196 research outputs found

    Sistema inteligente de detección de intrusiones

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    El sistema diseñado es un sistema de detección de intrusiones mediante el análisis del payload del tráfico de la red en busca de algún tipo de malware. Este sistema implementa su algoritmo de detección como “preprocesador dinámico” de Snort. Mediante el trabajo conjunto de Snort y del Sistema diseñado puede afirmarse que se obtiene un sistema altamente eficaz ante ataques conocidos (mediante el paso de reglas de Snort) e igualmente eficaz ante ataques nuevos o desconocidos (que era el objetivo prioritario del sistema diseñado). Para resumir su funcionamiento bastaría decir que, como la mayoría de este tipo de sistemas, consta de dos fases: entrenamiento y detección. Durante la fase de entrenamiento se crea un modelo estadístico del tráfico legítimo de la red mediante las técnicas Bloom Filters, N-Grams y Redes Neuronales (SOM y LVQ). Posteriormente se comparan los resultados obtenidos al analizar un dataset de ataques con dicho modelo de manera que se obtienen un conjunto de reglas que serán capaces de determinar si un determinado payload analizado corresponde a algún tipo de malware o por el contrario puede clasificarse como tráfico legítimo. Durante la fase de detección se pasa el tráfico a analizar por el Bloomfilter creado en la fase de entrenamiento y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con las reglas que se produjeron durante la fase de entrenamiento. [ABSTRACT] The designed system is an intrusion detection system by analysis of Payload from network traffic to look for some kind of Malware. This system implements its detection algorithm as "dynamic pre-processor" of Snort. By working together of Snort and this system someone can affirm that a highly effective system to known attacks (by passing Snort rules) and equally effective against new and unknown attacks (which was the main objective of the designed system) is obtained. To summarize the system working would suffice to say that, like most such systems, it consists of two phases: an initial training phase and a second phase of detection. During the training phase a statistical model of legitimate network traffic through the techniques Bloom Filters, N-Grams and Neuronal Networks (SOM and LVQ) is created. Then the results obtained by analyzing a dataset of attacks with this model is compared and thus a set of rules that will be able to determine whether a payload analyzed corresponds to some kind of Malware or otherwise be classified as legitimate traffic is obtained. During the detection phase the traffic for analyzing is passed by the Bloom Filter which it is created in the training phase and the obtained results with the rules that occurred during the training phase are compared

    Procedimientos de control de fisuración a edades tempranas de hormigones avanzados para construcciones arquitectónicas

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    La fisuración por retracción del hormigón debida a la evaporación del agua de amasado durante las edades tempranas (ET) obedece a que no es capaz de absorber las tensiones a las cuales está sometido el material por efecto de la rigidización al no tener desarrollada esta capacidad, lo que afecta seriamente a su durabilidad. Los Hormigones Avanzados (HA), caracterizados por tener una composición diferente que mejora sus prestaciones en estado fresco (EF) o en estado endurecido (EE) respecto a los hormigones convencionales (HC), son más susceptibles de sufrir fisuración a ET. Entre los HA, destacan los hormigones con capacidad autocompactante (HAC), caracterizados por sus características en EF, facilitando su colocación en obra sin necesidad de vibrado, derivadas de su mayor contenido de pasta lo que ha aumentado su uso durante los últimos años. En este trabajo de tesis se estudia el comportamiento durante las ET y en EE de pastas y hormigones avanzados y HAC con filler calizo, diferentes adiciones activas y fibras de tamaño micro y nanométrico. El objetivo es identificar los parámetros principales que controlan la evolución de la reacción, la formación de la microestructura sólida y la red porosa y el desarrollo de sus propiedades tecnológicas, para minimizar el riesgo de fisuración a ET. En estado endurecido (EE) los HAC de manera general poseen características similares a un HC. El desarrollo de los hormigones avanzados y HAC con la incorporación de diferentes tipos y tamaños de adiciones y aditivos busca mejorar otras características en EE enfocadas a la funcionalidad, durabilidad, mantenimiento, aspecto estéticos y ambientales, aportando un valor añadido. Sin embargo la incorporación de estos componentes afecta al hormigón a ET, variando el comportamiento del agua en la mezcla, la velocidad de los procesos de hidratación y, en consecuencia, la formación de la micro estructura rígida del material, variando la cantidad y el tamaño del poro. Para evaluar la evolución de las propiedades del hormigón durante las primeras horas se ha establecido un protocolo de monitorización simultánea de varios parámetros experimentales relacionados con el proceso de hidratación y los efectos en el desarrollo de las propiedades tecnológicas del material, identificando el efecto de cada uno de los componentes constituyentes de HAC durante las ET. Entre los parámetros experimentales monitorizados están la temperatura, la presión capilar, la pérdida de peso por evaporación, la retracción libre y la propagación de ondas ultrasónicas de compresión y de cortante. Se ha utilizado como referencia el grado de reacción (Rd) de la muestra obtenido a partir de la evolución térmica durante las primeras 24 horas. Se ha determinado una relación entre evolución de la presión capilar con la evolución de las propiedades mecánicas, relacionada con la velocidad de propagación de impulsos ultrasónicos. Además se ha identificado la relación entre la retracción a edades tempranas y el riesgo de fisuración por secado a ET. Se ha observado que la secuencia cronológica de sucesos influye más en el riesgo de fisuración que el valor absoluto de los parámetros. Conocer el efecto de cada uno de los componentes de la dosificación de los HAC permite tener más herramientas para entender el proceso, mientras adquiere la estructura rígida. De esta manera es posible determinar el método de control adecuado ante la fisuración. La incorporación de adiciones activas de diferente tamaño han mejorado las propiedades mecánicas de los HAC. Sin embargo, también generan efectos secundarios que comprometen la vida útil del material, siendo la fisuración uno de los más comunes. Los efectos adversos derivados de la fisuración por secado a ET se han controlado incorporando pequeñas cantidades de microfibras de polipropileno, ya que la inclusión de nanofibras de carbono no es efectiva para este fin. Gracias al estudio multi-paramétrico se han podido identificar los aspectos más relevantes durante el proceso de rigidización y que están relacionados con la demanda tensional, el proceso de hidratación y los movimientos del agua en el sistema. Se ha actuado a través del diseño de la dosificación, con materiales que controlen la aparición de los efectos secundarios. La tesis se organiza con una introducción general, estableciendo los objetivos y la metodología experimental, con una discusión y unas conclusiones integradas, mientras que los resultados se presentan en forma de ocho artículos de investigación

    Long Term Permeability and Acid Resistance of SelfCompacting Concretes with Micro and Nano Mineral Additions

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    Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) can incorporate different types of Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), as filler and other active mineral additions, to increase the amount of paste without increasing the amount of cement. SCM modify the SCC hardened microstructure due to the filler effect, the seeding effect as nucleation points for hydration products and the pozzolanic effect in the case of reactive SCM, as mineral additions (MA). The pore network is also modified which produce changes in the permeability of SCC. It is generally considered that the increase of fine particles improves SCC durability due to the larger compactness of the hardened material. However, MA also modifies the hydration process and consequently the hardened microstructure that could, in some cases, reduce the chemical resistance. Accordingly, the durability of SCC can also be modified by the use of MA due to the combination of permeability and chemical resistance, which mainly depends on the paste phase of the composite. When subjected to chemical attacks, SCC with MA would also modify the microstructure and the permeability properties in the long term. In order to evaluate the effect of different mineral additions, as limestone filler, microsilica, nanosilica and metakaolin, on SCC long term performance and assess their impact on its durability, an experimental study was carried out. Air and water permeability was measured on 5 years old samples SCC with different MA. It was seen that SCC air permeability was similar independently of the MA type and amount used. The samples were then subjected to acetic and sulfuric acid attacks. It was observed that the chemical resistance against acids depended on both permeability, the type of acid and the MA. The particle size and reactivity of the MA also contributed to the chemical resistance and therefore, to SCC durability

    Early age and hardened performance of cement pastes combining mineral additions

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    To asses the influence of mineral additions (MA) at early age and on hardened performance of fluid cement based pastes, an experimental program was carried out. The design of the mixtures correspond to paste compositions used in self compacting concretes of moderated strength, as those employed for architectural applications. Two types of fillers (limestone and quartzite) have been used to substitute 50 % of cement in a reference paste, with and without a high range water reducing admixture (HRWRA). Then, three active MA (microsilica, nanosilica and metakaolin) were combined. A physical and mechanical characterization in the hardened state showed that the inclusion of MA to a cement-filler mixture can moderately improve the hardened performance of the pastes. Air and water cured samples were tested in order to evaluate the influence of curing conditions.\ud At early ages (24 hours), in-situ temperature and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) were monitored on samples with limestone filler, combined with the three active MA, to study the reaction process and microstructure development, respectively. The reaction degree of the samples under study during the first 24 hours was related to the microstructure development. Evaporation, drying shrinkage and cracking at early age were also monitored, considering an air flow of 3 m/s on the exposed sample surface. Some relations were described linking cracking risks at early ages with the chemical and physical phenomena involved at early age microstructure evolutio

    Long term permeability and acid resistance of self- compacting concretes with micro and nano mineral additions

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    Trabajo presentado a la Sixth International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, celebrada en la Universitdad de Leeds (UK) del 18 al 20 de julio de 2018.Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) can incorporate different types of Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), as filler and other active mineral additions, to increase the amount of paste without increasing the amount of cement. SCM modify the SCC hardened microstructure due to the filler effect, the seeding effect as nucleation points for hydration products and the pozzolanic effect in the case of reactive SCM, as mineral additions (MA). The pore network is also modified which produce changes in the permeability of SCC. It is generally considered that the increase of fine particles improves SCC durability due to the larger compactness of the hardened material. However, MA also modifies the hydration process and consequently the hardened microstructure that could, in some cases, reduce the chemical resistance. Accordingly, the durability of SCC can also be modified by the use of MA due to the combination of permeability and chemical resistance, which mainly depends on the paste phase of the composite. When subjected to chemical attacks, SCC with MA would also modify the microstructure and the permeability properties in the long term. In order to evaluate the effect of different mineral additions, as limestone filler, microsilica, nanosilica and metakaolin, on SCC long term performance and assess their impact on its durability, an experimental study was carried out. Air and water permeability was measured on 5 years old samples SCC with different MA. It was seen that SCC air permeability was similar independently of the MA type and amount used. The samples were then subjected to acetic and sulfuric acid attacks. It was observed that the chemical resistance against acids depended on both permeability, the type of acid and the MA. The particle size and reactivity of the MA also contributed to the chemical resistance and therefore, to SCC durability.The authors acknowledge the projects PII-2014-022-P funded by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha and BIA2013-48480-C2-2-R and BIA2016-77911-R funded by Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad (cofunded by FEDER)

    Early age monitoring and hardened properties of SCC with limestone filler and active mineral additions

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    An experimental program on SCC with limestone filler and three active mineral additions (AMA), microsilica (MS), nanosilica (NS) and Metakaolin (MC), was carried out to evaluate their influence during early ages and in the hardened state. The aim was to characterize SCC further than the usual workability and mechanical parameters, in the understanding that the main microstructural changes in the material occur during the first hours and that early age cracking, porosity, pore size and permeability can compromise SCC durability. In-situ temperature, ultrasonic pulse velocity, mass loss and free drying shrinkage of samples subjected to a wind flow were simultaneously monitored for 24 hours. Profiles of the reaction process, the microstructural evolution and the physical effects of water evaporation were obtained. The early age measured parameters were related to a reaction index (Ir,24), defined as the fraction of heat produced (accumulated plus released) with regard to the total heat at 24 hours. The simultaneous monitoring of those parameters allowed a better understanding of the mechanisms involved during early ages. These parameters were compared to the early age cracking due to drying shrinkage. In the hardened state, a mechanical characterization was conducted and porosity and vapor permeability were measured on paste samples (without aggregates) under two environmental conditions during setting process: subjected to 3 m/s air flow and covered with a plastic film. The use of AMA increased mechanical strength. Although, the early age cracking risks also increased, especially in the case of AMA with smaller particle size (NS and MC). The external conditions applying on the samples during early ages also modify porosity, pore size and permeability of the hardened SCC

    Análisis comparativo en el uso de malla electrosoldada para mitigar la acción sísmica de viviendas de albañilería confinada, Ate-Lima 2021

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    En el distrito de Ate departamento de Lima existe mucha informalidad en la construcción de viviendas de albañilería confinada con ladrillos tubulares o huacas que sobrepasa el 30% de huecos en sus caras de asiento prohibido por la norma E070 para muros portantes, pese a ello los pobladores de este sector utilizan esta unidad de albañilería por su bajo costo, poniendo en peligro en riesgo sísmico, en esta investigación el objetivo general es realizar el análisis comparativo del comportamiento mecánico de los muros de albañilería confinada con ladrillos King Kong, ladrillos tubulares taponeados con mortero, ladrillos tubulares sin taponear, reforzados con malla electrosoldada y sin refuerzo, el tipo de investigación fue aplicada, de diseño cuasi experimental, y enfoque cuantitativo, la muestra unidad de albañilería fue determinada mediante censo tipos y procedencia de ladrillo más vendido en esta localidad, los resultados que se han obtenido después de los ensayos a prismas resistencia característica a compresión axial (f’m) de la albañilería, con ladrillo King Kong muestra patrón 54.61 kg/cm², ladrillo pandereta muestra patrón 13.58 Kg/cm², ladrillo pandereta taponeado con mortero 18.58 kg/cm², y ensayos a muretes resistencia a compresión diagonal (v’m) con ladrillo King Kong muestra patrón 6.58 kg/cm², con ladrillo King Kong reforzado 8.56 kg/cm², con ladrillo tubular muestra patrón 3.96 kg/cm², con ladrillo tubular con refuerzo 9.61 kg/cm², con ladrillo tubular taponeado con mortero 5.53 kg/cm², con ladrillo tubular taponeado y reforzado 11.95 kg/cm², en conclusión el refuerzo del muro con malla electrosoldada y el ladrillo taponeado con mortero han incrementado su resistencia característica a compresión axial y diagonal respectivamente

    Early age behaviour of Self Compacting Concrete with Polypropylene fibers and carbon nanofibers

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    An experimental study on the performance of a self compacting concrete (SCC) with fibers, during the cement hydration process and the evolution in to a rigid material, was carried out. The aim of this study was to investigate the improvement of the hardened performance due to the use of fibers and the early age cracking control ability of fibers at two different scales: on a nano-structural level with the addition of carbon nano-fibers (CNF) and on a micro-structural level with the addition of polypropylene micro-fibers. The inclusion of nanofibers increased the flexural strength of cement based pastes although some problems concerning early age cracking emerged. As any other concrete, SCC can exhibit problems during the very early ages after mixing, when cement hydration occurs, as shrinkage and early cracking. Although these problems arise during early ages, their effect can seriously compromise the long term performance and durability of the material. SCC samples with and without fibers were monitored through its hardening process using several experimental techniques and considering the effect of water evaporation due to wind exposition during the setting process. The effect of the fibers and different SCC components, as nanosilica, and a high range water reducing admixture (HRWRA), was analysed. Besides, the ability of the applied components to avoid the stress development during the early ages was also evaluated. The influence of the fibers and additional components on the early age shrinkage was assessed, identifying the relationship between shrinkage and early age cracking

    Early age monitoring and hardened properties of SCC with limestone filler and active mineral additions

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    An experimental program on SCC with limestone filler and three active mineral additions (AMA), microsilica (MS), nanosilica (NS) and Metakaolin (MC), was carried out to evaluate their influence during early ages and in the hardened state. The aim was to characterize SCC further than the usual workability and mechanical parameters, in the understanding that the main microstructural changes in the material occur during the first hours and that early age cracking, porosity, pore size and permeability can compromise SCC durability. In-situ temperature, ultrasonic pulse velocity, mass loss and free drying shrinkage of samples subjected to a wind flow were simultaneously monitored for 24 hours. Profiles of the reaction process, the microstructural evolution and the physical effects of water evaporation were obtained. The early age measured parameters were related to a reaction index (Ir,24), defined as the fraction of heat produced (accumulated plus released) with regard to the total heat at 24 hours. The simultaneous monitoring of those parameters allowed a better understanding of the mechanisms involved during early ages. These parameters were compared to the early age cracking due to drying shrinkage. In the hardened state, a mechanical characterization was conducted and porosity and vapor permeability were measured on paste samples (without aggregates) under two environmental conditions during setting process: subjected to 3 m/s air flow and covered with a plastic film. The use of AMA increased mechanical strength. Although, the early age cracking risks also increased, especially in the case of AMA with smaller particle size (NS and MC). The external conditions applying on the samples during early ages also modify porosity, pore size and permeability of the hardened SCC

    Emergencies, events and resistance in CRIC, ZAPATISTAS and CAM 1994-2014. 20 years of struggle of the Latin American indigenous movement

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    Esta tesis tiene como objeto presentar la situación social de tres pueblos indígenas y sus organizaciones políticas, alrededor de lo que José Julián Martí Pérez (1853-1895) llamó “Nuestra América”. Son ellos, los pueblos reunidos bajo las siglas del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN), el Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca (CRIC) y la Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco (CAM), cuyos territorios geográficamente corresponden a México, Colombia y Chile respectivamente. Se hace abordan sus historias como pueblos ancestrales y su devenir en resistencias, luchas pasadas y actuales, así como, las formas organizativas que han permitido la acción política en pos de sus intereses. En tal sentido, la investigación se enfoca y hace énfasis en el análisis de tres aspectos básicos denominados: “Emergencias, Acontecimientos y Resistencias”. Estos conceptos rodean el núcleo investigativo, enfatizan la vida orgánica y social de los aspectos relevantes en la formación de su cultura, en tanto pueblos Mapuches (Chile), Zapatistas (México) y Nasa (Colombia), en sus acciones políticas y de movilización que conllevan a un estado latente de confrontación, entre comunidades y sociedades que connotan situaciones de tensión manifestadas en la lucha por la recuperación de aquello perdido y la violencia generalizada de parte de los Estados que afecta: espacios, territorios, arraigo, cultura, identidad y en especial, la idea del repudio a la sumisión.This thesis aims to present the social situation of three indigenous peoples and their political organizations, around what José Julián Martí Pérez (1853-1895) called "Our America". They are the peoples gathered under the initials of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) and the Arauco-Malleco Coordinator (CAM), whose territories geographically correspond to Mexico, Colombia and Chile respectively. It addresses their histories as ancestral peoples and their evolution in resistance, past and current struggles, as well as the organizational forms that have allowed political action in pursuit of their interests. In this sense, the research focuses and emphasizes the analysis of three basic aspects called: "Emergencies, Events and Resistances". These concepts surround the investigative nucleus, emphasizing the organic and social life of the relevant aspects in the formation of their culture, as Mapuches (Chile), Zapatistas (Mexico) and Nasa (Colombia) peoples, in their political and mobilization actions that lead to a latent state of confrontation, between communities and societies that connote situations of tension manifested in the struggle for the recovery of what was lost and the generalized violence on the part of the States that affects: spaces, territories, roots, culture, identity and in especially, the idea of ​​repudiation of submission