726 research outputs found


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    Objetiva-se tratar da participação do Estado no Processo Civil sob a ótica da responsabilidade civil processual, visando estabelecer em que medida é aplicável o comando do art. 37,§6° da Constituição Federal para ressarcimento de honorários advocatícios contratuais. Para tanto resgata noções afetas à responsabilidade civil do Estado, adotando uma visão a partir da ―Teoria da Responsabilidade Civil‖, cuja aplicação estende-se ao processo civil. Nesse contexto, aborda a responsabilidade civil na sociedade pós-industrial fundada na primazia da vítima e com escopo eminentemente indenizatório, reflexo do Princípio da Solidariedade. Acrescenta-se, como espelho desse padrão interpretativo (a ótica do lesado), a importância alcançada pelo Princípio da Reparação Integral, tratando-se de diretriz axiológica que determina a maior amplitude ressarcitória, nas perspectivas do an debeatur e do quantum debeatur. Adota-se a premissa de que é irrelevante a ilicitude para a responsabilidade objetiva do Estado, o que torna viável a responsabilidade civil processual pelo exercício regular do direito de ação, caso em que o dano é qualificado como injusto, conceito que construído no trabalho conforme o ordenamento pátrio. No que se refere, especificamente, aos danos processuais, demonstrou-se que houve um percurso evolutivo no Direito brasileiro, partindo-se de uma concepção restrita à atuação ilícita, para compreender uma responsabilidade civil processual objetiva tipificada na responsabilização por efetivação de tutela e execução provisória e pelos custos do processo. Na responsabilidade civil processual do Estado, marcada de especificidades, verifica-se que o art. 27 da Lei de Introdução as Normas do Direito Brasileiro, incluído pela Lei n°. 13.655/2018, apresenta uma cláusula geral de indenizabilidade por danos processuais pela atuação jurisdicional, administrativa e correcional do Estado, evidenciando um ―giro conceitual‖ do ato ilícito para o dano injusto, isso culmina na importação para o processo da diretiva da primazia da vítima, no caso o vencedor acometido por dano injusto e anormal. Diante disso, conclui-se que o entendimento da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que apesar de vacilante tem se firmado no sentido de não indenizabilidade dos honorários contratuais ao réu vencedor, não deve ser aplicada à esfera pública, onde se aplica o Princípio da Reparação Integral dos danos processuais para traçar as despesas com honorários contratuais como dano injusto reparável, nos termos do art. 37,§6° da Constituição Federal. Palavras-chave: Direito Processual Civil. Responsabilidade civil objetiva do Estado. Responsabilidade civil processual objetiva. Dano injusto. Honorários contratuais

    Effects of successive judo matches on interlimb asymmetry and bilateral deficit

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    Objective: To verify the effects of successive judo matches on interlimb asymmetry and bilateral deficit in judo athletes. Design: Repeated measures Setting: University Judo center Participants: Fourteen male judo athletes Outcome measures: Four simulated matches consisting of 4-min. Before the first match and after each match athletes were submitted to single leg tests – Countermovement Jump (SLCMJ) and Standing Long Jump (SLSLJ), and handgrip strength (HGS) in the dominant and non-dominant limbs. Interlimb asymmetry was calculated in both jumps and handgrip strength tests. Results: Most jump-derived variables did not change the magnitude of asymmetry throughout the matches (p>0.05), with the exception of jump height asymmetry in SLCMJ, that increased after the second match (p=0.001). The HGS decreased in both hands from the first match (p<0.001), without asymmetry. The highest bilateral strength deficit was observed in post-match 1 and post-match 2 (close to 10%). Conclusion: Four-successive judo matches did not change the magnitude of interlimb asymmetry, with exception of SLCMJ height, which increased after the second match. The handgrip strength decreased throughout the matches, but similarly in both hands. Finally, the direction of asymmetry showed consistency throughout the matches only for SLCMJ height

    From MFN to SFN: Performance Prediction Through Machine Learning

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    In the last decade, the transition of digital terrestrial television (DTT) systems from multi-frequency networks (MFNs) to single-frequency networks (SFNs) has become a reality. SFN offers multiple advantages concerning MFN, such as more efficient management of the radioelectric spectrum, homogenizing the network parameters, and a potential SFN gain. However, the transition process can be cumbersome for operators due to the multiple measurement campaigns and required finetuning of the final SFN system to ensure the desired quality of service. To avoid time-consuming field measurements and reduce the costs associated with the SFN implementation, this paper aims to predict the performance of an SFN system from the legacy MFN and position data through machine learning (ML) algorithms. It is proposed a ML concatenated structure based on classification and regression to predict SFN electric-field strength, modulation error ratio, and gain. The model's training and test process are performed with a dataset from an SFN/MFN trial in Ghent, Belgium. Multiple algorithms have been tuned and compared to extract the data patterns and select the most accurate algorithms. The best performance to predict the SFN electric-field strength is obtained with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.93, modulation error ratio of 0.98, and SFN gain of 0.89 starting from MFN parameters and position data. The proposed method allows classifying the data points according to positive or negative SFN gain with an accuracy of 0.97

    Dialectical Interrelation Between: Problematic Situation, Real Problem, Scientific Problem, Object and Field, in the Investigation Design: A Necessary Reflection

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    All research responds to the need of solutions to a problem that directly or indirectly affects society. The development of the same largely certifies and determines the constant search for solutions. The main objective of the present study was to arrive at a clear conceptualization, as complete as possible, of some the most important terms that come up during an investigation design: Problematic Situation, Real Problem, Scientific Problem, and Object and Field, given the visible shortcomings observed in pre- and post-graduate theses when the research work is being developed and defended. The methodology consisted of basically developing a reflection around these terms (the vision that different authors have in this regard was very helpful), as well as the presentation of varied examples contributed to see the meaning of these important concepts more clearly. The study shows in a scientifically grounded way the achievement of the above. The way in which the presentation of the different concepts was handled removes any possibility of mistakes. Keywords: methodology scientific investigation, problem, object, field. Resumen Toda investigación parte del apremio en dar una respuesta a la solución de un problema que afecta de una manera directa o indirecta a la Sociedad. En gran medida, el propio desarrollo de la misma compulsa y determina esa constante búsqueda de soluciones. El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue llegar a una conceptualización clara, y lo más acabada posible, de algunos de los más importantes términos que se manejan durante el diseño de una investigación: Situación Problémica, Problema Real, Problema Científico, Objeto y Campo, dada las visibles falencias que se observan en tesistas de pre y postgrado a la hora de desarrollar y defender sus trabajos de investigación. La metodología consistió, básicamente, en desarrollar una reflexión en torno a estos términos; para lo cual resultó de gran ayuda la visión que tienen diferentes autores al respecto; así como, la exposición de variados ejemplos contribuyó a ver más definidamente el significado de estos importantes conceptos. El estudio muestra de forma científicamente fundamentada el logro de lo anterior. La forma en que se maneja la presentación de los diferentes conceptos aleja toda posibilidad de equívocos. Palabras clave: metodología investigación científica, problema, objeto, campo

    Sementeia: plantado sonhos, semeando sentidos e articulando resistências no campo e na cidade

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    1º Congresso Internacional Epistemologias do Sul: perspectivas críticas - 7 a 9 de novembro de 2016, realizada pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA).A vida no campo e a Agroecologia proliferam signos, códigos e linguagens próprias que permanecem ausentes para o conjunto da sociedade. A comunicação tem o papel de principal mediadora das relações sociais e da percepção da realidade, onde novas maneiras de experimentar e de organizar o mundo são criadas. As disputas concretas e materiais (como as que se dão em torno das questões ambientais e da produção de alimentos) passam pelo campo simbólico, pela produção de cultura e a produção e difusão de sentidos as quais são estratégicas para a construção e fortalecimento de propostas contra-hegemônicas. Compreender que as disputas também se dão no campo simbólico faz que tenhamos outra postura frente ao que é dito e frente a como dizemos algo

    Analytical and numerical solutions of the potential and electric field generated by different electrode arrays in a tumor tissue under electrotherapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Electrotherapy is a relatively well established and efficient method of tumor treatment. In this paper we focus on analytical and numerical calculations of the potential and electric field distributions inside a tumor tissue in a two-dimensional model (2D-model) generated by means of electrode arrays with shapes of different conic sections (ellipse, parabola and hyperbola).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Analytical calculations of the potential and electric field distributions based on 2D-models for different electrode arrays are performed by solving the Laplace equation, meanwhile the numerical solution is solved by means of finite element method in two dimensions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both analytical and numerical solutions reveal significant differences between the electric field distributions generated by electrode arrays with shapes of circle and different conic sections (elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic). Electrode arrays with circular, elliptical and hyperbolic shapes have the advantage of concentrating the electric field lines in the tumor.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The mathematical approach presented in this study provides a useful tool for the design of electrode arrays with different shapes of conic sections by means of the use of the unifying principle. At the same time, we verify the good correspondence between the analytical and numerical solutions for the potential and electric field distributions generated by the electrode array with different conic sections.</p

    Penile Cancer in Cali, Colombia: 10 Years of Casuistry in a Tertiary Referral Center of a Middle-Income Country

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    Background: Penile cancer is a rare disease in Colombia; in Cali, it represents 0.7% of all cancers. Penile cancer has been associated with old age, bad hygiene, smoking and lack of circumcision. This study aimed to describe the sociodemographic and clinica&nbsp; characteristics of patients with penile cancer who consulted to a tertiary referral hospital. Methods: A case series of all penile cance cases at a reference institution in Cali during 2001-2010. Socioeconomic, demographic and clinical features of patients were described, and bivariate analyses were carried out. Results: There were 46 penile cancer cases. The average age was 60 ± 16.9 years. The main reason for consultation was an exophytic mass on the penis (75.0%). The most common location was the glans (69.6%), and the more frequent histology type was the squamous cell carcinoma (95.7%). With regard to risk factors, 65.5% of the patients had history of smoking and90.9% did not have circumcision. Patients who underwent radical amputation had higher rates of positive nodes (55% vs. 13.5%, p=0.015) and ulcerative lesions (77.8% vs. 29.7%, p=0.018) than those who did not have the procedure done. Recurrence was associated with the presence of lymphadenopathy (p=0.02) and history of circumcision (p=0.015). Conclusion: Most of the patients with penile cancer found in this study had old age, history of tobacco use and lack of circumcision. Patients who presented with lymph node metastasis had to undergo more radical procedures and suffered a greater rate of recurrence compared with those without lymph node involvement. Robust ..