100 research outputs found

    Penerapan Sensor Accelerometer untuk Membandingkan Gempa Data Bmkg dan Google Earthquake pada Perangkat Smartphone Android

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    The earthquake that occurred around the world, generally always cause building damage and casualties. The number of fatalities occurred due to the lack of early notification and earthquakes happen very quickly. The software developed in this study can detect the strength of the earthquake. Magnitude detection software is designed to be equipped smartphone device accelerometer sensors and GPS. Smartphone users who apply this device will allow earthquake information (magnitude) faster than BMKG. The experimental results with comparison earthquakes that have occurred naturally suggest the software can be applied to well. Users of smartphones equipped with an accelerometer and GPS that applying this software can improve alertness when it will take place

    Massage effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil (VCO) untuk menurunkan risiko dekubitus pada penderita stroke

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    Stroke adalah disfungsi neuro assesories dan fungsi motorik menurun sehingga terjadi hemiplegia otot membuat pasien stroke tirah baring dan menyebabkan terjadinya dekubitus. Dekubitus dapat diecegah dengan intervensi keperawatan mandiri yaitu menggunakan massage effleurage dan menggunakan minyak virgin coconut oil. Tujuan penelitian ini melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien stroke dengan massage effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil untuk pencegahan dekubitus. Desain studi kasus menggunakan pendekatan proses keperawatan. Subyek pada studi kasus ini 2 pasien stroke di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rowosari. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan terapi massage effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil selama 4-5 menit pada pagi hari dan sore hari selama 5 hari. Hasil dari penerapan di dapatkan data skor resiko braden pada kedua subyek studi berada dalam resiko tinggi dan setelah diberikan massage effleurage selama 5 hari skor skala braden mengalami peningkatan yaitu subyek studi 1 meningkat 2 poin dan subyek studi 2 meningkat 3 poin. Dari hasil data pengukuran skala braden, Massage effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil menjadi salah satu terapi komplementer yang efektif dapat menurunkan resiko dekubitus pada penderita stroke

    The Mastery of Prepositions for and to Among the Sixth Semester Students at English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University

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    This research aims to measure the mastery of prepositions for and to among the sixth semester students at English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. The researcher is also eager to identify whether or not the students find difficulties to decide which prepositions (for or to) they should use in making a correct sentence, especially in translating the Indonesian prepositions untuk, kepada, ke, buat and bagi into English. This will be related to certain conditions in which the students first language (mother tongue) influences their second language learning. Thus, it is also very important to find out whether or not the students are influenced by their first language (Indonesian) in second language (English) learning process. Keywords: prepositions, errors, mastery, accurac

    Efektivitas Minuman Berenergi Dari Buah Pisang Dan Gula Kelapa Terhadap Indeks Kelelahan Otot

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    Abstract EFFECTIVENESS OF ENERGY DRINK FROM BANANAS AND COCONUT SUGAR ON THE INDEX OF MUSCLE FATIGUE Athletes who exercise with an aerobic-anaerobic combination often experience muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue is a condition when muscles lose the ability to contract after strong or long muscle contractions. Efforts to overcome fatigue when exercising with the type of anaerobic endurance requires an intake that serves as a support for the athletes anaerobic endurance level in the sport. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of energy drinks from bananas and coconut sugar to index of fatigue. This research is an experimental study with a one group pre-test post-test design, namely the design that has a pre-test before being given treatment and post-test after being treated and comparing the results of the pre-test and post-test. The research sample was 8 people. Because the value of F table is 8.8> 4.6. Then F count> F Table (8.8> 4.6), then H0 is rejected. The results of the study obtained the results of the average index of fatigue in the pre test is 6,653. While the average value of the post test is 4,154. From the two tests, the provision of energy drinks from bananas and coconut sugar (post test) can reduce index value of muscle fatigue. So it can be concluded that the administration of energy drinks from bananas and coconut sugar has been shown to be effective against the index of muscle fatigue. Keywords : RAST Test, Energy Drink, Index of Muscle Fatigu

    Manajemen Anestesi Perioperatif

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    Manajemen anestesi perioperatif terbagi atas persiapan sebelum operasi, pelayanan intraoperatif (saat operasi berlangsung), dan pelayanan pascaoperasi. Manajemen anestesi preoperatif  merupakan langkah awal dari rangkaian tindakan anestesi yang dilakukan terhadap pasien yang direncanakan untuk menjalani tindakan operatif. Manajemen anestesi intraoperatif dilakukan asesmen pra-induksi, induksi dan maintenance. Manajemen anestesi postoperatif merupakan penghentian obat anestesi dan stabilisasi pasien


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    Teripang merupakan komoditas perikanan yang saat ini dibudidayakan dan dieksploitasi di perairan Lampung. Namun terdapat kesulitan dalam mengidentifikasi teripang karena kemiripan morfologis di antara spesies yang ada. Identifikasi yang baik berguna agar proses pembudidayaan dan konservasi dapat tepat sasaran. Penggunaan DNA barcoding dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis teripang yang ada, jarak genetik, dan keragaman genetik intra/inter spesies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi teripang di perairan Lampung dengan menggunakan sekuen DNA gen COI. Teripang diambil dengan menggunakan metode jelajah pada saat surut dan dengan scuba diving. Pengamatan DNA menggunakan primer universal ceF, pengeditan dan diurutkan dengan program Geneious ver 9 dan program BLAST. Konstruksi pohon filogenetik dilakukan dengan metode neighbor joining (NJ) pada model Kimura-2. Penelitian ini menunjukkan spesies teripang yang teridentifikasi adalah Holothuria leucospilota, H. atra, Stichopus vastus, dan S. horrens dengan jarak kesamaan 99%-100%. S. vastus dan S. horrens memiliki jarak genetik terendah dengan pengurangan yang tinggi. Rekonstruksi filogenetik memperlihatkan pengelompokkan spesies-spesies ke dalam genus Holothuria dan Stichopus. Stichopus sp. memiliki kesamaan morfologi yang tinggi sehingga kesalahan identifikasi sering terjadi. DNA barcoding dapat mengidentifikasi teripang secara cepat dan akurat sehingga pengelolaan teripang baik secara budidaya maupun pengambilan langsung di alam dapat berkelanjutan. Identifikasi spesies yang tepat menjadi kunci utama dalam upaya pembudidayaan dan konservasi teripang yang tepat sasaran dan berkelanjutan.Sea cucumbers is a highly valued fishery commodity that is currently cultivated and exploited in Lampung waters. However, differentiating a sea cucumber species from another is sometimes difficult due the morphological similarities between the species. Developing an accurate identification method is then critical to ensure successfull farming activities and conservation efforts of sea cucumbers. DNA barcoding could be used to accurately identify sea cucumber species, genetic distance, and genetic diversity between species. This study aimed to identify sea cucumbers existed in Lampung waters using DNA barcoding of the COI gene with ceF and ceR universal primers. Sea cucumbers are taken using the cruising method at low tide and by scuba diving. The DNA sequence was then edited and aligmented using the Geneious ver.9 program and analyzed using the BLAST program. Phylogenetic tree construction was carried out using the neighbor joining (NJ) method on the Kimura-2 model. This study showed that the identified species of sea cucumbers were Holothuria leucospilota, H. atra, Stichopus vastus, and S. horrens with a similarity distance of 99%-100%. S. vastus and S. horrens have the lowest genetic range. Phylogenetic reconstruction shows the classification of species into the genus Holothuria and Stichopus. Stichopus sp. have high morphological similarities within the same genus which often lead to species misidentification. DNA barcoding can identify sea cucumbers quickly and accurately. This method allows the identification of the right sea cucumber species which is the main key in the effort to cultivate and conserve targeted and sustainable sea cucumbers


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    Indonesia is an archipelago country comprises of 17.508 islands. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Malaysia. Seeking the health need, people cross the country border to meet the health care services. One of Indonesia's priority development is improving the health status in the country border. This paper will present the current health situation and health workers who work in health centers in the remote country border areas in the eastern part of Indonesia i.e East Kalimantan province, East Nusa Tenggara province and Papua province. Further emphasize is on the management aspect which is retention strategy to fulfill the adequate number of health workforce availability. A desk study was performed from relevant published materials. Literature was reviewed from databases of the Ministry of Health The Republic of Indonesia. A clear understanding of health country border situation and retention strategy is critical to face tomorrow challenges to improve health worker distribution and performance in that area


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    This paper discusses the functionality testing of the augmented reality (AR) application, namely ARmaps. ARmaps is an AR application for directions that uses GPS-based tracking technology (GPS-based tracking). GPS-based tracking is one of the basic techniques in AR, which does not require special media to scan visual objects (marker-less) GPS-based tracking is used to display data digitally. Digital data displayed in the form of user location and directions. Based on the test results, it was found that there was an effect of the degree slant smartphone on the delay time in displaying 3D AR graphic objects. The test is done statically by adjusting the degree slant, namely acute, right-angle, and obtuse. Each test was carried out 30 times. Smartphones that support ARmaps performance should have an accelerometer, proximity, gyroscope, compass, A-GPS with Glonass and BDS sensors, as well as a camera. Smartphones that are placed with a large degree slant of 90o (obtuse angle) have a faster delay time in displaying 3D AR graphic objects, which is 12.7 seconds. This research becomes the basis for developing ARmaps as a guiding application (visualization guiding)

    Rancang Bangun Monitoring Solar Home System Berbasis Internet of Thing Pada Komplek Peternakan Kambing PE Marsudi Luhur

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    The PE Goat Farm Complex, with an area of about 600 m2 located in Mertosutan Hamlet, Sidoluhur Village, Godean District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province, has a lighting system from a hybrid solar home panel system with solar panels as the main source and PLN as a backup source. The system for switching resources from solar panels to PLN sources or vice versa is carried out automatically with an ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) circuit so that no human resources are needed for its operations. The performance of the solar home system is the most important element in the supply system, so it needs to be monitored regularly. This program aims to design a solar home system performance monitoring system based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The method applied in this program is Design Improvement. The design of the system is made by adding a series of electrical components that are applied to the solar home system at the location. The power, current, voltage, and light intensity generated by the solar home system are sent to the application via the internet in real-time. The results of testing the implementation of an IoT-based monitoring system design can work optimally with a 100% success rate. The implication is that the use of a solar home system at the Marsudi Luhur Goat Farm Complex can be maintained for stability and sustainable performance through an IoT-based monitoring system that has been implemented