5 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Pembuatan Lubang Resapan Biopori Di Desa Manikliyu, Bangli

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    Masalah sampah di Indonesia sangat kompleks. Pencemaran laut, pencemaran sungai, penghentian proses air tanah, dan pencemaran tanah adalah beberapa masalah sampah yang dapat membahayakan lingkungan. Di Desa Manikliyu, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli, Provinsi Bali, program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat melalui pengeloaan sampah berbasis pembuatan lubang resapan berpori. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Manikliyu akan lebih memahami manfaat dan teknik pembuatan lubang resapan berpori untuk mendukung pelestarian lingkungan


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    Tuban Village is one of the villages in Badung Regency that has the potential of coastal areas that are utilized by the community for various purposes. The high utilization of coastal areas has led to the conversion of mangrove land for various purposes, resulting in damage in the form of abrasion in several places, pollution due to industrial activities, households and aquaculture activities. Therefore, mangrove forest rehabilitation program is considered as one of the important recommendations in order to restore the condition of mangrove ecosystem in this region. The training consisted of a group of Nature Lovers Students (Mapala) which included the provision of training and socialization in the field on the introduction of mangrove tree species and characteristics and mangrove tree planting techniques in theory and application of the theory that has been obtained in the form of collecting and processing mangrove trees to be used as seeds and planting practices. The results of the training showed that all participants understood the material presented. This can be seen from the way participants apply the theory obtained by direct practice in the field

    Strategi Promosi Dompet Elektronik Balipay terhadap Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah

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    Digital wallets are both an opportunity and a threat to the banking industry. Nowdays, banks are starting to enter digital wallets to adapt, including Bali Regional Development Bank. The bank launches of its digital wallet product, namely Balipay. It faces a big challenge because it has just entered a market that is already very competitive. This service activity aims to develop a market access strategy for the Balipay e-wallet product by taking into account the identified problems, so that the product can be accepted in the market using digital marketing methods, communication strategy, and providing flyers. After the socialization, business owners' knowledge of the benefits of e-wallets as promotional content and increasing consumer purchasing power will increase and have a sense of interest in registering their business to Balipay products. In this regard, the right strategy is needed so that the Balipay e-wallet product can be accepted by the public. It has a good impact on people to use Balipay products


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    Untuk dapat mengaplikasikan system informasi manajemen yang efektif , maka sumber daya manusia perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius.Bidang Keuangan mengurus tentang Keuangan. Dimana dalam Bidang Keuangan mengurus tentang keluar masuknya dana operasional kantor,merencanakan, memantau, dan memutuskan hal yang berkaitan dengan keuangan kantor Dalam aktivitas tersebut, menggunakan media Sistem Informasi Manajemen yang bertujuan untuk mengefektifkan pekerjaan yang ada.Maka dari itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana penerapan system informasi manajemen