17 research outputs found

    A mapping sentence for the process of sacralisation : the case study of Gdynia

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    The purpose of the paper is the identification and description of factors affecting the process of sacralisation as well as the implementation of theoretical concepts in a case study of the Baltic city of Gdynia. The time range of the research is limited to the postwar period (1945–2013). It has been assumed that the formation of any religious landscape occurs under two main circumstances: (1) the need to express faith and (2) the opportunity to do it. The former is an internal factor and depends on religiosity, while the latter is closely related to politics, environment, economy and social life. A detailed scheme was constructed around this statement in the form of a mapping sentence. The research is based on qualitative measures which include field observation, analysis of source documents, and an analysis and criticism of bibliographic sources. Visual documentation and participant observation have also been used. There are two main conclusions coming out of this paper. Although any religious landscape is a mixture of different factors, by the 1980s the sacralisation of Gdynia was determined mainly by political factors, and later by economic and cultural ones. Furthermore, for three decades some tendencies, typical also for the whole country, have also been recognised in Gdynia: monumentalism, privatisation of sacred sites and the “John-Paul-the-Second-isation” of public spaces

    Between sacralization and festivalization of public spaces: a case study of the Cavalcade of the Three Kings in Poland

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    The purpose of the paper is the identification and interpretation of the dynamically developing contemporary mass event called the Cavalcade of the Three Kings (Orszak Trzech Króli). It was organised for the first time in 2009 in Warsaw. On the 6th of January 2014, about 630,000 inhabitants of 177 towns and villages, singing Christmas carols and wearing colourful crowns on their heads, publically celebrated the religious feast of Epiphany. In the author`s opinion, the cavalcades can be perceived as a new phenomenon in public spaces placed between sacralization and festivalization because they have some components of religious events and festivals but they are neither. They seem to be a new hybrid event, with religious and festive elements

    "John-Paul-the-Second-isation" of cultural landscape in Poland

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    Tutoring na Wydziale Oceanografii i Geografii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego - motywy zaangażowania w nową ofertę dydaktyczną

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    The aim of the paper is to identify student’s and teacher’s motives of involvement in tutoring – a new educational offer in the academic year 2014/2015 at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk. First, the theoretical concept of tutoring is presented, followed by the description of the process of implementation of the voluntary course of tutoring at the Faculty. Finally, results of the one-question survey conducted among 11 tutors and their 14 tutees is presented. The research revealed that a motive of development of academic skills and knowledge is present in every student’s opinions. More than half of the teachers became tutors to help students and because they find tutoring developmental.The aim of the paper is to identify students` and teachers` motives of involvement in tutoring - a new educational offer in the academic year 2014/2015 at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk. First, the theoretical concept of tutoring is presented, followed by the description of the process of implementation of the voluntary course of tutoring at the Faculty. Finally, results of the one-question survey conducted among 11 tutors and their 14 tutees is presented. The research revealed that a motive of development of academic skills and knowledge is present in every students` opinions. More than half of the teachers became tutors to help students and because they find tutoring developmental

    A mapping sentence for the process of sacralisation. The case study of Gdynia

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    The purpose of the paper is the identification and description of factors affecting the process of sacralisation as well as the implementation of theoretical concepts in a case study of the Baltic city of Gdynia. The time range of the research is limited to the postwar period (1945–2013). It has been assumed that the formation of any religious landscape occurs under two main circumstances: (1) the need to express faith and (2) the opportunity to do it. The former is an internal factor and depends on religiosity, while the latter is closely related to politics, environment, economy and social life. A detailed scheme was constructed around this statement in the form of a mapping sentence. The research is based on qualitative measures which include field observation, analysis of source documents, and an analysis and criticism of bibliographic sources. Visual documentation and participant observation have also been used. There are two main conclusions coming out of this paper. Although any religious landscape is a mixture of different factors, by the 1980s the sacralisation of Gdynia was determined mainly by political factors, and later by economic and cultural ones. Furthermore, for three decades some tendencies, typical also for the whole country, have also been recognised in Gdynia: monumentalism, privatisation of sacred sites and the “John-Paul-the-Second-isation” of public spaces

    Franciszkanie w Gdyni 1936-2016

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    Marcin Polo

    Memorial crosses in Poland :a commonplace and contested element of public roads

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    The aim of the paper is to show spatial regularity of roadside memorialisation as well as public opinions on the phenomenon in Poland. Field studies covering 623 kilometres of public roads showed that out of 100 roadside memorials, the majority (98%) are memorial crosses A correlation between the distribution of roadside memorials and the road category and related accident rate was noted. Internet questionnaires, on the other hand, indicated that opinions on memorial crosses are nearly equally divided in Polish society: 52% are for leaving them along roads and 48% are for their removal. Furthermore, an analysis of web discussions has shown that memorial crosses are seen by society either as traditional components of road infrastructure, or objects of religious cult, or cross-cultural markers of death and grief.50752

    The concept of sacral space

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    The share of small towns in the process of sacralisation of space on the examples of John Paul II streets and the event called Cavalcades of the Three Kings

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    W ostatnich dwóch dekadach w Polsce nastąpił znaczący wzrost manifestacji religijnych w przestrzeni. Proces ten nazwano sakralizacją przestrzeni publicznych. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie czy proces sakralizacji jest w większym stopniu udziałem małych miast, czy może średnich i dużych. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano trzy rodzaje sakralizacji przestrzeni publicznych małych miast: architektoniczną, nomenklaturową i czasową. Sakralizacja współwystępuje z innymi unikatowymi procesami w postkomunistycznych miastach. Współwystępuje też z innymi współczesnymi tendencjami w transformacji przestrzeni publicznych miast. Wybrano dwa zjawiska, aby przedstawić szczegółowo nowe formy manifestacji religii w przestrzeni: ulice dedykowane Janowi Pawłowi II oraz publiczną formę świętowania Epifanii w postaci Orszaku Trzech Króli. Wporównaniu do udziału miast średnich i dużych w obu omawianych formach sakralizacji odsetek małych miast jest mniejszy niż wskazuje struktura wielkości miast polskich. Natomiast w samej grupie małych miast ulice dedykowane papieżowi są bardziej popularne niż wydarzenie Orszak Trzech Króli.During last two decades there was a meaningful increase of religion`s manifestation in public space in Poland. This process has been defined as sacralisation of public space. The purpose of the paper is to determine if the process of sacralisation is more typical of small towns, medium-sized or big cities. Three kinds of sacralisation of public spaces in small towns are presented in the paper: architectural, nominative and temporal. Sacralisation coexists with other unique processes in post-communist towns and cities. Moreover, it coexists with contemporary tendencies in small town public spaces transformation. Two phenomena have been chosen to demonstrate new forms of manifestation of religion in space: streets dedicated to John Paul II and public celebration of the Day of the Three Kings. Comparing medium and large cities, the percentage of small towns taking part in both forms of sacralisation is smaller than the share in the structure of Polish towns. Nevertheless, in a group of small towns streets named after the pope are more popular than the Cavalcades of the Three Kings

    A mapping sentence for the process of sacralisation. The case study of Gdynia

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    The purpose of the paper is the identification and description of factors affecting the process of sacralisation as well as the implementation of theoretical concepts in a case study of the Baltic city of Gdynia. The time range of the research is limited to the postwar period (1945–2013). It has been assumed that the formation of any religious landscape occurs under two main circumstances: (1) the need to express faith and (2) the opportunity to do it. The former is an internal factor and depends on religiosity, while the latter is closely related to politics, environment, economy and social life. A detailed scheme was constructed around this statement in the form of a mapping sentence. The research is based on qualitative measures which include field observation, analysis of source documents, and an analysis and criticism of bibliographic sources. Visual documentation and participant observation have also been used. There are two main conclusions coming out of this paper. Although any religious landscape is a mixture of different factors, by the 1980s the sacralisation of Gdynia was determined mainly by political factors, and later by economic and cultural ones. Furthermore, for three decades some tendencies, typical also for the whole country, have also been recognised in Gdynia: monumentalism, privatisation of sacred sites and the “John-Paul-the-Second-isation” of public spaces