10 research outputs found


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    This research analyzes the uncanny phenomenon in “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett. This research aims to identify uncanny phenomenon anid how it is reflected in the story. This research also uses the uncanny theory by Homi K. Bhabha. The researcher collects the data by reading the novel and writes down the data that is matched with the problem that is going to be identified. After the data has been gathered, the researcher analyzed the data with qualitative descriptive method and the result is presented by words and sentences. The result of the research shoiws thiat uncanny phenomenon occurs iin characters through their conversation and activities. The uncanny phenomenon mostly reflected in the maid’s (colored skin) experiences dealing with their boss (white skin). The experiences classified into the differences in using restroom, utensils, eating etiquette, et

    Social Status Reflected in Jane Austen's Emma

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    Abstract This research discusses the social status of society at Highbury in the era of the 19th century. In this research the writer using the qualitative method to analyze social status that reflected in Jane Austen’s Emma and apply the theory of Swingewood (1972), that is the sociology of literature or the sociological approach. The result of this research that obtained the social status is still upheld by the community as a culture that they must preserve. When choosing a life partner, it is often determined by the background of both parties. If both parties do not have a match in their background then their wedding will not be permanent and happy. Because a person's social status is made the key as a part of a relationship, both in love and marriage. Marriage and love relationships are motivated by social class and work. Meanwhile, based on this culture it leads to the opinion that the upper class is not worthy of having a love relationship with the lower class. Keywords: social status, happy, marriage, and love   &nbsp


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    This research discusses archetypal in the novel Dracula written by Stoker. The purpose of this research is to find out some archetypal images in the novel. Some of the problems that exist today are readers who do not know the meaning of archetypal images contained in a novel. The data used in this study were taken from the novel Dracula written by Stoker. In this research, the researcher applies Carl Jung's theory. This study uses descriptive qualitative research, in qualitative research the key concepts, ideas, and processes studied are part of the central phenomenon. The result of this research is that the novel Dracula has many archetypal images contained in it. The archetypes in Dracula are: sun, color, the archetype women, and wise old man. Based on the results of this study, the researcher concludes that there are several archetypes in Dracula's novel that are used to convey implied meanings through the symbols used


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    Kuranji Traditional Village has the potential to become a cultural tourism object that can represent and introduce Minangkabau culture well at the national and international levels. Even so, Kuranji Traditional Village is still constrained by several crucial issues such as infrastructure, amenities and ancillary services, human resources, promotion (visibility in cyberspace), and strategic development plans. The purpose of this activity is to increase the visibility and digital promotion of the Kuranji Traditional Village in cyberspace. This activity was carried out using the workshop method; first, participants are given materials and directions; second, participants work on or practice the material that has been delivered; the three presenters and participants held discussions to resolve situational problems that were not covered in the material previously presented. The results of the activity showed positive things where managers and cultural activists in the Kuranji Traditional Village for development felt that this activity was very useful for improving the Kuranji Traditional Village as a cultural tourism object as well as an effort to increase the financial strength of the Kuranji Traditional Village community to achieve its main goal, maintenance of Minangkabau culture, through this digital promotion. Keywords: Visibility, Digital promotion, Kampung Adat Kuranj


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    This research demonstrates the relationship of fantasy fiction, archetypes, romanticism and nationalism in one of fantasy fiction, namely Tolkien’s The Silmarillion. Since fantasy fiction, with the stereotype of escapism, is less appreciated this article is written in attempt to give more appreciation to fantasy fiction. Analysis to show the relationship of fantasy fiction, archetype, romanticism and nationalism is carried out by applying archetypal approach and Frye’s concept of mythos. This analysis is aimed at determining the position of the story in Frye’s mythos taxonomy and its values. The values, then, are compared with values found in English nationalistic discourse. The result of this analysis indicates that the story of The Silmarillion can be classified as tragic mythos. However, tragedy in the Silmarillion is elaborated differently from the characteristics of the mythos suggested by Frye. Tragedy of The Silmarillion is collective in its nature. The uniqueness of tragedy in The Silmarillion, then, is read as representation of fellowship spirit value in English nationalistic discourse. The Silmarillion also shows wisdom and historical continuity values parallel with values found English nationalistic discourse. From these values The Silmarillion shows that pastoral life with its collectivity, wisdom and tranquility as an ideal life for English people. Further, the revealed values also shows that in establishing England national identity, Tolkien, like his national identity builders predecessor, refers to old wisdoms. He refers to values that are perceived as part of values in previous past gloriuos era. By doing so it can be concluded that in establishing the national identity Tolkien uses the same method with his predecessor; refering back to the previous golden era—a kind of romanticism


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    This research is aimed at describing the intertextuality of Wawacan Amir Hamzah and Islamic discourse. The wawacan is seen as a product of intertextuality of previous text which is already exist. This research is conducted by finding meaningful relationships between text of wawacan Amir Hamzah and Muhammad Hussein Haekal’s Sira Nabawiyah. The relationship is seen from the characterization point of view. After the analysis it is found that the main character of the wawacan refers to Hamzah in Sira Nabawiyah. The character, however, in the wawacan is modified by adding some royal attribute and magical power to it. The characters’ action also show some intertextuality of the wawacan and Islamic Discourse. It can be seen from the charcters’ activity such as wudhu, sholat and saying basmalah prior to doing something. Key words: intertextuality, wawacan Amir Hamzah, structuralis


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    Abstrak The purpose of this research is to describe the functions of illocutionary act in “Oz The Great and Powerful” movie. This research is qualitative descriptive. The data for this research are taken from the utterances of main character. To collect the data, the researcher used observation method and non-participatory technique. To analyze the data, the researcher uses pragmatic identity method. The method of presenting the data, researcher uses informal method. From the data, the researcher found 55 utterances of illocutionary act. The researcher classifies then into five; assertive, directive, expressive, commissive and declarative. From 55 utterances of illocutionary act, the most frequent illocutionary act encountered by researcher is the directive because the main character of “Oz The Great and Powerful Movie” expresses many of his words directly, such as ordering, commanding, requesting, warning. The speech act that appears most frequently is directive illocutionar


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    This research discusses reflected objectification experienced by women. The aim of the research is to describe the form sexual objectification found in Memoirs of Geisha. In this research, the researcher use objectification theory of Fredrickson & Robert and supported by several features stated by Nussbaum. The researcher uses the qualitative research with descriptive method. The researcher obtained data from reading Memoirs of a Geisha novel which was published in 1997, then highlighting data, and writes down the data found. The result of this research is that Sayuri as a main character has experienced all forms of sexual objectification with different treatment. There are seven forms of sexual objectification such as instrumentality, denial of autonomy, inertness, fungibility, ownership and denial of subjectivity

    Symbolic Violence against Subordinated Women in Fredrick Backman’s Beartown

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    This research identified form of symbolic violence in Beartown novel written by Fredrik Backman. The novel displays a social phenomenon where social ideas and expectation constraint women’s life. Symbolic violence helps explaining the phenomenon by looking on how dominant people imposed their view over women for granted. In analyzing the object, the research is equipped with Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic violence. The research is designed in qualitative framework which allows an analysis of interactive variables. In collecting the data, the research applied close reading to the novel. Then, the data is analyzed with latent content analysis. The research found that symbolic violence is exerted mostly through censorship and then euphemism. On censorship, the community preserved desirable view from referring to biased psychological assumption, enforcing dominant view in social, limiting the women’s role, and limiting inclusion of women in sport. On euphemism, symbolic violence is rendered as gentle through gift-debt, familiarity, hospitality, concern, worries, obligation, confidence, and jokes. There is two interesting findings in the analysis. Both forms imposed dominant values which subordinated women in social, education, and sport fields. The second finding is the implication of censorship as frequent used. It displays and confirms the community’s attitude as defensive and protective towards threat on their dominance; including their dominant viewPenelitian ini mengidentifikasi bentuk kekerasan simbolik di dalam novel Beartown, yang ditulis oleh Fredrik Backman. Novel ini menunjukkan fenomena sosial seperti ide dan ekspetasi yang mengekang kehidupan perempuan. Kekerasan simbolik mampu menjelaskan fenomena ini dengan melihat bagaimana orang dominan membenamkan pandangan mereka kepada perempuan supaya diterima tanpa syarat. Untuk menganalisis objek ini, penelitian menggunakan teori kekerasan simbolik dari Bourdieu. Penelitian ini didesain dengan kerangka kualitatif yang memungkinkan sebuah analisis pada variabel interaktif. Untuk pengumpulan data, penelitian menerapkan pembacaan dekat pada novel. Lalu, data dianalisis dengan teknik konten analisis laten. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kekerasan simbolik terjadi banyak melalui sensorisasi dan disusul eufemisme. Pada sensorisasi, masyarakat mempertahankan pandangan yang sesuai perspektif dominan melalui acuan asumsi psikologis yang bias, pengukuhan pandangan dominant di sosial, pembatasan peran perempuan, dan pembatasan inklusi perempuan dalam olahraga. Pada eufemisme, kekerasan simbolik dialter menjadi halus melalui balas jasa, pendekatan, keramahan, perhatian, kecemasan, kewajiban, kepercayaan diri, dan candaan. Ada dua temuan yang menarik dari analisis ini. Kedua bentuk membenamkan nilai dominant yang mengsubordinasikan perempuan di arena sosial, pendidikan, dan olahraga. Temuan selanjutnya adalah implikasi seringnya sensorisasi. Ini menunjukkan dan mengkonfirmasi sikap masyarakat yang defensif dan protektif atas ancaman terhadap dominasi mereka; termasuk pandangan sosial yang dipegan


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    The purpose of this research is to provide an overview in the novel by Louisa May Alcott, where the author uses a feminist approach. The method that the author uses in this research is descriptive qualitative ,where the data that the researcher gets from novel quotes and sentences that explain the image of women see from the theory study of Elaine Walter. This novel describe four sisters who were born in Massachusetts where they have different characters and they lost money because their city is going through a civil war. Then because this situation they move to a small New England Town with they mother (Marmee) then they separated from their father because her father participated in the civil war.Keywords: feminism approach, novel, a little wome