50 research outputs found

    Data from: Activation mechanism of ATP-sensitive K+ channels explored with real-time nucleotide binding

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    The response of ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP) to cellular metabolism is coordinated by three classes of nucleotide binding site (NBS). We used a novel approach involving labeling of intact channels in a native, membrane environment with a non-canonical fluorescent amino acid and measurement (using FRET with fluorescent nucleotides) of steady-state and time-resolved nucleotide binding to dissect the role of NBS2 of the accessory SUR1 subunit of KATP in channel gating. Binding to NBS2 was Mg2+-independent, but Mg was required to trigger a conformational change in SUR1. Mutation of a lysine (K1384A) in NBS2 that coordinates bound nucleotides increased the EC50 for trinitrophenyl-ADP binding to NBS2, but only in the presence of Mg2+, indicating that this mutation disrupts the ligand-induced conformational change. Comparison of nucleotide-binding with ionic currents suggests a model in which each nucleotide binding event to NBS2 of SUR1 is independent and promotes KATP activation by the same amount

    Precision spinal gene delivery-induced functional switch in nociceptive neurons reverses neuropathic pain

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    Second-order spinal cord excitatory neurons play a key role in spinal processing and transmission of pain signals to the brain. Exogenously induced change in developmentally imprinted excitatory neurotransmitter phenotypes of these neurons to inhibitory has not yet been achieved. Here, we use a subpial dorsal horn-targeted delivery of AAV (adeno-associated virus) vector(s) encoding GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) synthesizing-releasing inhibitory machinery in mice with neuropathic pain. Treated animals showed a progressive and complete reversal of neuropathic pain (tactile and brush-evoked pain behavior) that persisted for a minimum of 2.5 months post-treatment. The mechanism of this treatment effect results from the switch of excitatory to preferential inhibitory neurotransmitter phenotype in dorsal horn nociceptive neurons and a resulting increase in inhibitory activity in regional spinal circuitry after peripheral nociceptive stimulation. No detectable side effects (e.g., sedation, motor weakness, loss of normal sensation) were seen between 2 and 13 months post-treatment in naive adult mice, pigs, and non-human primates. The use of this treatment approach may represent a potent and safe treatment modality in patients suffering from spinal cord or peripheral nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain