728 research outputs found

    The Effects Of Exercise On Capillary Supply To The \u27transition Zone\u27 Of Infarcted Rat Hearts

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    Within nine hours following coronary artery occlusion, muscle fibers adjacent to the developing necrosis (those in the border or \u27transition\u27 zone) are thought to be viable but potentially ischemic. The long-term (\u3e 24 hour) fate of these fibers is not known. My objective was to determine whether a transition zone is present in an animal model of chronic myocardial infarction. As ischemia implies reduced oxygenation, possible due to reduced capillary supply, I quantified the capillary supply to the region adjacent to the necrosis in infarcted hearts, and compared this to values in healthy myocardium.;Myocardial infarcts were produced in rats by ligating the left coronary artery (LCA) midway along its course. Five weeks later, the capillary supply was found to be significantly less than that measured in healthy rat hearts. These results confirm the chronic presence of a transition zone, defined as a region of viable muscle fibers with a subnormal microvascular supply, in the rat model of myocardial infarction.;Evidence from the literature indicates that exercise can stimulate capillary growth in skeletal muscle and healthy myocardium. My second objective was to determine whether voluntary exercise (running) also promotes revascularization in the transition zone.;One week following LCA occlusion, rats were allotted into one of four exercise protocols; these differed in the frequency of running and duration of the protocol. Exercise was associated with significant improvements in capillary supply in the transition zone. Important factors in this revascularization process included: (1) an intermediate total distance run. Rats exercised 6 days/week for 4 weeks, that ran a total of 5 to 10 km, restored a normal capillary supply in the transition zone; no significant increases were demonstrated in animals running 10 km. (2) a balance between exercise frequency and mean running speed. Animals exercised half as often had to run at twice the mean speed as rats exercised 6 days/week to obtain the same degree of improvement in capillary supply. (3) regular reinforcement of the exercise periods during the protocol.;Thus, moderate voluntary exercise, if reinforced regularly, stimulates revascularization in the transition zone of infarcted rat hearts

    Від ідентичності до різниці – уваги про поняття ідентичності в найновшій історії польської мови (Od identyczności do różnicy – uwagi o pojęciu tożsamości w najnowszej historii polszczyzny) (From Identity to the Difference. Some Remarks on the Concept of Identity in the Newest History of the Polish Language)

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    Стаття присвячена формування в польській мові поняття, що репрезентоване словом «ідентичність», а також виявленню семантичних змін, яким було піддано згадані вираження. З цією метою було проаналізовано матеріал, виокремлений із лексикографічних розробок загальної польської мови, а також корпусних мовних даних (тобто ChronoPress та Національного Корпусу Польської Мови з пошуковиком PELCRA). Представлено етимологію проаналізованих одиниць, а також їх значеннєві перетворення зі спеціальним виділенням періодів 1945–1954 рр. та 1988–2010 рр. (The paper concerns the formation history of the identity concept represented by the Polish word “tożsamość” (‘identity’) and shows the changes that in the analysed words were observed. To this end lexical material was excerpted from the dictionaries of the general Polish and from two corpora (i.e. ChronoPress and the National Corpus of Polish with the search engine PELCRA). Moreover, the origins of studied words were presented as well as semantic changes, especially two periods 1945–1954 and 1988–2010 were compared.

    Poznawczy aspekt gatunku - o ślepcu, niedowidzącym i jednookim (na przykładzie epigramatu i gatunków pokrewnych)

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    The aim of the article is to present the 17th-century conceptualizations of man having problems with the sight, that is a blind, hard of hearing and one-eyed man in an epigram and similar genres. An overview of literary presentations of people who lost the ability to see (well) in a literal and metaphorical sense introduced on the basis of textual realizations of a widely understood epigram, helped to find out how blindness was understood and which features were ascribed to people deprived of the ability to see. The analyses showed that apart from the feature of not understanding one’s own position and old age, hard of hearing people are given the attribute of inventiveness, the love is identified with blindness and biblical orders of plucking out one’s eyes are presented comically, which is typical of a genre standard. However, a special attention is paid to the character of a one-eyed man, once presented as a trustworthy servant, and some other time as a social curiosity

    Perswazyjność polskiej dydaktyki oświeceniowej na przykładze "Powinności nauczyciela" Grzegorza Piramowicza

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    The article was devoted to persuasion in the Polish didactic discourse of the second half of the 18th century. The subject of research was one of the most outstanding works, at least within the pedagogical achievements created during the activity of the Committee of the National Education, namely Powinności nauczyciela [Teacher’s duties] by Grzegorz Piramowicz. The author making an attempt to characterize language persuasive strategies pragmatically interpreted, typical of the text in question. The concentrates on a persuasive dimension of shaping a sender‑receiver relationship of the text, postulantship of transmission, stylistic means of persuasion and an argumentative course of the discourse

    “Into Memory It Is Engraved – In Memory It Is Treasured – From Memory It Fades”. On the Perception of Memory in Conversations With Witnesses of History on the Example of the Archives of the Warsaw Rising Museum

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the ways in which memory is perceived in genologically homogeneous texts. The subject of the research is the word pamięć (ang. “memory”) recalled by a witness of history or by a person interviewing him/her. The texts constituting the Oral History Archive of the Warsaw Rising Museum were the source of the analyses. The linguistic view of the phenomenon of memory made use of such concepts as the linguistic image of the world, the assumption of the genological and discursive specificity of each text, and collective memory. It was established that the use of the word memory by both the questioners and the narrators indicates its receptacle character, i.e. seeing memory as a place where elements of the past are stored, with the image of memory in the narrators’ account being dynamised. The second of the meanings is also actualised in the statements of the narrators, capturing memory as a specific capacity of the human mind, which the veterans subject to metareflection, assessing it as good, weak or incomplete. They recognise its malleable and changeable character. Witnesses also use the word memory in a third meaning, i.e. to recall the memory of past persons or events in order to honour them.The aim of this article is to discuss the ways in which memory is perceived in genologically homogeneous texts. The subject of the research is the word pamięć (ang. “memory”) recalled by a witness of history or by a person interviewing him/her. The texts constituting the Oral History Archive of the Warsaw Rising Museum were the source of the analyses. The linguistic view of the phenomenon of memory made use of such concepts as the linguistic image of the world, the assumption of the genological and discursive specificity of each text, and collective memory. It was established that the use of the word memory by both the questioners and the narrators indicates its receptacle character, i.e. seeing memory as a place where elements of the past are stored, with the image of memory in the narrators’ account being dynamised. The second of the meanings is also actualised in the statements of the narrators, capturing memory as a specific capacity of the human mind, which the veterans subject to metareflection, assessing it as good, weak or incomplete. They recognise its malleable and changeable character. Witnesses also use the word memory in a third meaning, i.e. to recall the memory of past persons or events in order to honour them

    Esej podróżniczy jako świadectwo percepcji - na przykładzie eseistyki Zbigniewa Herberta

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    In the very article the author makes an attempt to bring the writing strategy of reality clearly cognizable during a journey closed in the essay closer. The centre of attention constitutes the phenomenon of perception, which in the case of texts analysed is important to the extent that a cycle of essays by Herbert (A Barabarian in a garden, A maze at the seaside and A still life with a bit) was designed as a record of journey and in this sense, may be treated as a textual representation of a literary essay tightly connected with a journey report. Proposing — in order to make the research results precise — a rejection of a genre perspective in the essay analyses in favour of a perspective of a genre type, the author presents textual strategies of creating an act of perception in essays by Zbigniew Herbert, which is specially important for the onthology of an essay combined with a journey report, where a strong combination of an act of perception with an act of cognition takes place

    Staropolska kronika jako gatunek mowy

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    The work inscribes itself into the stream of diachronic studies focusing on the circumstances of using the language which change with time. Having included the exact chronicle texts (the exact language usage) in the centre of analyses, the author aimed at constructing the model of a chronicle way of expression and its changes. The very aim obliged her to conduct interdisciplinary studies which, within the scope of linguistic genology, would also take the ways of a textological and stylistic description into consideration, as well as make use of the establishments of pragmalinguistics, stylistics and cultural linguistics. The publication presents the analyses of texts written from the 12th to the end of the 16th centuries, the time by which the chronicle as a literary genre was a vital form of expression already being replaced by the current historical works in the 17th century. The texts of the Polish cultural and writing circle were taken into account, which means that both the Latin and Polish texts were considered, assuming that the language, as seen in translations, did not disturb in any way the genre transmission. The book is composed of five chapters preceded by an Introduction and followed by a Conclusion. Having presented methodological assumptions of the work in Chapter I, the author dealt with the issues of the ancient origin of a chronicle, its historio-graphic status, and ways of perceiving a chronicle expression in historical and literary studies in Chapter II. Next, the author made an attempt to find similarities and differences between the type of text in question and other genres of historical writing. The second part of the work closes with an overview of linguistic means of naming and conceptualizing historiographic expressions. Terminological metamorphoses were considered here on the basis of the lexicon. Chapter III characterizes the chronicle from a temporal-locative angle. The very categories of time and space were regarded to be the main genre indicators, constituting the skeleton of the chronicle expression. Subsequent considerations were devoted to a widely-understood phenomenon of delimitation whereas the scope of analysis covered the issue of the (literary and linguistic) frame, which allowed for, among other things, an indication of genre-creative elements of the chronicle composition, and a characteristic of the very type of expression in terms of its functionality. Chapter V discusses an intertextual dimension of old-Polish chronicles. Having assumed that the types of intertextual relations and repertoires of their indicators are historically changeable, it seems legitimate to say that the intertextual nature of expression is conditioned by any relations connecting them to other texts, though assuming that the level of revelation and usage of references to previous expressions varies. What underwent the research analyses constituted those phenomena of the inter- sphere that significantly influenced the perception of a chronicle as a form of expression devoid of a categorical sharpness, i.e. the attention was paid to the issue of direct and indirect speech, and, within the frame of the latter, the issue of quotation and citation, as well as multiplicity of genres and stylistics of chronicles. The aim the issue of intertextuality underwent, i.e. the presentation of the genre model of chronicle considering means of its creation, demanded that the presentation of inter- relations should respect the description of functions other differently-born elements perform in the very type of text. The focal point of considerations constituted the chronicle expression whereas the category of intertextuality was to bring the intricate nature of the secondary genre closer. The examination of an intertextual nature of chronicle allowed for a recognition of its dynamism, processity and interactionism (i.e. a discoursive status of a genre). The work closes with a Summary, where the chronicle was presented in a full description of its genre indicators of a pragma-cognitive, structural and stylistic component