370 research outputs found

    Exact solution for a diffusive nonequilibrium steady state of an open quantum chain

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    We calculate a nonequilibrium steady state of a quantum XX chain in the presence of dephasing and driving due to baths at chain ends. The obtained state is exact in the limit of weak driving while the expressions for one- and two-point correlations are exact for an arbitrary driving strength. In the steady state the magnetization profile and the spin current display diffusive behavior. Spin-spin correlation function on the other hand has long-range correlations which though decay to zero in either the thermodynamical limit or for equilibrium driving. At zero dephasing a nonequilibrium phase transition occurs from a ballistic transport having short-range correlations to a diffusive transport with long-range correlations.Comment: 5 page

    Complexity and non-separability of classical Liouvillian dynamics

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    We propose a simple complexity indicator of classical Liouvillian dynamics, namely the separability entropy, which determines the logarithm of an effective number of terms in a Schmidt decomposition of phase space density with respect to an arbitrary fixed product basis. We show that linear growth of separability entropy provides stricter criterion of complexity than Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, namely it requires that dynamics is exponentially unstable, non-linear and non-markovian.Comment: Revised version, 5 pages (RevTeX), with 6 pdf-figure

    Fidelity and Purity Decay in Weakly Coupled Composite Systems

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    We study the stability of unitary quantum dynamics of composite systems (for example: central system + environment) with respect to weak interaction between the two parts. Unified theoretical formalism is applied to study different physical situations: (i) coherence of a forward evolution as measured by purity of the reduced density matrix, (ii) stability of time evolution with respect to small coupling between subsystems, and (iii) Loschmidt echo measuring dynamical irreversibility. Stability has been measured either by fidelity of pure states of a composite system, or by the so-called reduced fidelity of reduced density matrices within a subsystem. Rigorous inequality among fidelity, reduced-fidelity and purity is proved and a linear response theory is developed expressing these three quantities in terms of time correlation functions of the generator of interaction. The qualitatively different cases of regular (integrable) or mixing (chaotic in the classical limit) dynamics in each of the subsystems are discussed in detail. Theoretical results are demonstrated and confirmed in a numerical example of two coupled kicked tops.Comment: 21 pages, 12 eps figure

    A map from 1d Quantum Field Theory to Quantum Chaos on a 2d Torus

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    Dynamics of a class of quantum field models on 1d lattice in Heisenberg picture is mapped into a class of `quantum chaotic' one-body systems on configurational 2d torus (or 2d lattice) in Schr\" odinger picture. Continuum field limit of the former corresponds to quasi-classical limit of the latter.Comment: 4 pages in REVTeX, 1 eps-figure include

    Engineering fidelity echoes in Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians

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    We analyze the fidelity decay for a system of interacting bosons described by a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We find echoes associated with "non-universal" structures that dominate the energy landscape of the perturbation operator. Despite their classical origin, these echoes persist deep into the quantum (perturbative) regime and can be described by an improved random matrix modeling. In the opposite limit of strong perturbations (and high enough energies), classical considerations reveal the importance of self-trapping phenomena in the echo efficiency.Comment: 6 pages, use epl2.cls class, 5 figures Cross reference with nlin, quant-phy

    Estimating purity in terms of correlation functions

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    We prove a rigorous inequality estimating the purity of a reduced density matrix of a composite quantum system in terms of cross-correlation of the same state and an arbitrary product state. Various immediate applications of our result are proposed, in particular concerning Gaussian wave-packet propagation under classically regular dynamics.Comment: 3 page

    Dynamical properties of a particle in a wave packet: scaling invariance and boundary crisis

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    Some dynamical properties present in a problem concerning the acceleration of particles in a wave packet are studied. The dynamics of the model is described in terms of a two-dimensional area preserving map. We show that the phase space is mixed in the sense that there are regular and chaotic regions coexisting. We use a connection with the standard map in order to find the position of the first invariant spanning curve which borders the chaotic sea. We find that the position of the first invariant spanning curve increases as a power of the control parameter with the exponent 2/3. The standard deviation of the kinetic energy of an ensemble of initial conditions obeys a power law as a function of time, and saturates after some crossover. Scaling formalism is used in order to characterize the chaotic region close to the transition from integrability to nonintegrability and a relationship between the power law exponents is derived. The formalism can be applied in many different systems with mixed phase space. Then, dissipation is introduced into the model and therefore the property of area preservation is broken, and consequently attractors are observed. We show that after a small change of the dissipation, the chaotic attractor as well as its basin of attraction are destroyed, thus leading the system to experience a boundary crisis. The transient after the crisis follows a power law with exponent -2.Comment: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 201

    Uni-directional transport properties of a serpent billiard

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    We present a dynamical analysis of a classical billiard chain -- a channel with parallel semi-circular walls, which can serve as a model for a bended optical fiber. An interesting feature of this model is the fact that the phase space separates into two disjoint invariant components corresponding to the left and right uni-directional motions. Dynamics is decomposed into the jump map -- a Poincare map between the two ends of a basic cell, and the time function -- traveling time across a basic cell of a point on a surface of section. The jump map has a mixed phase space where the relative sizes of the regular and chaotic components depend on the width of the channel. For a suitable value of this parameter we can have almost fully chaotic phase space. We have studied numerically the Lyapunov exponents, time auto-correlation functions and diffusion of particles along the chain. As a result of a singularity of the time function we obtain marginally-normal diffusion after we subtract the average drift. The last result is also supported by some analytical arguments.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure (19 .(e)ps files

    Echoes in classical dynamical systems

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    Echoes arise when external manipulations to a system induce a reversal of its time evolution that leads to a more or less perfect recovery of the initial state. We discuss the accuracy with which a cloud of trajectories returns to the initial state in classical dynamical systems that are exposed to additive noise and small differences in the equations of motion for forward and backward evolution. The cases of integrable and chaotic motion and small or large noise are studied in some detail and many different dynamical laws are identified. Experimental tests in 2-d flows that show chaotic advection are proposed.Comment: to be published in J. Phys.

    Dephasing-induced diffusive transport in anisotropic Heisenberg model

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    We study transport properties of anisotropic Heisenberg model in a disordered magnetic field experiencing dephasing due to external degrees of freedom. In the absence of dephasing the model can display, depending on parameter values, the whole range of possible transport regimes: ideal ballistic conduction, diffusive, or ideal insulating behavior. We show that the presence of dephasing induces normal diffusive transport in a wide range of parameters. We also analyze the dependence of spin conductivity on the dephasing strength. In addition, by analyzing the decay of spin-spin correlation function we discover a presence of long-range order for finite chain sizes. All our results for a one-dimensional spin chain at infinite temperature can be equivalently rephrased for strongly-interacting disordered spinless fermions.Comment: 15 pages, 9 PS figure