120 research outputs found

    Localized radial solutions for a nonlinear p-Laplacian equation in RNR^N

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    We establish the existence of radial solutions to the p-Laplacian equation ∆p u + f(u)=0 in RN, where f behaves like |u|q-1 u when u is large and f(u) < 0 for small positive u. We show that for each nonnegative integer n, there is a localized solution u which has exactly n zeros. Also, we look for radial solutions of a superlinear Dirichlet problem in a ball. We show that for each nonnegative integer n, there is a solution u which has exactly n zeros. Here we give an alternate proof to that which was given by Castro and Kurepa

    Mode conversion and scattering of lamb waves at delaminations in composite laminates

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    Abstract not availableGnana Teja Pudipeddi, Ching-Tai Ng, and Andrei Kotouso

    Investigation of the Effect of Normal Incidence of RF Wave on Human Head Tissues Employing Cu and Ni Grid PET Films

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    The rising number of frequency bands and the demand for wireless communication devices has become a growing concern regarding health and safety. The human head is a vulnerable body part when exposed to mobile phones. To ensure a high level of protection of the head from undesirable Electromagnetic Field (EMF) emissions, a shield is incorporated in this paper between the head and the mobile smartphone. The shielding material used to protect the head from the RF emissions is Copper (Cu) grid transparent Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) film and Copper (Cu) grid transparent PET film with Nickel (Ni) coating forming a laminated mesh. The RF emission metric from the smartphone is determined to evaluate the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) numerically with a variation in frequencies ranging from 850MHz to 5.47GHz at normal wave incidence by the Transmission Line Method. The variation in frequency is observed in two head models, one of an adult and one of a child. Compared with the no shield condition, a significant SAR reduction is observed when PET-Cu or PET-Cu-Ni conductive coating transparent shielded mesh is embodied on the front part of the mobile phone between the phone and the head. In the child 7-layered head model at 5.47GHz, a significant reduction in SAR is observed from 10.5W/kg to 0.00001W/kg using the Cu grid PET film and to 0.0000032W/kg using Cu and Ni grid PET film

    Oral arsenic trioxide ORH-2014 pharmacokinetic and safety profile in patients with advanced hematologic disorders

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    Daily intravenous arsenic trioxide administered with all-trans retinoid acid, the standard-of-care for acute promyelocytic leukemia, is costly and challenging to administer. ORH-2014 is a novel, oral arsenic trioxide formulation, consisting of micron-size drug particles with rapid dissolution and high bioavailability. We conducted a multicenter phase 1 dose-escalating study in patients with advanced hematologic malignancies. Twelve patients received ORH-2014 at 5 mg (n=3), 10 mg (n=6), or 15 mg (n=3) orally once a day (fasted state). Objectives were to assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of ORH-2014 to support a dose recommendation for future trials. The median age of the patients was 77 years (range: 45-81) and they had received a median of two (range: 1-5) prior therapies. There were no dose limiting toxicities and no drug-related severe adverse events, except one grade III QT prolongation occurring beyond the dose limiting toxicity assessment period and resolving after treatment interruption. ORH-2014 steady-state plasma concentration was reached on day 15. ORH-2014, 15 mg Cmax was comparable to the calculated approved dose of intravenous arsenic trioxide (mean [% coefficient of variation]: 114 [21%] vs. 124 [60%] ng/mL) and area under the curve from 0 to 24 hours was 2,140 (36%) versus 1,302 (30%) h*ng/mL. These results indicate that ORH-2014 at 15 mg is safe, bioavailable, and provides the required arsenic exposure compared to intravenous arsenic trioxide at the approved dose (0.15 mg/kg); this ORH-2014 dose is recommended for future trials. (NCT03048344; www.clin-icaltrials.gov)

    Preparation and evaluation of azithromycin binary solid dispersions using various polyethylene glycols for the improvement of the drug solubility and dissolution rate

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    ABSTRACT Azithromycin is a water-insoluble drug, with a very low bioavailability. In order to increase the solubility and dissolution rate, and consequently increase the bioavailability of poorly-soluble drugs (such as azithromycin), various techniques can be applied. One of such techniques is "solid dispersion". This technique is frequently used to improve the dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble compounds. Owing to its low solubility and dissolution rate, azithromycin does not have a suitable bioavailability. Therefore, the main purpose of this investigation was to increase the solubility and dissolution rate of azithromycin by preparing its solid dispersion, using different Polyethylene glycols (PEG). Preparations of solid dispersions and physical mixtures of azithromycin were made using PEG 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000 and 20000 in various ratios, based on the solvent evaporation method. From the studied drug release profile, it was discovered that the dissolution rate of the physical mixture, as the well as the solid dispersions, were higher than those of the drug alone. There was no chemical incompatibility between the drug and polymer from the observed Infrared (IR) spectra. Drug-polymer interactions were also investigated using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) and Scanning Election Microscopy (SEM). In conclusion, the dissolution rate and solubility of azithromycin were found to improve significantly, using hydrophilic carriers, especially PEG 6000

    Polymorphism: an evaluation of the potential risk to the quality of drug products from the Farmácia Popular Rede Própria

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    Polymorphism in solids is a common phenomenon in drugs, which can lead to compromised quality due to changes in their physicochemical properties, particularly solubility, and, therefore, reduce bioavailability. Herein, a bibliographic survey was performed based on key issues and studies related to polymorphism in active pharmaceutical ingredient (APIs) present in medications from the Farm&#225;cia Popular Rede Pr&#243;pria. Polymorphism must be controlled to prevent possible ineffective therapy and/or improper dosage. Few mandatory tests for the identification and control of polymorphism in medications are currently available, which can result in serious public health concerns

    Localized radial solutions for a nonlinear p-Laplacian equation in RN

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    U ovome radu naglasak je na azilu kao institutu koji se smatra zaštitom koju pruža država na svom teritoriju osobi koja je pobjegla iz svoje države zbog proganjanja odnosno ugrožavanja života ili ozbiljnog kršenja ljudskih prava. Važnost toga instituta proizlazi iz činjenice da institut azila uređuju i međunarodni dokumenti. Konvencija Ujedinjenih naroda o statusu izbjeglica, usvojena 1951. godine, ima centralno mjesto u međunarodnoj zaštiti izbjeglica. Nadalje, obrađuju se standardi utvrđivanja i priznavanja izbjegličkog statusa. Prava koja imaju izbjeglice su pravo na boravak, stjecanje državljanstva prirođenjem te osobne isprave, pravo na obrazovanje, pravo na rad, pravo na stanovanje, pravo na socijalnu skrb i zdravstvenu zaštitu te pravo na pravnu zaštitu. Načelo non- refoulement dnosno načelo zabrane protjerivanja ili vraćanja je jedno od najbitnijih načela. To načelo štiti izbjeglice koje se nađu na području izvan svoje zemlje podrijetla od prisilnog vraćanja na područje gdje postoji vjerojatnost da bi bili proganjani, mučeni ili ubijeni. Nadalje, u radu se obrađuje sustav azila u Republici Hrvatskoj te primjeri iz sudske prakse Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske te upravnih sudova Repulike Hrvatske. Sudeći po sudskoj praksi, drugostupanjska tijela uglavnom potvrđuju odluke prvostupanjskih tijela. Sudovi bi kao neovisna tijela trebali raditi na podizanju standarda azila te na boljoj zaštiti azilanata

    Quantitative Structural Diagnosis of Plate-like Structures using Multi-frequency Lamb Wave Diffraction Tomography

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    Quantitative identification and evaluation of damage are of utmost importance for the safety and sustainability of a structure. Identifying early stage damage is also necessary for reducing the maintenance and repair costs of a structure and increasing its service life. Numerous Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems have been developed over time to address these issues in various capacities and prevent huge losses to life and economy. Lamb Wave Diffraction Tomography (LWDT) is an advanced SHM process that is used for identifying the location and quantifying the severity of damage. The process consists of interrogating a region of probable damage with Lamb waves and gathering information about the presence and geometry of the damage from the scattered waves. This process can be used in plate-like structures, such as metallic plates and composite laminates. One of the main areas of research in LWDT is investigating the effects of multiple non-central frequency components of data on the image quality and utilizing information from these multiple frequencies to reconstruct the damage. This thesis contains journal papers that 1) study the scattering of Lamb waves at delaminations within a composite laminate, focussing on the mode-conversion effect at the damage boundary 2) study the effects of non-central frequencies on the quality of imaging for damage reconstruction and 3) propose multi-frequency approaches that improve the efficiency of LWDT. The key outcome of this study is that a multi-frequency approach to damage reconstruction greatly improves the resolution of damage in plate-like structures, without increasing the number of transducers. A multi-frequency based reconstruction approach would thus lead to the advancement of LWDT as a feasible technique for the SHM of plate-like structures.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, 202