35 research outputs found

    Uso problemático da Internet em uma amostra de estudantes universitários colombianos

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    Internet is a tool that facilitates the development of academic and social activities, business and entertainment. However, particular bevavior may arise in relation with its overuse. This research aims to identify sociodemographic characteristics and type of Internet use in a sample of Colombian university students and relate it to the possible use problematic. The sample consisted of 595 students from the University of Ibagué of 16-34 years of age who completed all three sections of the questionnaire: (1) socio-demographic data, (2) Internet usage information and (3) an adapted version of the Internet Addiction Test - IAT- (Young, 1998a). The results showed two groups, one with controlled use of the internet (88%) and one with problematic use (12 %), only one case showed addictive use. Problematic Internet use was related to the number of hours  pent on social networks, chat, sites with adult content and movies. The use of these Internet applications generated interference in daily activities. Internet es una herramienta que facilita el desarrollo de actividades académicas, sociales, de negocios y entretenimiento. Sin embargo, pueden surgir conductas vinculadas con el uso excesivo. Esta investigación pretende identificar las características sociodemográficas y tipo de uso de Internet en una muestra de universitarios colombianos y relacionarla con el posible uso problemático. La muestra está conformada por 595 estudiantes de la Universidad de Ibagué, de 16 a 34 años de edad, quienes completaron las tres secciones del cuestionario: (1) datos sociodemográficos, (2) información del uso de Internet y (3) la prueba adaptada, Internet Addiction Test -IAT- (Young, 1998a). Los resultados mostraron dos grupos: uno que hacía uso controlado de Internet (88 %) y otro con uso problemático (12 %). Sólo un caso mostró uso adictivo. El uso problemático de Internet se relacionó con el número de horas dedicado a redes sociales, chat, páginas de contenido para adultos y películas. El uso de estas aplicaciones de Internet generó interferencia en las actividades cotidianas.Internet é uma ferramenta que facilita o desenvolvimento do acadêmico, social, empresarial e de entretenimento. No entanto, podem surgir comportamentos relacionados ao uso excessivo. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar as características sociodemográficas e do tipo de uso da Internet em uma amostra de universitários da Colômbia e relacioná la com o possível uso problemático. A amostra foi composta de 595 estudantes da Universidade de Ibagué de 16-34 anos de idade que completaram todas as três seções do questionário: (1) dados demográficos, (2) informações sobre o uso da Internet e (3) teste adaptado Internet Addiction TestIAT-(Young, 1998a). Os resultados mostraram que dois grupos, um que foi controlado a utilização da Internet (88%) e com uma utilização problemática (12%). Apenas um caso mostrou uso viciante. Uso problemático da Internet estava relacionado com o número de horas gastas em redes sociais, bate-papo, sites com conteúdo adulto e filmes. A utilização destas aplicações de Internet gerado interferência nas actividades diárias

    Effects of Mindfulness and Holotropic Breathwork on the Rehabilitation of Adolescents Who Use Psychoactive Substance Users: A Pilot Study

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    This pilot study aims to compare the effects of mindfulness and holotropic breathwork treatments on adolescents in the rehabilitation process for psychoactive substance use. Participants comprised 18 female adolescents aged 15–18 admitted to the Fundación Grupo de Apoyo, affiliated with the Colombian Family Welfare Institute. The Fundación is dedicated to rehabilitation from, detoxification from, and prevention of psychoactive substance use. The study utilizes a mixed methods approach with an exploratory design. Heart rate is used as an important indicator of psychological well-being and overall cardiovascular health, and the mean pretest/posttest heart rates of the control and experimental groups are compared quantitatively. The effects of both treatments on the study population are described qualitatively. The results show a reduction in heart rate in the mindfulness group compared to the control. The narratives of the participants and the institution’s workers show positive changes in emotional regulation and coping, better communication, and a reduction in stress and anxiety or the desire to use, as a result of both experimental treatments

    Training the working memory in older adults with the “Reta tu Memoria” video game

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to train the visuospatial and semantic working memory of a sample of Colombian older adults through the design of a serious game. The sample was composed of 20 older adults whose ages ranged from 50 to 77 years and showed signs of normal ageing. The sample belonged to the Edad de Oro group from the Universidad de Ibagué in Colombia. Participation in this study was voluntary, and the socio-demographic data and Mini-Mental state examination questionnaires were administered. The video game’s creative process was developed over six months by a team made up of psychologists and systems engineers. The video game was created using 2D Construct3 game editor, and the use of JavaScript programming language and an advanced knowledge of HTML were required. Before training, two pilot sessions were carried out to adjust the video game structure. After that, the procedure was applied to the sample for 20 sessions. The time spent and errors made in the video game’s five levels were registered. The results show values of significant effect size. In conclusion, the Latin American samples help corroborate the central training hypothesis. Training through video games leads to improved visuospatial and semantic working memory performance.This work was supported by Universidad de Ibagué project reference 16-445-SEMPuerta-Cortés, DX.; Hernández, JK.; Olaya, AM.; Tovar, J.; Varela, D. (2020). Training the working memory in older adults with the “Reta tu Memoria” video game. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 341-349. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10219OCS34134

    Beliefs in conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines in the Andean Community of Nations

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    Los estudios sobre aceptación y rechazo hacia las vacunas, así como la creencia en teorías conspirativas, y la falta de confianza en los gobiernos y la ciencia, han sido importantes para analizar el proceso de vacunación contra el COVID-19 a nivel mundial, pero han sido bastante limitados, hasta el momento, para el caso de América Latina. En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo consiste en describir el grado de aceptación o no a ciertas creencias de conspiración sobre las vacunas contra la COVID-19 en una muestra de países miembros de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN): Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Se diseñó un estudio transversal descriptivo en el que participaron 1835 personas de Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Para la evaluación de estas creencias se utilizó la Escala de Creencias de Conspiración de Vacunas COVID-19 (ECCV-COVID, Caycho-Rodríguez et al., 2022a). Los resultados indican que, el Perú presenta el mayor puntaje promedio de creencias de conspiración sobre las vacunas contra la COVID19. Además, en los 4 países el menor grado de aceptación es con la creencia sobre “Vacunar a los niños contra la COVID-19 es perjudicial y este hecho está ocultado”. En Colombia, Ecuador y Perú el mayor grado de aceptación está referida a la creencia conspirativa referida a que “La información sobre la seguridad de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 a menudo se inventan”. Finalmente, en Bolivia, el mayor grado de aceptación es con la creencia de que “Las empresas farmacéuticas ocultan los peligros de las vacunas contra la COVID-19”. Los resultados presentados en este estudio son los primeros que se conoce de forma genérica en población latinoamericana, y particularmente, en la población Andina.Studies on the acceptance and rejection of vaccines, as well as the belief in conspiracy theories, and the lack of trust in governments and science, have been important to analyze the vaccination process against COVID-19 worldwide, but they have been quite limited, so far, in the case of Latin America. In this sense, the objective of this work is to describe the degree of acceptance or not of certain conspiracy beliefs about vaccines against COVID-19 in a sample of countries members in the Andean Community of Nations (CAN): Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed in which 1835 people from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru participated. To evaluate these beliefs, the COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Belief Scale (ECCV-COVID, Caycho-Rodríguez et al., 2022a) was used. The results indicate that Peru has the highest average score of conspiracy beliefs about vaccines against COVID-19. In addition, in the 4 countries, the lowest degree of acceptance is with the belief that "Vaccinating children against COVID-19 is harmful and this fact is hidden". In Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, the highest degree of acceptance is related to the conspiratorial belief that "Information on the safety of vaccines against COVID-19 is often invented." Finally, in Bolivia, the highest degree of acceptance is with the belief that "Pharmaceutical companies hide the dangers of vaccines against COVID-19". The results presented in this study are the first known generically in the Latin American population, and particularly in the Andean population.Fil: Caycho Rodríguez, Tomás. Universidad Privada del Norte; PerúFil: Gallegos de San Vicente, Miguel Omar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Valencia, Pablo D.. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala; MéxicoFil: Vilca, Lindsey W.. Universidad Norbert Wiener; PerúFil: Moreta Herrera, Rodrigo. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; EcuadorFil: Puerta Cortés, Diana Ximena. Universidad de Ibagué; ColombiaFil: Tapia, Bismarck Pinto. Universidad Catolica Boliviana; Bolivi

    Is the meaning of subjective well-being similar in Latin American countries? A cross-cultural measurement invariance study of the WHO-5 well-being index during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    "Background: There is an urgent need to assess changes in well-being on a multinational scale during the COVID-19 pandemic, thus culturally valid scales must be available. Methods: With this in mind, this study examined the invariance of the WHO well-being index (WHO-5) among a sample of 5183 people from 12 Latin Americans countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay). Results: The results of the present study indicate that the WHO-5 is strictly invariant across samples from different Latin American countries. Furthermore, the results of the IRT analysis indicate that all items of the WHO-5 were highly discriminative and that the difficulty required to respond to each of the five items is ascending. Additionally, the results indicated the presence of moderate and small size differences in subjective well-being among most countries. Conclusion: The WHO-5 is useful for assessing subjective well-being in 12 Latin American countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, since the differences between scores can be attributed to differences in well-being and not in other characteristics of the scale.

    What Is the Support for Conspiracy Beliefs About COVID-19 Vaccines in Latin America? A Prospective Exploratory Study in 13 Countries

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    Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 began to emerge immediately after the first news about the disease and threaten to prolong the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by limiting people’s willingness of receiving a life-saving vaccine. In this context, this study aimed to explore the variation of conspiracy beliefs regarding COVID-19 and the vaccine against it in 5779 people living in 13 Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) according to sociodemographic variables such as gender, age, educational level and source of information about COVID-19. The study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic between September 15 and October 25, 2021. The Spanish-language COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (ECCV-COVID) and a sociodemographic survey were used. The results indicate that, in most countries, women, people with a lower educational level and those who receive information about the vaccine and COVID-19 from family/friends are more supportive of conspiracy ideas regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. In the case of age, the results vary by country. The analysis of the responses to each of the questions of the ECCV-COVID reveals that, in general, the countries evaluated are mostly in some degree of disagreement or indecision regarding conspiratorial beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines. The findings could help open further study which could support prevention and treatment efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Design and Cross-Cultural Invariance of the COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (COVID-VCBS) in 13 Latin American Countries

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    "Aims: Over the past 2 years, the vaccine conspiracy beliefs construct has been used in a number of different studies. These publications have assessed the determinants and outcomes of vaccine conspiracy beliefs using, in some cases, pooled data from different countries, and compared the results across these contexts. However, studies often do not consider measurement invariance as a necessary requirement for comparative analyses. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the crosscultural MI of the COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (COVID-VCBS) in 12 Latin American countries. Methods: Confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory analysis and alignment method were applied to test measurement invariance in a large number of groups. Results: The COVID-VCBS showed robust psychometric properties and measurement invariance for both factor loadings and crosstabs. Also, a higher level of acceptance of conspiracy beliefs about vaccines is necessary to respond to higher response categories. Similarly, greater acceptance of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines was related to a lower intention to be vaccinated. Conclusion: The results allow for improved understanding of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines in the countries assessed; furthermore, they provide researchers and practitioners with an invariant measure that they can use in cross-cultural studies in Latin America. However, further studies are needed to test invariance in other countries, with the goal of developing a truly international measure of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines.

    Network analysis of the relationships between conspiracy beliefs towards COVID-19 vaccine and symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of latin american countries

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    The present study examined how conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines specifically relate to symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of four South American countries. A total of 1785 people from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru participated, responding to a sociodemographic survey, the Fear of COVID-19 scale (FCV-19 S) and the Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale-COVID-19 (VCBS-COVID-19). Network analysis identified the most important symptoms of fear and conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines (nodes) and the associations between them (edges). In addition, the robustness of the network of these indicators of centrality and the possible differences in the structure and connectivity of the networks between the four countries were evaluated. The results suggest that the nodes with the highest centrality were items 2 and 5 of the FCV-19 S and item 2 of the VCBS-COVID-19. Likewise, item 6 is the belief that most predicts conspiracy beliefs about vaccines against COVID-19; while item 6 was the symptom that most predicts fear of COVID-19. The findings strongly support cross-cultural similarities in the networks across the four countries rather than differences. Although it was expected that a higher presence of symptoms of fear of COVID-19 may lead people to compensate for their fear by believing in conspiratorial ideas about vaccines and, consequently, rejecting the COVID-19 vaccine, the results do not clearly show this relationship. This could lead other researchers to generate evidence to explain the differences between Latin American countries and countries in other contexts in terms of vaccination rates. This evidence could be useful to develop policies favoring vaccination against COVID-19 that are more contextualized to the Latin American region, characterized by social instability and economic recession during the pandemic

    Cross-cultural validation of the new version of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale in twelve Latin American countries

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    The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) was recently developed to assess dysfunctional anxiety related to COVID-19. Although different studies reported that the CAS is psychometrically sound, it is unclear whether it is invariant across countries. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the measurement invariance of the CAS in twelve Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay). A total of 5196 people participated, with a mean age of 34.06 (SD = 26.54). Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the measurement invariance of the CAS across countries and gender. Additionally, the graded response model (GRM) was used to provide a global representation of the representativeness of the scale with respect to the COVID19 dysfunctional anxiety construct. The unidimensional structure of the five-item CAS was not confirmed in all countries. Therefore, it was suggested that a four-item model of the CAS (CAS-4) provides a better fit across the twelve countries and reliable scores. Multigroup CFA showed that the CAS-4 exhibits scalar invariance across all twelve countries and all genders. In addition, the CAS-4 items are more informative at average and high levels of COVID-19 dysfunctional anxiety than at lower levels. According to the results, the CAS-4 is an instrument with strong cross-cultural validity and is suitable for cross-cultural comparisons of COVID-19 dysfunctional anxiety symptoms in the general population of the twelve Latin American countries evaluated

    Network analysis of the relationships between conspiracy beliefs towards COVID-19 vaccine and symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of latin american countries

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    "The present study examined how conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines specifcally relate to symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of four South American countries. A total of 1785 people from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru participated, responding to a sociodemographic survey, the Fear of COVID-19 scale (FCV-19 S) and the Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale-COVID-19 (VCBS-COVID-19). Network analysis identifed the most important symptoms of fear and conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines (nodes) and the associations between them (edges). In addition, the robustness of the network of these indicators of centrality and the possible diferences in the structure and connectivity of the networks between the four countries were evaluated. The results suggest that the nodes with the highest centrality were items 2 and 5 of the FCV-19 S and item 2 of the VCBS-COVID-19. Likewise, item 6 is the belief that most predicts conspiracy beliefs about vaccines against COVID-19; while item 6 was the symptom that most predicts fear of COVID-19. The fndings strongly support cross-cultural similarities in the networks across the four countries rather than diferences. Although it was expected that a higher presence of symptoms of fear of COVID-19 may lead people to compensate for their fear by believing in conspiratorial ideas about vaccines and, consequently, rejecting the COVID-19 vaccine, the results do not clearly show this relationship. This could lead other researchers to generate evidence to explain the diferences between Latin American countries and countries in other contexts in terms of vaccination rates. This evidence could be useful to develop policies favoring vaccination against COVID-19 that are more contextualized to the Latin American region, characterized by social instability and economic recession during the pandemic.