87 research outputs found


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    Often the greatest symbol of national education is a university. While the first University in Saudi Arabia was King Saud University in Riyadh est. 1957, Saudi Aramco has served as a ―defacto university‖ setting for thousands of Saudi‘s from all over the Kingdom. While for years there were just a handful of government universities catering to a minority of high school graduates, the number of private universities is helping to take up the slack such as Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University in the Eastern Province which opened its doors in 2006 and was the first to enroll both male and female students in separate facilities. Those modern higher education institutions are being surrounded by a conservative Muslim society that holds many challenges one of which is the waste of the female potential for the societal development. With a reported unemployment rate for women of 21.7% and of men 7.6%, there is a large discrepancy in gender differentiated unemployment. It is often pointed to three conditions that must be met before women can be fully integrated into the wage labor force: need, opportunity and ability. While in the educational realm women are gaining grounds, Saudi Arabia remains a very traditional, conservative society where school to work transition remains a major challenge. However, in order to fully implement the concept of Saudization these traditional gender roles need to be renegotiated

    «Frontières du desert». Le diable de l’éducation: une bénédiction et une malédiction

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    Observations and insight into Muslim and Gulf State Nations after years of serving as an onsite, teacher and consulting professor in education and Psychology are presented. The dramatic increase in literacy in Saudi Arabia and the problems associated with a country adjusting to this change are analyzed. The consequences of an illiterate, nomadic, tribal nation discovering colossal wealth and its influence on their traditions and economy are described. Unique insight into the struggle of newly-educated women to achieve greater freedom and opportunity in a culture known for its gender-based political ideology is offered. Gender barriers to university education and subsequent employment, and the tactics used to maintain them, are identified in some detail. The practical problems in teaching students from tribes in which truth and knowledge are secondary to desert survival through unchallenged leadership and loyalty are presented. The consequences of a government system in which there is no separation between State and religion are discussed. The importance of feminine values in a world where their absence could be devastating is explained in detail. The information contained herein can provide insight for countries changing from nomadic, tribal institutions to integrated, industrialized nations during the 21st Century.Tras años de haber trabajado in situ como consultora y profesora de educación y psicología, se presentan las observaciones y reflexiones realizadas acerca de las naciones musulmanas y del Golfo. Se analiza el notable incremento del alfabetismo en Arabia Saudí y los problemas asociados a un país que se está ajustando al cambio. Se describen las consecuencias de una nación analfabeta, nómada y tribal que está descubriendo una riqueza colosal, así como la influencia en sus tradiciones y economía. Se presta especial atención a la batalla de las mujeres recientemente educadas para obtener mayor libertad y oportunidades en una cultura conocida por su ideología política basada en el género. Se identifican las barreras de género presentes en la educación universitaria y en el empleo y las tácticas utilizadas para mantenerlas. Se detallan los problemas que aparecen a la hora de enseñar a los estudiantes de las tribus, pues para ellos prima la supervivencia en el desierto a través del liderazgo indiscutible y la lealtad sobre el conocimiento y la verdad. Se discuten las consecuencias de un sistema de gobierno en el que no existe separación entre el estado y la religión. Se explica en profundidad la importancia de los valores femeninos, cuya ausencia podría ser devastadora. La información aquí plasmada proporciona una forma de entender el cambio que están viviendo estos países, pasando de una cultura nómada y tribal a una sociedad integrada e industrializada del siglo XXI.Les résultats présentés dans la recherche suivante découlent d’observations relatives aux États musulmans du Golfe Persique obtenues après des années d’exercice sur place en tant qu’enseignant et professeur consultant en sciences de l’éducation et en psychologie. L’analyse porte sur la forte hausse de l’alphabétisation en Arabie Saoudite et les problèmes d’adaptation que cela engendre pour ce pays. elle décrit également les conséquences de la confrontation d’une nation illettrée, nomade et tribale avec une immense prospérité et son influence sur son économie et ses traditions. Elle propose une analyse unique de la lutte des femmes ayant eu nouvellement accès à l’éducation pour davantage de liberté et de perspectives au sein d’une culture connue pour son idéologie patriarcale. Les obstacles mis aux femmes pour accéder à l’université ou plus tard à une embauche seront étudiés à l’aide d’exemples précis, tout comme les stratégies emplo yées pour maintenir ces obstacles. Sont également présentés les problèmes pratiques rencontrés dans l’enseignement à des étudiants issus de tribus pour qui la vérité et la connaissance sont secondaires par rapport à la survie dans le désert grâce à des valeurs telles que la loyauté et le pouvoir. Il en découle une discussion sur les conséquences d’un système gouvernemental qui ne connaît pas la séparation entre l’État et la religion. On expliquera en détail l’importance des valeurs féminines dans un monde où leur absence pourrait être dévastatrice. Les présentes informations peuvent apporter un certain regard pour des pays passant du statut d’institutions nomades et tribales à celui de nations industrialisées et intégrées au cours du 21ème siècle

    "Going digital!"

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    Vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den digitalen Implikationen auf den herstellenden und verbreitenden Buchhandel. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf E-Books und wie Verlage dieser Herausforderung begegnen. Gleichzeitig wird auch die theoretische Bedeutsamkeit für die Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft erläutert. Aufgrund der bislang dürftigen Forschungslage versteht sich diese Arbeit als Bestandsaufnahme, die vor allem bis dato aktuelle Branchenmeldungen aufarbeitet. Darüber hinaus wurde mit einigen Vertretern des Literaturbetriebs persönlich Kontakt aufgenommen, um die nötige Nähe zur Praxis zu erreichen. Die Gliederung folgt einer didaktischen Annäherung an E-Books. Im ersten Teil wird die traditionelle Publikation im digitalen Wandel erörtert. Der zweite Teil widmet sich den theoretischen, juristischen und medienspezifischen Seiten elektronischer Bücher. Der gesamte Literaturbetrieb sieht sich binnen kürzester Zeit der Konkurrenz mit scheinbar übermächtigen neuen Teilnehmern ausgesetzt, man denke dabei vor allem an Google, Apple und Amazon. Es wird also auch der Frage nachgegangen, ob Autoren in Zukunft überhaupt noch auf Verlage und das Buch, wie es in seiner physischen Form seit Jahrhunderten bekannt ist, angewiesen sind. Dabei soll aber nachgewiesen werden, dass es sich grundsätzlich um eine progressive Entwicklung handelt und das Verlagswesen seit Jahrzehnten schrittweise digital unterwandert wird. Ein Paradigmenwechsel hat sich, wenn er nicht vorhersehbar war, zumindest angekündigt. Nach den genannten Ausführungen ist klar, dass das Internet eine wichtige Rolle in der Digitalisierung des Buchmarktes spielt. Die erste Zäsur waren die frühen Social Web-Anwendungen wie „Wikipedia“, die traditionelle Lexika wie „Brockhaus“ und die „Encyclopædia Britannica“ relativ schnell in die Knie gezwungen haben. Wissenschaftliche Verlagshäuser sahen sich aufgrund dieser Entwicklungen auch früher als belletristische Verlage gezwungen, ihr Konzept zu überdenken. Die Anwendungen des Social Web dürfen bei der Beschäftigung mit E-Books nicht außer Acht gelassen werden. Sie sind ein wichtiges Kommunikationsmittel und tragen zum gegenwärtigen Höhenflug digitaler Lesekonzepte maßgeblich bei. Allein die Tatsache, dass der Marktanteil von E-Books am deutschsprachigen Buchmarkt derzeit weniger als ein Prozent beträgt, beweist aber, dass diese Entwicklungen erst am Anfang stehen

    T-SP1: a novel serine protease-like protein predominantly expressed in testis

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    Here, we describe a novel member in the group of membrane-anchored chymotrypsin (S1)-like serine proteases, namely testis serine protease 1 (T-SP1), as it is principally expressed in testis tissue. The human T-SP1 gene encompasses 28.7 kb on the short arm of chromosome 8 and consists of seven exons. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( RACE) experiments revealed that due to alternative splicing three different variants (T-SP1/1, -2, -3) are detectable in testis tissue displaying pronounced heterogeneity at their 3'-end. T-SP1/1 consists of an 18 amino acid signal peptide and of a 49 amino acid propeptide. The following domain with the catalytic triad of His(108), Asp(156), and Ser(250) shares sequence identities of 42% and 40% with the blood coagulation factor XI and plasma kallikrein, respectively. Only T-SP1/1 contains a hydrophobic part at the C-terminus, which provides the basis for cell membrane anchoring. Using a newly generated polyclonal anti-T-SP1 antibody, expression of the T-SP1 protein was found in the Leydig and Sertoli cells of the testis and in the epithelial cells of the ductuli efferentes. Notably, T-SP1 protein was also detectable in prostate cancer and in some ovarian cancer tissues, indicating tumor-related synthesis of T-SP1 beyond testis tissue

    indigenous polygyny in dhofar re interpretations of individual options and daring delineations

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    Polygyny is widely practiced across Dhofar reflecting the resiliency of Islamic family law. However, as the country is accommodating transnational influences polygynous marital arrangements are undergoing changes. Drawing on qualitative data collected within a large-scale quantitative study comprising a sample of 1,192 respondents on polygyny in Dhofar 2004–2010, the entanglements between religious mores on and cultural practices of polygyny are discussed through individual case-work analysis. First, it is argued that polygynous marriage remains a pragmatic arrangement in the context of tribal relationships. Second, the tension in redefining gender roles is manifest primarily in this marital arrangement. Third, through cultural flow and technological, economic, and educational changes, re-interpretation of mating strategies are encompassing a slow shift from pragmatism to romanticism. The digital nature of communications and cultural identity acquisition in the twenty-first century continues to influence and guide the manifestations of change presented by the data that show the small but vital steps being made by men and women that are redefining and reinterpreting polygyny and society as a whole

    Preparazione per il multiculturalismo in Alto Adige: L'importanza del senso di appartenenza

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    Italy has historically played a pioneer role regarding inclusion. However, inclusion in the educational context has mainly focused on students with special needs. Lately, this understanding has broadened taking into account the various heterogenous backgrounds of the students. For South Tyrol, the question of inclusion arises particularly with regard to the consideration of different cultures. Therefore, developing intercultural skills plays an impor-tant role in the curriculum of the reformed teacher education master pro-gramme of the University of Bolzano. The aim is for the graduates to perceive interculturality as an enrichment. The present study examines the attitudes (cultural beliefs, values, and motivational orientations) of the German-speaking students (n = 823) of different cohorts with regard to interculturality and relates these to their study and work experiences on the one hand and their feeling of belonging to Italy or South Tyrol on the other. The results showed mostly positive attitudes that tend to increase with increasing experiences. Sense of belonging turned out to be the strongest predictor of attitudes, an aspect that has so far not been adequately researched. The results underscore the importance of self-reflection skills and opportunities during study.Nel dibattito su formazione e inclusione l’Italia gioca un ruolo pioneristico. Se in passato questo termine si riferiva primariamente ad alunne/i con bisogni speciali, oggi il concetto di inclusione si impiega in senso più ampio, tenendo conto anche della sempre maggiore eterogeneità dei background individuali delle alunne/degli alunni. In Alto Adige la questione dell’inclusione è legata innanzitutto all’esigenza di considerare le diverse culture, per cui non stupisce che l’insegnamento delle competenze interculturali assuma un ruolo di rilievo nel piano di studi del corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico1, il corso riformato offerto dalla facoltà di Scienze della Formazione Primaria della Libera Università di Bolzano. Scopo delle lezioni incentrate su queste tematiche è far sì che le/i future/i insegnanti delle scuole primarie e dell’infanzia percepiscano l’interculturalità come arricchimento. Lo studio esamina le posizioni (convinzioni, sistemi di valori e orientamento motivazionale) in merito all’interculturalità di studentesse/studenti di lingua tedesca (n = 823) di diverse coorti e li relaziona sia con le esperienze di studio e pra-tiche sia con il senso di appartenenza. I risultati palesano posizioni in preva-lenza positive, la cui positività tende ad accrescere con l’aumentare delle esperienze. Il senso di appartenenza, un aspetto finora poco analizzato, si è rivelato essere il predittore più forte per quel che riguarda le posizioni individuali. I risultati mostrano l’importanza della capacità di auto-riflessione e delle opportunità di sperimentarla nel corso degli studi.&nbsp

    La formazione interculturale degli insegnanti per una scuola inclusiva: un atto d’equilibrismo fra teoria e realtà in Alto Adige

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    More than 40 years ago, special education schools and classes were abolishedin Italy. Measures of external differentiation for students with specialneeds have since been taboo. They were replaced by a comprehensiveschool system in which the children and adolescents from kindergarten touniversity are enrolled in an inclusive manner. Within Italy, South Tyrol as atrilingual autonomous province is a special case. The “Finland of the South”is often cited as an example of successful (inter)cultural inclusion. The presentpaper focuses on the situation of South Tyrol to summarize policy developmentsin education and teacher training in the process from integrationto full inclusion. As an example, the curricular implementation of inclusionorientedteacher education for all school levels at the Faculty of Educationof the Free University of Bolzano is critically examined. Consequences of abroader understanding of inclusion are discussed.Più di quarant’anni fa, in Italia furono eliminate sia le scuole d’insegnamentospeciale sia le classi differenziali e da allora qualsiasi misura che implichi unaformale differenziazione nel rapporto con l’eterogeneità è un tabù. Quel sistemafu soppiantato da un sistema scolastico unificato caratterizzato dallametodologia della differenziazione interna, che prevede un percorso formativoper bambini e ragazzi di tipo inclusivo. Nell’esperienza italiana la provinciaautonoma dell’Alto Adige, dove le lingue ufficiali sono tre, rappresentaun caso a parte. Chiamato anche “la Finlandia del Sud”, l’Alto Adige vienespesso citato come esempio di un’inclusione (inter)culturale riuscita.Quanto esposto in seguito prende spunto dalle condizioni generali per ilraggiungimento di una “pedagogia dell’inclusione” in Italia, con un occhiodi riguardo per la situazione dell’Alto Adige. Il presente articolo tratta l’evoluzione,in termini di politica educativa, sperimentata dal processo d’integrazioneper raggiungere la “Full Inclusion” e mette a fuoco in particolarmodo le riforme che interessano la formazione degli insegnanti. Parallelamenteanalizza con occhio critico il rapporto con il multilinguismo. Infineprende in esame, anche qui con occhio critico, la formazione degli insegnatiorientata all’inclusione e la sua concretizzazione nei piani di studi per il corsodi studi della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione della Libera Università diBolzano