63 research outputs found

    Experimental Study of Vertical Flight Path Mode Awareness

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    An experimental simulator study was run to test pilot detection of an error in autopilot mode selection. Active airline air crew were asked to fly landing approaches by commanding the Flight Path Angle mode while monitoring the approach with both a Head Up Display and Head Down Displays. During one approach, the Vertical Speed mode was intentionally triggered by an experimenter instead, causing a high rate of descent below the intended glide path. Of the 12 pilots, 10 were unable to detect the high descent rate prior to significant glide path deviation

    Design of Support Systems for Dynamic Decision Making in Airline Operations

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    Presented at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia, April, 2006 and published in the Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. ©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.To date, there has been very little research conducted on the design of support systems for dynamic decisions environments, such as airline operations. The paper discusses the idea that the regulation of dynamic systems has implications for both "internal" and "external" dynamic systems with respect to the human operator. Hollnagel's Contextual Control Modes are suggested as a framework for designing such support systems, noting that they can identify requirements specific to different contextual control modes

    Modeling the Work of Humans and Automation in Complex Operations

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    Humans have always been the vital components of complex operations, notably including aviation. They remain so even as sophisticated automation systems are introduced, changing -but not eliminating -the role of the human relative to the collective work required to achieve mission performance. Automation designers and certification agencies are interested in methods to predict and model how complex operations can be performed by teams of humans and automated agents. This paper proposes that the combined activities of both human and automation required by a proposed design can best be captured by focusing on modeling the work inherent to a complex operation. As a fundamental first step, the overall concept of operations spanning all the work activities can be examined for its feasibility in nominal and off-nominal conditions. These activities can then also be examined to see whether the demands they place upon the human agents in the system are feasible and facilitate the human's ability to contribute, rather than assuming unreasonable situations such as excessive workload, boredom, incoherent task descriptions, excessive monitoring requirements, etc. Further, trade-offs in distributing these activities across agents (both human and automated) can be evaluated in terms of task-interleaving created by the distribution of activity and in terms of the 'interaction overhead' associated with communication and coordination between agents required for a given distribution. A description of a modeling and simulation framework capable of modeling work is provided along with an analysis framework to evaluate proposed complex operations

    A Simulation Engine to Predict Multi-Agent Work in Complex, Dynamic, Heterogeneous Systems

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    ©2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.DOI: 10.1109/COGSIMA.2011.5753432This paper documents a simulation engine developed to accurately and efficiently simulate work by multiple agents in complex dynamic systems. Agents (human or mechanical) are modeled as responding to, and changing, their environment by executing the actions that get and set the value of resources in the environment. Each action comprises the processes that need to be evaluated at the same time by the same agent, which are used to reference (get) resources, consider them according to simple or complicated processes, and then interact back on the environment by setting resources appropriately. This paper specifically addresses timing within the simulation. The simplest approach would update all actions at the smallest unit of conceivable time, an approach that is not only computationally inefficient, but also not an accurate representation of situated behavior. Instead, every action declares its next update time as required to accurately model its internal dynamics and the simulation engine executes them asynchronously. Thus, an action and the resources it ’gets’ from the environment are not inherently contemporary; instead, each action also specifies, for each resource value that it gets, the quality of service required in terms of its temporal currency. This reflects dynamics of the real processes being simulated: when, in actual operations, would the environment be sampled, and how accurately must its state be known? Additionally, this also reflects dynamics of environmental resources how often (or how fast) does each inherently change? Using these constructs, the list of actions to be simulated are sorted by the simulation engine according to their next update time. Each action, when its time comes, is given to their agent model to be executed, and then is sorted back into the action list according to its self-reported next update time. Thus, actions are each updated when they need to be. In situations where, for example, action Y needs to get a resource which, because action X has not set it recently, does not meet action Ys required Quality of Service. The simulation engine will invoke action X immediately before action Y, mimicking cases in the real system where one process calls on another to establish the conditions it needs. The presented simulation engine is a complete redevelopment, designed and written from scratch at the Cognitive Engineering Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology

    The causes of stalling fertility transitions

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    An examination of fertility trends in countries with multiple DHS surveys found that in the 1990s fertility stalled in mid-transition in seven countries: Bangladesh, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Kenya, Peru, and Turkey. An analysis of trends in the determinants of fertility revealed a systematic pattern of leveling off or near leveling in a number of determinants, including contraceptive use, the demand for contraception, and wanted fertility. Findings suggest no major deterioration in contraceptive access during the stall, but levels of unmet need and unwanted fertility are relatively high and improvements in access to family planning methods would therefore be desirable. No significant link was found between the presence of a stall and trends in socioeconomic development, but at the onset of the stall the level of fertility was low relative to the level of development in all but one of the stalling countries

    Human-Centered Automation as Effective Work Design

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    This paper describes how the challenge of human-centered automation can be recast as the challenge of, first, designing the work performed by a team of agents and then, second, allocating this work amongst all the agents, human and automated, in support of their own needs and capabilities and to foster team goals. The paper starts by formally describing the construct of work as a structure which can be formally analyzed and around which other design decisions can be made. It then reviews the requirements of effective function allocation within a team to enable their collective taskwork, and to provide the appropriate teamwork. An example is given that highlights key tradeoffs in designing and allocating work in teams of human and automated agents: no one design can maximize all the desired attributes of human-centered automation

    Pilot non-conformance to alerting system commands during closely spaced parallel approaches

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    Thesis (Sc. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-121).by Amy Pritchett.Sc.D