311 research outputs found

    «Щепка» и «Бледная правда» В. Зазубрина и «Шоколад» А. Тарасова-Родионова как «неуместные» произведения: к проблеме «красного террора» в литературе 1920-х годов

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    In the article, the problem of «red terror» is revealed in a little-known material. The story of the Siberian writer V. Zazubrin (1895–1937) The Pale Truth (1923) was published only once in Soviet times – in 1923 in the journal “Siberian Lights”; the novella “Sliver” (1923) was not published during the life of the author and was first published only in 1989. The story of A. Tarasov-Rodionov (1885–1938) Chocolate (1922) was reprinted several times in the 1920s, after which it was forgotten for decades. The work traces the history of the creation of the Chip, which until now contains many “white spots”. The originality of the plot is revealed, in which the image of the main character contradicts the canon of the “iron knight of the revolution”: tired of his firing “hard work”, he is going crazy. The typological similarity of the Chip with the story Chocolate is shown, the plot of which is also based on the dramatic story of the hero. Particular attention is paid to the receptive dialogue of the story The Pale Truth notch with Chocolate: in both works, heroes devoted to the cause of the revolution become its innocent victims.Both works echo and, in their pathos of justifying the “Red Terror”, the idea of “the future of beautiful humanity”. In terms of creative reception, the plot rolls of The Pale Truth with Chocolate, similarities in the images of the main characters and individual elements of poetics are shown. The “irrelevance” of Zazubrin and Tarasov-Rodionov’s works for Soviet literature is substantiated. The main factor is the discrepancy between their plots and the leading ideological maxims of the era.В статье проблема «красного террора» раскрывается на малоизвестном материале. Рассказ сибирского писателя В. Зазубрина (1895–1937) «Бледная правда» (1923) в советское время был опубликован лишь единожды – в 1923 г. в журнале «Сибирские огни»; повесть «Щепка» (1923) не была издана при жизни автора и впервые опубликована лишь в 1989 г. Повесть А. Тарасова-Родионова (1885–1938) «Шоколад» (1922) несколько раз переиздавалась в 1920-х гг., после чего была забыта на десятилетия. В работе прослеживается история создания «Щепки», до настоящего времени содержащая множество «белых пятен». Раскрывается своеобразие сюжета, в котором образ главного героя противоречит канону «железного рыцаря революции»: устав от своей расстрельной «тяжкой работы», он сходит с ума. Показано типологическое сходство «Щепки» с повестью «Шоколад», в основу сюжета которой также положена драматическая история героя-чекиста. Особое внимание уделено рецептивному диалогу рассказа Зазубрина «Бледная правда» с «Шоколадом»: в обоих произведениях герои, преданные делу революции, становятся ее невинными жертвами. Перекликаются оба произведения и по своему пафосу оправдания «красного террора» идеей «будущего прекрасного человечества». В плане творческой рецепции показаны сюжетные переклички «Бледной правды» с «Шоколадом», сходство в образах главных персонажей и отдельных элементах поэтики. Обосновывается «неуместность» произведений Зазубрина и Тарасова-Родионова для советской литературы. В качестве основного фактора выдвигается несоответствие их сюжетов ведущим идеологическим максимам эпохи. V. Zazubrino „Šipulys“ ir „Blyški tiesa“ ir A. Tarasovo-Radionovo „Šokoladas“ kaip „netinkami“ kūriniai: „raudonojo teroro“ klausimas XX amžiaus trečiojo dešimtmečio literatūroje Straipsnyje pasitelkus mažai žinomą medžiagą analizuojama „raudonojo teroro“ problema. Rašytojo Vladimiro Zazubrino apsakymas „Blyški tiesa“ (1923) tarybiniais metais buvo publikuotas tik kartą – 1923 m., o apysaka “Šipulys” (1923) buvo išleista 1989 m., jau po autoriaus mirties. Aleksandro Tarasovo-Radionovo apysaka “Šokoladas“ (1922) kelis kartus buvo išleista trečiame dešimtmetyje, tačiau vėliau pamiršta. Straipsnyje aptariami neaiškūs “Šipulio” kūrimo epizodai, analizuojamas kūrinio siužeto, herojaus paveikslo, nesutampančio su “geležiniams revoliucijos riterio” kanonu, savitumas, taip pat atskleidžiami tipologiniai “Šipulio” ir apysakos “Šokoladas” bruožai bei tapatumai, nes pastarojoje taip pat vaizduojama dramatiška herojaus-čekisto istorija. Straipsnio autorė atkreipia dėmesį į recepcinį Zazubrino apsakymo “Blyški tiesa” ir “Šokolado” dialogą: abiejuose kūriniuose revoliucijai pasišventę herojai tampa jos nekaltomis aukomis. Akivaizdžios ir kūrinių patoso – siekio pateisinti “raudonąjį terorą” vardan “nuostabaus ateities žmogaus” – sąšaukos. Bendrų “Blyškios tiesos” ir “Šokolado” elementų randama tiek svarbiausių personažų paveiksluose, tiek poetikos srityje. Straipsnyje aptariamas ir Zazubrino bei Tarasovo-Radionovo “netinkamumo” tarybinėje literatūroje, jų nepritapimo prie ideologinės epochos klausimas

    Харбинская и парижская «ноты»: своеобразие звучания*

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    The article is an attempt at a comparative analysis of two emigrant “notes”. Both of them have already been studied separately in detail by literary scholars. However, a comparison of these two phenomena has not yet received sufficient coverage in science. This work presents the socio-historical context of each of the “notes”. It shows the influence of this context on the creative consciousness of authors, poetics, literary correlates. While one of the characteristic features of the “Parisian note” is the scarcity of literary authorities, the poetry of the “Harbin note”, on the contrary, is distinguished by its receptive breadth. The relationship of Russian Parisians with European culture is a failed dialogue. In addition to the focus on lyrical documentary, initiated by the theorist of the “note” G. Adamovich, this became one of the reasons for the asceticism of his poetics. “Harbin note” was created in a different socio-cultural atmosphere. Unlike Paris, China has become a second home for the Russian Harbinians. This explains vital poetic colors in the poetry of the “Harbin note”. Paris is most often painted by the representatives of the “Parisian note” in the colors of death. The poetry of China occupies a special place among the poetic attractions of the “Harbin note”. This was reflected in the linguistic wealth of the Harbin poets. Thus, in contrast to the “Parisian note”, the “Harbin note” demonstrates the literary transfer that took place with the country of residence.Статья представляет собой попытку сопоставительного анализа двух эмигрантских «нот». И та и другая в отдельности уже подробно исследовались литературоведами. Однако сравнение двух этих литературных явлений еще не получило достаточного освещения в науке. В работе представлен социально-исторический, культурный контекст каждой из «нот». Показано и сопоставлено его влияние на творческое сознание авторов, поэтику, литературные корреляты. Если одной из характерных черт «парижской ноты» является немногочисленность литературных авторитетов, то поэзия «харбинской ноты», наоборот, отличается своей рецептивной широтой. Взаимоотношения русских парижан с европейской культурой представляют собой несостоявшийся диалог. Помимо установки на лирическую документальность, провозглашенной теоретиком «ноты» Г. Адамовичем, это стало одной из причин аскетизма ее поэтики. «Харбинская нота» создавалась в иной социально-культурной атмосфере. В отличие от Парижа, Харбин для восточных эмигрантов стал вторым домом. Этим объясняется витальная поэтическая колористика Харбина в поэзии «харбинской ноты». Париж же чаще всего окрашен у представителей «парижской ноты» в краски смерти. Особое место в ряду поэтических притяжений «харбинской ноты» занимает поэзия Китая, что отразилось на языковом богатстве поэтов-харбинцев. Таким образом, в отличие от «парижской ноты», «харбинская нота» демонстрирует состоявшийся литературный трансфер со страной обитания

    Creating the Empress

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    "In Creating the Empress, Vera Proskurina examines the interaction between power and poetry in creating the imperial image of Catherine the Great, providing a detailed analysis of a wide range of Russian literary works from this period, particularly the main Classical myths associated with Catherine (Amazon, Astraea, Pallas Athena, Felicitas, Fortune, etc.), as well as how these Classical subjects affirmed imperial ideology and the monarch’s power. Each chapter of the book revolves around the major events of Catherine’s reign (and some major literary works) that give a broad framework to discuss the evolution of important recurring motifs and images.

    Study of biological and ecological features of permanent ectoparasites of cattle

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    The aim of the research was to study the epizootological features of bovicolosis and sifunculatosis and to determine their biological features. Materials and methods. Eight groups of animals were examined, 15 animals in each, including cows, heifers and calves. Groups of calves consisted of 13 heifers and 17 bulls. A total of 103 females and 17 male cattle were examined. Results. During observations, it was noted that in most cases, certain species of ectoparasites were found on different animals. In the case of their simultaneous parasitism on one animal, populations occupied different parts of the host's body. The causative agents of sifunculatosis (L. vituli) and bovicolosis (B. bovis) were determined. During the study of epizootological features of sifunculatosis and bovicolosis, attention was paid to the seasonality of the invasion – the minimum intensity of the invasion was observed in the warm season, the maximum – in winter. The extent of invasion among calves reached 100 %. The biological features of ectoparasites were studied. According to the data obtained, it was determined that linognathus are greater than B. bovis at all stages of development. Egg size 0.8–0.9 mm, larvae go through all stages of molting from 0.7 mm to 3.3 mm, adults reach a size of 3.3–4.0 mm. However, the eggs of B. bovis reached 0.3–0.5 mm, the size of the larvae 0.4–1.0 mm, adults ranged from 1 mm to 1.8 mm. Conclusions. It was noted that the intensity of the infestation of bovicolosis and sifunculatosis increases in the cold season. The young are most prone to lesions

    The Need for Sociotechnical Turn in the Study of Society Digitalization

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    This study investigates the conditions of digital society development. All probable unintended consequences of digitalization require the development of a science-based approach to manage this digital development. However, there is a problem associated with the divergence in the assessment of the digitalization effects by representatives of the information technology sector responsible for the new technologies development and by representatives of social sciences studying the impact of digitalization on social relations, institutions and processes. Authors propose a new approach to understanding new digital reality based on so-called sociotechnical turn, which is a purely integrative approach aimed at solving a tough common issue. Moreover, the article proposes a theoretical analysis of sociological and technological discourses of the society digitalization problem. To define and structure the set of differences, there were conducted 5 in-depth interviews with specialists from the technical field, aiming to gather information both from applied experts and more science-oriented participants. The study has revealed that those who perform tasks set under the digitalization agenda may not be aware of the social consequences of their work. They follow a linear technical logic of computers and do not consider ethical or more complex social issues in their daily activity. This discovery supports our claim that it is of paramount importance to separate terms of digitization, meaning a technical view of the issue, and digitalization, implying a cross-field approach including both social and technical sciences. Keywords: digitalization, digital society, sociological turn, technology, social digitalizatio


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    The article presents the new method of art-therapeutic psychodiagnostics of anxious disorders in children. There are separated formal elements that have a diagnostic importance in differentiation of anxiety and depression in children in the age aspect. There are presented the features of the course of anxious disorders in the age aspect: in children – comorbidity of anxiety with cognitive disorders (neurocognition) and phobias, in teenagers – anxiety with emotional (depression) and behavior disorders (avoiding behavior). It was established, that the constitutional-neuropathic variant of an anxious disorder prevails in children of 7 – 11 years old, and in teenagers – the thymopatic variant of it. There are the separated informative signs of phobic formations that provide the reliable psychopathological differentiation of anxious disorders: dominating type, determining a clinical picture, accessory type, participating in pathoplasty of complicated syndrome complexes and isolated type. There are separated the psychological predictors of the anxiety disorder development in children: infantilism, personal anxiety, poly-accentuation of a character. It was established, that the formation of anxious disorders, regardless of age, is influenced by the pathological type of family relations (disconnected, separated and rigid). In a projective figure of a family a disorder of emotional family connections was diagnosed in most children with anxious disorders. There are established the factors of prediction of an anxious-phobic disorders in children: genetic predisposition and external conditions of this state residual-organic, family (disorders of a family interaction with forming symbiotic relations between a child and an anxious parent) and environmental)). The analysis of the information, obtained in projective figural tests, allowed to differentiate and to systematize graphic signs of anxiety, phobias and depression. It was shown, that the method of art-diagnostics widens possibilities of early detection of disorders of social and cognitive functioning of children with anxious disorder


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    У статі розглянуто нормативні вимоги щодо нарахування резерву сумнівних боргів у бухгалтерському обліку. Обґрунтовано необхідність поєднання методів нарахування резерву сумнівних боргів, передбачених національним Положенням (стандартом) бухгалтерського обліку. Розроблено форму звітності, з метою забезпечення інформативності контролюючих органів щодо прозорості у визнанні дебіторської заборгованості як сумнівної та безнадійної. (The article regards normative terms of calculating of doubtful debts reserve in accounting. The necessity of combining of methods of doubtful debts reserve calculation provided by national accounting Standard has been grounded. The article suggests accounting form aiming at providing information for controlling bodies concerning transparency in acceptance of receivables as doubtful and bad)

    Faust-concept or «Faust» by Goethe? On an unsolved riddle Platonov-science

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    В работе осуществляется проверка гипотезы о знакомстве Платонова с полным текстом «Фауста» Гете. Отсутствие описания полного круга чтения Платонова оставляет этот вопрос открытым. Подтверждение гипотезы проводится на основе литературного контекста, интертекстуального анализа и уликового метода Морелли-Гинзбурга.The work is carried out to test the hypothesis of familiarity with the full text of Platonov’s «Faust» by Goethe. No description of the full range of reading Platonov leaves this question open. Confirmation of the hypothesis is based on the literary context, and intertextual analysis method ulikovogo Morelli-Ginzburg

    Eschatological Expectations in the Early Christian Anglo-Saxon Tradition

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    This article is devoted to the problem of interdisciplinary study of linguacultural transfer based on the material of the Old English poem Judgment Day (I), included in the Exeter manuscript dating back to the 10 th century, considered in the aspect of eschatological expectations in the early Christian Anglo-Saxon tradition. The comprehensive understanding of the end of the world, as shown in the work, is reflected already in the early written tradition. The reference to natural disasters, which lead to the apocalypse, is inherently characteristic of Christian texts. Linguacultural transfer is understood in this article as the transfer of information in time, which is considered in two ways: the momentary transfer of information is communication, while handing the information down the generations is a transfer. The article deals with the issues of information transfer in time and space. As an example of rethinking the values of one culture in the tradition of another, the author cites the memetic theory of religion. The article also shows that the theory of linguacultural transfer can be considered and described from the standpoint of cultural matrices, as well as memes (and memetic complexes). The author emphasizes that the vitality of religious beliefs is precisely due to the linguacultural transfer of information within one generation or through the generations