41 research outputs found


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    The problem of monolithic behavior of a metal pipe and fiberglass safety cage has been considered in the article. The prestressed case does not only decrease the deformability of a pipe on-load but it also protects metal from corrosion. The ability to withstand the arising stresses has been investigated for both strip fiberglass reinforcement and the whole construction. It has been shown that the deformability of fiberglass depends on the kind of binder. The maximum strength value has been obtained while gluing glass fibers with butvar-phenolic glue. The calculated rupture strength coefficient of strip fiberglass reinforcement and the analysis of monolithic behaviour of metal and reinforcement proved the precondition as to the plasticity of a developed material. The process of force transmission between a steel pipe and fiberglass at ductile stage has been analyzed in the article. While forecasting the work of a pipe on-load, it is necessary to take into account nonlinearity of metal-fiberglass pipe properties

    The use of phytohormones in production of fruit tree rootstocks in nursery without irrigation

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    The most commonly used phytohormone to reduce the impact of drought is 24-epibrassinolide (EBR). In this study, EBR was applied over two years on young rootstocks of peach (B-VA-1) and myrobalan (Vanovice myrobalan) seedlings. Young rootstocks were treated by EBR at different concentrations, IAA and a mixture of EBR with IAA. The best results in seedling height of Vanovice myrobalan in both years had the treatment of 0.05% IAA, 549.69 mm (2016) and 553.77 mm (2017). On the other hand, on the crown root thickness was affected the most in 2016 by treatment of EBR 0.06 ppm (5.5 mm) and in 2017 by EBR 0.01 ppm (7.5mm). At B-VA-1 rootstock, the highest seedlings in 2016 were measured after EBR + IAA treatment (1573.18 mm) and in 2017 after IAA treatment (682.75 mm). The highest thickness of the crown root was recorded in 2016 after EBR and IAA (17.76 mm) and in 2017 after EBR 0.1 ppm (8.08 mm) treatments. At more than half of the treatments the control variant was evaluated as a variant with the least satisfying results. According to the results EBR and IAA are possibly increasing the quality of the rootstocks in conditions of a nursery without an irrigation.O

    Transcriptional profiles of drought-responsive genes in modulating transcription signal transduction, and biochemical pathways in tomato

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    To unravel the molecular mechanisms of drought responses in tomato, gene expression profiles of two drought-tolerant lines identified from a population of Solanum pennellii introgression lines, and the recurrent parent S. lycopersicum cv. M82, a drought-sensitive cultivar, were investigated under drought stress using tomato microarrays. Around 400 genes identified were responsive to drought stress only in the drought-tolerant lines. These changes in genes expression are most likely caused by the two inserted chromosome segments of S. pennellii, which possibly contain drought-tolerance quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Among these genes are a number of transcription factors and signalling proteins which could be global regulators involved in the tomato responses to drought stress. Genes involved in organism growth and development processes were also specifically regulated by drought stress, including those controlling cell wall structure, wax biosynthesis, and plant height. Moreover, key enzymes in the pathways of gluconeogenesis (fructose-bisphosphate aldolase), purine and pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis (adenylate kinase), tryptophan degradation (aldehyde oxidase), starch degradation (β-amylase), methionine biosynthesis (cystathionine β-lyase), and the removal of superoxide radicals (catalase) were also specifically affected by drought stress. These results indicated that tomato plants could adapt to water-deficit conditions through decreasing energy dissipation, increasing ATP energy provision, and reducing oxidative damage. The drought-responsive genes identified in this study could provide further information for understanding the mechanisms of drought tolerance in tomato

    Окремі аспекти обшуку під час розслідування незаконного видобутку дорогоцінного каміння органогенного утворення

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    The article based on the study of scientific sources and investigative practice examines the features of the search during the investigation of illegal extraction of precious stones of organogenic formation. It is noted that the search is the investigative (search) action that is carried out in almost every criminal proceeding during the investigation of illegal extraction of precious stones of organogenic formation. At the same time, the procedure is multifaceted, which is due to the need not only to achieve the task of justice but also not to restrict the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is noted that in preparation for this investigative (search) action it is mandatory to obtain information: about the persons who will be searched; about the objects you need to find; about the place where the search will be conducted.The efficiency of the organization of the tactical operation “Group Search” is argued. It is noted that if there are several places of search, it is necessary to conduct a tactical operation “Allowing a search with a negative result”.However, if the wanted persons are to be detained, a tactical operation “Search – Detention” is being carried out. The author gives the list of objects that are the object of the search and the criteria for their delimitation in the investigation of illegal extraction of precious stones of organogenic formation. Attention is paid to the tactical and organizational principles of this investigative (search) action. Several problems during searches in criminal proceedings of this category are analyzed and ways to eliminate them are suggested. Recommendations for quality evidence collection are provided. The author pays special attention to the fact that the success of the search and, ultimately, all effective and impartial pretrial investigation depends on the qualification of the investigator, timeliness of the search, use of tactics, performance of tasks.У статті на основі вивчення наукових джерел і слідчої практики досліджено особливості проведення обшуку під час розслідування незаконного видобутку дорогоцінного каміння органогенного утворення. Аргументовано ефективність організації тактичної операції «Груповий обшук». Зазначено, що за умови існування декількох місць обшуку потрібно проводити тактичну операцію «Допущення обшуку з негативним результатом». У разі, якщо слідчі передбачають затримання осіб, які обшукуються, здійснюється тактична операція «Обшук – затримання». Надано перелік предметів, що є об’єктом пошуку, та визначено критерії їх розмежування під час розслідування незаконного видобутку дорогоцінного каміння органогенного утворення. Звернено увагу на тактичні та організаційні засади цієї слідчої (розшукової) дії. Проаналізовано низку проблем під час обшуків у кримінальних провадженнях зазначеної категорії та запропоновано шляхи їх усунення. Надано рекомендації щодо якісного збирання доказів

    Image of the Unicorn in “The Last Unicorn” by P. Beagle

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    Pītera Bīgla grāmata “Pēdējais vienradzis” tika publicēta 1968. gadā. Šis pētījums, ‘Vienradža tēls P. Bīgla darbā “Pēdējais vienradzis”’, ir veltīts grāmatas tēlu un varoņu analīzei no dažādām perspektīvām, lai atklātu sīkāku informāciju, kas veicinātu dziļāko teksta izpratni. Šajā analīzē tika izmantotas sekojošās metodes: izpētīt pieejamo teorētisko materiālu, kas attiecas uz pētījuma priekšmetu, izanalizēt, salīdzināt un apvienot teorijas, izveidot sistēmu, saskaņā ar kuru var to priekšmetu pētīt, un izanalizēt pētījuma priekšmetu atbilstoši izstrādātajai sistēmai. Kloda Levī-Strosa “Strukturālajā antropoloģijā” izklāstītās struktūras palīdz sistematizēt turpmāko pētījumu, apvienojot strukturālisma metodes ar vēsturiskiem un mitoloģiskiem faktiem, kā arī ar citu pieeju, kas balstās uz Džozefa Kempbela grāmatas “Varonis ar tūkstoš sejām” (1973). Šo pieeju kombinācija ļauj ilustrēt galvenā varoņa piedzīvojuma nozīmīgākos elementus ar diagrammām, kā arī iztēlot pašu varoni un pārējos personāžus struktūru formā. Veicot šo pētījumu tika pierādīts, ka sistēmu, ko izstrādāja saskaņā ar varoņa piedzīvojuma aprakstu Džozefa Kempbela grāmatā, var izteikt diagrammu formā, iesaistot struktūras, aprakstītas “Strukturālajā antropoloģijā”, un pēc tam izdarīt to pašu ar Pītera Bīgla grāmatā aprakstīto varoņa piedzīvojumu. Turklāt šī metode palīdzēja atšifrēt grāmatā izmantoto tēlu nozīmi, kā arī saprast, ka Pītera Bīgla grāmatā galvenā varoņa transformācijas struktūra galvenokārt atbilst modernā varoņu piedzīvojuma struktūrai Kempbela grāmatā. Ir, protams, daži interesanti izņēmumi, kuri tiks apspriesti tālāk. Atslēgas vārdi: koncentriskā/diametrālā binārā struktūra, apļveida/diametrālā trīskārtējā struktūra, metamorfoze, vecāku tēli, robežas šķērsojums, mūsdienu sabiedrība“The Last Unicorn” written by Peter Beagle was first published in 1968. The present research, ‘Image of the Unicorn in “The Last Unicorn” by P. Beagle’, is devoted to analyzing the images in this story from different perspectives, in order to reveal subtler details that further a more profound comprehension of the text. The methods adopted for the present research are as follows: studying the available theoretical material relevant to the subject under discussion, analyzing, comparing and combining theories, developing a framework according to which the subject can be studied, and analyzing it according to the obtained framework. “Structural Anthropology” by Claude Levi-Strauss allowed systematizing further research, combining structuralist methods with historical and mythological data, as well as with another approach, based on “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” (1973) by Joseph Campbell, in order to express the hero adventure in diagram form. The results of the research have shown that the characters in Peter Beagle’s story can, indeed be subjected to structuralization. The framework developed according to Campbell’s description of the hero-adventure can also be expressed in diagram form, involving structures introduced by Claude Levi-Strauss. Furthermore, this approach proved to be helpful in deciphering the meaning carried by the images in “The last Unicorn”, as well as in determining that the structure of the transformation of the protagonist in Peter Beagle’s book mainly fits into the framework of a modern hero-myth developed by Campbell, with several interesting exceptions that will be discussed further. Key words: concentric/diametrical binary structure, circular/diametrical ternary structure, metamorphosis, parental figure, the crossing of the threshold, modern societ

    History of palynological research of Mesozoic deposits in Ukraine

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    Since the establishment of spore-pollen analysis as a method for biostratigraphic subdivision of Mesozoic rocks in Ukraine, several schools have undertaken palynological research since the middle of the 20th century. Palynologists M.I. Ustynovska, T.B. Hubkyna, N.N. Zhuhan, S.Y. Yehorova, H.Y. Ivankevych, O.Z. Isahulova, Y.V. Semenova, R.O. Rotman, and N.S. Kyrvel worked at the Kyiv school (central Ukraine); L.A. Portnyahina, H.A. Orlova-Turchyna, N.Y. Teslya, M.I. Burova, M.E. Ohorodnik, and A.S. Andreeva-Grigorovich carried out research in the Lviv school (western Ukraine); and A.K. Kruzina, A.A. Mikhelis among others worked in the Artemivsk school (eastern Ukraine). The scientific works of M.A. Voronova are basic analyses of the spores-pollen assemblages of the Lower Cretaceous. From 1963 to 2002, M.A. Voronova established the basic methodological principles of palynological research on Lower Cretaceous strata of Ukraine and elucidated important issues concerning the emergence of angiosperms, migration and evolution of the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous flora of ferns, developed criteria for palaeolandscape reconstructions and palaeo-weathering. G.G. Janowska focused on the palynostratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of Crimea and Preddobrudzha. In 1952–1953, for the first time, G.V. Shramkova and A.M. Laptyeva carried out a detailed biostratigraphic division of the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin and the north-western Donbass with the help of spore-pollen analysis. E.V. Semenova characterized the Triassic and Lower Jurassic deposits of the Donbas and the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin.Despite the significant contributions of Ukrainian palynologists to the study of Mesozoic sediments, many problems remain that need to be addressed. Today, at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of Mesozoic strata using palynological analysis is carried out by O.A. Shevchuk and student D.O. Pustovoitova. A comprehensive approach to the study of microresidues from Jurassic and Cretaceous samples are covered in the dissertation of O.A. Shevchuk “Stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic–Cretaceous of Ukraine on microfossils” 2021 and in other publications. The main groups that we have studied and that are important for stratigraphy are spores and pollen, megaspores and dinocysts, along with dispersed cuticles, tracheids, remnants of structured wood, green algae (prasinophytes and Botryococcus), fungi, insects, animal body parts, acritarchs, microforaminifera, microsclerites, scolecodonts, bacteria, sclerenchyma and pseudomicrofossils. We apply a comprehensive approach to the study of microfossils, which provides a broader understanding of the palaeogeographical conditions of the region of Ukraine in the Mesozoic. The effectiveness of complex palynological studies of marine and continental Mesozoic deposits of Ukraine for stratigraphic purposes is substantiated by their application to hydrogeology and hydrocarbon exploration


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    New types of wood-based building materials, one of which is CLT, require an accurate assessment of the strength of various types of joints. Connections of CLT panels on glued-in steel rods have great interest in connection with the development of prefabricated modular buildings with high factory accuracy of mating joints parts. Glued-in steel rods are very effective type of rigid and semi-rigid joints in GLT elements of different constructions and allow produce structural elements with high level of prefabrication for fast and reliable installation of timber buildings. Positive experience of using glued-in steel rods during large period in timber constructions in Eastern Europe praxis seems effective in joints of cross laminated timber (CLT) panels.The results of the strength of the glued-in rods by pull-pull tests, which were installed in the cross section of the CLT panel, showed new results that were difficult to predict by taking into account practice of using glued-in steel rods in solid and glued laminated timber. Cross laminated timber panels are a complex multilayer structure of boards with mutually perpendicular to their location in adjacent layers create new boundary conditions for the rods, when they can be located at the boundary of the longitudinal and transverse boards. In order to evaluate the reliability of the obtained experimental data were performed analytical studies in the Ansys software for all possible locations of rods in the cross section of the CLT panel, which may affect the strength values, taking into account elastic anisotropy of wood. Analysis of the glued-in rods strength by pulling, depending position in the cross-section, is the same as described in paper of prof. H. J. Blass (2007) where the positions of axially loaded self-tapping screws were varied.Аналіз результатів міцності з’єднань на вклеєних стержнях на висмикування, які встановлені у поперечному перерізі ПКД або CLT панелі, показав нові результати, які важко було передбачити з урахуванням значної практики використання вклеєних стержнів уцільній та клеєній деревині. Оскільки ПКД панелі являють собою складну багатошарову структуру з дощок зі взаємно перпендикулярним їх розташуванням у суміжних шарах, то виникли нові граничні умови для стержнів, коли вони можуть бути розташованими на межі повздовжньої та поперечної дощок. Для оцінки достовірності отриманих експериментальних даних [1] виконано аналітичні дослідження у програмному комплексі Ansys для всіх можливих місць розташування стержнів у поперечному перерізі ПКД панелі, що можуть впливати на величини міцності, з урахуванням пружної моделі анізотропії деревин