346 research outputs found

    Cross-shelf eddy heat transport in a wind-free coastal ocean undergoing winter time cooling

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    A steady state cross-shelf density gradient of a wind-free coastal ocean undergoing winter time cooling is found for cooling and geometries which do not vary in the along-shelf direction. The steady state cross-shelf density gradient exists even when the average density of the water continues to increase. The steady state density gradient dan be attained in less than a winter for parameters appropriate to the mid-Atlantic Eight. The cross-shelf eddy-driven buoyancy fluxes which cause this steady state gradient are found to depend critically on bottom friction and bottom slope, and the coastal polyna solutions of Chapman and Gawarkiewicz [1997] are significantly modified by this dependence in the limit of polynas with a large alongshore extent. Bottom friction retards the cross-shelf propagation of eddies, so that the buoyancy transport is no longer carried by self-advecting eddy pairs but mixed across the shelf by interacting eddies. The eddy interaction changes the length scale of the eddies until it is the lesser of the Rhines arrest scale or an analogous frictional arrest scale. The estimates of the steady state cross-shelf density gradient are found to compare well with numerical model results

    Enhancement of wind-driven upwelling and downwelling by alongshore bathymetric variability

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    Steady wind-driven flow along a shelf of changing width is described with a frictional barotropic model valid in the limit of small Rossby and Burger number. In these limits, an alongshore wind drives enhanced onshelf transport in a coastal ocean if the shelf widens downwind, and the change in shelf width only affects the flow in the direction of Kelvin wave propagation ( downwave\u27\u27) from the change in shelf width. There is enhanced onshore transport of cold, nutrient-laden bottom water if the winds favor upwelling and the shelf narrows in the direction of Kelvin wave propagation. This enhanced transport extends a considerable distance away from the change in shelf width but becomes concentrated near the shelf break far from the change in width. Isobath curvature on the scale of the shelf width significantly modifies local cross-shelf transport. The cross-shelf transport of nutrient-rich water during upwelling is expected to be enhanced from Point Eugenia to La Jolla, San Luis Obispo to Monterey, and Point Reyes to Cape Mendocino on the west coast of North America

    Remotely forced nearshore upwelling in southern California

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    [1] Alongshore winds in Baja California strongly influence nearshore temperatures hundreds of kilometers to the north at Point Loma, San Diego, California, on timescales of a week to a year. The time lag between wind and temperature is consistent with first mode coastal trapped wave phase speed. The nearshore cross-shelf circulation forced by the coastal trapped waves is, at least much of the year, oppositely directed at the surface and bottom. No relation is found between the winds and temperature for periods greater than a year. It is argued that similar results may be found elsewhere in the Southern California Bight. The relationship between stratification and bottom temperature varies over the 1.3 years of data, but for much of the time, warmer bottom waters are associated with even warmer surface waters and thus stronger stratification. The effects of the remotely forced cross-shelf exchange on coastal pollution, nutrient dynamics, and larval transport are briefly discussed

    Dynamics of wind-driven upwelling and relaxation between Monterey Bay and Point Arena: Local-, regional-, and gyre-scale controls

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    In north and central California, equatorward winds drive equatorward flows and the upwelling of cold dense water over the shelf during the midspring and summer upwelling season. When the winds temporarily weaken, the upwelling flows between Point Reyes and Point Arena relax,\u27\u27 becoming strongly poleward over the shelf. Analytical and numerical models are used to describe the effect of alongshore variability of winds, bathymetry, and basin-scale pressure gradients on the strength of upwelling and its relaxation. Alongshore winds weaken to the south of Point Reyes, and the shelf becomes narrower from Point Reyes to Monterey Bay. Both of these lead to reduced upwelling at and to the north of Point Reyes, causing an alongshore gradient of temperature and density on the shelf. These alongshore gradients lead to an along-isobath pressure gradient over the shelf that drive the relaxation flows. A simple analytical model is used to explain the dynamics, magnitude, and structure of the relaxation flows. The modeling also suggests that the depth of origin of the upwelled waters, and thus their temperature, is controlled by the along-isobath pressure gradient that exists over the continental slope. This along-slope pressure gradient is also responsible for the California undercurrent in this region. This pressure gradient is not generated in a model of the Californian coast extending from 32 degrees N to 42 degrees N and integrated for several months, suggesting it is caused by dynamics whose spatial or temporal scales are larger than the Californian coast and/or longer than several months

    Cooling and internal waves on the Continental Shelf

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 1998The evolution of a coastal ocean undergoing uniform surface heat loss is examined. The dynamics of this ocean are initially modulated by the intense vertical mixing driven by surface cooling. The strong vertical mixing prevents the formation of geostrophic flows and inhibits the cross-shelf flux of heat. The vertical mixing is eventually suppressed by the advective transport of cold, dense water offshore. Once this happens, alongshore geostrophic flows form, and become baroclinically unstable. The surface heat flux is then balanced by a cross-shelf eddy heat flux. Scales are found for the cross-shelf density gradient which results from this balance. Solutions for linear internal waves are found for a wedge-shaped bathymetry with bottom friction. Bottom friction is capable of entirely dissipating the waves before they reach the coast, and waves traveling obliquely offshore are reflected back to the coast from a caustic. The internal wave climate near two moorings of the Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment observation program is analyzed. The high frequency internal wave energy levels were elevated above the Garrett and Munk spectrum, and the spectrum becomes less red as one moves to the shore. The wave field is dominated by vertical-mode one waves, and internal wave energy propagates shoreward.This work was funded by an Office of Naval Research fellowship and and Office of Naval Research AASERT fellowship, N00014-95:-1-0746

    Drift by drift: effective population size is limited by advection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic estimates of effective population size often generate surprising results, including dramatically low ratios of effective population size to census size. This is particularly true for many marine species, and this effect has been associated with hypotheses of "sweepstakes" reproduction and selective hitchhiking.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we show that in advective environments such as oceans and rivers, the mean asymmetric transport of passively dispersed reproductive propagules will act to limit the effective population size in species with a drifting developmental stage. As advection increases, effective population size becomes decoupled from census size as the persistence of novel genetic lineages is restricted to those that arise in a small upstream portion of the species domain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This result leads to predictions about the maintenance of diversity in advective systems, and complements the "sweepstakes" hypothesis and other hypotheses proposed to explain cases of low allelic diversity in species with high fecundity. We describe the spatial extent of the species domain in which novel allelic diversity will be retained, thus determining how large an appropriately placed marine reserve must be to allow the persistence of endemic allelic diversity.</p

    Hydrodynamical Non-radiative Accretion Flows in Two-Dimensions

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    Two-dimensional (axially symmetric) numerical hydrodynamical calculations of accretion flows which cannot cool through emission of radiation are presented. The calculations begin from an equilibrium configuration consisting of a thick torus with constant specific angular momentum. Accretion is induced by the addition of a small anomalous azimuthal shear stress which is characterized by a function \nu. We study the flows generated as the amplitude and form of \nu are varied. A spherical polar grid which spans more than two orders of magnitude in radius is used to resolve the flow over a wide range of spatial scales. We find that convection in the inner regions produces significant outward mass motions that carry away both the energy liberated by, and a large fraction of the mass participating in, the accretion flow. Although the instantaneous structure of the flow is complex and dominated by convective eddies, long time averages of the dynamical variables show remarkable correspondence to certain steady-state solutions. Near the equatorial plane, the radial profiles of the time-averaged variables are power-laws with an index that depends on the radial scaling of the shear stress. We find that regardless of the adiabatic index of the gas, or the form or magnitude of the shear stress, the mass inflow rate is a strongly increasing function of radius, and is everywhere nearly exactly balanced by mass outflow. The net mass accretion rate through the disc is only a fraction of the rate at which mass is supplied to the inflow at large radii, and is given by the local, viscous accretion rate associated with the flow properties near the central object.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Angular Momentum Transport and Variability in Boundary Layers of Accretion Disks Driven by Global Acoustic Modes

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    Disk accretion onto a weakly magnetized central object, e.g. a star, is inevitably accompanied by the formation of a boundary layer near the surface, in which matter slows down from the highly supersonic orbital velocity of the disk to the rotational velocity of the star. We perform high resolution 2D hydrodynamical simulations in the equatorial plane of an astrophysical boundary layer with the goal of exploring the dynamics of non-axisymmetric structures that form there. We generically find that the supersonic shear in the boundary layer excites non-axisymmetric quasi-stationary acoustic modes that are trapped between the surface of the star and a Lindblad resonance in the disk. These modes rotate in a prograde fashion, are stable for hundreds of orbital periods, and have a pattern speed that is less than and of order the rotational velocity at the inner edge of the disk. The origin of these intrinsically global modes is intimately related to the operation of a corotation amplifier in the system. Dissipation of acoustic modes in weak shocks provides a universal mechanism for angular momentum and mass transport even in purely hydrodynamic (i.e. non-magnetized) boundary layers. We discuss the possible implications of these trapped modes for explaining the variability seen in accreting compact objects.Comment: 41 pages, 19 figures, accepted to Ap