590 research outputs found

    Machine for the Production of Grated Horseradish

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    Import 23/07/2015PROKEŠ, R. Stroj na výrobu krouhaného křenu: Diplomová práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruování, 2015, 64 s. Vedoucí práce: Učeň, O. Diplomová práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem krouhacího stroje, který bude sloužit ke zpracování křene. Vstupní surovina je křen, zbavený nečistot ve stavu po předešlém očištění a ostrouhání. Velikost vstupní suroviny ϕ15 až ϕ60 mm, délka 150 až 300 mm. Krouhací zařízení je tvořeno bubnem s krouhacími drážky. Nakrouhaný křen je následně nasycen konzervačním práškem. Prášek je dopravován šnekovým dopravníkem. Křen dále postupuje na dopravní pás, kde je nanesen jedlý olej. Výstupní surovina je nakrouhaný a zakonzervovaný křen o ϕ1 až 1,2 mm.PROKEŠ, R. Machine for the Production of Grated Horseradish: Master thesis. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Production Machines and Design, 2015, 64 p. Thesis supervisor: Učeň, O. This master thesis deals with the structural design of grated machine that will be used for the processing of horseradish. Feedstock is horseradish, free from impurities in the state after a previous cleaning and processing. Size feedstock is ϕ 15 to ϕ 60 mm and length 150 to 300 mm. Slicing device is formed by a drum having a grating groove. After slicing is horseradish saturated with conserved powder. The powder is transported by a screw conveyor. Horseradish continues to the conveyor belt, where is applied edible oil.The output material is a conserved and grated horseradish to size ϕ 1 to 1.2 mm.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívýborn

    Production and grinding/sharpening of cemented carbide tools

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá popisem výroby rotačních nástrojů ze slinutých karbidů. Slinuté karbidy se jeví jako vhodný nástrojový materiál, který má široké možnosti použití vzhledem k houževnatosti a tvrdosti materiálu a relativně nízké ceně. Nové poznatky z výroby slinutých karbidů však i nadále zlepšují mechanické vlastnosti nástrojů. Nástroje ze slinutých karbidů jsou vyráběny na moderních 5-ti osých CNC nástrojařských bruskách umožňujících rychlou a přesnou výrobu tvarově složitých nástrojů. Moderní softwarové vybavení umožňuje jednodu-ché zadávání parametrů broušení a interakci s měřicím zařízením pro rychlé možnosti změny parametrů broušení. Všechny tyto vlastnosti jsou vhodné jak pro sériovou tak i kusovou výro-bu nástrojů.The bachelor thesis concerns the description of rotary tools made of cemented carbides. Ce-mented carbides appear as wide range tool material with reference to ductility, hardness of material and relatively low cost. New knowledge of cemented carbide manufacturing has still improved mechanical characteristics of this material. Tools made of cemented carbides are made on modern 5 axis CNC tool-making grinder machines which can be easily set with grinding parameters and interaction with measuring tools for quick parameters changeover. All of these qualities are suitable for serial and also piece tools production.

    Effect of the cleaning process on physical properties for different malting barley seed varieties

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the barley cleaning process in relation to physical properties. The knowledge of the range of changes in the physical parameters of processed material and their mutual relationships is required for the design and implementation of various technological processes. In this study were compared the input and output commodities in the primary postharvest cleaning process of undesirable components-occurring as admixtures of fine and coarse barley impurities as well as the barley component itself. An efficient cleaning process ensuring barley grain quality is a basic step in beer production. Therefore, seven bred varieties of brewing barley (Malz, Sebastian, Francin, KWS Irina1, KWS Irina2, Bojos, and Laudis) were tested for the qualitative assessment of the cleaning process. Physical parameters such as granulometry, bulk and tapped density, angle of repose, internal and wall friction angle, and flow functions were determined for all samples. In order to identify whether the barley variety or the sample cleaning significantly influences the determined physical properties, two-way ANOVA was applied. The results imply that barley cleaning had the main influence on wall friction angle, while the barley variety had a significant effect on effective internal friction. Moreover, the mechanical postharvest cleaning process reduces the overall wall friction.Web of Scienc

    Ceramics from the ‘Sutny’ LBK settlement at Těšetice-Kyjovice, Moravia, Czech Republic : processing and statistical analyses

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    The aim of this article is to demonstrate the use of multivariate analysis of ceramics to verify the chronology of the 'Sutny' Linearbandkeramik culture (LBK) settlement at Těšetice-Kyjovice, in the Znojmo district of Moravia, Czech Republic. In this article we present the results obtained from the ceramics that have been processed to date. Based on this analysis we dated the settlement to approximately the Ib-IIa phase of the Moravian LBK. A new method for processing Moravian LBK ceramics is suggested, along with a proposed descriptive system, as a formalized description is very important to subsequent statistical evaluation. We introduce several statistical analyses suitable for the evaluation of ceramic assemblages and demonstrate the application of other methods of analysis and possible alternatives for archaeological data visualization. For this purpose we used the 'R' open statistical software package. We hope that this article will contribute to the development of a unified method of processing Moravian LBK ceramics, demonstrate new possibilities for evaluating archaeological data, and simplify its interpretation

    Magnetic structures in the rich magnetic phase diagram of Ho2_2RhIn8_8

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    The magnetic phase diagram of the tetragonal Ho2_2RhIn8_8 compound has similar features to many related systems, revealing a zero magnetic field AF1 and a field-induced AF2 phases. Details of the magnetic order in the AF2 phase were not reported yet for any of the related compounds. In addition, only the Ho2_2RhIn8_8 phase diagram contains a small region of the incommensurate zero-field AF3 phase. We have performed a number of neutron diffraction experiments on single crystals of Ho2_2RhIn8_8 using several diffractometers including experiments in both horizontal and vertical magnetic fields up to 4 T. We present details of the magnetic structures in all magnetic phases of the rich phase diagram of Ho2_2RhIn8_8. The Ho magnetic moments point along the tetragonal cc axis in every phase. The ground-state AF1 phase is characterized by propagation vector k\textbf{k} = (1/2, 0, 0). The more complex ferrimagnetic AF2 phase is described by four propagation vectors k0\textbf{k}_{0} = (0, 0, 0), k1\textbf{k}_{1} = (1/2, 0, 0), k2\textbf{k}_{2} = (0, 1/2, 1/2), k3\textbf{k}_{3} = (1/2, 1/2, 1/2). The magnetic structure in the AF3 phase is incommensurate with kAF3\textbf{k}_{AF3} = (0.5, δ\delta, 0). Our results are consistent with theoretical calculations based on crystal field theory.Comment: submitted to PR

    In-vehicle channel sounding in the 5.8-GHz band

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    The article reports vehicular channel measurements in the frequency band of 5.8 GHz for IEEE 802.11p standard. Experiments for both intra-vehicle and out-of-vehicle environments were carried out. It was observed that the large-scale variations (LSVs) of the power delay profiles (PDPs) can be best described through a two-term exponential decay model, in contrast to the linear models which are suitable for popular ultra-wideband (UWB) systems operating in the 3- to 11-GHz band. The small-scale variations (SSVs) are separated from the PDP by subtracting the LSV and characterized utilizing logistic, generalized extreme value (GEV), and normal distributions. Two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests validated that the logistic distribution is optimal for in-car, whereas the GEV distribution serves better for out-of-car measurements. For each measurement, the LSV trend was used to construct the respective channel impulse response (CIR), i.e., tap gains at different delays. Next, the CIR information is fed to an 802.11p simulation testbed to evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance, following a Rician model. The BER results strongly vouch for the suitability of the protocol for in-car as well as out-of-car wireless applications in stationary environments.The article reports vehicular channel measurements in the frequency band of 5.8 GHz for IEEE 802.11p standard. Experiments for both intra-vehicle and out-of-vehicle environments were carried out. It was observed that the large-scale variations (LSVs) of the power delay profiles (PDPs) can be best described through a two-term exponential decay model, in contrast to the linear models which are suitable for popular ultra-wideband (UWB) systems operating in the 3- to 11-GHz band. The small-scale variations (SSVs) are separated from the PDP by subtracting the LSV and characterized utilizing logistic, generalized extreme value (GEV), and normal distributions. Two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests validated that the logistic distribution is optimal for in-car, whereas the GEV distribution serves better for out-of-car measurements. For each measurement, the LSV trend was used to construct the respective channel impulse response (CIR), i.e., tap gains at different delays. Next, the CIR information is fed to an 802.11p simulation testbed to evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance, following a Rician model. The BER results strongly vouch for the suitability of the protocol for in-car as well as out-of-car wireless applications in stationary environments

    The Dying Church; Searching for the interpretative key to the position of Christianity in postmodern Europe

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    Umírající církev, Josef Prokeš Anotace Hlavním předmětem této práce je hledání způsobu, jakým má žít církev v České republice, aby při tom naplňovala své poslání, kterým je vydávání svědectví evangeliu Ježíše Krista. Jako výchozí bod byl zvolen český teolog a františkán Zdeněk Bonaventura Bouše, zejména jeho myšlení o církvi. Jeho texty jsou čteny podle interpretačního klíče, jímž byl zvolen verš Janova evangelia, kde Ježíš prohlašuje, že je Cestou, Pravdou a Životem. V první kapitole se toto biblické místo (Jan 14,6) rozebírá a vztahuje na církev. Dostáváme tím charakteristiku církve, která je na cestě, snaží se o pravdivost a je plná skutečného života. Podle tohoto klíče se ve druhé kapitole čtou a interpretují Boušeho texty. Hlavní část práce tvoří kapitola třetí. Zde se tři rozměry církve (na cestě, snaží se o pravdivost a je plná života) konkrétně rozebírají vzhledem k situaci církve v České republice. Klíčová slova Církev, hledání cesty, pravdivost, život, forma života, forma církve, pastoraceThe Dying Church, Josef Prokeš Abstract The Dying Church Searching for the interpretative key to the position of Christianity in postmodern Europe The main subject of this thesis concerns the search for the way in which the Church in the Czech Republic should live in order to fulfil its mission, that is to bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Czech theologian and Franciscan Zdeněk Bonaventura Bouše was chosen as the starting point, especially his texts on the Church. His texts are read according to the interpretive key, which was chosen to be the verse in the Gospel of John where Jesus declares that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In the first chapter, this scripture (John 14:6) is discussed and applied to the Church. This leads to a characterization of the Church that is on the way, striving for truthfulness and is full of real life. It is according to this key that Bouché's texts are read and interpreted in the second chapter. The main part of the work is the chapter three. Here the three dimensions of the Church (on the way, striving for truthfulness and full of life) are discussed in specific terms in relation to the situation of the Church in the Czech Republic. Keywords The Church, searching for the way, truthfulness, life, form of living, form of the Church, Practical theologyKatedra církevních dějin a literární historieDepartment of Ecclesiastical History and Literary HistoryKatolická teologická fakultaCatholic Theological Facult

    Prevention in the Civil Code

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    Prevention in the Civil Code The topic of my thesis is prevention in the Civil Code. This thesis examines the definition of the concept of prevention within the Civil Code as a key aspect in the provision of general rules of mutual coexistence in our main legal code. Prevention is not only understood here as an effort to prevent illegal actions, but is extended to a broader concept of preventing damage or injury to the health and life of individuals in society, when its essence goes beyond the concept of law. The work reflects the development of the concept of prevention and its anchoring in the Civil Code, with an emphasis on various historical concepts and the development of legal regulations. The first chapter of the thesis analyzes various concepts of prevention mainly in a general sense, focusing on its importance in various fields, including medicine, social sciences and criminology. The content of other types of prevention such as primary and secondary or general and specific is also defined here. The second chapter is devoted to a brief summary of the development of the Civil Code as a legal code, with an emphasis on its development in Roman society, the Middle Ages and modern times. This part of the work also traces the transformation of the prevention institute itself in these individual...Prevence v občanském zákoníku Téma mé diplomové práce je prevence v občanském zákoníku. Tato práce zkoumá vymezení pojmu prevence v rámci občanského zákoníku jako klíčového aspektu v ustanovení obecných pravidel vzájemného soužití v našem hlavním právním kodexu. Prevence zde není chápána pouze jako snaha zabránit protiprávnímu jednání, nýbrž je rozšířena na širší pojetí zabránění vzniku škody či újmy na zdraví a životě jednotlivců ve společnosti, kdy její podstata přesahuje pojetí práva. Práce reflektuje vývoj pojmu prevence a jeho zakotvení v občanském zákoníku, s důrazem na různá historická pojetí a vývoj právních předpisů. První kapitola práce analyzuje různá pojetí prevence především v obecném smyslu, přičemž se zaměřuje na jeho význam v různých oblastech, včetně medicíny, sociálních věd a kriminologie. Je zde také vymezen obsah dalších druhů prevence jako primární a sekundární či generální a specifická. Druhá kapitola se již věnuje stručnému shrnutí vývoje občanského zákoníku jako právního kodexu, s důrazem na jeho vývoj v římské společnosti, středověku a moderních dobách. Tato část práce sleduje také proměnu samotného institutu prevence v těchto jednotlivých částech historie. Stěžejní část práce (kapitoly tři až pět) se zaměřuje na aktuální pojetí prevence v NOZ, který pojem prevence již...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Selected specifications of problems with VAT in building industries

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá řešením problému v oblasti DPH ve stavebnictví. Popisuje optimální postup procesu u zakázek stavebních firem. Dále je analyzována a řešena problematika s tímto spjatá. Při řešení této problematiky jsem použil podklady společnosti Salla 91, a.s.This Bachelor´s Thesis focuses on solution of problem with VAT in building industries. It describes the optimal way of process on contracts of building companies. It is followed by analyzing and solving the problems linked to it. For solving this dilemma I used data from the company Salla 91, a.s.

    Methodological Approaches to Elementary School Literature Class

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    U diplomskom radu razjašnjava se teorija i praktična upotreba metodičkih pristupa svojstvenih nastavi književnosti u osnovnoj školi. Teoretskim određenjem nastave književnosti i njezine strukture pojašnjava se dio teorije metodike književnosti odgoja i obrazovanja koji se izravno nadovezuje na metodičke pristupe nastavi književnosti u osnovnoj školi. Pobliže se određuju podrijetlo i karakteristike nastavnih metoda prikladnih za nastavu književnosti u osnovnoj školi. Razjašnjavaju se razlike između nastavnih metoda namijenjenih nastavi u srednjoj školi i u osnovnoj školi te pružaju teorijski i praktični primjeri nastavnih metoda koje se upotrebljavaju u osnovnim školama. Donosi se prikaz određenih metodičkih problema u nastavi književnosti u osnovnoj školi te određena moguća rješenja