1,951 research outputs found

    zfit: scalable pythonic fitting

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    Statistical modeling is a key element in many scientific fields and especially in High-Energy Physics (HEP) analysis. The standard framework to perform this task in HEP is the C++ ROOT/RooFit toolkit; with Python bindings that are only loosely integrated into the scientific Python ecosystem. In this paper, zfit, a new alternative to RooFit written in pure Python, is presented. Most of all, zfit provides a well defined high-level API and workflow for advanced model building and fitting, together with an implementation on top of TensorFlow, allowing a transparent usage of CPUs and GPUs. It is designed to be extendable in a very simple fashion, allowing the usage of cutting-edge developments from the scientific Python ecosystem in a transparent way. The main features of zfit are introduced, and its extension to data analysis, especially in the context of HEP experiments, is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    The circadian typology is related to differences in emotional intelligence

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    This study examines the relationships between circadian typology and emotional intelligence taking into account the possible interactions between sex and physical exercise, and controlling for age. A sample of 1011 participants (649 women; 26.92 ± 6.53 yr) completed the reduced Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire and the Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24. Women showed higher emotional attention scores, while men showed higher emotional repair scores (p< .035). Subjects who do physical exercise weekly showed higher emotional repair scores (p=.001). Morning-type had lower emotional attention than evening and neither-type; neither-type exhibited lower emotional repair than morning-type, and lower emotional clarity than both evening and morning-type (p<.046). Circadian typology modulated sex differences in emotional attention, only morning-type group men showed lower emotional attention scores than women. Morning typology may be a protective factor in terms of general health, while we should be aware that the neither-type may present a vulnerability to develop psychological problemsCTS-19

    Analysis of zero inflated dichotomous variables from a Bayesian perspective : application to occupational health

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    Background: Zero-inflated models are generally aimed to addressing the problem that arises from having two different sources that generate the zero values observed in a distribution. In practice, this is due to the fact that the population studied actually consists of two subpopulations: one in which the value zero is by default (structural zero) and the other is circumstantial (sample zero). Methods: This work proposes a new methodology to fit zero inflated Bernoulli data from a Bayesian approach, able to distinguish between two potential sources of zeros (structural and non-structural). Results: The proposed methodology performance has been evaluated through a comprehensive simulation study, and it has been compiled as an R package freely available to the community. Its usage is illustrated by means of a real example from the field of occupational health as the phenomenon of sickness presenteeism, in which it is reasonable to think that some individuals will never be at risk of suffering it because they have not been sick in the period of study (structural zeros). Without separating structural and non-structural zeros one would be studying jointly the general health status and the presenteeism itself, and therefore obtaining potentially biased estimates as the phenomenon is being implicitly underestimated by diluting it into the general health status. Conclusions: The proposed methodology is able to distinguish two different sources of zeros (structural and non-structural) from dichotomous data with or without covariates in a Bayesian framework, and has been made available to any interested researcher in the form of the bayesZIB R package (https://cran.r-project.org/package=bayesZIB)

    Análisis y propuesta de mejora de la administración electrónica en el Ayuntamiento de Serra

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    [ES] El trabajo que se centra en establecer una serie de mejoras, para ello se expondrá el funcionamiento de la Administración Electrónica en España, su ámbito de aplicación y las leyes y normas que lo rigen, para poder analizar en concreto la situación actual en el Ayuntamiento de Serra. El Objeto es el Servicio de Información al ciudadano y la tramitación administrativa relacionada con el acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos en el Ayuntamiento de Serra. El Objetivo consistirá en analizar, mejorar y ampliar las aplicaciones sobre administración electrónica en el servicio de atención al ciudadano que dispone el Ayuntamiento de Serra. En este orden de ideas, el trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar un plan de mejora de la Oficina Virtual municipal y del Servicio Información al Ciudadano en el municipio de Serra, siempre bajo las bases jurídicas por las que se rige la administración electrónica.Navarro Puig, G. (2015). Análisis y propuesta de mejora de la aministració electrónica en el Ayuntamiento de Serra. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/53300.TFG

    Product vs corporate carbon footprint: Some methodological issues. A case study and review on the wine sector

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    Carbon footprint (CF) is nowadays one of the most widely used environmental indicators. The scope of the CF assessment could be corporate (when all production processes of a company are evaluated, together with upstream and downstream processes following a life cycle approach) or product (when one of the products is evaluated throughout its life cycle). Our hypothesis was that usually product CF studies (PCF) collect corporate data, because it is easier for companies to obtain them than product data. Six main methodological issues to take into account when collecting corporate data to be used for PCF studies were postulated and discussed in the present paper: fugitive emissions, credits from waste recycling, use of “equivalent factors”, reference flow definition, accumulation and allocation of corporate values to minor products. A big project with 18 wineries, being wine one of the most important agri-food products assessed through CF methodologies, was used to study and to exemplify these 6 methodological issues. One of the main conclusions was that indeed, it is possible to collect corporate inventory data in a per year basis to perform a PCF, but having in mind the 6 methodological issues described here. In the literature, most of the papers are presenting their results as a PCF, while they collected company data and obtained, in fact, a “key performance indicator” (ie., CO2eq emissions per unit of product produced), which is then used as a product environmental impact figure. The methodology discussed in this paper for the wine case study is widely applicable to any other product or industrial activity

    Tipología circadiana y problemas de salud mental

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    La tipología circadiana (matutina, vespertina o intermedia) es una diferencia individual que se ha relacionado con numerosos aspectos de la salud mental. En este estudio se revisan los principales hallazgos publicados en el área. Tras la búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos se seleccionaron un total de 70 artículos publicados en castellano e inglés entre los años 1990 y 2012, recogidos en las bases de datos ISI, Scopus y Medline, donde se muestra que los individuos vespertinos presentan una mayor prevalencia de trastorno afectivo estacional, depresión mayor, trastorno bipolar, esquizofrenia, trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, trastornos del sueño, conductas adictivas, TDAH y mayores niveles de ansiedad que los matutinos. La tipología vespertina se perfila como un factor de riesgo y la matutina como un factor protector para el desarrollo de diversas psicopatologías, apuntándose como posibles causas polimorfismos de los genes reloj, el jet-lag social y algunos rasgos de personalidad. La tipología circadiana debe considerarse en la evaluación, tratamiento y prevención de las psicopatologías, pues afecta al inicio, curso, remisión y recaída de las mismas. La utilización de terapia cronobiológica es un factor a tener en cuenta en el abordaje terapéutico cuando la expresión rítmica circadiana se halla alterada

    Aspectos de la presentación del sistema de coordenadas cartesianas en la Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum de Euler y en libros de texto de Lacroix

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    Este artículo estudia la presentación del sistema de coordenadas cartesianas en la Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum de Euler y en los libros de texto de Lacroix Traité du calcul différentiel et du calcul intégral y Traité Élémentaire de Trigonométrie Rectiligne et Sphérique, et d’Application de l’Algèbre a la Géométrie, indagando qué componentes hicieron posible su sistematización, y teniendo presente las dificultades de los estudiantes en el uso de las coordenadas cartesianas