116 research outputs found

    Mencari Badan Publik:Refleksi bagi Rehabilitasi Arti \u27Pembangunari.

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    ABSTRACT Having examining three possible explanations why the notion of \u27development\u27 has lost its significant, the author proposes to rehabilitate it by reinventing the notion of public agency. The notion of development lost its significance due to the absence of steering agency, namely the absence of institution to consciously manage private character of political economic performance in the pursuit of common good. Government and public policy has lost its nature as public agency, and rehabilitate the notion of government to restore the sense of public within it. Kata-kata kunci: pembangunanneo-lebralismekebijakan publi

    Pengaruh Dimensi Karir terhadap Kinerja Organisasi dengan Struktur Organisasi sebagai Moderasi (Studi pada Manajer-manajer Perusahaan di Jawa-tengah)

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    This research examined the influence of career system dimentions on company performanceand organization structure as moderation variable. Career system dimentions consisting of; 1)career clarity & development, 2) promotion & reward system, and 3) job security. This researchtested to company managers in central Java. Five hundred questionnaires were distributed, 219questionnaires returned and 214 questionnaires were included in the analyses. Multipleregressions was used to examined the effect career system dimentions on performance. Next step,the researcher examined moderating effect of structure on the effects of career system onperformance. The result of multiple regressions indicated that career clarity & development,promotion & reward system have positive and significant effect on performance. In addition, therole of organization structure as moderating variable was supported

    Analisa Kegagalan pada Poros Baja Karbon S45c Aplikasi Komponen AS Sink Roll

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    Telah terjadi kegagalan pada komponen poros baja karbon, kegagalan terjadi pada saat komponendioperasikan. Poros untuk aplikasi as sink roll berfungsi untuk memutar drum, poros atau asdisambungkan dengan drum melalui pengelasan, pada area lasan tersebut terjadinya kegagalan.Untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya kegagalan, dilakukan serangkaian pengujian terhadapkomponen as sink roll antara lain : pengamatan visual (fraktografi), pengujian komposisi kimia,pengamatan metalografi, pengujian kekerasan dan pengujian SEM/EDS pada bagian komponenyang mengalami kegagalan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan material komponen as sink roll sesuaidengan standar JIS G4051 S45C untuk kategori Carbon Steels for Machine Structural Use.Kegagalan yang dialami adalah kegagalan fatique dengan daerah awal retakan berasal dari bagiantepi komponen. Kegagalan ini terjadi disebabkan oleh konsentrasi tegangan pada daerah logam lasselama komponen dioperasikan, adanya mikroporositas di permukaan logam las dan adanyainklusi

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Kupu-kupu Superfamili Papilionoidae Di Dukuh Banyuwindu Desa Limbangan Kecamatan Limbangan Kabupaten Kendal

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    Kupu-kupu merupakan bagian dari biodiversitas yang harus dijaga kelestariannya. Kupu-kupu memberikan keuntungan bagi kehidupan manusia. Secara ekologis kupu-kupu memberikan sumbangan dalam menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem dan memperkaya biodiversitas. Dukuh Banyuwindu merupakan salah satu pedukuhan di Desa Limbangan terletak di lembah dan berperan sebagai daerah ekoturisme. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan keanekaragaman spesies kupu-kupu superfamili Papilionoidae di Dukuh Banyuwindu Desa Limbangan Kabupaten Kendal, khususnya pada habitat hutan sekunder, pemukiman, daerah aliran sungai, dan persawahan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Abundance Point Index. Penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 62 spesies kupu-kupu superfamili Papilionoidae yang terdiri dari 737 individu dan diklasifikasikan menjadi empat famili dinamai Papilionoidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, dan Nymphalidae. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis kupu-kupu superfamili Papilionoidae di Dukuh Banyuwindu berkisar antara 2,74-3,09, indeks kemerataan jenis berkisar antara 0,86-0,87 dan memiliki dominansi berkisar antara 0,07-0,09. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis dan indeks kemerataan jenis tertinggi tercatat pada habitat pemukiman yaitu 3,09 dan 0,87 sedangkan terendah tercatat pada habitat persawahan masing-masing sebesar 2,74 dan 0,86. The butterflies are part of biodiversity which must be preserved. These insect provide benefits to human life. Ecologically, butterfly contributed in maintain the balance of ecosystem and enrich the biodiversity. Banyuwindu Hamlet is one of the hamlets in Limbangan Village, located in the hills and will serve as an ecotourism area. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of butterfly species in the superfamily Papilionoidae at Banyuwindu Hamlet, Limbangan Village, Limbangan District, Kendal Regency, especially in secondary forest habitats, settlements, watershed, and rice fields. Research performed with Abundance Point Index Method. The research found there are 62 species of butterflies in superfamily Papilionoidae, consist of 737 individuals which classified into four families namely Papilionoidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, and Nymphalidae. The results analysis of species diversity index and evenness index showed that the type of species diversity ranged from 2.74-3.09, evenness index ranged from 0.86-0.87 and the type of dominance between 0.07-0.09. Species diversity index and evenness index recorded the highest type of settlement habitats in 3.09 and 0.87, respectively, and the lowest was recorded in rice field habitats were 2.74 and 0.86, respectively

    Akumulasi Kromium (Cr) Pada Daging Ikan Nila Merah (Oreochromis Ssp.) Dalam Karamba Jaring Apung Di Sungai Winongo YOGYAKARTA

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    Sungai Winongo merupakan salah satu sungai penting di Yogyakarta, karena berperan dalam menunjang dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup masyarakat sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kandungan logam berat kromium (Cr) pada air dan daging ikan nila merah di Sungai Winongo Yogyakarta serta mengetahui kelayakannya untuk dikonsumsi. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan eksplorasi dengan metode survai, dengan penetapan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Purposive Random Sampling. Metode analisis uji kandungan logam berat Cr pada air dan ikan nila merah menggunakan AAS. Konsentrasi Cr pada air di Sungai Winongo Yogyakarta adalah 0,0213 mg/L, nilai ini masih berada di bawah ambang batas yang sudah ditetapkan PPRI No. 82 Tahun 2001 yakni sebesar 0,05 mg/L. Pada ikan nila merah diketahui akumulasi tertinggi pada stasiun 1 sebesar 10,2265 mg/Kg; kemudian pada stasiun 3 dan 2 sebesar 9,81075 mg/Kg dan 9,2245 mg/Kg. Nilai ini melebihi baku mutu yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Dirjen POM 1989 yakni sebesar 2,5 mg/Kg. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kandungan Cr dalam air masih di bawah ambang batas. Ikan nila merah di sungai Winongo sudah mengakumulasi Cr di atas ambang batas, sehingga tidak layak konsumsi.Winongo river is one of the important rivers in Yogyakarta because this supports and fulfils the people's needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the heavy metal content of Cr in water and red tilapia fish meat captured in Winongo Yogyakarta and to know whether the meat is edible or not. The study design was used exploration design with survey method, in which the determination of sampling was using purposive random sampling. Method of test analysis of heavy metals Cr in water and red tilapia was using AAS. Chromium concentration in water of Winongo river was 0.0213 mg/l, this value remains below the threshold set by PPRI No. 82 year 2001 which was 0.05 mg/L, the highest accumulation of Cr in red tilapia meat was at station 1 i.e. 10.2265 mg/Kg; followed by station 3 and 2 by 9.8108 mg/Kg and 9.2245 mg/Kg, respectively. Thiese values exceed the standard quality set forth by the Director General of POM in 1989 i.e. 2.5 mg/Kg. The conclusion was that Cr content in the water is still below the threshold but Tilapia fishes in Winongo river accumulated Cr above the threshold, so that people better not consume red tilapia fish

    The Juridical Review of the Consequences of Online & Offline Promotion of Notary Position Conducted by A Notary based on The Notary's Ethics Code

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    . This study aims to determine the consequences borne by notaries on notaries who promote positions online and offline based on the notary's code of ethics. The research method used is a normative juridical approach, (library research), which is a research approach that uses the main law, as well as reviewing several theoretical matters related to legal principles, legal doctrines, regulations and legal systems related to research What is being discussed using secondary data includes principles, rules, norms, and legal rules contained in laws and regulations and other regulations. The result of this study is that violations of the code of ethics committed by notaries will provide consequences regulated in the notary code of ethics in the form of reprimands, warnings, temporary dismissals, respectful dismissals, and disrespectful dismissals decided by the Notary Honor Council established by the Indonesian Notary Association (INI)

    Homo Economicus

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    Human being is driven by many factors, but in trading activities, an individual is driven primarily by self-interest rather than other encouragement. This is the point which then develops into the core of the image of an economic being. However, the whole of human self is never driven only by self-interest. Through the history of the idea of homo economicus, what was originally a particular point of view about humans turned into a claim about the whole of human nature. The actions and behaviours of homo economicus were still driven by self-interest, but what was meant by self-interest was no longer in its classical sense. Its meaning has been much more extensive. This article shows the ambiguity of the idea of homo economicus: what was originally a certain point of view about human being, was applied to human nature and then became an agenda of how human beings and society should be. Humans must be homo economicus, but the latter is definitely not the whole picture of human nature. The image of an economic being is not the real description of the nature of human self, for it has its own territory. It is not the economic beings that gave birth to economics, but the economics that created economic beings

    Water Quality Characteristic of Ciliwung River at Bogor Botanical Garden Segmen, Bogor

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    Ciliwung river is a river with water quality classified in moderate poluted until heavy polluted due to the high pollution load and lack of open green space in river banks, except in some area including Bogor Botanical Garden (KRB). Bogor Botanical Garden (KRB) is one of the open green space that play a rule of buffer area for Ciliwung River in KRB segment. The results of this research by analyzing the water quality (physico-chemical factors and macrozoobenthos) on the inlet KRB, middle KRB and outlet KRB showed that Ciliwung river in KRB segment still meet water quality standard class II except COD. Macrozoobenthos community structure is dominated by the order Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera. Analysis of water quality using Water Quality Index, Pollution Index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Hilsenhoff Biotic Index shows there are increasing of the quality of water from the inlet KRB, middle KRB to the outlet KRB
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