36 research outputs found

    Alat Ukur TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) Air Garam Dengan Resistif Sebagai Indikator

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    Rusmadi, Dedy. 2001. Mengenal Komponen Elektronika. Bandung : Pionir JayaSumariyah, Yulianto. T, Priyono J, 2006. Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengukur Konduktivitas Larutan Elektrolit Menggunakan Mikrokontoler AT89C51. Program Studi Fisika Fakultas MIPA Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang.Utomo, D. 2012. Alat pengukur resistansi konduktivitas. dan Total dissolved solids air dengan Teknik dorong-tarik. Program Studi Sistem Komputer. Fakultas Teknik Elektronika dan Komputer. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Salatiga.Wiono.A,Rahmawati. E, 2014. Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Alat Ukur Konduktivitas Larutan Berbasis Mikrokontroler. Program Studi Fisika Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Surabay

    What Influences the Online Purchasing of Electrical Equipment Products?

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of e-trust, risk perception and company reputation on purchasing decisions. This was quantitative research, using the SEM data analysis method assisted by AMOS software. Data collection was done by distributing an e-questionnaire (a google form); 270 responses were obtained. Participants were consumers who had already purchased electrical equipment online in Denpasar and Surabaya. E-trust, risk perception and company reputation significantly influenced purchasing decisions. Keywords: E-trust, risk perception, company reputation, purchase decisio

    Glucose Content of Sago Waste After Chloride Acid Pre- Treatment Hydrolysis For Bioethanol Production

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    Indonesia is a country with abundant agricultural biological resources. One of the plants as a biological source is sago. Sago processing wastes such as bark and waste about 72%. Jepara district has rich sago waste, piled on the side of the road and the river so it is very disturbing. In generally, sago industrial wastes utilization is still lacking, especially as a source of energy. Sago waste consists mainly of cellulose and has the potential to be processed into bioethanol. Glucose contained in cellulosic biomass is the main ingredient in the manufacture of bioethanol and need to know the glucose content after of sago waste cellulose hydrolysis process to determine the highest amount of ethanol. This study aims to determine the glucose content of sago wastewater using acid catalysis with different concentrations of the hydrolysis process, and to know the appropriate concentration of acid to produce the highest glucose and bioethanol in all type of waste. The result showed that type of waste had no effect on glucose content. Glucose content of sago waste showed no difference between the effect of chlorida acid concentration with glucose content. However, hydrolysis at concentration tends to produce the highest glucose


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    ABSTRAK         Budidaya perikanan dapat ditingkatkan melalui pendekatan diversifikasi jenis ikan baru hasil tangkapan. Dalam penelitian ini domestikasi ikan tangkapan dari Sungai Serayu Banyumas yaitu ikan Lukas (Labiobarbus leptocheilus Valenciennes, 1842) dilakukan di kolam alami. Induk Lukas sebagai produk pradomestikasi telah berhasil menunjukkan kemampuan adaptifnya terhadap lingkungan, dalam hal kenikmatan memakan substrat baru, profil hormonal yang diketahui secara berkala, profil gametogenesis dan kemampuan memijah di lingkungan. lingkungan baru (di kolam alami). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perkembangan karakter embriogenesis (intra fertilisasi), hasil pemijahan induk dan kelangsungan hidup benih/larva pasca proses pemijahan, (2) bagaimana proses pemulihan testis dan gametogenesis ovarium. (tinjauan histologis) indukan Lukas jantan dan betina pasca pemijahan hingga masa pemijahan berikutnya, (3) berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan dan bagaimana kemampuan induk pasca pemijahan untuk memijah kembali dan bagaimana profil hormonalnya (Analisis dengan metode ELISA) , berapa nilai GSI (gonad somatic index) induk jantan dan betina pasca pemijahan hingga masa pemijahan berikutnya, (4) kapasitas reproduksi meliputi derajat penetasan, kelangsungan hidup larva hingga 30 hari dan derajat kematian larva (untuk to mengkonfirmasi kapasitas produksi utama di lapangan.Penelitian menggunakan metode survei (kolam alami dan skala laboratorium). Hasil penelitian: (1) Perkembangan penetasan embriogenesis memerlukan waktu 22-23 jam setelah telur dibuahi; penetasan telur 56% -86%; kelangsungan hidup benih/larva 62%-86%; derajat kematian larva sebesar 0,14% -0,58%, (2) Proses gonadogenesis pemulihan testis dan ovarium ikan Lukas jantan dan betina induk pasca pemijahan hingga masa pemijahan berikutnya berjalan dengan baik. Histologi oogenesis pasca pemijahan, ovarium terdiri dari 6 tahap perkembangan oosit : tahap pasca ovulasi; tahap nukleolus kromatin (cns); tahap perinukleolar (ps); tahap alveolar kortikal (cas); stadium vitellogenik (v) dan stadium matur/matang (ms), sedangkan histologi testis spermatogenik terdiri dari 5 kelompok stadium: spermatogonia, spermatosit primer; spermatosit sekunder, spermatid dan spermatozoa, (3) Lamanya waktu yang dibutuhkan induk ikan Lukas baik jantan maupun betina untuk mencapai masa pemijahan. Selama 10 bulan penelitian ini indukan Lukas dipijahkan sebanyak 5 kali; kadar hormon estradiol meningkat sesaat sebelum pemijahan, menurun hingga minggu kedua dan terus meningkat hingga sebelum pemijahan berikutnya; Kadar progesteron meningkat pada saat pemijahan dan terus meningkat hingga 12 minggu (3 bulan) pasca pemijahan sebelum masa pemijahan berikutnya. Sama seperti kadar progesteron, kadar testosteron cenderung meningkat seiring dengan pasca mijah hingga menjelang 12 minggu pasca pemijahan. Nilai GSI induk ikan Lukas betina dua minggu pertama (DM-1) pasca pemijahan sampai dengan 12 minggu pasca pemijahan (DM-6) adalah : 1,26%; 1,6%, 3,3%, 3,46%; 0; 8,8%, 17,6% sedangkan GSI induk jantan berturut-turut dari DM-0 sampai dengan DM-6 adalah 2,58%, 2,7%, 2,64%, 2,44%, 2,41%, 2,42%, 2,30%. Kata Kunci: gametogenesis, Labiobarbus leptocheilus, oogenesis, pasca pemijahan, pradomestikasi, spermatogenesi

    Pengaruh Suhu Tumbukan Pada Campuran Aspal Beton Dengan Jenis Lapis AC-WC Gradasi Halus

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on the Marshall parameterscompaction to mix AC - WC subtle gradations central limit. Optimum Asphalt Content Value(KAO) in the study sought to use 15 samples and done in the laboratory of Highway University ofLampung. From the analysis of the Marshall parameters obtained KAO mixture is 5.7%. Marshallparameter data retrieval is done twice trials, each experiment using 2x24 samples with the sametreatment for each experiment. Compaction temperature is 120 o C-155 o C is reviewed by varasi5 o C.From the results of experiments that have been conducted, Marshall parameter valuesobtained in experiment 1 and experiment 2 is not too much different. In general, the Stability,Flow, VMA and VFA qualify specifications bina marga 2010, the MQ does not meet thespecifications of 135 o C or lower temperatures and VIM value does not meet the specifications of130 o C or lower temperatures.Based on the tendency of marshall parameter values obtained fromexperiment 1 and experiment 2 indicate that the data obtained from these experiments hasparticularly a small false possibility

    Hubungan Antara Konsumsi Serat Kasar Terhadap Produksi Dan Lemak Susu Sapi Perah Di Peternakan Rakyat Kabupaten Klaten (the Relation Between Crude Fiber Intake with Total Milk Production and Milk Fat in Smallholder Dairy Farms in Klaten)

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    The research was done to evaluate the correlation between crude fiber intake with total milk production and milk fat by using a total of 30 dairy cattle. The concentrations of milk fat were analyzed using Gerber method, while crude fiber in the diets were analyzed using proximate analysis. The data analyzed by corellation method to find relationship value of independent variabel and dependent variabel, the non linier quadratic regression was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the average crude fiber intake was 5.99 kg/d which give total milk production of 10.95 kg/d, with milk fat content of 0.33kg/d. Correlation coefficient between crude fiber intake and total milk production was low (r=0.275), as well as the determinant coefficient(R2=0.076)with these equation y = - 0.208x2 + 3.026x + 0.828. Correlation coeficient (r) between crude fiber intake and milk fat content were very low (r=0.190), and the determinant coefficient (R2=0.036) with these equation y = - 0.005x2 + 0.070x + 0.086. In conclusion, the correlation between crude fiber intake, milk production and milk fat were followed the quadratic regression. It was suggested that increasing crude fiber intake did not increase milk production and milk fat

    Perencanaan Bangunan Pengendali Sedimen Daerah Aliran Sungai Kreo Kota Semarang

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    Kreo River is the part of Garang River which located in Semarang City and the area of this river is 61,059 km2. Kreo River is one of sedimentation contributor for Jatibarang Dam, an estimated 387,33 Ton/Ha/Years sedimentation which enter in Jatibarang Dam are come from this river. One of the solution for the sedimentation and erosion problem in river is by developing building controller sedimentation or similar called check dam. From the calculation, check dam planned to have physical like as follows : the peak elevation of spillway main dam in the elevation + 187,419 m with highly effective is 4 m and deepness of foundation is 2 m, wide of spillway main dam obtained 45 m, with Q plan return period 100 years to 216,475 m3/s, high of wings main dam is 3 m at elevation + 190,419 m with highly of surveillance is 0,8 m, main dam construction use rubble stone masonry, elevation of peak spillway sub at + 185,419 m with highly obtained 2 m and deepness foundation until 2 m, sub dam construction use rubble stone masonry, the elevation of protection floor at +183,419 m with thickness until 1 m, the construction use rubble stone masonry

    Perencanaan Bangunan Pelindung Pantai Tambakharjo, Semarang

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    Tambakharjo coast located in Semarang. Tambakharjo coast damaged a shoreline setback. Construction of coastal protection building a seawall is one way to prevent more serious damage to the coast. Construction of coastal protection building is expected to maintain the shoreline. Analysis of wind data, tidal data, and soil data is needed to determine height and period of waves, sea level value, and the carrying capacity of the soil in the planning of coastal structures. Besides that, flow analysis using model ADCIRC in program SMS (Surface-water Modelling System) and forecasting changes of shoreline with program GENESIS (Generalized Model for Simulating Shoreline Change) is used to specify an alternative coastal structures within the next few years. Selection of coastal structures using the Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the AHP scoring system obtained the highest priority value that is coastal structure with seawall construction. Seawall construction is planned along the Tambakharjo coast 1200 and with a Mercu elevation 3 meters to reduce the creeping wave