14 research outputs found

    Biochar micronization and material applications

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    Biochar is used in different applications; most commonly it is applied as land enhancement. Biochar is an environmentally friendly, carbon-negative biomaterial, which contributes to bio and circular economy. In South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (later Xamk) biochar is studied in BioSampo, a Research Centre for Bio and Circular Economy. Pyrolysis of different biomaterials has been one of the focus areas so far. In the near future biochar from different origins will also be micronized. Reduced particle size has many well-known advantages, such as increased surface area and reactiveness. Therefore, micronization can enhance the utilization possibilities of biochar in different technical applications, for instance as a raw material in paint or filters. After the micronization tests have been carried out in BioSampo, the best applications will be evaluated. For this evaluation, particle size distributions of micronized biochar will be analysed. This information is also crucial for the further development of the micronization process. As results of the micronization tests and the evaluations, the most potential applications are identified and recommendations for future actions considering micronized biochar are given. Xamk has a long history in the micronization of ash, mostly bio fly ash. Currently there are pilot-scale opposed jet mill micronization equipment in BioSampo. This equipment can also be used in classification. In the micronization process, the material is fed into the system, where it is ground in one or two opposed jet mills and classified into two fractions. The micronization of biochar will differ from that of bio fly ash at least in one significant way – biochar dust can be explosive. Thus, the micronization process requires an inert atmosphere, which prevents carbon from igniting. These issues are addressed in a project called “Biochar and bio fly ash micronization and material applications in Kymenlaakso region”, in short “HITU”. During the project bio fly ash from several power plants has been micronized. Two of the most potential, micronized ashes have been tested in concrete for compressive strength. The aim of these experiments is to enhance the utilization of bio fly ash and to decrease the need for natural resources in concrete. HITU is administrated by Xamk and the project duration is 1.8.2018 – 31.12.2020. The main funder is the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). For more information and contact info, see www.xamk.fi/hitu-en Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Effect of time intervals in critical care provided by helicopter emergency medical services on 30-day survival after trauma

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    Background: Trauma is the leading cause of death especially in children and young adults. Prehospital care following trauma emphasizes swift transport to a hospital following initial care. Previous studies have shown conflicting results regarding the effect of time on the survival following major trauma. In our study we investigated the effect of prehospital time-intervals on 30-day mortality on trauma patients that received prehospital critical care. Methods: We performed a retrospective study on all trauma patients encountered by helicopter emergency medical services in Finland from 2012 to 2018. Patients discharge diagnoses were classed into (1) trauma without traumatic brain injury, (2) isolated traumatic brain injury and (3) trauma with traumatic brain injury. Emergency medical services response time, helicopter emergency medical services response time, on-scene time and transport time were used as time-intervals and age, Glasgow coma scale, hypotension, need for prehospital airway intervention and ICD-10 based Injury Severity Score were used as variables in logistic regression analysis. Results: Mortality data was available for 4,803 trauma cases. The combined 30-day mortality was 12.1% (582/4,803). Patients with trauma without a traumatic brain injury had the lowest mortality, at 4.3% (111/2,605), whereas isolated traumatic brain injury had the highest, at 22.9% (435/1,903). Patients with both trauma and a traumatic brain injury had a mortality of 12.2% (36/295). Following adjustments, no association was observed between time intervals and 30-day mortality. Discussion: Our study revealed no significant association between different timespans and mortality following severe trauma in general. Trends in odds ratios can be interpreted to favor more expedited care, however, no statistical significance was observed. As trauma forms a heterogenous patient group, specific subgroups might require different approaches regarding the prehospital timeframes. Study type: prognostic/therapeutic/diagnostic test. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    The first seven years of nationally organized helicopter emergency medical services in Finland - the data from quality registry

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    Background: Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) play an important role in prehospital care of the critically ill. Differences in funding, crew composition, dispatch criteria and mission profile make comparison between systems challenging. Several systems incorporate databases for quality control, performance evaluation and scientific purposes. FinnHEMS database was incorporated for such purposes following the national organization of HEMS in Finland 2012. The aims of this study are to describe information recorded in the database, data collection, and operational characteristics of Finnish HEMS during 2012-2018. Methods: All dispatches of the six Finnish HEMS units recorded in the national database from 2012 to 2018 were included in this observational registry study. Five of the units are physician staffed, and all are on call 24/7. The database follows a template for uniform reporting in physician staffed pre-hospital services, exceeding the recommended variables of relevant guidelines. Results: The study included 100,482 dispatches, resulting in 33,844 (34%) patient contacts. Variables were recorded with little or no missing data. A total of 16,045 patients (16%) were escorted by HEMS to hospital, of which 2239 (2%) by helicopter. Of encountered patients 4195 (4%) were declared deceased on scene. The number of denied or cancelled dispatches was 66,638 (66%). The majority of patients were male (21,185, 63%), and the median age was 57.7 years. The median American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Scale classification was 2 and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance class 0. The most common reason for response was trauma representing 26% (8897) of the patients, followed by out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 20% (6900), acute neurological reason excluding stroke 13% (4366) and intoxication and related psychiatric conditions 10% (3318). Blunt trauma (86%, 7653) predominated in the trauma classification. Conclusions: Gathering detailed and comprehensive data nationally on all HEMS missions is feasible. A national database provides valuable insights into where the operation of HEMS could be improved. We observed a high number of cancelled or denied missions and a low percentage of patients transported by helicopter. The medical problem of encountered patients also differs from comparable systems.Peer reviewe

    The first seven years of nationally organized helicopter emergency medical services in Finland - the data from quality registry

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    Background: Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) play an important role in prehospital care of the critically ill. Differences in funding, crew composition, dispatch criteria and mission profile make comparison between systems challenging. Several systems incorporate databases for quality control, performance evaluation and scientific purposes. FinnHEMS database was incorporated for such purposes following the national organization of HEMS in Finland 2012. The aims of this study are to describe information recorded in the database, data collection, and operational characteristics of Finnish HEMS during 2012-2018.Methods: All dispatches of the six Finnish HEMS units recorded in the national database from 2012 to 2018 were included in this observational registry study. Five of the units are physician staffed, and all are on call 24/7. The database follows a template for uniform reporting in physician staffed pre-hospital services, exceeding the recommended variables of relevant guidelines.Results: The study included 100,482 dispatches, resulting in 33,844 (34%) patient contacts. Variables were recorded with little or no missing data. A total of 16,045 patients (16%) were escorted by HEMS to hospital, of which 2239 (2%) by helicopter. Of encountered patients 4195 (4%) were declared deceased on scene. The number of denied or cancelled dispatches was 66,638 (66%). The majority of patients were male (21,185, 63%), and the median age was 57.7 years. The median American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Scale classification was 2 and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance class 0. The most common reason for response was trauma representing 26% (8897) of the patients, followed by out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 20% (6900), acute neurological reason excluding stroke 13% (4366) and intoxication and related psychiatric conditions 10% (3318). Blunt trauma (86%, 7653) predominated in the trauma classification.Conclusions: Gathering detailed and comprehensive data nationally on all HEMS missions is feasible. A national database provides valuable insights into where the operation of HEMS could be improved. We observed a high number of cancelled or denied missions and a low percentage of patients transported by helicopter. The medical problem of encountered patients also differs from comparable systems

    Omakotitalon rakennusmenetelmien kustannusvertailu

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    Opinnäytetyössä vertailtiin kolmen eri rakennusmenetelmän kustannuksia. Vertailua varten tehtiin tarjouspyynnöt neljälle eri talotoimittajalle. Pitkästä tavarasta laskettaessa tehtiin Excel-pohjainen laskuri määrien ja työkustannuksien laskentaan. Tarkoituksena oli vertailla tasapuolisesti kaikkien tarjouksien pohjalta saatuja tietoja sekä laskennan kautta saatuja tuloksia. Tuloksien perusteella toimeksiantaja tulee miettimään sopivaa vaihtoehtoa itselleen. Tiedot laskentaohjelmaan saatiin jälleenmyyjien hintojen perusteella sekä eri tarjouksista sisältäen kattokannattimet, ovet ja ikkunat. Kustannusvertailu käsittää sokkelin yläpinnasta ylöspäin olevat rakenteet ilman LVISA-materiaaleja tai töitä. Yleistä tietoa kustannuksien muodostumisesta hankittiin kirjallisuudesta sekä internetistä. Laskennan ja tarjouksien vertailun tuloksien perusteella kaikki tarjoukset olivat lähellä toisiaan. Kuitenkin kustannustehokkaimmaksi rakennustavaksi selvisi paikalla rakennettu (pitkä tavara), joka oli seuraavaan vaihtoehtoon verrattuna noin 10 % halvempi.The thesis examined cost comparison of three different construction methods. For comparison tenders from four different house suppliers were requested. When calculating long timber, an Excel-based counter was made to calculate the quantities and the working expenses. The aim was to compare the balance between all the tenders as well as the calculation results on the basis of the information obtained. Based on the results the client will be able to consider the most suitable alternative. The data was transferred into an Excel -based counter including the dealers’ prices and different offers including roof trusses, doors and windows. The cost comparison included the upper surface of the plinth facing up structures without the HVAC materials or work. General Information on costs was received from the literature as well as on the internet. The calculations and comparisons of all the tenders were close to each other. However, on the basis of the results it can be concluded that the most cost-effective way of building was on site built (long timber), which was ca. 10% cheaper when compared to the next option

    3D-CAD -ohjelmistojen evaluaatio mobiilien päätelaitteiden mekaniikkasuunnitteluun

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    An Evaluation of a 3D-CAD system is a complex project. There are many issues what one needs to consider. All the issues cannot be deeply studied. Time limits and available resources set the conditions under which one must do the evaluation work. In this work a suitable method is created for the evaluation in Elcoteq Network Oyj. The approach is quite practical. The aim of this Master's Thesis is to evaluate CATIA and I-DEAS CAD systems. Both are high-end CAD systems commonly used in a plastic part design of mobile terminal products. To evaluate these, first the requirements are studied. A design process and typical design project are taken into account. A theoretical assessment is done but the final estimation is based on real practical testing. Finally, a comparison is done and a numerical grade is given for both systems. This thesis itself does not lead to any practical actions. However, it will work as a basis when a real economical estimation is done.3D-CAD järjestelmän evaluaatio on monimuotoinen projekti, jossa useita asioita tulee ottaa huomioon. Kuitenkaan kaikkia asioita ei voida tutkia, sillä aikataulu ja käytettävissä olevat resurssit asettavat evaluointi työlle rajat. Tässä työssä luodaan sopiva menetelmä evaluoinnille Elcoteq Network Oyj:ssä. Lähestymistapa on käytännönläheinen. Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus on evaluoida CATlA ja I-DEAS CAD-ohjelmistot. Molemmat ovat yleisesti käytettyjä mobiilien terminaalilaitteiden muoviosasuunnittelussa. Evaluointia varten ensimmäiseksi selvitetään vaatimukset. Suunnitteluprosessi ja tyypillinen suunnitteluprojekti otetaan huomioon. Ensin suoritetaan teoreettinen arviointi, mutta lopullinen arvoitus suoritetaan käytännön testien perusteella. Lopuksi tehdään vertailu ja kummallekin järjestelmälle annetaan numeerinen arvosana. Tämä työ itsessään ei johda mihinkään käytännön roimiin. Kuitenkin se toimii perustana, kun todellisia taloudellisia arviointeja tehdään

    Metsä, ympäristö ja energia : Soveltavaa tutkimusta ja tuotekehitystä. Vuosijulkaisu 2017

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    Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu (Xamk) aloitti toimintansa vuoden 2017 alussa, kun Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu ja Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu yhdistyivät. Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun toimintalueina ovat Etelä-Savo ja Kymenlaakso, joissa sillä on vahva aluekehittäjän rooli. TKI-toiminnalla tuotetaan uutta tutkimustietoa, uusia menetelmiä, tuotteita sekä palveluita tunnistettujen, työelämästä ja liiketoiminnasta nousevien tutkimus- ja kehittämistarpeiden pohjalta. Tutkimusyhteistyötä tehdään yritysten, järjestöjen, julkisyhteisöjen, yliopistojen, ammattikorkeakoulujen ja tutkimuslaitosten kanssa sekä kansallisella että kansainvälisellä tasolla. Vuoden 2017 Metsä, ympäristö ja energia – soveltavaa tutkimusta ja tuotekehitystä -julkaisuun on koottu Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun Metsä, ympäristö ja energia -vahvuusalan tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnasta kertovia artikkeleita. Alueiden vahvuuksiin ja tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksiin keskittyvä soveltava tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminta edistää uudella tiedolla Etelä-Savon ja Kymenlaakson aluekehitystä sen keskeisillä toimialoilla. Artikkeliteoksessa esitellään TKI-toiminnan vuoden 2017 tuloksia, joita on saavutettu niin hanketoiminnassa kuin osaamisen kehittämisessä. Artikkeleissa käsitellään muun muassa ympäristöturvallisuutta ja yritystoimintaa edistäviä ja uusien teknologisten ratkaisujen käyttöönottoon liittyviä teemoja. Uusia biopohjaisia materiaaleja tuottavat prosessit sekä ympäristöturvallisuutta parantavat ratkaisut ovat tärkeä osa painoalalla toteutettavaa tutkimus- ja kehitystoimintaa. Kiertotalous, energia- ja resurssitehokkuus sekä uusien teknologioiden soveltaminen ja kehittäminen ovat kasvavassa roolissa Xamkin TKI-toiminnassa ja näitä aiheita käsitellään myös useassa artikkelissa. Tämän artikkeliteoksen toinen toimittaja työskentelee ”Metsä ja ympäristö – Puhdas ja älykäs tulevaisuus” -hankkeessa. Hanketta rahoittaa Etelä-Savon maakuntaliitto Euroopan aluekehitysrahastosta. Toimittajista toinen työskentelee tutkimusjohtajana Xamkissa. Tekijät kiittävät hankkeiden ja opinnäytetöiden rahoittajia ja yhteistyökumppaneita yhteisen TKI-toiminnan mahdollistamisesta

    Metsä, ympäristö ja energia : Soveltavaa tutkimusta ja tuotekehitystä. Vuosijulkaisu 2018

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    Vuoden 2018 Metsä, ympäristö ja energia – soveltavaa tutkimusta ja tuotekehitystä -julkaisuun on koottu Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun Metsä, ympäristö ja energia -vahvuusalan tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnasta kertovia artikkeleita. Alueiden vahvuuksiin ja tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksiin keskittyvä soveltava tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminta edistää Etelä-Savon ja Kymenlaakson aluekehitystä keskeisillä toimialoilla uutta tietoa antamalla. Artikkeliteoksessa esitellään tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminnan tuloksia vuodelta 2018. Tuloksia on saavutettu niin hanketoiminnassa kuin osaamisen kehittämisessä. Artikkeleissa käsitellään muun muassa ympäristöturvallisuuden lisäämistä, yritystoiminnan edistämistä ja uusien teknologisten ratkaisujen käyttöönottoa. Uusia biopohjaisia materiaaleja tuottavat prosessit sekä ympäristöturvallisuutta parantavat ratkaisut ovat tärkeä osa painoalan tutkimus- ja kehitystoimintaa. Kiertotalous, energia- ja resurssitehokkuus sekä uusien teknologioiden soveltaminen ja kehittäminen ovat kasvavassa roolissa Xamkin tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminnassa, ja näitä aiheita käsitellään useassa artikkelissa