495 research outputs found

    Contributions of Sushruta to Anatomy

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    Sushruta, a practitioner of ancient Indian Medicine has made significant contributions to various branches of medicine. He is glorified as Father of Indian Surgery. He performed surgeries in the era when no diagnostic facilities were available. What astonishes is the favorable outcome from most of his procedures. Probably, the exhaustive knowledge of basic sciences he had would have made him a versatile surgeon. This article has compiled the contributions of this great stalwart to anatomy and interprets his perspective towards teaching this subject.Keywords: Sushruta, Dissection, Cadaver, Anatomy, Preservatio

    Implementation Of ALU sing Low Power Full Adder

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    This paper is resolved to structure a quick Arithmetic Logic Unit. We as a whole understand that, ALU is a module which can perform math and method of reasoning exercises. The speed of ALU essentially depends on the speed of the Multiplier. This paper demonstrates a strategy called, "Vedic Mathematics" for organizing the multiplier that is fast when diverged from various multipliers reliant on logical strategies that have been for all intents and purposes for a long time. Here, a quick 32x32 piece multiplier is organized and inspected which relies upon the Vedic science instrument. The proposed methodology is capable and snappy, wherein the planning incorporates the vertical and crossed growth of perspective Vedic math. Within multiplier is implemented using Vedic-Wallace structure for quick utilization. The case of the last result is gotten by using Brent-Kung snake for fast figuring’s with less zone use. The foreseen Vedic multiplier is coded in a High-level Digital Language (VHDL) trailed by synthetization using an EDA mechanical assembly, XilinxISE14.5. The proposed ALU can perform three different math and eight particular lucid assignments at quick. The major focus of this paper is to grow the speed of the multiplier and to reduce the delay, and region of the hardware

    A Brief study on Steganography techniques

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    As there is a lot of advancement in the field of internet or communication technology, we have various means of storing, accessing and distribution of the data in the digital format. Due to the rapid advancement in this field has also introduced many challenges to the researchers to provide security to the information which is transmitted over the network. The digital information circulating over the network also includes the medical information. In order to provide security, confidentiality and integrity, the steganographic techniques can be employed. In the section 1, it gives the introduction about available hiding techniques; the section 2 explains the various steganography properties, the section 3 gives the types of steganographic techniques, the section 4 gives the applications of steganography, the section 5 gives the quality parameters to be measured for medical information, and the section 6 gives the steganographic algorithms available. Finally the section 7 concludes that to prevent unauthorized access steganography is the suitable technique

    Spectral Clustering and Vantage Point Indexing for Efficient Data Retrieval

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    Data mining is an essential process for identifying the patterns in large datasets through machine learning techniques and database systems. Clustering of high dimensional data is becoming very challenging process due to curse of dimensionality. In addition, space complexity and data retrieval performance was not improved. In order to overcome the limitation, Spectral Clustering Based VP Tree Indexing Technique is introduced. The technique clusters and indexes the densely populated high dimensional data points for effective data retrieval based on user query. A Normalized Spectral Clustering Algorithm is used to group similar high dimensional data points. After that, Vantage Point Tree is constructed for indexing the clustered data points with minimum space complexity. At last, indexed data gets retrieved based on user query using Vantage Point Tree based Data Retrieval Algorithm.  This in turn helps to improve true positive rate with minimum retrieval time. The performance is measured in terms of space complexity, true positive rate and data retrieval time with El Nino weather data sets from UCI Machine Learning Repository. An experimental result shows that the proposed technique is able to reduce the space complexity by 33% and also reduces the data retrieval time by 24% when compared to state-of-the-art-works


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    Objective: To investigate the presence of phytochemical components and to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity of pet. ether, chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts of Grewia heterotricha mast leaves.Methods: The leaves of Grewia heterotricha mast were dried and extracts were prepared using a pet. ether, chloroform, methanol by soxhlet extraction method. The aqueous extract was prepared using distilled water by cold extraction method. The preliminary phytochemical analysis was carried out on aqueous, methanol, chloroform and pet. either leaf extracts of the plant using standard qualitative procedures. The total phenolic content (TPC) was estimated using modified Folin-Ciocalteau method, tannin content by Folin-Denis method and total flavonoids by aluminum chloride method. In vitro, antioxidant activities were evaluated by 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, H2O2 scavenging activity and FRAP assay.Results: The preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of complex bioactive constituents like phenols, tannins, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, glycosides, coumarins, proteins and carbohydrates. Methanolic extract showed highest total phenolic content (87.58±2.52 mg CE/g) than aqueous extract (78.46±5.36 mg CE/g). Higher tannin content was found in the aqueous extract (148.0±8.96 mg TAE/g). Total flavonoids were highest in chloroform extract (314.9±25.06 mg QE/g) followed by aqueous (242.98±32.42 mg QE/g) and methanolic extract (217.0±18.32 mg QE/g) and lowest in a pet. ether extract (188.86±23.35 mg QE/g). The methanolic extract had shown very significant DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50 98.95 µg/ml) and H2O2 scavenging activity (IC50110.1µg/ml) compared to the standard ascorbic acid. Higher reducing ability was observed in methanol extract (131.8±11.67 mg AE/g).Conclusion: The results obtained reveal that the leaves of Grewia heterotricha mast have potent antioxidant property. The observed activity may be associated with bioactive components like phenolics, flavonoids present in the leaf extracts and could have greater importance as therapeutic agents in oxidative stress-related degenerative diseases. Further studies are needed in order to purify bioactive compounds responsible for the antioxidant property


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    Karnini Yonivyapad is described with its own pathogenesis and treatment in classical text. It can be compared with cervical erosion due to its clinical appearance. Among all Yonivyapad, only this Yonivyapad is related with cell pathology. In present circumstances when cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical cancer are the burning issues in front of whole world, it is necessary to understand physiology and pathology of cervix in benign stages so that an appropriate prevention or treatment can be done at this stage. An ideal and complete treatment of pathological erosion should be that which destroy the ectopic columnar epithelium and make healthy cell environment so that regression of erosion will take place properly. Virechana karma is the radical purification that eliminates waste products, toxins and aggravated doshas from the body. As aggravated Doshas are the primary cause of disease, this method is the most direct for curative purposes. In present study, patient with Karnini yonivyapada is treated with combination of Shodhan, shaman and local therapy. Trivrit Lehya has been selected for Virechana karma because in all the herbs easy and safe among purgative is Trivrit. Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera L.) kshar Tail used for Yoni pichu and Triphala Guggul is selected for Shaman chikitsa, which is seen to be very much effective


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    Background: A primigravida female patient of age 22 years came to NIA Prasuti ward on date 25th August 2019 with chief complaint of Amenorrhea since 9 months and labor pain since morning with no history of leaking and bleeding per vaginal. Methodology: The patient first visited NIA OPD on 2nd April 2019 for routine Antenatal check up with 5th months of pregnancy. Thereafter she was regularly visiting NIA Prasutitantra OPD for her routine ANC check up and was given routine Ayurvedic anetanatal medications like Mukta Shukti Bhasma and Shatawari churna with milk, Punarnawa Mandoor with buttermilk. She also followed all prenatal advice given to her time to time. The patient had not reported any complication related to pregnancy, or medical problems and side-effects of medications during her course of pregnancy. Patient had given Bala siddha Taila Matra Basti from 37 weeks of gestation twice a week up to the delivery and Bala siddha Taila Yoni Pichu during her active phase of labor up to full dilatation of cervix. Result: A full term normal delivery with right medio-lateral episiotomy with vertex presentation delivered an alive healthy male child of weight 2.7kg on 25th August 2019 at 2:00pm


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    World Health Organization defines the health as a State of physical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease, the same thought of holistic approach of health conceived some centuries ago by the oriental intellectuals especially Ayurvedic classics with the beautiful definition : Samadosha samagnicha samadhatu malakriya, Prasannathmendriya mana: swasthaithiabhidheeyate†which shows the in depth foresight towards physiological as well as psychological state in maintaining the positive health. The mental equilibrium is also needed for conception (Garbhavakranti), development of the foetus (Garbhavridhi).The present paper attempts to analyze and establish the role of Mano samyata in Garbhavakranti (conception), Garbhinicharya (antenatal care) and Garbhavridhi (fetal development) through the immune –Nervous –Endocrine orchestra


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    Women’s health is extremely valuable and source of healthy nation. There are so many diseases that affects quality of life of women; cervical erosion is one among them. On the basis of etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications and principles of treatment; Karnini Yonivyapad is very near to cervical erosion. 'Karnini Yonivyapada' is a disease caused by vitiation of Vata and Kapha dosha while affected dhatu is Rakta. Treatment is aimed at Vata-Kaphashamaka and Raktashodhaka. In cervical erosion, there is replacement of squamous epithelium of ectocervix by columnar epithelium of endo cervical canal. Although it is a benign condition but ignorance of this disease may lead to infertility and cervical malignancy. The treatment of cervical erosion is designed to destruct the columnar epithelium and to promote the re-epithelization of the squamous tissues. Electric cauterization and laser are the standard treatment modalities of erosion in modern medical science which are the modified form of Agnikarma but so many side effect associated with them. In the present study, the management of cervical erosion was done through Agnikarma by Jamabbadan shalaka and found as better alternative in the management of Karnini (Cervical erosion)


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    Episiotomy procedure is introduced in obstetrical practice more than 200 years ago but is put in frequent practice in the 20th century. Postnatal complications were more common among women who had episiotomy compared to those who did not have episiotomy; hence postpartum care of episiotomy wound should begin as soon as possible. So the present study has been done on episiotomy wound healing. Basically two things Shodhana (cleaning) and Ropana (healing) are desirable for proper healing. Many single drugs and compound formulations have been described in the classics for wound healing. The present study is taken up with the aim of comparison of clinical evaluation of wound healing property of Nimbadi and Yastyadi ointment, topical application on episiotomy wound. Study carried out on total 30 patients, under group A 15 patients treated with Nimbadi ointment, and 15 patients in group B treated with Yastyadi ointment. Both Groups were given local application of ointment on episiotomy wound as per requirement twice a day for a period of 14 days. On observation Group A therapy shows 66.62 % relief in signs and symptoms of wound along with good status of healing (cured) i.e. 53.33%. Group B therapy shows 49.50% relief in signs and symptoms of wound along with average status of healing (Partially cured) i.e. 46.66%. Better result was observed in group A in comparison to group B. No adverse effect was observed in any patient during the trial
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