762 research outputs found

    On the computation of Wasserstein barycenters

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    The Wasserstein barycenter is an important notion in the analysis of high dimensional data with a broad range of applications in applied probability, economics, statistics, and in particular to clustering and image processing. In this paper, we state a general version of the equivalence of the Wasserstein barycenter problem to the n-coupling problem. As a consequence, the coupling to the sum principle (characterizing solutions to the n-coupling problem) provides a novel criterion for the explicit characterization of barycenters. Based on this criterion, we provide as a main contribution the simple to implement iterative swapping algorithm (ISA) for computing barycenters. The ISA is a completely non-parametric algorithm which provides a sharp image of the support of the barycenter and has a quadratic time complexity which is comparable to other well established algorithms designed to compute barycenters. The algorithm can also be applied to more complex optimization problems like the k-barycenter problem

    Evidence for T Tauri-like emission in the EXor V1118 Ori from near-IR and X-ray data

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    We present a near-IR study of the EXor variable V1118 Ori, performed by following a slightly declining phase after a recent outburst. In particular, the near-IR (0.8 - 2.3 micron) spectrum, obtained for the first time, shows a large variety of emission features of the HI and HeI recombination and CO overtone. By comparing the observed spectrum with a wind model, a mass loss rate value is derived along with other parameters whose values are typical of an accreting T Tauri star. In addition, we have used X-ray data from the XMM archive, taken in two different epochs during the declining phase monitored in IR. X-ray emission (in the range 0.5 - 10 keV) permits to derive several parameters which confirm the T Tauri nature of the source. In the near-IR the object maintains a low visual extinction during all the activity phases, confirming that variable extinction does not contribute to brightness variations. The lack of both a significant amount of circumstellar material and any evidence of IR cooling from collimated jet/outflow driven by the source, indicates that, at least this member of the EXor class, is in a late stage of the Pre-Main Sequence evolution. In the X-ray regime, an evident fading is present, detected in the post-outburst phase, that cannot be reconciled with the presence of any absorbing material. This circumstance, combined with the persistence (in the pre- and post-outburst phases) of a temperature component at about 10 MK, suggests that accretion has some influence in regulating the coronal activity

    The multi-phase winds of Markarian 231: from the hot, nuclear, ultra-fast wind to the galaxy-scale, molecular outflow

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    We present the best sensitivity and angular resolution maps of the molecular disk and outflow of Mrk 231, as traced by CO observations obtained with IRAM/PdBI, and we analyze archival Chandra and NuSTAR observations. We constrain the physical properties of both the molecular disk and outflow, the presence of a highly-ionized ultra-fast nuclear wind, and their connection. The molecular outflow has a size of ~1 kpc, and extends in all directions around the nucleus, being more prominent along the south-west to north-east direction, suggesting a wide-angle biconical geometry. The maximum projected velocity of the outflow is nearly constant out to ~1 kpc, thus implying that the density of the outflowing material decreases from the nucleus outwards as r−2r^{-2}. This suggests that either a large part of the gas leaves the flow during its expansion or that the bulk of the outflow has not yet reached out to ~1 kpc, thus implying a limit on its age of ~1 Myr. We find M˙OF=[500−1000] M⊙ yr−1\dot M_{OF}=[ 500-1000]~ M_{\odot}~yr^{-1} and E˙kin,OF=[7−10]×1043\dot E_{kin,OF}=[7-10]\times 10^{43} erg s−1^{-1}. Remarkably, our analysis of the X-ray data reveals a nuclear ultra-fast outflow (UFO) with velocity -20000 km s−1^{-1}, M˙UFO=[0.3−2.1] M⊙yr−1\dot M_{UFO}=[0.3- 2.1] ~M_\odot yr^{-1}, and momentum load P˙UFO/P˙rad=[0.2−1.6]\dot P_{UFO}/\dot P_{rad}=[0.2-1.6].We find E˙kin,UFO∼E˙kin,OF\dot E_{kin,UFO}\sim \dot E_{kin,OF} as predicted for outflows undergoing an energy conserving expansion. This suggests that most of the UFO kinetic energy is transferred to mechanical energy of the kpc-scale outflow, strongly supporting that the energy released during accretion of matter onto super-massive black holes is the ultimate driver of giant massive outflows. We estimate a momentum boost P˙OF/P˙UFO≈[30−60]\dot P_{OF}/\dot P_{UFO}\approx [30-60]. The ratios E˙kin,UFO/Lbol,AGN=[1−5]%\dot E_{kin, UFO}/L_{bol,AGN} =[ 1-5]\% and E˙kin,OF/Lbol,AGN=[1−3]%\dot E_{kin,OF}/L_{bol,AGN} = [1-3]\% agree with the requirements of the most popular models of AGN feedback.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Endo-Porter–Mediated Delivery of Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligos (PMOs) in Erythrocyte Suspension Cultures from Cope\u27s Gray Treefrog Hyla Chrysoscelis

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    Cope\u27s gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis, is a freeze-tolerant anuran that accumulates cryoprotective glycerol during cold acclimation. H. chrysoscelis erythrocytes express the aquaglyceroporin HC-3, which facilitates transmembrane glycerol and water movement. Aquaglyceroporins have no pharmacological inhibitors, and no genetic knockout tools currently exist for H. chrysoscelis. A phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligo (PMO)–mediated expression knockdown approach was therefore pursued to provide a model for testing the role of HC-3. We describe a novel procedure optimized for specific, efficient knockdown of HC-3 expression in amphibian erythrocyte suspensions cultured at nonmammalian physiological temperatures using Endo-Porter. Our protocol includes three critical components: pre-incubation at 37°C, two rounds of Endo-Porter and HC-3 PMO administration at ~23°C, and continuous shaking at 190 rpm. This combination of steps resulted in 94% reduction in HC-3 protein expression (Western blot), substantial decrease in HC-3 expression in \u3e65% of erythrocytes, and no detectable expression in an additional 30% of cells (immunocytochemistry)

    The HELLAS2XMM survey. IX. Spectroscopic identification of super-EROs hosting AGNs

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    We present VLT near-IR spectroscopic observations of three X-ray sources characterized by extremely high X-ray-to-optical ratios (X/O>40), extremely red colors (6.3<R-K<7.4, i.e. EROs) and bright infrared magnitudes (17.6<K<18.3). These objects are very faint in the optical, making their spectroscopic identification extremely challenging. Instead, our near-IR spectroscopic observations have been successful in identifying the redshift of two of them (z=2.08 and z=1.35), and tentatively even of the third one (z=2.13). When combined with the X-ray properties, our results clearly indicate that all these objects host obscured QSOs (4e44 < L(2-10keV) < 1.5e45 erg/s, 2e22 < N_H < 4e23 cm-2) at high redshift. The only object with unresolved morphology in the K band shows broad Halpha emission, but not broad Hbeta, implying a type 1.9 AGN classification. The other two objects are resolved and dominated by the host galaxy light in the K band, and appear relatively quiescent: one of them has a LINER-like emission line spectrum and the other presents only a single, weak emission line which we tentatively identify with Halpha. The galaxy luminosities for the latter two objects are an order of magnitude brighter than typical local L* galaxies and the derived stellar masses are well in excess of 10^11 Msun. For these objects we estimate black hole masses higher than 10^9 Msun and we infer that they are radiating at Eddington ratios L/L_Edd < 0.1. We discuss the implications of these findings for the coevolution of galaxies and black hole growth. Our results provide further support that X-ray sources with high X/O ratios and very red colors tend to host obscured QSO in very massive galaxies at high redshift.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    VaR bounds for joint portfolios with dependence constraints

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    Based on a novel extension of classical Hoe ding-Fr\ue9chet bounds, we provide an upper VaR bound for joint risk portfolios with xed marginal distributions and positive dependence information. The positive dependence information can be assumed to hold in the tails, in some central part, or on a general subset of the domain of the distribution function of a risk portfolio. The newly provided VaR bound can be interpreted as a comonotonic VaR computed at a distorted con dence level and its quality is illustrated in a series of examples of practical interest

    Amino-acid sensing and degrading pathways in immune regulation

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    Abstract Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenases (IDOs) − belonging in the heme dioxygenase family and degrading tryptophan − are responsible for the de novo synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD + ). As such, they are expressed by a variety of invertebrate and vertebrate species. In mammals, IDO1 has remarkably evolved to expand its functions, so to become a prominent homeostatic regulator, capable of modulating infection and immunity in multiple ways, including local tryptophan deprivation, production of biologically active tryptophan catabolites, and non-enzymatic cell-signaling activity. Much like IDO1, arginase 1 (Arg1) is an immunoregulatory enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of arginine. Here, we discuss the possible role of amino-acid degradation as related to the evolution of the immune systems and how the functions of those enzymes are linked by an entwined pathway selected by phylogenesis to meet the newly arising needs imposed by an evolving environment

    Broadband Observations of the Compton-thick Nucleus of NGC 3393

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    We present new NuSTAR and Chandra observations of NGC 3393, a galaxy reported to host the smallest separation dual AGN resolved in the X-rays. While past results suggested a 150 pc separation dual AGN, three times deeper Chandra imaging, combined with adaptive optics and radio imaging suggest a single, heavily obscured, radio-bright AGN. Using VLA and VLBA data, we find an AGN with a two-sided jet rather than a dual AGN and that the hard X-ray, UV, optical, NIR, and radio emission are all from a single point source with a radius <0.2". We find that the previously reported dual AGN is most likely a spurious detection resulting from the low number of X-ray counts (<160) at 6-7 keV and Gaussian smoothing of the data on scales much smaller than the PSF (0.25" vs. 0.80" FWHM). We show that statistical noise in a single Chandra PSF generates spurious dual peaks of the same separation (0.55±\pm0.07" vs. 0.6") and flux ratio (39±\pm9% vs. 32% of counts) as the purported dual AGN. With NuSTAR, we measure a Compton-thick source (NH=2.2±0.4×10242.2\pm0.4\times10^{24} cm−2^{-2}) with a large torus half-opening angle, {\theta}=79 which we postulate results from feedback from strong radio jets. This AGN shows a 2-10 keV intrinsic to observed flux ratio of 150. Using simulations, we find that even the deepest Chandra observations would severely underestimate the intrinsic luminosity of NGC 3393 above z>0.2, but would detect an unobscured AGN of this luminosity out to high redshift (z=5).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 15 Figures and 4 table

    CTLA-4–Ig Activates Forkhead Transcription Factors and Protects Dendritic Cells from Oxidative Stress in Nonobese Diabetic Mice

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    Prediabetes and diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice have been targeted by a variety of immunotherapies, including the use of a soluble form of cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and interferon (IFN)-γ. The cytokine, however, fails to activate tolerogenic properties in dendritic cells (DCs) from highly susceptible female mice early in prediabetes. The defect is characterized by impaired induction of immunosuppressive tryptophan catabolism, is related to transient blockade of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)1 pathway of intracellular signaling by IFN-γ, and is caused by peroxynitrite production. Here, we show that soluble CTLA-4 imparts suppressive properties to DCs from early prediabetic NOD female mice through mechanisms that rely on autocrine signaling by IFN-γ. Although phosphorylation of STAT1 in response to IFN-γ is compromised in those mice, CTLA-4 obviates the defect. IFN-γ–driven expression of tryptophan catabolism by CTLA-4–immunoglobulin is made possible through the concomitant activation of the Forkhead Box class O (FOXO) transcription factor FOXO3a, induction of the superoxide dismutase gene, and prevention of peroxynitrite formation
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