23 research outputs found

    Simptomi poremećaja hranjenja i online pretraživanje

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    The objective of this study was to determine what topics searched on the Internet can successfully distinguish women who are at risk from those non-risk for an eating disorder development. The connection between three subscales of perfectionism and frequency of online searching for eating disorders related topics has also been examined. Research was conducted online with convenience sample consisting of 228 women. After completing sociodemographic data, participants fulfilled CSS questionnaire for cyberchondria, SCOFF questionnaire for eating disorders, APS-R for perfectionism and short check-list measuring the frequency of certain topic searched on the Internet. Results indicate that risk and non-risk women, according to SCOFF, can be differentiated by searching terms related to food, diets, exercising, body appearance and eating disorders. Discriminant analysis showed that area most successful in a classification of participants into two groups is food. Subscales of APS-R (the Standards, Discrepancy, and Order) were used in the hierarchical regression analysis for prediction of online searched topics frequency. Only Discrepancy subscale, measure of maladaptive perfectionism, appeared as a significant predictor. This relationship is mediated by eating disorder symptoms on SCOFF screener. These findings suggest that women with higher risk of eating disorder development more frequently use the Internet for searching weight-loss methods, especially those related to dieting and food in general.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti koje teme pretraživane na internetu mogu uspješno razlikovati žene rizične za razvoj poremećaja hranjenja od onih nerizičnih. Također je ispitivana povezanost između triju subskala perfekcionizma i frekvencije online pretraživanja tema povezanih s poremećajima hranjenja. Istraživanje je provedeno online na prigodnom uzorku od 228 žena. Nakon odgovaranja na sociodemografska pitanja, sudionice su dale svoje odgovore na CSS skali cyberchondrije, SCOFF upitniku za poremećaje hranjenja, APS-R skali za perfekcionizam i kratkoj listi označavanja koja ispituje frekvenciju pretraživanja pojedine teme na internetu. Rezultati pokazuju da se žene kategorizirane kao one s rizikom i one bez rizika prema SCOFF-u, mogu razlikovati po pretraživanim terminima vezanim uz hranu, dijete, vježbanje, izgled tijela i poremećaje hranjenja. Diskriminacijska analiza pokazala je da su najuspješnije u klasifikaciji sudionica u dvije grupe teme vezane uz hranu. Podljestvice APS-R upitnika (Standardi, Diskrepanca i Red), korištene su u hijerarhijskoj regresijskoj analizi za predikciju učestalosti pretraživanja tema online. Samo se Diskrepanca, mjera neadaptivnog perfekcionizma, pokazala značajnim prediktorom. Medijator ovoj povezanosti je izraženost simptoma poremećaja hranjenja na SCOFF-u. Ovi nalazi upućuju na to da žene s povećanim rizikom za razvoj poremećaja hranjenja češće koriste internet za pretraživanje metoda za gubitak kilograma, posebno one povezane s držanjem dijete i hranom općenito

    Odnos nezadovoljstva tijelom i društvenih mreža

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    Porast broja društvenih mreža i njihovih korisnika pobudio je interes javnosti, ali i znanstvenika koji istražuju utjecaj medija na sliku o vlastitom tijelu. Cilj ovog preglednog rada bio je iznijeti relevantne spoznaje o povezanosti društvenih mreža i nezadovoljstva tijelom kod žena i muškaraca. Brojna istraživanja ispitala su i pokazala postojanje ove povezanosti, no nalazi nisu sasvim konzistentni. Nadalje, u radu su prikazani i posredni mehanizmi koji mogu utjecati na odnos društvenih mreža i nezadovoljstva tijelom te su uspoređene različite vrste medija i društvenih mreža. Također, raspravljene su spolne razlike, kao i drugi negativni ishodi povezani s korištenjem društvenih mreža

    Modeling the repetitions-in-reserve-velocity relationship:a valid method for resistance training monitoring and prescription, and fatigue management

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    Establishing a relationship between repetitions left in reserve and the mean absolute velocity (RIR-velocity relationship) during resistance training (RT) could allow for objective monitoring, prescription, and real-time adjustment of the training load and set-volume. Therefore, we examined the goodness of fit and prediction accuracy of general and individual RIR-velocity relationships in the free-weight back squat exercise. The effects of sex, training status and history, as well as personality traits, on the goodness of fit and the accuracy of these relationships were also investigated. Forty-six resistance-trained people (15 females and 31 males) performed a one-repetition maximum (1RM) test, and two repetitions to failure (RTF) tests 72 h apart. We found greater goodness of fit of individual RIR-velocity relationships compared to general RIR-velocity relationships. Individual, but not general RIR-velocity relationships established in the first testing session yielded acceptable prediction accuracy of RIR (mean error <2 repetitions) in the subsequent testing session, regardless of the load used. Similar results were obtained when both general and individual RIR-velocity relationships were averaged across the loads, suggesting that a single RIR-velocity relationship covering a range of loads can be used instead of traditional RT methods, potentially allowing for better fatigue management and more efficient adaptation

    How Perfectionism and Eating Disorder Symptoms Contribute to Searching Weight-Loss Information on the Internet?

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    Background and Objectives: Eating disorder (ED) symptoms are a growing problem and modern technologies introduced a new and unexplored potential risk factor for vulnerable individuals. It is fairly common for women to use the Internet in order to find information about various weight-loss methods, but it was further questioned whether perfectionism and eating disorder symptomatology could be linked to this behavior. Materials and Methods: Participants were 228 women (Mean age = 30.5; SD = 9.43) recruited via social media, who provided responses on measures of perfectionism, eating disorder symptoms, and a short check-list measuring the frequency of online searching about five topics (food, diet, exercise, body appearance, and eating disorders). Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that the BMI and Discrepancy subscale of APS-R significantly predicted online searching, along with eating disorder symptomatology. Moreover, mediation analyses resulted in a significant indirect effect, but not a direct effect, indicating that eating disorder symptomatology fully mediated the relationship between BMI and online searching, as well as between maladaptive perfectionism and online searching. Conclusion: These findings shed light on a high BMI and maladaptive perfectionism as potential risk factors for eating disorder-related behavior on the Internet. More attention to online-seeking behavior among women symptomatic of ED is warranted, and websites containing such topics should include information about professional help for eating disorder-symptomatic individuals

    Velocity loss is a flawed method for monitoring and prescribing resistance training volume with a free-weight back squat exercise

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the goodness of fit, prediction accuracy, and stability of general and individual relationships between velocity loss and the percentage of completed repetitions out of maximum possible (VL-%repetitions) in the free-weight back squat exercise. The effects of sex, training status and history, as well as personality traits, on the goodness of fit and the accuracy of these relationships were also investigated. Methods: Forty-six resistance-trained people (15 females and 31 males) performed a one-repetition maximum (1RM) test, and two repetitions to failure (RTF) tests, 72 h apart. RTF tests were performed with 70, 80, and 90% of 1RM with 10 min inter-set rest. Results: The findings question the utility of using general and individual VL-%repetitions relationships to prescribe training volume with free-weight back squats as (1) the agreement in the %repetitions completed until reaching a given velocity loss threshold across two consecutive testing sessions was unacceptable, regardless of the load used; and (2) the ability of general and individual VL-%repetitions relationships to predict %repetitions in a subsequent testing session were poor (absolute errors > 10%). Sex, training status and history, and personality traits did not affect the goodness of fit of general and individual VL-%repetitions relationships or their prediction accuracy, suggesting potential generalisability of those findings among resistance-trained populations. Conclusions: VL-%repetitions relationships do not seem to provide any additional benefits compared to costless, traditional methods and hence should not be used for monitoring and prescribing resistance training with a free-weight back squat exercise

    Engagement with MyFitnessPal in eating disorders : qualitative insights from online forums

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    Objective Using calorie‐counting and fitness‐tracking technologies is concerning in relation to eating disorders. While studies in this area typically assess one aspect of use (e.g., frequency), engagement with a device or application is more complex. Consequently, important relationships between the use of these technologies and the eating disorder symptomatology might remain undetected. The current study therefore used comments from online eating disorder‐related forums to generate comprehensive qualitative insights into engagement with a popular calorie‐counting and fitness‐tracking application, MyFitnessPal. Method First, we extracted every comment mentioning MyFitnessPal made on three eating disorder‐related forums between May 2015 and January 2018 (1,695 comments from 920 commenters). Then, we conducted an inductive thematic analysis using these comments to identify important aspects of engagement with MyFitnessPal. Results The analyses resulted in three themes: Preventing misuse, describing ways in which MyFitnessPal attempts to prevent pathological use and actions taken by users to circumvent its interventions; Accuracy, outlining distrust of MyFitnessPal's accuracy and ways in which perceived inaccuracy is reduced or compensated for; and Psychosocial factors, comprising cognitive, behavioral, and social factors that influence, or are influenced by, engagement with MyFitnessPal. Discussion The qualitative insights provide a detailed overview of how people with high levels of eating disorder symptomatology likely engage with MyFitnessPal. The insights can be used as a basis to develop valid, quantitative assessment of pathological patterns of engagement with calorie‐counting and fitness‐tracking technologies. The findings can also provide clinicians with insight into how their patients likely engage with, and are affected by, these devices and applications

    How Perfectionism and Eating Disorder Symptoms Contribute to Searching Weight-Loss Information on the Internet?

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    Background and Objectives: Eating disorder (ED) symptoms are a growing problem and modern technologies introduced a new and unexplored potential risk factor for vulnerable individuals. It is fairly common for women to use the Internet in order to find information about various weight-loss methods, but it was further questioned whether perfectionism and eating disorder symptomatology could be linked to this behavior. Materials and Methods: Participants were 228 women (Mean age = 30.5; SD = 9.43) recruited via social media, who provided responses on measures of perfectionism, eating disorder symptoms, and a short check-list measuring the frequency of online searching about five topics (food, diet, exercise, body appearance, and eating disorders). Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that the BMI and Discrepancy subscale of APS-R significantly predicted online searching, along with eating disorder symptomatology. Moreover, mediation analyses resulted in a significant indirect effect, but not a direct effect, indicating that eating disorder symptomatology fully mediated the relationship between BMI and online searching, as well as between maladaptive perfectionism and online searching. Conclusion: These findings shed light on a high BMI and maladaptive perfectionism as potential risk factors for eating disorder-related behavior on the Internet. More attention to online-seeking behavior among women symptomatic of ED is warranted, and websites containing such topics should include information about professional help for eating disorder-symptomatic individuals

    Simptomi poremećaja hranjenja i online pretraživanje

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    The objective of this study was to determine what topics searched on the Internet can successfully distinguish women who are at risk from those non-risk for an eating disorder development. The connection between three subscales of perfectionism and frequency of online searching for eating disorders related topics has also been examined. Research was conducted online with convenience sample consisting of 228 women. After completing sociodemographic data, participants fulfilled CSS questionnaire for cyberchondria, SCOFF questionnaire for eating disorders, APS-R for perfectionism and short check-list measuring the frequency of certain topic searched on the Internet. Results indicate that risk and non-risk women, according to SCOFF, can be differentiated by searching terms related to food, diets, exercising, body appearance and eating disorders. Discriminant analysis showed that area most successful in a classification of participants into two groups is food. Subscales of APS-R (the Standards, Discrepancy, and Order) were used in the hierarchical regression analysis for prediction of online searched topics frequency. Only Discrepancy subscale, measure of maladaptive perfectionism, appeared as a significant predictor. This relationship is mediated by eating disorder symptoms on SCOFF screener. These findings suggest that women with higher risk of eating disorder development more frequently use the Internet for searching weight-loss methods, especially those related to dieting and food in general.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti koje teme pretraživane na internetu mogu uspješno razlikovati žene rizične za razvoj poremećaja hranjenja od onih nerizičnih. Također je ispitivana povezanost između triju subskala perfekcionizma i frekvencije online pretraživanja tema povezanih s poremećajima hranjenja. Istraživanje je provedeno online na prigodnom uzorku od 228 žena. Nakon odgovaranja na sociodemografska pitanja, sudionice su dale svoje odgovore na CSS skali cyberchondrije, SCOFF upitniku za poremećaje hranjenja, APS-R skali za perfekcionizam i kratkoj listi označavanja koja ispituje frekvenciju pretraživanja pojedine teme na internetu. Rezultati pokazuju da se žene kategorizirane kao one s rizikom i one bez rizika prema SCOFF-u, mogu razlikovati po pretraživanim terminima vezanim uz hranu, dijete, vježbanje, izgled tijela i poremećaje hranjenja. Diskriminacijska analiza pokazala je da su najuspješnije u klasifikaciji sudionica u dvije grupe teme vezane uz hranu. Podljestvice APS-R upitnika (Standardi, Diskrepanca i Red), korištene su u hijerarhijskoj regresijskoj analizi za predikciju učestalosti pretraživanja tema online. Samo se Diskrepanca, mjera neadaptivnog perfekcionizma, pokazala značajnim prediktorom. Medijator ovoj povezanosti je izraženost simptoma poremećaja hranjenja na SCOFF-u. Ovi nalazi upućuju na to da žene s povećanim rizikom za razvoj poremećaja hranjenja češće koriste internet za pretraživanje metoda za gubitak kilograma, posebno one povezane s držanjem dijete i hranom općenito

    Eating disorder symptoms and online searching behavior

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti koje teme pretraživane na internetu mogu uspješno razlikovati žene rizične za razvoj poremećaja hranjenja od onih nerizičnih. Također je ispitivana povezanost između triju subskala perfekcionizma i frekvencije online pretraživanja tema povezanih s poremećajima hranjenja. Istraživanje je provedeno online na prigodnom uzorku od 228 žena. Nakon odgovaranja na sociodemografska pitanja, sudionice su dale svoje odgovore na CSS skali cyberchondrije, SCOFF upitniku za poremećaje hranjenja, APS-R skali za perfekcionizam i kratkoj listi označavanja koja ispituje frekvenciju pretraživanja pojedine teme na internetu. Rezultati pokazuju da se žene kategorizirane kao one s rizikom i one bez rizika prema SCOFF-u, mogu razlikovati po pretraživanim terminima vezanim uz hranu, dijete, vježbanje, izgled tijela i poremećaje hranjenja. Diskriminacijska analiza pokazala je da su najuspješnije u klasifikaciji sudionica u dvije grupe teme vezane uz hranu. Podljestvice APS-R upitnika (Standardi, Diskrepanca i Red), korištene su u hijerarhijskoj regresijskoj analizi za predikciju učestalosti pretraživanja tema online. Samo se Diskrepanca, mjera neadaptivnog perfekcionizma, pokazala značajnim prediktorom. Medijator ovoj povezanosti je izraženost simptoma poremećaja hranjenja na SCOFF-u. Ovi nalazi upućuju na to da žene s povećanim rizikom za razvoj poremećaja hranjenja češće koriste internet za pretraživanje metoda za gubitak kilograma, posebno one povezane s držanjem dijete i hranom općenito.The objective of this study was to determine what topics searched on the Internet can successfully distinguish women who are at risk from those non-risk for an eating disorder development. The connection between three subscales of perfectionism and frequency of online searching for eating disorders related topics has also been examined. Research was conducted online with convenience sample consisting of 228 women. After completing sociodemographic data, participants fulfilled CSS questionnaire for cyberchondria, SCOFF questionnaire for eating disorders, APS-R for perfectionism and short check-list measuring the frequency of certain topic searched on the Internet. Results indicate that risk and non-risk women, according to SCOFF, can be differentiated by searching terms related to food, diets, exercising, body appearance and eating disorders. Discriminant analysis showed that area most successful in a classification of participants into two groups is food. Subscales of APS-R (the Standards, Discrepancy, and Order) were used in the hierarchical regression analysis for prediction of online searched topics frequency. Only Discrepancy subscale, measure of maladaptive perfectionism, appeared as a significant predictor. This relationship is mediated by eating disorder symptoms on SCOFF screener. These findings suggest that women with higher risk of eating disorder development more frequently use the Internet for searching weight-loss methods, especially those related to dieting and food in general