model can bereadily adopted in industrial settings for process design and optimization

    Pemodelan Perpindahan Massa Adsorpsi Zat Warna pada Adsorben Berbasis Jatropha Curcas L. dengan Homogeneous dan Heterogeneous Surface Diffusion Model

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    The major objective of this experiment is to assess applicability of surface diffusion model to model the adsorption of methylene blue into Jatropha Curcas L. based adsorbents. Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model (single pore consideration) and Heterogeneous Surface Diffusion Model (multi pore consideration) will be used in this modelling experiments. The modelling data were estimated and validated based on the published experimental results. Subsequently, simulation will be conducted by establishing three dimensional profile of solid phase concentration vs. radius and adsorption time. This simulation was held to discover and observe the adsorbent performance. The other objectives in this modelling experiment are to verify the model’s accuracy against the mass transfer phenomena of the following adsorption process.Based on the modelling experiment, Homogenous Surface Diffusion Model doesn’t fit to show mass transfer characteristic for adsorption based on Jatropha Curcas L. press-cake residue. However, Heterogeneous Surface Diffusion Model is perfectly appropriate to show the mass transfer characteristic. Hence, the validation and simulation will be done only to the appropriate model. Based on mathematics model, effective diffusivity coefficient () and the rate diffusivity coefficient () are either affected by initial solution’s concentration of methylene blue or the type of adsorbent


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    Abstrak Pesawat tanpa awak atau Pesawat nirawak (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle atau UAV), adalah sebuah mesin terbang yang berfungsi dengan kendali jarak jauh oleh pilot. drone telah diterapkan dalam berbagai layanan seperti pengawasan Infrastruktur, pemetaan daerah pertanian, dan pemetaan daerah industry. Perancangan motor BLDC Axial Flux Nylon Carbon Fiber pada Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) ini menggunakan bahan nylon carbon fiber pada penampang stator dan rotornya karena memiliki berat yang ringan dan kuat. Pengujian pertama mengetahui kinerja dari empat motor BLDC Axial Flux Nylon Carbon Fiber dengan variasi sinyal dari throttle yang diberikan menghasilkan arus , daya  dan kecepatan  motor yang berbeda, untuk daya didapatkan dari hasil perhitungan akar tiga dikalikan dengan tegangan dikali arus. Setelah data terkumpul selanjutnya yaitu membandingkan motor pertama kedua ketiga dan keempat apakah ke empat motor yang di buat dengan konstruksi yang sama memiliki perbedaan arus, daya, gaya angkat maupun kecepatannya. Hasil pengujian menghasilkan motor BLDC Axial Flux Nylon Carbon Fiber tersebut mempunyai beberapa kelebihan yaitu berat dari motor menggunakan bahan Nylon Carbon Fiber. Kata Kunci :Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, motor BLDC, Axial flux, Nylon Carbon Fiber. Abstract Unmanned aircraft or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), is a flying machine that functions with remote control by the pilot. drones have been applied in various services such as infrastructure surveillance, mapping of agricultural areas, and mapping of industrial areas. The design of the Axial Flux Nylon Carbon Fiber BLDC motor on this Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) uses nylon carbon fiber material on the stator and rotor cross sections because it has lightweight and is strong. The first test was to determine the performance of the four BLDC Axial Flux Nylon Carbon Fiber motors with the variation of the signal from the given throttle resulting in different current, power, and motor speed, for power, obtained from the calculation of the root of three multiplied by the voltage times the current. After the data has been collected, the next step is to compare the first, second, third, and fourth motors, whether the four motors made with the same construction have different currents, power, lift, and speed. The test results produce a BLDC Axial Flux Nylon Carbon Fiber motor that has several advantages, namely the weight of the motor using Nylon Carbon Fiber material. Keywords : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, motor BLDC, Axial flux, Nylon Carbon Fiber

    Peran Talent Coordinator dalam PT. Swafle Manajemen Indonesia

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    Penulis memilih PT. Swafle Manajemen Indonesia sebagai tempat magang karena termasuk sebagai agency yang terkenal dalam industri periklanan. Peran penulis dalam agency tersebut adalah sebagai assistant talent coordinator dalam beberapa project agency tersebut, yaitu: TVC Homyped, Guiness, Starbucks, Honda Beat, Neo Rheumacyl, JD.ID, Samsung, & untuk web series Tiga Roda. Kendala penulis adalah sulitnya mencari talent yang sesuai dengan kriteria dan budget. Kemudian, penulis mengalami kendala dalam mengatur talent agar dapat mengikuti jadwal serta alur project. Tentunya, sebagai mahasiswa magang penulis perlu mengatasi kendala tersebut dengan menjalin komunikasi serta koordinasi dengan baik

    Meningkatkan komitmen bagi Aparatur Sipil Negara: Perspektif teori pertukaran sosial dalam akuntabilitas organisasi publik

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    Organizational commitment is an important form of attitude from an employee towards his organization. The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of organizational commitment from the perspective of social exchange theory. With a social exchange perspective, the research model was built by integrating perceptions of organizational support and job satisfaction into having an impact on organizational commitment. The context of the situation during the pandemic has its own color in this study, especially with situations that require various jobs to be carried out remotely or away from home, so the extent to which employees remain committed to their organizations from the perspective of social exchange. This study takes a sample of ASN who are working in the Bandung Raya area. The data analysis technique uses path analysis, which aims to examine the effect of perceived organizational support on organizational commitment directly or indirectly through job satisfaction. The results showed that every relationship between variables found that the beta coefficient value was in the significant category. This confirms that empirically, social exchange theory can apply in pandemic conditions, especially in building ASN commitment to their organizations as a manifestation of the accountability of public sector organizations


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    Adsorption process has been extensively applied in many industries for impurities removal and waste water treatment. Activated carbon is one of the most effective adsorbent which is used in adsorption process. Activated carbon has complex structure, that’s why mass transfer characteristics of adsorption process using activated carbon have to be investigated by using model. Mass transfer is influenced by types of adsorbate, initial concentration of dye solution, and temperature.The objectives of this research are to studymass transfer phenomena occurred in dyes adsorption using activated carbon, to determine values of Heterogenous SurfaceDiffusion Model parameters, such as external liquid film mass transfer coefficient (kf), surface diffusion coefficient (Ds), branched pore rate coefficient (kb), and fraction oftotal adsorptive capacity in macropores (f), and to study the effects of adsorbate types, initial concentration of dye solution, and temperature to the values of kf, Ds, kb, and f.This research was carried out by using 2 types of adsorbate, 3 variation of initial concentration, and 4 variation of temperature. Adsorption experiment was carried out inshaking waterbath that had been setted in certain operating condition. Concentration of dye solutions in certain time interval was determined by measuring absorbance usingUV spectrophotometer. Analysis procedures of experimental data in this research consist of several steps: arranging model based on adsorption phenomena, finishingmodel that consists of differential equations, validation between experimental data and model, and determining values of Heterogenous Surface Diffusion Model parameters.The results of this research show that the values of kf, Ds, kb are influenced by types of adsorbate, initial concentration of dye solution, and temperature; if initial concentration increases, the values of kf, Ds, kb will increase; if temperature increases, the values of kf, Ds, kb will increase; the values of kf, Ds, kb for methylene blue solution are greater than methyl orange; the value of f is not influenced by types of adsorbate, initial concentration of dye solution, and temperature; and Heterogenous Surface Diffusion Model is suitable to show mass transfer characteristics that occurs in dyes adsorption using activated carbon. 
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