605 research outputs found

    Xenogeneic, extracorporeal liver perfusion in primates improves the ratio of branched-chain amino acids to aromatic amino acids (Fischer's ratio)

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    In fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), the development of hepatic encephalopathy is associated with grossly abnormal concentrations of plasma amino acids (PAA). Normalization of the ratio of branched-chain amino acids to aromatic amino acids (Fischer's ratio) correlates with clinical improvement. This study evaluated changes in PAA metabolism during 4 h of isolated, normothermic extracorporeal liver perfusion using a newly designed system containing human blood and a rhesus monkey liver. Bile and urea production were within the physiological range. Release of the transaminases AST, ALT and LDH were minimal. The ratio of branched (valine, leucine, isoleucine) to aromatic (tyrosine, phenylalanine) amino acids increased significantly. These results indicate that a xenogeneic extracorporeal liver perfusion system is capable of significantly increasing Fischer's ratio and may play a role in treating and bridging patients in FHF in the future

    Plasma convection in the magnetotail lobes: statistical results from Cluster EDI measurements

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    A major part of the plasma in the Earth's magnetotail is populated through transport of plasma from the solar wind via the magnetotail lobes. In this paper, we present a statistical study of plasma convection in the lobes for different directions of the interplanetary magnetic field and for different geomagnetic disturbance levels. The data set used in this study consists of roughly 340 000 one-minute vector measurements of the plasma convection from the Cluster Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) obtained during the period February 2001 to June 2007. The results show that both convection magnitude and direction are largely controlled by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). For a southward IMF, there is a strong convection towards the central plasma sheet with convection velocities around 10 km s<sup>−1</sup>. During periods of northward IMF, the lobe convection is almost stagnant. A <I>B<sub>y</sub></I> dominated IMF causes a rotation of the convection patterns in the tail with an oppositely directed dawn-dusk component of the convection for the northern and southern lobe. Our results also show that there is an overall persistent duskward component, which is most likely a result of conductivity gradients in the footpoints of the magnetic field lines in the ionosphere

    Alfvén waves in the near-PSBL lobe: Cluster observations

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    Electromagnetic low-frequency waves in the magnetotail lobe close to the PSBL (Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer) are studied using the Cluster spacecraft. The lobe waves show Alfvénic properties and transport their wave energy (Poynting flux) on average toward the Earth along magnetic field lines. Most of the wave events are rich with oxygen (O+) ion plasma. The rich O+ plasma can serve to enhance the magnetic field fluctuations, resulting in a greater likelihood of observation, but it does not appear to be necessary for the generation of the waves. Taking into account the fact that all events are associated with auroral electrojet enhancements, the source of the lobe waves might be a substorm-associated instability, i.e. some instability near the reconnection site, or an ion beam-related instability in the PSBL

    Thermal convection in fluidized granular systems

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    Thermal convection is observed in molecular dynamic simulation of a fluidized granular system of nearly elastic hard disks moving under gravity, inside a rectangular box. Boundaries introduce no shearing or time dependence, but the energy injection comes from a slip (shear-free) thermalizing base. The top wall is perfectly elastic and lateral boundaries are either elastic or periodic. The observed convection comes from the effect of gravity and the spontaneous granular temperature gradient that the system dynamically develops.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Causal trajectories description of atom diffraction by surfaces

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    9 pages, 7 figures -- PACS numbers: 79.20.Rf, 03.65.Sq, 03.65.BzThe method of quantum trajectories proposed by de Broglie and Bohm is applied to the study of atom diffraction by surfaces. As an example, a realistic model for the scattering of He off corrugated Cu is considered. In this way, the final angular distribution of trajectories is obtained by box-counting, which is in excellent agreement with the results calculated by standard S-matrix methods of scattering theory. More interestingly, the accumulation of quantum trajectories at the different diffraction peaks is explained in terms of the corresponding quantum potential. This non-local potential "guides" the trajectories causing a transition from a distribution near the surface, which reproduces its shape, to the final diffraction pattern observed in the asymptotic region, far from the diffracting object. These two regimes are homologous to the Fresnel and Fraunhofer regions described in undulatory optics. Finally, the turning points of the quantum trajectories provide a better description of the surface electronic density than the corresponding classical ones, usually employed for this task.This work was supported by DGES (Spain) under contracts No PB95-71, PB95-425 and PB96-76. A.S. Sanz also acknowledges the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for a doctoral grant.Peer reviewe

    The stigma of obesity in the general public and its implications for public health - a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Up to this date, prevalence rates of obesity are still rising. Aside from co-morbid diseases, perceived discrimination and stigmatization leads to worsen outcomes in obese individuals. Higher stigmatizing attitudes towards obese individuals may also result in less support of preventive and interventive measures. In light of the immense burden of obesity on health care systems and also on the individuals' quality of life, accepted and subsidized preventive measures are needed. Policy support might be determined by views of the lay public on causes of obesity and resulting weight stigma. This study seeks to answer how representative samples of the lay public perceive people with obesity or overweight status (stigmatizing attitudes); what these samples attribute obesity to (causal attribution) and what types of interventions are supported by the lay public and which factors determine that support (prevention support).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic literature search was conducted. All studies of representative samples reporting results on (a) stigmatizing attitudes towards overweight and obese individuals, (b) causal beliefs and (c) prevention support were included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only 7 articles were found. One study reported prevalence rates of stigmatizing attitudes. About a quarter of the population in Germany displayed definite stigmatizing attitudes. Other studies reported causal attributions. While external influences on weight are considered as well, it seems that internal factors are rated to be of higher importance. Across the studies found, regulative prevention is supported by about half of the population, while childhood prevention has highest approval rates. Results on sociodemographic determinants differ substantially.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Further research on public attitudes toward and perception of overweight and obesity is urgently needed to depict the prevailing degree of stigmatization. Introducing a multidimensional concept of the etiology of obesity to the lay public might be a starting point in stigma reduction.</p

    Responses to gestational weight management guidance: a thematic analysis of comments made by women in online parenting forums

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    Background: The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published guidance on weight management in pregnancy in July 2010[1], and this received considerable press coverage across a range of media. This offered an opportunity to examine how gestational weight management guidance was received by UK women. Methods: A thematic analysis was conducted of 400 posts made in UK-based parenting internet forums in the week following the publication of the NICE guidance. This allowed us to examine the naturally occurring comments from 202 women who posted about the guidance on public forums. Results: Three main themes were identified and explored: i) Perceived control/responsibility ii) Risk perception iii) Confused messages. Conclusions: Women differed in their perceptions of the level of control that they had over being overweight with some feeling responsible and motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Others felt there were multiple factors influencing their weight issues beyond their control. There were reports of feeling guilty about the impact of weight on the growing baby and experiencing significant obesity stigma from the public and health professionals. Information about the risks of overweight and obesity in pregnancy were difficult messages for women to hear, and for health professionals to deliver. Women reported being confused by the messages that they received. Health messages need to be delivered sensitively to women, and health professionals need support and training to do this. Risk information should always be accompanied with clear advice and support to help women to manage their weight in pregnancy. Keywords: internet-mediated research, gestational weight gain, parenting forums, NICE, women, views, risk perception</p

    Four-spacecraft determination of magnetopause orientation, motion and thickness: comparison with results from single-spacecraft methods

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    In this paper, we use Cluster data from one magnetopause event on 5 July 2001 to compare predictions from various methods for determination of the velocity, orientation, and thickness of the magnetopause current layer. We employ established as well as new multi-spacecraft techniques, in which time differences between the crossings by the four spacecraft, along with the duration of each crossing, are used to calculate magnetopause speed, normal vector, and width. The timing is based on data from either the Cluster Magnetic Field Experiment (FGM) or the Electric Field Experiment (EFW) instruments. The multi-spacecraft results are compared with those derived from various single-spacecraft techniques, including minimum-variance analysis of the magnetic field and deHoffmann-Teller, as well as Minimum-Faraday-Residue analysis of plasma velocities and magnetic fields measured during the crossings. In order to improve the overall consistency between multi- and single-spacecraft results, we have also explored the use of hybrid techniques, in which timing information from the four spacecraft is combined with certain limited results from single-spacecraft methods, the remaining results being left for consistency checks. The results show good agreement between magnetopause orientations derived from appropriately chosen single-spacecraft techniques and those obtained from multi-spacecraft timing. The agreement between magnetopause speeds derived from single- and multi-spacecraft methods is quantitatively somewhat less good but it is evident that the speed can change substantially from one crossing to the next within an event. The magnetopause thickness varied substantially from one crossing to the next, within an event. It ranged from 5 to 10 ion gyroradii. The density profile was sharper than the magnetic profile: most of the density change occured in the earthward half of the magnetopause.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;b&gt;Key words.&lt;/b&gt; Magnetospheric physics (magnetopause, cusp and boundary layers; instruments and techniques) – Space plasma physics (discontinuities