286 research outputs found

    Cuerpos (de)generados. Imágenes e identidades híbridas en el arte español de la última década

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    Actas de las Terceras Jornadas Imagen, Cultura y Tecnología celebradas del 28 al 30 de julio de 2004 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Conservation of the european mining and metallurgical heritage. Part 2

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    In the June 1999 issue of the CIM Bulletin an inventory of Mining Museums Across Canada was published. Because museums are an important educational tool and a touristic attraction, it is a pleasure to have professors Octavio Puche Riart and Luis Felipe Mazadiego Martinez respond to our invitation to write about the European mining and metallurgical museums. Part 1 of this article appeared in the May 2000 issue

    Novel Attacks and Defenses for Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) Systems

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    This doctoral dissertation expands upon the field of Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) systems, one of the most ubiquitous and under-researched fields of smart systems. E-IoT systems are specialty smart systems designed for sophisticated automation applications (e.g., multimedia control, security, lighting control). E-IoT systems are often closed source, costly, require certified installers, and are more robust for their specific applications. This dissertation begins with an analysis of the current E-IoT threat landscape and introduces three novel attacks and defenses under-studied software and protocols heavily linked to E-IoT systems. For each layer, we review the literature for the threats, attacks, and countermeasures. Based on the systematic knowledge we obtain from the literature review, we propose three novel attacks and countermeasures to protect E-IoT systems. In the first attack, we present PoisonIvy, several attacks developed to show that malicious E-IoT drivers can be used to compromise E-IoT. In response to PoisonIvy threats, we describe Ivycide, a machine-learning network-based solution designed to defend E-IoT systems against E-IoT driver threats. As multimedia control is a significant application of E-IoT, we introduce is HDMI-Walk, a novel attack vector designed to demonstrate that HDMI\u27s Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol can be used to compromise multiple devices through a single connection. To defend devices from this threat, we introduce HDMI-Watch, a standalone intrusion detection system (IDS) designed to defend HDMI-enabled devices from HDMI-Walk-style attacks. Finally, this dissertation evaluates the security of E-IoT proprietary protocols with LightingStrike, a series of attacks used to demonstrate that popular E-IoT proprietary communication protocols are insecure. To address LightningStrike threats, we introduce LGuard, a complete defense framework designed to defend E-IoT systems from LightingStrike-style attacks using computer vision, traffic obfuscation, and traffic analysis techniques. For each contribution, all of the defense mechanisms proposed are implemented without any modification to the underlying hardware or software. All attacks and defenses in this dissertation were performed with implementations on widely-used E-IoT devices and systems. We believe that the research presented in this dissertation has notable implications on the security of E-IoT systems by exposing novel threat vectors, raising awareness, and motivating future E-IoT system security research

    Biography of César Rubio y Muñoz (Cáceres, 1858-Madrid, 1931), President of the 14th International Geological Congress (Madrid, Spain, 1926)

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    The mining engineer César Rubio, before joining the Geological Survey of Spain, worked in numerous Spanish mining districts, in which he introduced important innovations. His main contributions being the director of the Geological Survey of Spain was the research of the Catalonian potassium salts deposits and the organization of the XIV International Geological Congress, which took place in Madrid in 1926

    Petroleum in the Spanish Iberian Peninsula

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    The main events of the history of petroleum in Spain are the following: 1) The mining concession of petroleum named El Progreso is the first one in Spain and occurred only seven years after Edwin Drake (1819-1880) drilled the first oil well in Pennsylvania. 2) The first survey of oil production in Spain, well known as the Tejon borehole, was conducted by the Sondeos de Huidobro Company in 1900, in Huidobro (Burgos), and reached 501 m of depth. 3) In 1964 CAMPSA and AMOSPAIN found petroleum in the Ayoluengo field (Burgos), with a borehole of 1,349 m of depth. This was the first and only petroleum field in the continental Spain in this zone. The Ayoluengo petroleum field has been active during 35 years. In this paper we will review the history of petroleum in peninsular Spain

    Information about petroleum in America prior to the nineteenth Century

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    The petroleum substances have been used a lot of centuries ago: bitumen has been used in Neolithic Period to fix head's hammer of stone and to set beads. The authors of this paper want to show the knowledge of bitumen and asphalt in South America until the 19t h century through documents of Spaniards conquerors. Besides, we have done a comparative study between different words to design these petroleum product

    Mango : high plant density phenology and degree-days

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    La alta densidad en el cultivo del mango es una solución factible para incrementar la producción. Sin embargo, no se tiene información sobre la influencia que el ambiente, como un todo, o a través de determinados factores, ejerce sobre las distintas fases de desarrollo del cultivo ni de cómo este manejo agronómico modifica el microclima. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la fenología del mango y el cálculo de los grados- días bajo un sistema de alta densidad de población para evaluar las relaciones fenología-ambiente en Maracay (Venezuela). Al comparar los cultivares se observa que cada variedad presenta un patrón de fenofases diferentes. El tratamiento de poda + PBZ modificó la fenología de los cultivares. Pareciera que la poda favorece la acumulación de grados-días en Springfels y Haden. Es necesario continuar las evaluaciones un mínimo de tres años.The use of high plant density in mango is a posible solution to increase the production of this crop. However, there is no information about the influence that the environment, either as a whole or through specific factors, exerts on different phases of cultivar development. Also, it is unknown how the agricultural management by using high density of population can modify the microclimate of the crop. The objective of this work was to characterize the mango phenology and calculate the degree-days under a system of high density of population to evaluate the relationship between mango phenology and environment in Maracay (Venezuela). When cultivars were compared among them, it was observed that each variety had a different pattern of phonological phases. The treatment of prune + PBZ modified the phenology of the cultivars. It appears that pruning favors the accumulation of degree-days in Springfels and Haden cultivars. It is necessary to continue the evaluations, at least, for 3 years.Fil: Azkue, Mercedes. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (Venezuela)Fil: Avilan, Luis.Fil: Puche, Marelia. Universidad Central de Venezuel

    Industrias cerámicas históricas de Madrid: hornos continuos y sus chimeneas

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    Hemos inventariado diversas chimeneas correspondientes a industrias ladrilleras históricas. Estas industrias se ubican en las zonas geológicas favorables y responden a un cambio productivo iniciado a partir de 1880, que supuso el paso revolucionario del sistema discontinuo a hornos continuos. Las tres chimeneas identificadas han sido estudiadas en el marco de un proyecto de investigación de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid titulado: Arqueología Industrial: Conservación del Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico madrileño (II)