1,423 research outputs found

    User Participation in Consulting Projects: Client and Provider Role Variations

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    This study presents a variation scheme of participation roles in consulting projects. Typical consulting assignments in the area known as IS planning involve strategic planning and information systems management, enterprise architecture, information management or information technology governance. Participation is a crucial issue in consulting on these issues. In the literature on participation, different roles and tasks have been found, but it is not always specified, on what types of projects or systems the results are based. The literature on consulting suggests some models for work division. In a two-phase qualitative study, we first collect possible tasks in ICT consulting projects, and then, based on further explorations, create a model for role variations in consulting. We compare roles suggested in the literature on participation and on consulting to our findings. The suggested variation model gives a common framework of reference for negotiations between the provider and the client, and helps to anticipate the needed competences and resources from both parties, and discern between their responsibilities

    Finite-size effects in dynamics of zero-range processes

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    The finite-size effects prominent in zero-range processes exhibiting a condensation transition are studied by using continuous-time Monte Carlo simulations. We observe that, well above the thermodynamic critical point, both static and dynamic properties display fluid-like behavior up to a density {\rho}c (L), which is the finite-size counterpart of the critical density {\rho}c = {\rho}c (L \rightarrow \infty). We determine this density from the cross-over behavior of the average size of the largest cluster. We then show that several dynamical characteristics undergo a qualitative change at this density. In particular, the size distribution of the largest cluster at the moment of relocation, the persistence properties of the largest cluster and correlations in its motion are studied.Comment: http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v82/i3/e03111

    An Overview of Science Challenges Pertaining to our Understanding of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents

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    Vulnerability of man-made infrastructure to Earth-directed space weather events is a serious concern for today's technology-dependent society. Space weather-driven geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) can disrupt operation of extended electrically conducting technological systems. The threat of adverse impacts on critical technological infrastructure, like power grids, oil and gas pipelines, and communication networks, has sparked renewed interest in extreme space weather. Because extreme space weather events have low occurrence rate but potentially high impact, this presents a major challenge for our understanding of extreme GIC activity. In this chapter, we discuss some of the key science challenges pertaining to our understanding of extreme events. In addition, we present an overview of GICs including highlights of severe impacts over the last 80 years and recent U.S. Federal actions relevant to this community

    Planning product software export -a method to identify opportunities and threats in new geographical markets

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    Product software export can be an attractive option for small and medium sized IT-companies operating in small local markets. In practice however, little support is offered for specifically those type of companies to support strategic preparation and to enable thorough export planning. The central aim of this paper is to present a Product Software Export Planning Method (PSEPM) that supports the decision making of management of product software companies to enter foreign markets. The method builds upon existing insights from the success factors of software export and strategic planning. It facilitates systematic export planning through strategic country analysis, i.e. a systematic comparison between the companies’ home country and the export country of interest. A similarities/differences and opportunities/ threats (SDOT) analysis is the other key part of the method. Through the identification of opportunities and threats, the specific challenges of entering the foreign market can be identified. The method has been applied to a case study at a Dutch product software company specialized in workforce planning applications. In addition, an expert validation was conducted by interviewing (former) board members of IT-companies. The method turned out to be useful for supporting export planning of small and medium size product software companies

    Modeling the Sun's open magnetic flux and the heliospheric current sheet

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    By coupling a solar surface flux transport model with an extrapolation of the heliospheric field, we simulate the evolution of the Sun's open magnetic flux and the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) based on observational data of sunspot groups since 1976. The results are consistent with measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field near Earth and with the tilt angle of the HCS as derived from extrapolation of the observed solar surface field. This opens the possibility for an improved reconstruction of the Sun's open flux and the HCS into the past on the basis of empirical sunspot data.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
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