17 research outputs found
Prospects of utilization mining methane on the basis of gas hydrate technologies
The peculiarities of the innovative approach to the utilization of coal mine methane, which is extracted by significant volumes due to the technological process of underground development of coal-gas fields, are revealed. An innovative energy-saving technology for producing gas hydrates with the maximum possible
accumulation of alternative gas volume on the basis of methane degassing systems of coal mines in the Western Donbass and transporting them to the infrastructure of the region to reduce the share of imported gas and pollution
The convolutional codesаnalysis technique on the optimum block codes grounds
The convolutional codes analysis and synthesis technique is proposed. This technique is optimal according to near Shannon's bound criterion and guarantees a given bit error rate from message source. The proposed technique is based on the well-known optimum block codes synthesis method. As a result, equivalent parameters set of convolutional codes is received. This set corresponds the optimal block code. The algorithm for synthesis an optimal convolutional code is proposed. Examples of optimal convolutional codes analysis and synthesis in the channel with a given energy are presented
On the Issue of Identification of Urgent Instruments of Anti-Crisis Management of Enterprises
The article examines the urgent anti-crisis management instruments that characterize immediate (urgent) actions aimed at eliminating or reducing the negative impact of crisis phenomena on the enterprise. For the purpose of their identification, carrying out a comparative analysis is recommended, on the basis of the indicators that provide for assessment according to the following criteria: implementation time (time of accomplishing of operations for implementation of the anti-crisis control instrument, time of one operation for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument, the level of time for operations for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument); riskiness (coefficient of possible loss of profitability, Altman’s Z-criterion, indicator of financial sustainability of the enterprise); level of competitiveness (product competitiveness index, assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise in statistics, multi-factory model of competitiveness); profitability of the enterprise (net profit per 1 UAH of costs for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument, profitability of products, the level of costs for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument). In the process of identification of the anti-crisis management instruments, the aggregate of the obtained indicators was carried out according to the results of compliance with the established criterion value using Boolean variables. A scale of values is formed; it is determined that the enterprise’s considering the anti-crisis management instrument as the urgent one should take place on the basis of satisfaction of more than 65% of the signs of compliance with the standards for the indicators expressed in the value of the boolean variable. In the process of practical approbation of the recommended method, the urgent instruments for the anti-crisis management of PJSC «Kontsern Khlibprom» are identified
Еволюційні тенденції квантитативної лексики
Об’єкт дослідження – парадигматична та синтагматична представленість квантитативних одиниць дискантних мов, лексичні та синтаксичні знаки, що мають притаманне кількісно-якісне значення, когнітивні, лінгвістичні та функціональні особливості.
Мета роботи – дослідження когнітивних зон квантитативної лексики англійської, української та російської мови, а саме: нумеральної та димензіональної лексики як основних секторів лексико-семантичного поля кількості - ЛСПК; таксономії парадигматичних груп та субгруп кількості за семантичними, етимологічними та функціональними маркерами.
Актуальність теми зумовлена тенденціями сучасної лінгвістики до вивчення основних когнітивних зон (предметної, кількісної та десемантизованої) квантитативних одиниць (як нумеральних, так і димензіональних ), а також до аналізу процесу сукцесивності базових функцій квантитативної лексики, явища семантичної конгруентності останньої (типологічні аспекти).
Результати 2-го року дослідницької роботи являють собою:
- теоретичне обґрунтування біцентричності лексико-семантичного поля кількості, наявності двох доменів – числівників та димензіональних одиниць, а також рекомендацій щодо визначення цих парадигм та ідентифікації їх ізоморфних та аломорфних ознак;
- методику контрастивного аналізу мов перекладу (української та англійської): фокусування уваги на сукцесивності базових функцій квантитативної лексики;
- критеріальна база щодо дослідження проблем первинних та вторинних конструювань.
При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/430
The article identifies and substantiates the challenges and prospects of agriculture under the
climate change. Ukrainian agriculture serves as an important component of global food security, whose further
development is dependent on natural resources, the environment and climate change. Agriculture is a significant
source of greenhouse gas emissions, however, at the same time, it is suffering from the climate change itself. Although
Ukraine is not included in the list of the most vulnerable to global warming regions on our planet, if no appropriate
urgent action is taken, the climate change will continue to pressure on the agricultural ecosystems.
The authors highlight positive (changed terms and conditions of harvesting, increased efficiency of fertilizers,
etc.) and negative (deterioration of grain quality, increased frequency of droughts, etc.) effects of the climate change
on agriculture; they identify and summarize the main measures to reduce the negative impact of agriculture on climate
change and propose various basic adaptation measures that would mitigate the negative impact of the climate change
on agriculture.
Under the conditions of climate change, an important factor in improving the efficiency of agriculture is a
rigorous distribution of arable lands between separate crops with regard to climate change. One of the important
measures to improve the crop rotation pattern is including so called "niche" crops that have a significant potential
for the diversification of the oilseed-and-grain pattern, which dominates in the crop rotations in southern Ukraine
The Agricultural Sector of Ukraine in the Global Food Market: Pre-war State and Post-war Prospects
For a long time, Ukraine played an essential role as a producer of agricultural products in ensuring global and internal food security. The hostilities on the territory of Ukraine have caused significant risks to the activity of its agricultural sector and affected its current export potential. This study set out to assess the importance of Ukraine for world food security and its place in the global agricultural market, to outline current risks and to determine the prospects for the further development of agriculture in the conditions of post-war recovery. In particular, the integration of the agricultural sector into the global economic space was investigated, which showed the rapid expansion of the presence of agri-food products in certain commodity markets of some countries. An increase in the level of involvement of the agricultural sector in the global flows of goods related to food production has been established. This conclusion is based on calculations made using the data of input-output tables at basic prices. It is substantiated that the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy should ensure the reconstruction of the agricultural sector on the basis of sustainability. In this context, the authors presented the results of the assessment of possible changes in the production of the main types of agricultural products during the implementation of the concept of ecological resource-conserving agriculture. The impact of these changes on the country’s export potential and its food security was assessed by developing food balances for the main types of agricultural products. The conducted assessment that confirmed the necessity of such restructuring to ensure the preservation of the country’s agricultural potential in the long term
Intensifying the process of methane gas hydrates crystallization in the presence of surface-activated substances
The crystallization process of gas hydrates during their formation in the presence of surface-active substances (SAS) is studied. The research is conducted in two directions – theoretical and experimental. Experimental data on the crystallization rate of methane gas hydrates formation in the presence of surfactants have been obtained: high-molecular compounds are used on the basis of polymeric quaternary ammonium salts containing side aliphatic radicals of various lengths in the acyl fragment, as well as a number of specific surfactants. The process of methane gas hydrates formation is performed using a laboratory setup of the NPO modification for the gas hydrates creation. To analyse the experimental data, technical and metrological instruments are used: stalagmometric method with automatic photoelectric drop counting, conductometric method, Wheatstone bridge, spectrophotometric titration of amino end-groups, viscometer VPZh-1. It has been substantiated that the crystal formation rate depends on the surfactant concentration. New experimental dependences of the gas hydrates formation on surfactants under thermobaric conditions in the presence of surfactants have been found. It has been revealed that the crystallization process during the methane gas hydrates formation is accelerated in the presence of a surfactant. As a result of their application, the effect of solubilization and catalysis arises with the formation of the so-called “diffusion zone”, the size of which decreases in the presence of surfactants, thereby accelerating the substance transfer to the surface on which crystallization occurs. An increase in the surfactant concentration leads to an increase in the rate of molecular diffusion, and also creates a more intense turbulent diffusion
Improvement of the bearing structure of the wagon-platform of the articulated type to ensure the reliability of the fixing on the deck of the railway ferry
In the article the results of studies of loading of the bearing structure of a wagon-platform of an articulated type, created on the basis of the existing construction, during transportation on the railway ferry by sea are given. In order to ensure the reliability of the fixing of the bearing structure of the wagon-platform of the articulated type relative to the deck of the railway ferry, it is proposed to equip it with knots for fixing the chain ties. To study the dynamic loading of a wagon-platform of an articulated type during transportation on a railway ferry by sea, constructed a mathematical model of oscillations with angular displacements relative to the longitudinal axis of the vessel (loll/heel). The maximal values of accelerations, as components of dynamic load, acting on the bearing structure of a wagon-platform are determined. The obtained acceleration values are taken into account when calculating the strength of the bearing structure using the finite element method implemented in the CosmosWorks software environment. It is established that the maximum equivalent tension do not exceed permissible values. The carried out researches will promote increase of efficiency of combined transportations in the direction of the international transport corridors