298 research outputs found

    Development of non-ionic surfactant vesicles for inhaled drug delivery

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    Previously held under moratorium from 1 December 2016 until 6 December 2021Non-ionic surfactant vesicles (NIVs) provide similar bioavailability as liposomes but they are associated with higher stability profiles and reduced production cost. However, NIVs formulations are limited by the stability of the encapsulated drug and little is know about their use for inhaled delivery. Therefore, in this study, NIVs for pulmonary delivery were developed and factors, which affected their efficacy and stability, were determined. The addition of the cryoprotectant sucrose to NIVs containing amphotericin B (AmB-NIVs) allowed the physicochemical characteristics of the vesicles to be maintained upon freeze-drying and rehydration. Those were proven stable up to 4 months and up to 21 days when reconstituted and stored at 4°C. Pulmonary administration of AmB-NIVs was able to supress the progress of visceral leishmaniasis in vivo with larger particles being superior to smaller sizes (p ≤ 0.05 in the liver and spleen). Incursion of hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin (HPγCD), rather than sucrose (p ≤ 0.01), protected empty-NIVs when freeze-dried and rehydrated with different drugs. Therefore, empty-NIVs rehydrated with drugs such as cisplatin or gemcitabine, could be formulated in situ evading undesirable drug instability issues. The effect of using different types of vibrating-mesh nebulisers (active and passive) on the stability of AmB-NIVs was determined. AmB-NIVs properties, like drug entrapment efficiency, were not critically impaired upon nebulisation. The NIVs viscosity, the type of drug nebulised and the inhaler used affected the final aerosolised outcome i.e. aerosol output and aerosol droplet size. In vitro screening of novel minor binders (MGBs) against B16 F10 cells and L. donovani identified potential lead compounds. Studies in a murine model of V visceral leishmaniasis showed that intravenous administration of MGB58 encapsulated within NIVs reduced the parasite burdens in the liver (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, NIVs have been optimised to provide a stable and successful inhaled drug delivery platform with enhanced bioavailability, especially to target intracellular diseases such as leishmaniasis.Non-ionic surfactant vesicles (NIVs) provide similar bioavailability as liposomes but they are associated with higher stability profiles and reduced production cost. However, NIVs formulations are limited by the stability of the encapsulated drug and little is know about their use for inhaled delivery. Therefore, in this study, NIVs for pulmonary delivery were developed and factors, which affected their efficacy and stability, were determined. The addition of the cryoprotectant sucrose to NIVs containing amphotericin B (AmB-NIVs) allowed the physicochemical characteristics of the vesicles to be maintained upon freeze-drying and rehydration. Those were proven stable up to 4 months and up to 21 days when reconstituted and stored at 4°C. Pulmonary administration of AmB-NIVs was able to supress the progress of visceral leishmaniasis in vivo with larger particles being superior to smaller sizes (p ≤ 0.05 in the liver and spleen). Incursion of hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin (HPγCD), rather than sucrose (p ≤ 0.01), protected empty-NIVs when freeze-dried and rehydrated with different drugs. Therefore, empty-NIVs rehydrated with drugs such as cisplatin or gemcitabine, could be formulated in situ evading undesirable drug instability issues. The effect of using different types of vibrating-mesh nebulisers (active and passive) on the stability of AmB-NIVs was determined. AmB-NIVs properties, like drug entrapment efficiency, were not critically impaired upon nebulisation. The NIVs viscosity, the type of drug nebulised and the inhaler used affected the final aerosolised outcome i.e. aerosol output and aerosol droplet size. In vitro screening of novel minor binders (MGBs) against B16 F10 cells and L. donovani identified potential lead compounds. Studies in a murine model of V visceral leishmaniasis showed that intravenous administration of MGB58 encapsulated within NIVs reduced the parasite burdens in the liver (p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, NIVs have been optimised to provide a stable and successful inhaled drug delivery platform with enhanced bioavailability, especially to target intracellular diseases such as leishmaniasis

    Nanocarriers made from non-ionic surfactants or natural polymers for pulmonary drug delivery.

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    Treatment by the pulmonary route can be used for administration of drugs that act locally in the lungs (e.g. treatment of lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma) or non-invasive administration of drugs that act systemically. The potential of drug delivery systems formed from non-ionic surfactants or natural products i.e. proteins and polysaccharides for pulmonary delivery are discussed

    A reflexão no aprendizagem-serviço

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    El Aprendizaje-Servicio es una metodología cuya implantación en la educación superior exige vincular el servicio a la comunidad con el aprendizaje de contenidos académicos, competencias profesionales y valores cívicos. Uno de los mejores caminos para lograr tal conexión es implicar al alumnado en actividades de reflexión. Este tipo de actividad, además de contribuir a relacionar aprendizaje y servicio, multiplica los aprendizajes y da sentido personal y social a la experiencia de aprendizaje servicio. Para analizar el papel de la reflexión en las actividades de aprendizaje servicio se empieza presentando la idea de reflexión. A continuación se analiza una experiencia consolidada para corroborar tales ideas y profundizar en el papel de la reflexión en el aprendizaje servicio. El estudio del programa Amics i amigues de lectura de las facultades de Pedagogía y Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de Barcelona y del Consorcio de Educación de Barcelona se aborda a través de una metodología etnográfica que nos acerca a los dinamismos de reflexión del programa: la acción tutorial, la escritura autorreflexiva y la reflexión entre iguales. Las conclusiones aportan ideas sobre cómo entender y mejorar los procesos de reflexión. Destacan aspectos como la conexión entre experiencia y reflexión, la necesidad de ofrecer múltiples dispositivos de reflexión, la conveniencia de ayudar a que sean los estudiantes quienes problematicen su experiencia y, finalmente, la incorporación de mediaciones –instrumentos y marcos conceptuales– como elemento clave de la actividad reflexiva de los participantes en las actividades de aprendizaje servicio.Service-learning is a method whose implementation in higher education requires linking community service with academic content learning, professional skills and civic values. One of the ways to achieve it is to have reflective activities. Furthermore, reflection is a means to enhance learning and to give personal and social meaning to the service learning proposals. To analyse the role of reflection in service learning activities, we will begin presenting the idea of reflection. Then, we will analyse a consolidated experience to substantiate such ideas and deepen the role of reflection in service learning. The study of the program Amics i amigues de lectura of the Faculties of Pedagogy and Teaching Learning of the University of Barcelona and Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona will be addressed through an ethnographic methodology by which we approach the dynamics of reflection of the program: the tutorial, reflective writing and reflection among equals. The findings provide insights on how to understand and improve the processes of reflection, highlight the connection between experience and reflection, the need for varied reflection devices, the convenience of helping the students to problematize their own experience and finally understand reflection as the incorporation of mediations -instruments and frameworks- in mental activity of the participants involved in service learning activities.O aprendizagem-serviço é uma metodologia cuja implantação na educação superior exige vincular o serviço à comunidade com a aprendizagem de conteúdos acadêmicos, competências profissionais e valores cívicos. Um dos melhores caminhos para lograr tal conexão é implicar o alunado em atividades de reflexão. Este tipo de atividade, ademais de contribuir para relacionar aprendizagem e serviço, multiplica as aprendizagens e dá sentido pessoal e social à experiência de aprendizagem-serviço. Para analisar o papel da reflexão nas atividades de aprendizagem-serviço se começa apresentando a ideia de reflexão. Na continuação se analisa uma experiência consolidada para corroborar tais ideias e aprofundar o papel da reflexão no aprendizagemserviço. O estudo do programa “Amics i amigues de lectura” das faculdades de Pedagogia e Formação do Professorado da Universidade de Barcelona e do Consórcio de Educação de Barcelona se aborda através de uma metodologia etnográfica que nos acerca aos dinamismos de reflexão do programa: a ação tutorial, a escritura auto-reflexiva e a reflexão entre iguais. As conclusões acrescentam ideias sobre como entender e melhorar os processos de reflexão. Destacam-se aspectos como a conexão entre experiência e reflexão, a necessidade de oferecer múltiplos dispositivos de reflexão, a conveniência de ajudar a que sejam os estudantes que problematizem sua experiência e, finalmente, a incorporação de mediações – instrumentos e marcos conceituais –, como elemento chave da atividade reflexiva dos participantes nas atividades de aprendizagemserviço

    Incorporació d’aspectes sobre la persona en el projecte de disseny en l’enginyeria

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    Aquest treball neix de la intenció de facilitar la inclusió d’aspectes relacionats amb la persona en el projecte de disseny en l’enginyeria perquè no quedin com a una característica residual. Es considera que els aspectes humans han de formar part del projecte des del moment que es caracteritza el repte de disseny i que cal que es tradueixin en premisses projectuals a respectar durant tot el desenvolupament del producte. Amb aquest objectiu, es recull com a referència principal el sistema persona/artefacte definit per l’ergonomia, s’extreuen cinc àmbits de definició que es converteixen en cinc variables (entorn, persona, artefacte, finalitat i acció) que han d’acompanyar el dissenyador en les diverses fases projectuals. Paral·lelament, es revisen les metodologies pròpies del disseny pròximes al disseny centrat en l’usuari perquè es considera que disseny i ergonomia comparteixen la intenció de millorar la interacció entre la persona, l’entorn i els artefactes de l’entorn. La proposta d’anàlisi a partir de les cinc variables es posa en pràctica en una assignatura del màster d’Estudis Avançats en Disseny-Barcelona (MBDesign) per avaluar el diferent punt de partida d’objectes d’ús comú, i així, fer explícit el factor humà en la presa de decisions projectuals.The origin of this article is the intention to facilitate the inclusion of aspects related to the person in the engineering design project so that they do not remain as a residual characteristic. It is considered that the human aspects must be part of the project already when the design challenge is defined, and they must be translated into project premises respected throughout the development of the product. With this goal, the person/artifact system defined by ergonomics is taken as the main reference and from it have been extracted five areas. These areas become the five variables (environment, person, artefact, purpose, and action) which must accompany the designer in all project phases. At the same time, the design methodologies close to user-centered design are reviewed because it is considered that design and ergonomics share the intention of improving the interaction between the person, the environment, and the artefacts of the environment. The analysis system based on the five variables is put into practice in a subject of the master's degree in Advanced Studies in Design-Barcelona (MBDesign) to evaluate the different starting point of objects of common use, and thus, make explicit the human factor in making project decisions

    Modelo integrador para personas con adicción a sustancias psicoactivas

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    Los trastornos por abuso de drogas constituyen en la actualidad uno de los problemas de salud pública más importantes. El abuso de una sustancia conlleva el daño físico, el daño psicológico y el daño social, tanto para la persona que consume la droga como para los demás. En el campo de la salud mental normalmente no hay un factor único que explique la patología y en el de las adicciones en particular no hay una razón única por la dependencia, sino que son varios los factores [genéticos, ambientales, familiares, sociales y psicológicos] que están detrás de ella. Y por lo tanto sería lícito considerar que tampoco hay una sola terapia que ayude a los afectados. El tratamiento específi co para las adicciones que ha sido desde siempre la terapia cognitivo conductual, posiblemente no sea la única intervención en esta problemática. Los últimos estudios revelan la importancia y efi cacia de las terapias psicológicas conductuales a largo plazo, combinadas o no con apoyo farmacológico. Concretamente el mayor soporte empírico son: la Aproximación de Reforzamiento Comunitario (CRA), el Entrenamiento en Habilidades Sociales, la Prevención de Recaídas (PR) y la terapia conductual familiar y de pareja. Con los matices que en algunos casos se mencionarán, se podrían considerar tratamientos bien establecidos. Además, estos programas coinciden en ser también los que ofrecen una mejor relación coste/benefi cio (Roth y Fonagy, 1996). La multiplicidad de terapias no debe entenderse como un problema, sino como un enriquecimiento, siempre y cuando no se conviertan cada una en compartimentos estancos, que excluyan los elementos favorables de otros para el caso concreto. Por tanto, hay un conocimiento amplio y una fl exibilidad inclusiva teniendo en cuenta la variabilidad intraindividual de los pacientes.Lambert, Shapiro y Bergin (1986, citados en Feixas y Jarque, 2010) nos hacen las siguientes aportaciones respecto al cambio terapéutico: éste debe ser multidimensional (evalúa diversas dimensiones de una patología), debe tener referencias teóricas que permitan organizar el cambio que queremos captar, debe tener criterios de cambio con resultados individualizados (serían, pero menos efectivos), y fi nalmente el cambio debe ser relevante clínicamente, es decir que implique una mejora real. El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer la propuesta globalizadora que se lleva a cabo en CC Adicciones de estos distintos tipos de reforzamientos y entrenamientos en una única institución formada por un equipo disciplinar que acompaña al paciente en cada fase y circunstancia del tratamiento. No obstante se necesitarán estudios a largo plazo y de casos para confi rmar la efi cacia de este programa por otro lado pionero en Catalunya.Substance abuse disorders are currently one of the major public health problems. Substance abuse involves physical harm, psychological harm and social harm, both for the person who takes the drug and for others. In the fi eld of mental health there is usually no single factor that explains the pathology and as regards addiction in particular there is no single reason for the dependency: there are instead several factors [genetic, environmental, familial, social and psychological ] lying behind this. And it would therefore be legitimate to consider that there is no single therapy to help those affected. Specifi c treatment for addiction has always been cognitive behavioral therapy, but this may not be the only intervention in this problem. Recent studies show the importance and effectiveness of long-term psychological behavioral therapies, combined or not with pharmacological support. The greatest empirical supports are specifi cally: the Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA), Social Skills Training, Relapse Prevention (RP) and behavioral family therapy and couple therapy. With slight differences in some cases that will be mentioned, these could be considered well-established treatments. In addition, these programs also coincide in being the ones with best cost / benefi t ratio (Roth and Fonagy, 1996). The multiplicity of therapies should not be seen as a problem but as enrichment, provided they do not each become separate compartments, excluding elements favorable to the case from others. There is thus broad and inclusive fl exibility in view of intra-patient variabilityLambert, Shapiro and Bergin (1986, cited in Feixas and Jarque, 2010) make the following contributions to the therapeutic change: it must be multidimensional (assessing various dimensions of a disease), must have theoretical references that can organize the change we want to implement, must have change criteria with individualized results (they would otherwise be less effective), and fi nally the change should be clinically relevant, involving real improvement. The aim of this paper is to present the globalizing proposal of these different types of reinforcements and training at a single institution made up of a disciplinary team accompanying the patient at every stage and circumstance of the treatment. It will however take long-term studies and cases to confi rm the effectiveness of this program which is on the other hand a ground-breaking system in Catalonia

    Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in the Resistance to Somatostatin Receptor Ligands in Acromegaly

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    Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a dynamic process by which epithelial cells loss their phenotype and acquire mesenchymal traits, including increased migratory and invasive capacities. EMT is involved in physiological processes, such as embryogenesis and wound healing, and in pathological processes such as cancer, playing a pivotal role in tumor progression and metastasis. Pituitary tumors, although typically benign, can be locally invasive. Different studies have shown the association of EMT with increased tumor size and invasion in pituitary tumors, and in particular with a poor response to Somatostatin Receptor Ligands (SRLs) treatment in GH-producing pituitary tumors, the main cause of acromegaly. This review will summarize the current knowledge regarding EMT and SRLs resistance in acromegaly and, based on this relation, will suggest new biomarkers and possible therapies to SRLs resistant tumors

    Epidemiología y optimización del manejo clínico de la candidemia: Resultados de un estudio poblacional en España

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    La candidemia es una de las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes de la infección fúngica invasora, con una incidencia globalmente superior a la aspergilosis y una elevada morbi-mortalidad asociada. El colectivo de pacientes susceptibles para desarrollar esta infección es amplio y heterogéneo, siendo especialmente vulnerables los pacientes afectos de una enfermedad neoplásica, aquellos ingresados en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCIs) y la población neonatal. Sin embargo, la candidemia es una infección en constante evolución, cuyos cambios epidemiológicos se relacionan estrechamente con las prácticas sanitarias. Por ello, conocer su epidemiología, la distribución de especies de Candida y el patrón de resistencia a los diferentes antifúngicos en cada zona geográfica es fundamental para guiar la selección de un tratamiento empírico adecuado y mejorar así el pronóstico de los pacientes. En este contexto clínico, a principios de la década del año 2010, aún existían en España lagunas de conocimiento a nivel epidemiológico, microbiológico y clínico-terapéutico sobre el manejo de la candidemia. Por este motivo, entre mayo del año 2010 y abril del 2011 se realizó el primer estudio poblacional nacional (estudio CANDIPOP) que pretendía resolver estas cuestiones a partir de la información obtenida en cinco grandes áreas metropolitanas: Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Sevilla y Valencia. La presente tesis doctoral "Epidemiología y optimización del manejo clínico de la candidemia: Resultados de un estudio poblacional en España", escrita como un compendio de 4 publicaciones muestra los principales resultados del estudio CANDIPOP. El primer artículo, "Epidemiology and predictive factors for early and late mortality in Candida bloodstream infections: a population-based surveillance in Spain" proporciona una perspectiva global del problema y una estimación de la incidencia de la candidemia en nuestro entorno geográfico. En resumen, la incidencia poblacional de candidemia fue de 8,1 casos/100.000 habitantes/año y las especies predominantes fueron Candida albicans (45,4%), C. parapsilosis (24,9%) y C. glabrata (13,4%). La sensibilidad global a fluconazol fue del 79%. La mortalidad acumulada a los 7 y 30 días fue del 12,8% y del 30,6%, respectivamente. En el análisis multivariado se observó que el inicio de un tratamiento antifúngico adecuado en las primeras 48 horas (OR 0,51, IC95% 0,27-0,95) y la retirada precoz del catéter venoso central (OR 0,43, IC95% 0,21-0,87) estaban asociados con una menor mortalidad a los 7 días. En contraposición, la mortalidad tardía (8-30 días) estaba asociada principalmente con las comorbilidades propias del paciente y con una presentación clínica grave de la infección. Los artículos segundo y tercero, "Impact of therapeutic strategies on the prognosis of candidemia in the intensive care unit " y "Epidemiology and outcome of candidaemia in patients with oncological and haematological malignancies: results from a population-based surveillance in Spain" se centran en dos subpoblaciones de alto riesgo para desarrollar un episodio de candidemia, como son los enfermos adultos ingresados en las UCIs y los pacientes con una neoplasia oncohematológica de base. El objetivo de ambos trabajos es proporcionar nuevos conocimientos que permitan optimizar las estrategias terapéuticas en grupos poblacionales con características propias diferenciales. Finalmente, el cuarto artículo, "Propensity score analysis of the role of initial antifungal therapy in the outcome of Candida glabrata bloodstream infections", evalúa la eficacia de fluconazol en comparación con las equinocandinas y/o anfotericina B liposomal como tratamiento inicial de la candidemia por C. glabrata. Los resultados de este análisis muestran que el tratamiento inicial con fluconazol no se asocia con un peor pronóstico de los pacientes (OR para mortalidad a los 14 días: 1,16, IC95% 0,22-6,17 y OR para fracaso terapéutico: 0,83, IC95% 0,27-2,61). Estos datos sugieren que en contextos epidemiológicos con una baja tasa de resistencias a fluconazol, este antifúngico aún podría ser una opción razonable como tratamiento empírico de la candidemia, antes de tener la identificación de especie y descartar la posibilidad de una infección por C. glabrata.Candidaemia is one of the most common manifestations of invasive fungal infection, with an incidence higher than aspergillosis and significant morbidity and mortality. A large and heterogeneous group of patients is susceptible to develop this infection, being especially vulnerable those with neoplastic diseases, those admitted to intensive care units (ICUs), and the neonatal population. However, candidaemia is an evolving disease, whose epidemiological changes are closely related to healthcare practices. Therefore, a basic knowledge of its epidemiology, the distribution of Candida species and the antifungal susceptibility pattern of each geographical region is essential to guide the selection of adequate empirical treatment and, ultimately, to improve the patients' prognosis. In this clinical scenario, in early 2010, updated information regarding the epidemiology of candidaemia, the microbiological features of the isolated species, and basic clinical and therapeutic information about the management of this condition was still lacking in Spain. Hence, between May 2010 and April 2011 the first national population-based study (CANDIPOP) was conducted in 5 of the largest metropolitan areas of Spain (Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville, and Valencia), with the aim of filling these local gaps of uncertainty. This thesis, "Epidemiology and optimization of the clinical management of candidaemia: Results of a population-based study in Spain", written as a compendium of 4 publications, attempts to show the main results of the CANDIPOP study. The first article, "Epidemiology and predictive factors for early and late mortality in Candida bloodstream infections: a population-based surveillance in Spain" offers an updated, general overview of this infection and estimates the incidence of candidaemia in Spain. Briefly, the annual incidence of candidaemia was 8.1 cases/100 000 inhabitants and the predominant Candida species were Candida albicans (45.4%), C. parapsilosis (24.9%), and C. glabrata (13.4%). Overall, 79% of Candida isolates were susceptible to fluconazole. Cumulative mortality at 7 and 30 days after the first episode of candidaemia was 12.8% and 30.6%, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that therapeutic measures within the first 48 hours might improve 7-day mortality: antifungal treatment (OR 0.51, 95%CI 0.27-0.95) and central venous catheter removal (OR 0.43, 95%CI 0.21-0.87). Conversely, predictors of late death (8-30 days) were mainly related to the patients' comorbid status and infection severity at onset. The second and third articles, "Impact of therapeutic strategies on the prognosis of candidemia in the intensive care unit" and "Epidemiology and outcome of candidaemia in patients with oncological and haematological malignancies: results from a population-based surveillance in Spain" focus on two populations at high risk for developing an episode of candidaemia: adult patients admitted to ICUs and patients with oncological and haematological malignancies. The main objective of these publications was to provide further information that would allow physicians to optimise therapeutic strategies in patients who have some differential characteristics. Finally, the fourth article, "Propensity score analysis of the role of initial antifungal therapy in the outcome of Candida glabrata bloodstream infections", aimed to evaluate whether the choice of initial antifungal treatment (fluconazole vs. echinocandins or liposomal amphotericin B-based regimens) has an impact on the outcome of candidaemia caused by C. glabrata. Our results show that initial use of fluconazole is not associated with an unfavourable evolution (adjusted OR for 14-day mortality: 1.16, 95%CI 0.22-6.17; adjusted OR for treatment failure: 0.83, 95%CI 0.27-2.61). These data suggest that in settings with low rates of fluconazole-resistant strains, this agent may be still a reasonable option for treating stable patients with candidaemia before the Candida species is identified

    Comparative effectiveness of daptomycin versus vancomycin among patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bloodstream infections: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis

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    Background In the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bloodstream infections (BSIs), vancomycin stands as the prevalent therapeutic agent. Daptomycin remains an alternative antibiotic to treat MRSA BSIs in cases where vancomycin proves ineffective. However, studies have conflicted on whether daptomycin is more effective than vancomycin among patients with MRSA BSI. Objective To compare the effectiveness of daptomycin and vancomycin for the prevention of mortality among adult patients with MRSA BSI. Methods Systematic searches of databases were performed, including Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library. The Newcastle Ottawa Scale (NOS) and Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2) were used to assess the quality of individual observational and randomized control studies, respectively. Pooled odd ratios were calculated using random effects models. Results Twenty studies were included based on a priori set inclusion and exclusion criteria. Daptomycin treatment was associated with non-significant lower mortality odds, compared to vancomycin treatment (OR = 0.81; 95% CI, 0.62, 1.06). Sub-analyses based on the time patients were switched from another anti-MRSA treatment to daptomycin demonstrated that switching to daptomycin within 3 or 5 days was significantly associated with 55% and 45% decreased odds of all-cause mortality, respectively. However, switching to daptomycin any time after five days of treatment was not significantly associated with lower odds of mortality. Stratified analysis based on vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) revealed that daptomycin treatment among patients infected with MRSA strains with MIC >= 1 mg/L was significantly associated with 40% lower odds of mortality compared to vancomycin treatment. Conclusion Compared with vancomycin, an early switch from vancomycin to daptomycin was significantly associated with lower odds of mortality. In contrast, switching to daptomycin at any time only showed a trend towards reduced mortality, with a non-significant association. Therefore, the efficacy of early daptomycin use over vancomycin against mortality among MRSA BSIs patients may add evidence to the existing literature in support of switching to daptomycin early over remaining on vancomycin. More randomized and prospective studies are needed to assess this association

    Controlling arbovirus infection: high-throughput transcriptome and proteome insights

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    Arboviruses pose a significant threat to public health globally, demanding innovative approaches for their control. For this, a better understanding of the complex web of interactions established in arbovirus-infected mosquitoes is fundamental. High-throughput analyses allow a genome-wide view of arbovirus-induced alterations at different gene expression levels. This review provides a comprehensive perspective into the current literature in transcriptome and proteome landscapes in mosquitoes infected with arboviruses. It also proposes a coordinated research effort to define the critical nodes that determine arbovirus infection and transmission