314 research outputs found

    Learning or Leaving? Individual and Environmental Factors Related to Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention

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    In addition to well-being, workplace learning has gained increasing interest in supporting employee and organizational development and success. Focusing on specific factors affecting workplace learning and well-being, this study examines the links between individual factors (basic psychological need satisfaction) and environmental factors (expansiveness of the workplace as a learning environment), job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Survey data were collected from the employees (N = 153) of two Finnish engineering companies from 2018 to 2019. The data were analyzed with correlation analysis and structural equation modeling (observed and latent variable path analysis). Results show that a more expansive workplace learning environment is associated with higher satisfaction of basic psychological needs. High levels of autonomy and competence need satisfaction, versatile work, promotion of learning, and acknowledgment of skills are positively associated with job satisfaction. Higher levels of autonomy and non-routine work tasks are associated with lower turnover intention. The results indicate that turnover intention is not necessarily associated with only negative conditions or perceptions, as high levels of competence and participation and understanding of the workplace are positively associated with turnover intention. The findings provide information about workplace factors that are relevant to improving employees' workplace learning and well-being. The results also highlight the ambiguous nature of turnover intention.Peer reviewe

    Epäsuora todistus ja induktiotodistus lukion pitkässä matematiikassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on osa Oulun yliopiston Avoin oppikirja -projektia, jossa tuotetaan oppimateriaalia lukion pitkän matematiikan kurssille MAA11: Lukuteoria ja todistaminen. Kurssin sisällöt perustuvat vuoden 2015 lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteisiin. Tämä tutkielma jatkaa kurssin todistamisen kokonaisuutta aihealueilla käänteinen todistus, ristiriitatodistus ja induktiotodistus. Tutkielma koostuu perusteluosasta, varsinaisesta oppimateriaalista, opettajan oppaasta ja harjoitustehtävien vastauksista. Perusteluosassa esitetään oppimateriaalin tavoitteet ja tehtävätyypit sekä oppimateriaalin perustelut. Perusteluosa pohjautuu lukion opetussuunnitelmaan ja tieteellisiin artikkeleihin. Erityisesti tieteellisten artikkelien esille tuomia oppimisen ongelmakohtia ja toimintatapoja on hyödynnetty oppimateriaalin pohdintatehtävien rakentamiseen. Varsinainen oppimateriaali pohjautuu teorian ja harjoitustehtävien lisäksi pohdintatehtäville, joiden avulla opiskelija johdatellaan opiskeltaviin aiheisiin. Pohdintatehtävien avulla rikotaan perinteisen matematiikan opetuksen rakennetta, minkä avulla korostetaan opiskelijan aktiivista ja monimuotoista oppimista. Oppitunnin keskiössä olevien pohdintatehtävien keskeinen tarkoitus on viedä teoriaa eteenpäin opiskelijan oman ymmärryksen kautta. Oppitunnit rakentuvat pääsääntöisesti pohdintatehtävien ympärille, joten kappaleiden lopussa olevat harjoitustehtävät on tarkoitettu lähinnä kotitehtäviksi. Harjoitustehtävien vastaukset löytyvät oppimateriaalin lopusta. Lisäksi oppimateriaalin mukaan kuuluu opettajan opas, joka sisältää ajankäyttösuunnitelman, aiheiden oppimistavoitteet sekä pohdintatehtävien ratkaisut ja vinkit. Opettajan oppaan avulla tarjotaan tiivis tietopaketti oppimateriaalista, missä ratkaisujen ja vinkkien avulla opettaja tietää miten pohdintatehtävien haasteita voi lähestyä ja mitä asioita tulee painottaa. Oppimateriaali rakentuu ongelmanratkaisun sekä erilaisten todistamisen käsitteiden ja logiikan perusteiden ymmärtämisen ympärille. Pohdintatehtävät sisältävät matemaattisten todistuksien avustettua tuottamista, tutkimista ja muokkaamista, joiden avulla opiskelija huomaa erilaisten todistusmenetelmien ominaisuuksia. Tällaisilla tehtävillä edistetään opiskelijan taitoa perustella todistusten loogisuutta ja matemaattisia ominaisuuksia sekä huomaamaan tarve uusille todistusmenetelmille. Uusien todistusmenetelmien oppimisessa on tärkeää, että opiskelija ymmärtää, että ei ole olemassa yhtä oikeaa tapaa todistaa. Pohdintatehtävissä hyödynnetään myös erilaisia käytännön pelejä, havainnollistuksia ja sovelluksia todistusmenetelmien hahmottamiseen. Lisäksi todistusten analysoinnissa ja tuottamisessa hyödynnetään paljon aiemmin opittua tietoa, jonka avulla opiskelija pystyy luomaan uusia merkityksellisiä päättelyitä

    Opiskelijoiden kokemuksia opetuspelin käytöstä projektinhallinnan opetuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia projektinhallinnan opetukseen tehdyn tietokonepelin vaikutusta oppimiseen projektinhallinnan opetuksessa. Oppimista mitataan opiskelijoiden subjektiivisilla arvioilla ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään laadullista sisällönanalyysiä. Aineisto kerättiin 47:ltä Stevens Institute of Technology:n opiskelijalta pelin jälkeen. Pelillä on tarkoitus opettaa ymmärrystä projektinhallinnan päätöksenteon monimutkaisuuteen, riskien vaikutusta projektin kustannuksiin, aikatauluun ja laatuun, sekä tuloksenarvo menetelmän soveltamista projektin arviointiin ja suunnitteluun. Laadullisen sisällönanalyysin mukaan suurin osa opiskelijoista kokee, että projektinhallintapeli auttaa ymmärtämään asioita, joita pelillä on tarkoituksena opettaa. Osa opiskelijoista kertoi oppineensa myös yleisiä taitoja pelatessa. Peli tuki oppimista, koska se on motivoiva ja interaktiivinen. Opiskelijat myös kilpailivat toisiaan vastaan, mikä sai heidät pelaamaan peliä enemmän. Lisäksi tunnistettiin asioita, jotka vaikuttavat kielteisesti oppimiseen ja oppimiskokemukseen. Näitä ovat muun muassa pelissä olevat virheet ja käyttöliittymä sekä ohjeiden ja kokousominaisuuden puute. Työn tuloksia voi hyödyntää pelin soveltamisessa opetuksessa ja pelin kehittämisessä.Student’s experiences of using an educational game in project management teaching. Abstract. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to study the effect a computer game made to teach project management has in project management teaching. Learning is measured by students’ subjective assessments and qualitative content analysis is used as a research method. The material was collected from 47 students studying in the Stevens Institute of Technology after they played the game. The game’s learning objectives are to understand the complexity of decision-making in project management, the impact of risks on project costs, schedule and quality, and the application of earned value method for project evaluation and project planning. According to the qualitative content analysis, most students feel that the project management game helps them better understand the things that the game teaches. Some students said they also learned soft skills while playing. The game supported learning because it was motivating and interactive. Students also competed against each other which made them play the game more. In addition, things that negatively affect learning and the learning experience were identified. These include the game’s bugs and interface as well as lack of instructions and meeting features. The results of the bachelor’s thesis can be used in the application of the game in teaching and development of the game

    Perioperative platelet rich plasma (PRP) in total hip arthroplasty through the Hardinge approach : protocol to study the effectiveness for gluteus medius healing

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    Abstract Background Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used to support tendon regeneration mainly in sports medicine. PRP is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma proteins derived from whole blood by centrifugation to remove erythrocytes and leukocytes. PRP has high amounts of platelets which may promote healing tendons affected by degenerative conditions. These platelets contain growth factors and are known to facilitate the regeneration of injured tendon structures. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) through the Hardinge approach may leave the patient with impaired gait and poor regeneration of the gluteus medius tendon if the tendon is not reattached properly after closure of the surgical wound. Methods The study will be a multicenter, double-blinded and randomized study enrolling 90 patients based on power calculations. The efficacy of perioperative PRP treatment will be assessed by subjective and objective outcome variables. The participants will be randomized (sealed envelope) into either a placebo (saline) or a PRP group (1:1). For subjective outcomes, the Oxford Hip Score (OHS) will be collected before surgery and 3 and 12 months after surgery. The objective measures are findings at magnetic resonance imaging and plain radiographs and recorded values of measured strength. Discussion We present the perioperative use and the ways to measure the clinical efficacy of PRP. As PRP may have benefits regarding degenerative tendon regeneration, studies on the use of PRP in hip arthroplasty are warranted to facilitate postoperative recovery. Trial registration This study has been approved by the ethics committee of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland and approved by the local institutional research board. The study has been registered in ClinicalTrials.gov ( NCT02607462 )

    Регіональні й глобальні наслідки незалежності Косово

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    У статті розглянуто регіональні й міжнародні аспекти проголошення незалежності Косово. Проаналізовано конфліктні аспекти косовської проблеми у регіональному й глобальному контекстах.В статье рассматриваются региональные и международные аспекты провозглашения независимости Косово. Проанализировано конфликтные аспекты косовской проблемы в региональном и глобальном контекстах.The article presents the regional and international aspects of Kosovo Independents. Special attention is to the conflict of Kosovo in the regional and global context

    Perioperative platelet rich plasma (PRP) in total hip arthroplasty through the Hardinge approach: protocol to study the effectiveness for gluteus medius healing

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    BackgroundPlatelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used to support tendon regeneration mainly in sports medicine. PRP is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma proteins derived from whole blood by centrifugation to remove erythrocytes and leukocytes. PRP has high amounts of platelets which may promote healing tendons affected by degenerative conditions. These platelets contain growth factors and are known to facilitate the regeneration of injured tendon structures. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) through the Hardinge approach may leave the patient with impaired gait and poor regeneration of the gluteus medius tendon if the tendon is not reattached properly after closure of the surgical wound.MethodsThe study will be a multicenter, double-blinded and randomized study enrolling 90 patients based on power calculations. The efficacy of perioperative PRP treatment will be assessed by subjective and objective outcome variables. The participants will be randomized (sealed envelope) into either a placebo (saline) or a PRP group (1:1). For subjective outcomes, the Oxford Hip Score (OHS) will be collected before surgery and 3 and 12 months after surgery. The objective measures are findings at magnetic resonance imaging and plain radiographs and recorded values of measured strength.DiscussionWe present the perioperative use and the ways to measure the clinical efficacy of PRP. As PRP may have benefits regarding degenerative tendon regeneration, studies on the use of PRP in hip arthroplasty are warranted to facilitate postoperative recovery.</div

    Whole body MR imaging in ankylosing spondylitis: a descriptive pilot study in patients with suspected early and active confirmed ankylosing spondylitis

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    BACKGROUND: Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disorder which usually begins in early adulthood. The diagnosis is often delayed by many years. MR imaging has become the preferred imaging method for detection of early inflammation of the axial skeleton in ankylosing spondylitis. The goal of this study was to assess the frequency and distribution of abnormalities on whole body MR imaging in patients with suspected early ankylosing spondylitis and with active confirmed ankylosing spondylitis. METHODS: Ten patients with suspected early ankylosing spondylitis and ten patients with confirmed ankylosing spondylitis were enrolled. On an 18-channel MR system, coronal and sagittal T1 weighted and STIR sequences were acquired covering the entire spine, sacrum, anterior chest wall, shoulder girdle, and pelvis. The total examination time was 30 minutes. RESULTS: In both groups inflammatory lesions of the lower thoracic spine were frequent (number of patients with suspected early/confirmed ankylosing spondylitis: 7/9). In confirmed ankylosing spondylitis the upper thoracic spine (3/6) and the lumbar spine (4/8) were more commonly involved. The inferior iliac quadrant of the sacroiliac joints was frequently altered in both groups (8/8). The superior iliac (2/5), inferior sacral (6/10) and superior sacral (3/6) quadrants were more frequently affected in confirmed ankylosing spondylitis. Abnormalities of the manubriosternal joint (2/4), the sternoclavicular joints (1/2) and hip joint effusion (4/3) were also seen. CONCLUSION: In both suspected early ankylosing spondylitis and confirmed ankylosing spondylitis, whole body MR examinations frequently demonstrate inflammatory lesions outside the sacroiliac joints. These lesions are similarly distributed but occur less frequently in suspected early compared to confirmed ankylosing spondylitis. Due to the small sample size in this pilot study these results need to be confirmed in larger studies with this emerging technique

    Estimation of articular cartilage properties using multivariate analysis of optical coherence tomography signal

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    SummaryObjectiveThe aim was to investigate the applicability of multivariate analysis of optical coherence tomography (OCT) information for determining structural integrity, composition and mechanical properties of articular cartilage.DesignEquine osteochondral samples (N = 65) were imaged with OCT, and their total attenuation and backscattering coefficients (μt and μb) were measured. Subsequently, the Mankin score, optical density (OD) describing the fixed charge density, light absorbance in amide I region (Aamide), collagen orientation, permeability, fibril network modulus (Ef) and non-fibrillar matrix modulus (Em) of the samples were determined. Partial least squares (PLS) regression model was calculated to predict tissue properties from the OCT signals of the samples.ResultsSignificant correlations between the measured and predicted mean collagen orientation (R2 = 0.75, P < 0.0001), permeability (R2 = 0.74, P < 0.0001), mean OD (R2 = 0.73, P < 0.0001), Mankin scores (R2 = 0.70, P < 0.0001), Em (R2 = 0.50, P < 0.0001), Ef (R2 = 0.42, P < 0.0001), and Aamide (R2 = 0.43, P < 0.0001) were obtained. Significant correlation was also found between μb and Ef (ρ = 0.280, P = 0.03), but not between μt and any of the determined properties of articular cartilage (P > 0.05).ConclusionMultivariate analysis of OCT signal provided good estimates for tissue structure, composition and mechanical properties. This technique may significantly enhance OCT evaluation of articular cartilage integrity, and could be applied, for example, in delineation of degenerated areas around cartilage injuries during arthroscopic repair surgery