87 research outputs found

    On the minimal simplex economy

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    In our previous paper we proved that every affine economy has a competitive equilibrium. In order to find a situation in which it is possible to compute it, we define a simplex economy as a variation with repetition of the number of commodities taking the number of consumers (representing the preferences), and a transition matrix (defining the initial endowments). We show that a competitive equilibrium can be intrinsically determined in any minimal simplex economy.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Recent progress on characterizing lattices C(X) and U(Y )

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    Our effort to weaken algebraic assumptions led us to obtain characterizations of C(X) as Riesz spaces, real l-groups, semi-affine lattices and real lattices by using different techniques. We present a unified approach valid for any “convenient” category. By setting equivalent conditions to equi-uniform continuity, we obtain a characterization of the lattice U(Y ) in parallel with that of C(X)

    Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia 1973-2001

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    Se presenta la proyección de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia mediante el análisis de su producción científica desde 1973 hasta 2001 inclusive, a partir de los artículos de revista y las comunicaciones a congresos disponibles en las principales bases de datos nacionales e internacionales. Se ha analizado la productividad y distribución temporal, por tipo de documento y por idioma, así como la producción científica por autores y por departamentos, identificando los más productivos. Por otro lado, se ha estudiado la distribución y evolución de la literatura científica, indicando aquellas revistas más utilizadas. Los resultados indican, como aspectos más relevantes, una amplia gama de áreas temáticas cubiertas, el incremento anual constante de la productividad científica, así como una amplia presencia en las revistas con factor impacto.This article studies the scope of Polytechnic University of Valencia through the analysis of its scientific output since 1973 until 2001 based on the journal articles and conference papers available in the most relevant national and international databases. We analyze its productivity and time layout, according to the kind of document and language, as well as the scientific output by authors and departments, showing those most outstanding regarding productivity. On the other hand, we have researched the distribution and layout of scientific literature, pointing out the most used journals. The results show as the most relevant aspects a wide range of themes covered, the constant annual increase of scientific productivity, as well as a wide use of international journals with impact.Alonso Arroyo, Adolfo. [email protected]

    Análisis de la producción científica sobre la pintura rupestre pospaleolítica en España. Arte levantino y pintura esquemática (1907-2010)

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    Cave art constitutes one of the areas of study of prehistory more attractive, perhaps because of the secrecy that still conveys. After a century of research on post-Paleolithic cave painting in Spain, and when the scientific production exceeds two thousand records, is addressed from bibliometric parameters, the analysis of this production over the period 1907-2010. Based on an own database in Microsoft Access, prepared for over twenty years and that the March 31, 2011 counted on 2,186 bibliographic records, bibliometric techniques are used to determine the temporal distribution, the language used, the styles of cave art, the document types, the themes addressed in the works and the publication place. Document production is below 21.02 publications/year until 1970, although in the 104 years of research analyzed, highlights the years 1999 (with 4.5%) and 2006 (with 5.1%) for the large number of publications. Regarding the language of the documents are distributed as follows, Spanish (88.1%), Catalan (4.6%), French (3.9%), English (2%), German (1%) and other languages (Italian, Portuguese or Galician) with 0.32%. 35.4% of production is dedicated to Levantine art, while schematic painting captures 34.8%. Regarding the document type, the scientific article stands out with 55.2%, followed by conference papers (19.2%), book chapters (11.3%), case studies (9.8%), notes (2.3%), doctoral thesis (1%) and undergraduate dissertations (0.7%). The predominant topics are sites (34.5%), chronology (8.8%), iconography (7.7%), or scientific divulgation (5.1%). 90.6% of scientific production has been published in Spain, highlighting Zaragoza (13.4%), Madrid (13.3%), Valencia (9.2%) and Murcia (9%). We consider that the total production is low because hardly exceeds 21 papers / year, although in the last fifty years growth rates were reached above 5%. Because Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, greater internationalization of research of the Spanish post-paleolithic cave painting would be necessary, overcoming marked localism in which has been involved, as opposed to current view that cave art is a universal phenomenon present in all five continents and diverse cultural and chronological settings. Also, greater internationalization of Spanish industry magazines and a greater interest in the prehistoric art in general

    Estudio bibliométrico de la biblioteca de la Real Sociedad Económica Extremeña de amigos del país. Parte II. Colección del siglo XIX

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    The aim of this paper is to study and to report globally on the stock of antiquarian books at the Library of the “Real Sociedad Económica Extremeña de Amigos del País” (Royal Extremaduran Economic Society of Friends of the Country). A recopilation of bibliographic data on this stock corresponding to the 19th centuries has been made. The results are analysed and interpreted to reflect and highlight the role played by Economic Societies of the Country. The stock studied is 5512 books from the 19th century. The evolution of the number of books is analysed, together with the productivity of the authors, place of edition, distribution of books by printer, and distribution by subject.El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar y difundir de forma global el fondo antiguo de la Biblioteca de la Real Sociedad Económica Extremeña de Amigos del País (R.S.E.E.A.P.). Para ello se lleva a cabo, en esta segunda fase del trabajo, la recopilación de los datos bibliográficos del fondo correspondiente al siglo XIX. Se analizan e interpretan los resultados con objeto de reflejar y hacer destacar el papel de las Sociedades Económicas del País. La colección estudiada la forman 5512 libros del siglo XIX. Analizamos la evolución cronológica del número de libros, la productividad de los autores, los lugares de edición, la distribución de libros por materias y por editores-impresores

    Estudio bibliométrico de la biblioteca de la Real Sociedad Económica Extremeña de Amigos del País. Parte I. Colección de los siglos XVI-XVIII

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    The aim of this paper is to study and to report globally on the stock of antiquarian books at the Library of the “Real Sociedad Económica Extremeña de Amigos del País” (Royal Extremaduran Economic Society of Friends of the Country). A recopilation of bibliographic data on this stock corresponding to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries has been made. These data are organized for processing and quantitative analysis, and are contrasted with the Collective Catalogue of Spanish Bibliographic Patrimony (C.C.P.B.E.) to determine the extent of the singularity or rareness of the stock (the data from the R.E.E.S.F.C. library are not included in the C.C.P.B.E.). The results are analysed and interpreted to reflect and highlight the role played by Economic Societies of the Country. The stock studied is: 13 books from the 16th century, 39 from the 17th, and 566 from the 18th century. The evolution of the number of books is analysed, together with the productivity of the authors, place of edition, distribution of books by printer, and distribution by subject. There is also an indication of the number of books deposited as unique (in relation to the C.C.P.B.E.) in the Library.El objetivo del trabajo es estudiar y difundir de forma global el fondo antiguo de la Biblioteca de la Real Sociedad Económica Extremeña de Amigos del País (R.S.E.E.A.P.). Para ello se lleva a cabo la recopilación de los datos bibliográficos del fondo correspondientes a los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Estos datos son organizados para su posterior tratamiento y análisis cuantitativo. Los datos recopilados se cotejan con el Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Español (C.C.P.B.E.), para observar la mayor o menor singularidad o rareza del fondo (los datos de la Biblioteca de la R.S.E.E.A.P. no están recogidos en el C.C.P.B.E.). Se analizan e interpretan los resultados con objeto de reflejar y hacer destacar el papel de las Sociedades Económicas del País. Los fondos estudiados son: 13 libros del siglo XVI, 39 del XVII y 566 del siglo XVIII. Se analiza la evolución del número de libros, la productividad de los autores, el lugar de edición, distribución de libros por impresor y la distribución por materia. También se indica el número de libros depositados como únicos (en relación al C.C.P.B.E.) en dicha Biblioteca

    Colaboración científica de la ingeniería química en las universidades españolas

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    Se presenta un estudio de la colaboración científica de la ingeniería química en las universidades públicas españolas. Se lleva acabo una búsqueda retrospectiva, de 2000 a 2006, en el Web of Science. Los resultados proporcionan un alto porcentaje de autoría múltiple (99 %), alcanzando la colaboración internacional el 36 % del total. Existe correlación entre el número de artículos de cada año y su porcentaje de artículos con colaboración internacional, y entre el número de artículos en cada categoría del JCR y su porcentaje de artículos con colaboración internacional. No se apreció correlación en el número de citas recibidas entre los artículos con cuatro o más autores y artículos con menos de cuatro autores, ni tampoco hubo diferencia significativa en el promedio de citas recibidas entre los grupos de artículos con colaboración internacional y artículos sin colaboración internacional. Las universidades más sobresalientes en productividad y en colaboración fueron la Politécnica de Cataluña, la del País Vasco y la Rovira i Virgili.A study of the scientific collaboration in chemical engineering produced by the Spanish Universities is presented. A retrospective search in the Web of Science for the period, from 2000 to 2006, it is made. The results provide a high % of authorship multiple (99 %), by assuming the international collaboration of the 36 %. Correlations between the number of articles in each year y its percentage of articles with international collaboration was obtained, and between the number of articles belonging to each category of the JCR and its percentage of articles with international collaboration. However, no correlation in the number of received citations with four or more authors and articles with fewer than four authors was observed, neither there was a significant difference in the received citations average among the groups of articles with international collaboration an articles without international collaboration. The overhanging Universities in what productivity and a bigger collaboration reffers they were the Politécnica of Cataluña, the País Vasco y the Rovira i Virgili

    Bisphenol A Mineralization by Integrated Ultrasound-UV-Iron (II) Treatment

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    ABSTRACT: Bisphenol A (BPA), an organic compound largely used in the plastic industry as a monomer for production of epoxy resins and polycarbonate, is an emerging contaminant that is released in the environment from bottles and packaging. BPA degradation (118 μmol L-1) under sonochemical conditions was investigated in this study, using a 300 kHz frequency, with a 80 W electrical power. Under these conditions, BPA was eliminated by the ultrasound process (∼90 min). However, even after long ultrasound irradiation periods (10 h), more than 50% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 80% of total organic carbon (TOC) remained in the solution, indicating that most BPA intermediates are recalcitrant toward ultrasonic action. Accumulation of hydrogen peroxide from °OH and °OOH radical recombination was also observed. To increase the efficiency of BPA treatment, experiments combined ultrasound with Fe2+ (100 μmol L-1) and/or UV radiation (254 nm):  Ultrasound/UV; Ultrasound/Fe2+; Ultrasound/UV/Fe2+. Both UV and Fe2+ induced hydrogen peroxide dissociation, leading to additional °OH radicals and complete COD and TOC removal. Thus difficulties in obtaining mineralization of micropollutants like BPA through ultrasonic action alone, can be overcome by the Ultrasound/UV/Fe2+ combination. Moreover, this technique was found to be the most cost-effective one. So, the integrated ultrasound-UV-iron(II) process was shown to be of interest for the treatment of wastewaters contaminated with BP

    Medidas del solapamiento en tres bases de datos con información sobre ingeniería.

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    The content of the databases usually varies so much in thematic diversity as in extension; some data bases cover specific information, whereas others are multidisciplinary. For that reason it is difficult to select as or as they stay or they eliminate of the collection of an information service, when economic factors take part or of another nature. The study of the overlapping and/or the cover of a series of data bases it corresponds to the field of informetrics. The results will be fundamental at the time of making a decision on the matter. The present work carries out a study of the overlapping and/or cover that present three data bases with contents in engineering (IEL, INSPEC and PASCAL). Similarity and overlapping indices were used (Jaccard and Meyer among others) to compare these three data bases. The results show a great difference between the data bases, as much in cover as in overlapping. INSPEC were the data base with greater cover (approximately 50% of documents and more of 50% of the sources) and an overlapping with the other data bases superior to 30%.El contenido de las bases de datos suele variar tanto en diversidad temática como en extensión; unas cubren información específica, mientras que otras son multidisciplinares. Por eso es difícil seleccionar cual o cuales se mantienen o eliminan del repertorio de un servicio de información, cuando entran en juego factores económicos o de otra índole. El estudio del solapamiento y/o la cobertura de una serie de bases de datos corresponden a la Informetría. Los resultados serán fundamentales a la hora de tomar una decisión al respecto. El presente trabajo lleva a cabo un estudio del solapamiento y/o cobertura que presentan tres bases de datos con contenidos en ingeniería (IEL, INSPEC y PASCAL). Se emplearon índices de solapamiento y de semejanza (Jaccard y de Meyer entre otros) para comparar estas tres bases de datos. Los resultados muestran una gran diferencia entre las bases de datos, tanto en cobertura como en solapamiento. INSPEC es la base de datos con mayor cobertura (aproximadamente el 50 % de los documentos y más del 50 % de las fuen-tes) y un solapamiento con las otras dos bases de datos superior al 30 %

    Mineralization enhancement of a recalcitrant pharmaceutical pollutant in water by advanced oxidation hybrid processes

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    ABSTRACT: Degradation of the biorecalcitrant pharmaceutical micropollutant ibuprofen (IBP) was carried out by means of several advanced oxidation hybrid configurations. TiO2 photocatalysis, photo-Fenton and sonolysis – all of them under solar simulated illumination – were tested in the hybrid systems: sonophoto-Fenton (FS), sonophotocatalysis (TS) and TiO2/Fe2+/sonolysis (TFS). In the case of the sonophoto-Fenton process, the IBP degradation (95%) and mineralization (60%) were attained with photo-Fenton (FH). The presence of ultrasonic irradiation slightly improves the iron catalytic activity. On the other hand, total removal of IBP and elimination of more than 50% of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were observed by photocatalysis with TiO2 in the presence of ultrasound irradiation (TS). In contrast only 26% of mineralization was observed by photocatalysis with H2O2 (TH) in the absence of ultrasound irradiation. Additional results showed that, in the TFS system, 92% of DOC removal and complete degradation of IBP were obtained within 240 min of treatment. The advanced oxidation hybrid systems seems to be a promising alternative for full elimination/mineralization for the recalcitrant micro-contaminant IBP